Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 249: 249

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Huofeng and Daji's face slightly coagulated and asked without thinking: "what kind of cow is it?"

"In ancient times, there were a lot of Shenniu. Although they were not as good as our dragon people, they were regarded as the top immortal beasts. Many big men could not swallow the arrogant dragon people, so they put their target on Shenniu."

Before speaking, Jinlong did not forget to boast about the dragon clan, and then said, "since it is said by an expert, this cow certainly can not be an ordinary cow. Since it is black and white, it represents Yin and Yang. I know one kind of cow with Yin and Yang is a five color God bull!"

"Fire Phoenix tiny a Leng," five color God ox? Five colors? "

"Not bad!" Golden Dragon nodded, "for black and white, red, green and blue five colors respectively! Black and white represent Yin and Yang, while red, green and blue are the original colors of the world. This cow is born with heaven and earth. It can walk on the cloud with infinite strength and can shake mountains and sink into the sea. "

"Experts don't like to make it clear. The so-called black-and-white two-color may be just a hint that colorful cattle have three more colors than black and white, so they should be more suitable for target."

Daji first analyzed and asked the key question, "does this cow have milk?"


Jinlong immediately opened his mouth, "my dragon clan has recorded that this cow was born with the origin of heaven and earth. Drinking its milk can enhance the body's health, and its strength is infinite, and it can resist all kinds of evils. At the beginning, I had unintentionally seen this cow suckling. It was full of milk. I wanted to beg for milk, but people didn't want it. I never forced others to do it. Naturally, I didn't ask for it."

"Dragon son is surprised," even ancestors have not drunk

"Listen to the point Jinlong can't help but emphasize: "it's that I don't want to force others into trouble, just a mouthful of milk, can I be rare?"

Huofeng asked, "where is the five color God ox?"

Jinlong said, "I remember it used to be in kunxu mountains."

Huofeng pondered for a moment and then said, "kunxu mountain? I know. It's on the south side of the fairyland, but it's endless. If you want to find a cow, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. "

Jinlong gave a hint, "where there is such a cow, there will be colorful glow at night."

At the end of his speech, he swung back to the deep pool again.

Daji and Huofeng looked at each other, and they looked for a chance to go to kunxu mountains.

There are many immortals passing by in Liuyun hall.

At this time, there are four white clouds quietly feeling toward the mountain behind the Liuyun hall.

It landed at the foot of a mountain.

White clouds scattered, but Pei an and the three elders of Qingyun valley.

Their faces are extremely cautious, carefully looking around, eyes in some uneasiness.

The elder opened his mouth and said, "Lord Ding is under house arrest here. That's right."

The second elder asked, "Lord, are you sure you want to do this?"

"We all know that the purpose of Xianjun is to ask me for more information about the master, and his mind is obviously impure."

Pei an's eyes twinkled and said in a low voice: "and I, of course, don't want to reveal to him the situation of an expert. Therefore, it's not appropriate to see the Immortal King and talk about it. I can only save people by myself."

The three elders sighed, "that's the Immortal King. If we are found out, we will be in danger."

"We have been in the game since we came into contact with that painting. We can't go back!" Peian's eyes narrowed slightly, with a trace of anger, and sneered: "since I'm Peian in the game, I'm an expert's chess piece! The Immortal King is fearless and does not know what kind of existence he is calculating

Lao Xianghao was caught without warning. It must be a fake to say that he is not angry. However, he is very angry.

Big elder reminds way: "patriarch, can become the Immortal King, behind certainly is not simple."

We all know that the immortal crouching tiger, hidden dragon, although experienced a catastrophe, but the big men's means of life-saving emerge in endlessly, does not mean that they are all dead.

The situation is changing, and it is time to make a choice.

Big men often play games through chess pieces. If they go to see Xianjun now and tell the master everything respectfully, they will no longer be masters' chess pieces, but may turn into opposites.

Xianjun cloth under this bureau, also in forcing them to make a choice.

"You don't know what I've been through on earth, but Don't worry, believe me, the power of the master is beyond your imagination

Peian's eyes were filled with awe, and her voice was firm. "No matter what happened, I couldn't reveal anything without the permission of an expert."

"Good! Then do it together! It's a big guy to be able to draw that kind of jinwutu. I choose to follow him! "

The elder's eyes sank, and then he said, "there is only one entrance to the back mountain, which is guarded by four immortals. We can only find a new way. In addition to the entrance, there are restrictions around the back mountain. If we want to enter it, we can only choose to break the prohibition!"

The two elders nodded and said: "we have a lot of research on the array. It is possible that the four will break it together.""Stop talking nonsense. Let's go."

Immediately, the four slowly raised their hands and extended forward.


Originally empty in the void, suddenly rippling up a layer of ripples, there is a faint light emerge, like a layer of light film.

There is a strong breath of Sanda.

For a moment, the faces of the three elders who were eager to try suddenly froze, and the scene fell into silence.

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However, Pei an's face is showing a strange color, some uncertain way: "are you sure there is a border? Why don't I feel anything? "

"Lord, are you stupid? Can't you see such a big film? "

"Strong! Very strong! With this boundary, it's hard for birds to cross. If we don't belittle ourselves, we probably can't break it. "

"Lord, recognize the reality." The elder patted pei'an on the shoulder, full of sympathy, and said sadly, "ah, the Lord may not be able to bear this blow, and he has begun to talk nonsense."

Pei an's face was still black! Do you really feel resistance on this membrane? "

"Is there resistance? Don't you count it in your mind? Is this still called soberness? "

The three elders were stunned and advised: "Lord, look open, if you can find the broken spear, you can still poke it open."

"Lord, hold on! It's really not possible. We've been studying with you for 500 years. Even if it's hard, you can get rid of it. "

"Do I need a rub?"

Pei an laughed, and could not see the decadence at all, but was quite excited, "it's time to show the real technology! Take care of it. I'll go in. "

"Calm down, calm down!"

The three elders were in a great hurry. There was no doubt that the patriarch was a little confused.

They want to stop Pei an, but they see that he has already raised his hand, straight into the border.


Without a trace of obstruction, it is like just a layer of ordinary water waves, and it is easy to pass through.

"This, this..."

The three elders glared at the same time, unable to believe the facts in front of them.

The two elders were stunned and said in disbelief: "Lord, what constitution have you awakened? It's possible to ignore the border

Pei an's enigmatic smile, so under their shocked gaze, swaggered in and then walked out.

"Lord, what is the situation?"

"It's the master who is helping me." Pei an's eyes were shining, his face was full of excitement and awe. He took out some pieces from his arms, "what do you think this is?"

Big elder slightly a Leng, afterward surprised way: "spirit root?"

"Yes, it's Linggen!" Peian nodded, took a piece of fragment and handed it to the elder, "elder, take this to try."

The elder took over Linggen, but he was still worried. He stretched out his hand and leaned towards the border.

Imaginary obstacles did not appear, there was no sign, "Bo" sound, interspersed.

"Hiss -"

the three elders took a breath at the same time, all of them looked like ghosts.

Pei an looked at the fragments, and his eyes were also full of shock. He took a deep breath and then said: "when I visited the master, I saw that the master was carving with spiritual roots. These fragments were regarded as garbage by him, so I had the cheek to ask for them. I never thought that these fragments could ignore the boundary!"

"Incredible, unbelievable!"

The hearts of the three elders were pounding, and they only felt numbness in their scalp and a layer of goose bumps all over their bodies.

It's a spiritual root, even if it's carved with a spiritual root. Actually, it turns out that the pieces of spiritual root are garbage. The key is This garbage can easily ignore the boundary set by Xianjun.

This must be strong to what extent!

The elder couldn't help but exclaimed: "Lord, I finally know why you are so confident in the master. It's too It's too strong. "

"Don't delay. Get in."

Pei an immediately gave each of them a piece of fragment, which immediately made the three elders as if they had been treasured. They held it in their hands and felt their value soared.

When they enter the border safely, the four men walk carefully inside. However, in addition to the initial boundary, there are many array prohibitions and traps in it. However, with the help of spiritual roots, the road is unobstructed, and they are shocked by the power of the master.

"This spirit root is so extraordinary that it is beyond imagination!"

However, they also know that this is not the time to entangle the spiritual roots, and saving talents as soon as possible is the king's way.

The four were all true immortals. They hid their breath, but they were not found. They soon felt the smell of Ding Xiaozhu.

Pei an ran away excitedly and exclaimed, "Xiao Zhu."

Ding Xiaozhu slightly a Leng, then surprised: "how did you come? You've been arrested, too? ""Of course not. I broke in with my ability. I'm here to save you." Pei an smiles and shows off: "listen to me, this is what happened..."

"Fart! Is there a hole in your brain The elder almost lost his mind, and his face turned red. "It's too late to explain. Let's go!"

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