Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 168: 168

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The next day.

Several dodging lights shot from the palace of Lin Xiandao and landed at the foot of the mountain.

Yao Mengji stood at the foot of the mountain, looked up at the mountain, and said, "you don't have to follow. Since it's goodbye, I'll go alone."

"Master, we are waiting for you here."

Qin manyun bit his teeth and said with a little expectation: "I think the master is very good at talking. Maybe he sees you diligent and willing to help."

"I hope so." Yao Mengji ha ha smile, then set foot on the mountain road.

He didn't say anything about attacking Qin manyun. In fact, he was clear in his heart that it was too difficult, almost impossible, to ask for help from an expert.

Since an expert lives in the world with ordinary life, how can he make an exception for such a trivial person as himself?

This time, unless you use great magic power, who can help yourself?

"Sand and sand."

Step by step, he stepped on the mountain, his feet on the leaves, issued a crisp sound.

Autumn is the time when everything is withering. The leaves fall from the trees one after another, just like Yao Mengji's heart, desolate and desolate.

He couldn't help feeling slightly sour. He never thought that he was in such a state when he stepped on the mountain again.

I'm afraid This is my last time here.

His footstep appears incomparably heavy, like an old man in the twilight, each step, with far-reaching memories.

Usually can walk quickly to the end of the path, today seems to be particularly long.

I don't know how long, the familiar courtyard finally came into his eyes.

"I hope the master will really save me."

Although he knew it was impossible, Yao Mengji could not help giving birth to a trace of wings. No one would want to die, not to mention him!

Step forward slowly.

Raise your hand and knock on the door.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Yao Mengji's hoarse voice came, "is Mr. Li at home?"

"The door is open. Just push it in." Li nianfan's voice came from inside.


Yao Mengji opened the door and said respectfully to Li nianfan: "Mr. Li, I'd like to visit you today. I'm bothering you."

"It turned out to be old Yao, who had disappeared for some time." Li nianfan looked up at Yao Mengji, but his brow suddenly wrinkled. I haven't seen him for a while. How did the old man change so much.

In the past, although he was old, his face was ruddy and shiny, and full of vigor and vitality. He was definitely a spiritual old man with demeanor. Now how can he feel like he is entering his old age.

He couldn't help but say, "Mr. Yao, you are..."

"Well, it's hard to say." Yao Mengji sighed, "this is the last time I'll visit Mr. Li."

Li nianfan's movement in his hand is slightly sluggish and looks at Yao Mengji in surprise.

Combined with the changes of Yao Lao, he naturally heard the implication of Yao Lao.

He wanted to say something comforting, but he didn't know where to start.

If there is no accident, Yao must have become so because of the things above. Generally speaking, the immortal cultivator is more sensitive to his life and death.

Yao Lao is like this, either is about to fight with life, or it is the end of the day.

Looking at Yao's appearance of losing morale, the latter is more likely.

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It's just that not long ago, it's good to end it. How can I say I'm leaving?

If Li nianfan doesn't understand, there is no way to comfort him.

After pondering for a moment, he still began to say, "Mr. Yao, if you look at everything, there may be a turning point."

"That's what Mr. Li said."

Yao Mengji reluctantly laughed and said curiously, "what is Mr. Li doing?"

Li nianfan casually said: "ready to make lightning rod to try, just a little thing."

"Lightning rod?" Yao Mengji slightly a Leng, surprised way: "can lightning?"

He looked at the long iron needle in Li nianfan's hand. He was shocked. Was it that Mr. Li was making some kind of magic weapon?

However, when he looked left and right, he didn't feel that there was any spiritual power on the magic weapon.

"I just found that there were too many thunder and lightning weather recently, so I thought of doing this."

Li nianfan explained: "the needle of a lightning rod is pointed, so when electrostatic induction occurs, the tip of the conductor will gather the most electric charge. Therefore, the air between the lightning rod and the cloud is very easy to become a conductor, forming a path between the two, and the lightning rod is grounded, which can lead the charge on the cloud to the earth, thus avoiding damage to the house

Yao Mengji's face was dazed. He wanted to say "so it is", but his mouth was open, so he couldn't say it.

In addition to the last sentence to avoid damage to the house, he understood. The words in front of him were linked together, which was totally a Book of heaven.

Li nianfan laughed and put the lightning rod aside. "Don't worry about old Yao. Just think I'm talking nonsense. It's not worth mentioning. It can't be compared with your cultivation of immortals.""Sit down quickly, Xiaobai, and pour some tea for Yao Lao!"

"Patter, patter, patter!"

Xiaobai immediately came over with a cup of tea in his hand and politely said, "Mr. Yao, please have tea."

Thank you very much

Yao Mengji took the tea from Xiaobai's hand. If it was put in his usual time, he would be so excited that he would blush and be happy for his fortune.

But now, his heart is simple and unshaken. What is the value of all nature in the face of death? Maybe this is the great enlightenment.

As a dying man, how can I waste such good tea?

Yao Mengji put down his tea cup, stood up and said, "Mr. Li, you don't need to drink tea. In fact, I'm here to say goodbye. It's time to go."

"Mr. Yao, what do you say? Sit back and drink the tea! Rice, you have to eat too

Li nianfan said directly: "no matter what happens, you can't have this attitude! The so-called happy life, want to do so much? Do you have to stay and want to go? Let me say goodbye to you, too

"You must be happy when you are satisfied with your life?"

Yao Mengji's turbid eyes brightened slightly and recovered a little.

He had to chew it over and over again.

It's no wonder that you can cultivate yourself to such a state. It's really a model of our generation!

He sat back and said, "what Mr. Li said is very true. It is true that he has been taught."

Li nianfan laughed, "that's right. At least you're still alive. As long as you're not dead, everything is possible."

"That's right. Yao would have the cheek to have a meal!" Yao Mengji was a little perked up and said.

Li nianfan said: "today, you will have a good taste. Xiaobai, prepare a hard dish for Mr. Yao, just fish head and tofu soup!"

"Yes, master." Xiaobai nodded.

Yao Mengji's face is complicated. I'm just an ant that will die. How can he let an expert treat him like this?

Not only willing to put down his posture to enlighten me, but also give me delicious food.

The expert is really very kind to me!

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