Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 256: 256

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Four people walk all the way, Gu Yuan three people walk in front of, some meaning to run away.

Moon tea is in the back of the relentless pursuit, continuous indoctrination of Buddhist ideas.

It's a great merit for Buddhism to help others to be good. It's an opportunity to lose and never come again.

Finally, when they got to the front of the courtyard, Gu Yuan could not help but show a look of relief.

Ding Xiaozhu opened his mouth and said, "the moon tea Bodhisattva, the residence of the master has arrived, so he can get tens of thousands to keep quiet."

The moon tea nodded, "what the female Bodhisattva said is very right. I won't say it, but please consider what I just said."

The scene fell into silence.

Looking at the courtyard in front of them, the mood of the four can not help but rise and fall.

Each has his own mind.

The moon tea is because of the Buddhist scriptures in front of you, and you suddenly feel a dreamlike feeling that you can't get away with. Your delicate body is shaking.

Pei'an three people look at each other with deep worry in their eyes, which is much more complicated than moon tea.

Gao Jun didn't dare to open the scroll for them, but he didn't dare to give it to them, but he didn't dare to give it to them?

Would you like to give this painting to an expert?


Peian said: "knock on the door. We can only blame our incompetence. If not, we will teach ourselves a lesson! If it offends people, we are willing to bear the blame! "

Gu Yuan nodded, then slowly stepped out, respectfully "Dong Dong Dong" three times.


It was Long'er who opened the door and looked at the crowd curiously, "are you?"

Although they had not seen Long'er, they did not dare to neglect him. They bowed down and said, "Hello, we are here to visit Mr. Li. I dare to disturb you. I don't know you are..."

"Oh, my name is Long'er. Come in." The dragon's back to the courtyard, "brother, is to find you."

Li nianfan was standing in front of the cauldron, smelling and nodding, "well, you can help me to get some corn and wheat from the backyard, and ask your sister Huofeng to help me, and try to crush all these grains."

It's not convenient for ordinary people to do things with the help of ordinary people.

Li nianfan was envious in his heart. Then he raised his head, looked at the door and said with a smile, "it's old Gu and old Pei. Welcome."

Gu Yuan said with a smile: "I've met Mr. Li. This is our friend, Ding Xiaozhu."

Ding Xiaozhu hastily and rigidly said: "come without invitation, please don't blame Mr. Li."

Li nianfan said casually: "ha ha ha, it's a guest. There's nothing to disturb. Just sit down, Xiaobai, come here to meet the guests!"

"Mr. Li, my name is yueta."

"Sit, everybody." Li nianfan quickly finished his work.

Peian was a little embarrassed and said, "is Mr. Li busy?"

Li nianfan casually said: "not busy, just ready to brew some wine."

On one side, Ding Xiaozhu noticed that his anti dust mirror was shaking violently. He pulled Pei an tightly for a moment. In a shaking voice, he whispered, "that Ding It seems to be a natural treasure. "

The anti dust mirror is just a postnatal spiritual treasure, also known as the immortal instrument, which has no comparability with the innate spirit treasure.

Peian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, hoarse way: "I also feel out, calm a little, here in the expert, this is nothing strange."

Making wine with inborn Lingbao, only an expert can do this kind of thing.

Gu Yuan was holding a glass of happy water in his hand. He suddenly felt a little ashamed and said, "Shizu, I'm really embarrassed. I've come to find an expert to take advantage of my chance."

Entering the courtyard, even if it's just breathing, it's all a gift from the master.

"You should change your mind." Pei'an comforted him, "we are not flattered by the master, but become the disciples of the master. There is also a kind of address called Saint disciple! Therefore, in the future, we should help the experts to do things in return

"Wonderful, wonderful! Shizu is really good

Gu Yuan's eyes were bright, and even began to expand a little, "I immediately felt that I was much stronger, and even had a sense of mission."

While talking, Li nianfan has put down his work and walked towards the crowd.

All of a sudden, the four of them were in a hurry to calm down.

Li nianfan casually asked, "ladies and gentlemen, I haven't seen you for a while. How are you doing recently?"

Pei an nodded and said with a smile, "it's good to trust Mr. Li."

"What are you doing here today?" Li nianfan asked.

Pei'an's heart suddenly burst out, and their faces became stiff. They even felt a little short of breath.

Li nianfan looks at the three people curiously. Is something really wrong? What can I do for you?"To be honest with Mr. Li, there is one thing indeed." Peian nodded with a bitter smile, and then said uneasily, "please don't blame Mr. Li for this."

Li nianfan raised her eyebrows slightly and asked, "what's the matter?"

"That's it."

Pei an organized the language and said, "a man gave me a picture, saying that he wanted to ask Mr. Li for advice."

Speaking, his heart has reached the limit, almost trembling to take out the picture.

"Oh? Ask for advice

Li nianfan is stunned. Is this someone who wants to communicate with himself and paint?

To be exact, it's not communication. It seems that they come to play.

He looked at pei'an, and his eyes twinkled slightly. Maybe these guys showed around with their own paintings of golden crows, or boasted to themselves outside and pulled the wave of hatred, which attracted other people's provocation.

Pei Niang is almost kneeling on the ground, and his eyes are on the ground.

Master, this is obviously dissatisfied!

"If Mr. Li doesn't want to, I'll send you the painting back!" Pei an hastily made up for it. With a trace of crying in her voice, she was ready to put away the painting.

"It's all here. Why send it back? Take it out and have a look." Li nianfan waved his hand, and his face showed a trace of interest.

My painting skills are still very good. It's rare for someone to come to learn from each other. I'd like to have a look at it.

He took the scroll from pei'an's hand, then got up, went to the stone table in the pavilion and put the scroll on it.

All of a sudden, he said with a smile: "ha ha, I didn't expect that someone would try painting with me. It's really unexpected."

This is the Xiuxian world, and since the other party can know Pei an, 80% is also an immortal. Is the immortal so boring now?

He never thought that he could compete with the immortal one day. It was really a dream.

People's hearts are filled with emotion.

Yes, who could have thought that the Immortal King was so ignorant that he dared to offer advice to the master, saying that he was flattered by hitting a stone with an egg.

See the master that do not smile, clearly is in disdain of ridicule ah!

The next moment, Li nianfan has opened the painting and slowly unfolded it.

As the painting unfolded, a long suppressed breath, like a wild animal out of the cage, exploded suddenly, making the surrounding air a little violent.

Naturally, Li nianfan did not have the slightest feeling. The painting continued to unfold, and what caught his eyes was a fire!

The sea of fire!

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The flame in the painting is blazing, occupying more than half of the whole painting. The red flame is almost separated from the painting. Generally, it is a flat plan, but it gives people a 3D visual effect.

In the center of the fire, is a town, its residents can not see the face, is running around.

However, the sea of fire has already surrounded the town, the fire is raging, is surrounded by the shape of a fire dragon, the town circle under the body, the dragon head raised, looking out of the picture!

It seems to be looking at people outside the picture, arrogant and fierce!


Pei'an and other people's brains make a roar at the same time. They only feel that the fire dragon has already burst into their own mind from the painting. Then, they become a member of the town surrounded by fire, in the sea of fire, desperate and helpless.

In just a moment, their brows were covered with cold sweat, their limbs were stiff, and they were oppressed by strong breath.

They looked at Li nianfan in a hurry.

However, he looked as usual, but he was very interested in watching up and down, and he immediately took a long sigh of relief.

Yes, how could an expert be influenced by this painting.

I just suffered a little bit of aftershocks, so I worked so hard. When I looked at this painting, I didn't feel at all. This is the gap.

Once again, they took a look at the painting, and they had to admit that the Immortal King was powerful.

This painting has shown the law of fire incisively and vividly. If it had not been suppressed by an expert, the fire dragon in the painting would have flown out of it and burned everything around it!

Let alone pick up the pen.

In the later stage of Jinxian, you only need to understand one law to become Taiyi Jinxian. Obviously, the Immortal King specializes in the law of fire, and it is only one step away from breaking through!

Powerful, incredible!

Unfortunately The road is narrow.

Fairyland, Liuyun hall.

The Immortal King felt something in his heart, and suddenly burst out the essence light in his eyes.

He quickly turned around, walked into a room, sat down with his knees crossed, and whispered, "is it started? Then let Ben Xianjun look at his friends' weight! "

"It's really a good painting." Li nianfan nodded his head, heartily praised him, and commented: "this painting shows the artistic conception of the flame incisively and vividly. It depicts the essence of the flame when it burns. It's not easy to have a feeling of the flame coming back to life."

But It's too provocative.Even ordinary people who don't know how to draw can see the strong provocation in this painting, which is domineering, arrogant, sarcastic and superior, just like the flame in the painting.

Moreover, there are several gaps in the painting, which means it has not been completed. It seems that it has been specially reserved for people to fill in.

Combined with Pei an's advice, it is obvious that the painter is not good at it.

Isn't it just a competition for painting? As for this?

This man is too arrogant.

Li nianfan's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, and he was unavoidably uncomfortable.

Bi Xiuxian, he is a war five dregs, but compared to painting, I am not afraid of you, you dare to ride my face? Too much!

Li nianfan couldn't help asking, "Mr. Pei, it's your friend who made this painting?"

Pei's three almost jumped out of fear, and their hair was on their heads.

Almost without thinking, shaking his head like a rattle, "no, of course not!"

"This man is headstrong, arrogant and arrogant. How can we be friends with him?"

"Don't get me wrong, Mr. Li. We don't know this person well."

"I see." Li nianfan nodded. I think it's true that the painters are arrogant at first sight, but Gu Yuan and others are so friendly that they can't be friends with him. 80% of them just pass on the painting.

Since you're not a friend, you don't have to be merciful.

Li nianfan gave a smile, shook his head and said, "although this painting is OK, it has spirit but no rhyme, but it is a little bit of a family spirit. In this case, I'll make a few strokes."

"Little Daji, bring the pen."

Not long, Daji then took the pen, "childe, please use."


Li nianfan stares at the painting, ferments for a moment, then the corner of his mouth rises slightly, and writes directly!

The pen goes without pause, leaving traces on the paper.

Just as soon as Li nianfan started writing, the Immortal King let out a dull hum. He felt that his shoulder was like a mountain top, heavy and heavy, and he could not breathe.

His eyes were slightly red, and his heart was slightly cold, and suddenly a trace of ominous premonition emerged.

Li nianfan did not fall directly on the flame, but outside the painting!

Along with his outline, a layer of thick dark clouds suddenly appeared in the sky of the flame. The dark clouds covered the top, and the thunder seemed to come from the painting.

The dark clouds became more and more intense. Just for a moment, the rampant and incomparable flame was no longer the main character in the painting, and was robbed of the limelight by the dark cloud.

Thunder and lightning began to appear in Li nianfan's pen. I don't know if it was an illusion. As Li nianfan drew out the thunder and lightning, the whole world seemed to flash for a moment. Then, a torrential rain poured down from the sky!

Boom! Boom!

The scene in the painting changes rapidly, and the power of the fire dragon is weakened to the extreme.

No one else can breathe.

It seems that Zhou Rong's power is enough to let Zhou Rong's whole world be wrapped up, even if his power is not enough to start.

Terrible, terrible!

They looked at the dark clouds and the heavy rain.

Suddenly, the whole body trembled, rising to the endless cold.

It's as if I had become a boat in the sea, and it would be destroyed at any time.

Master, is this the law of preparing to use water to extinguish the fire law of Xianjun?

However Li nianfan is not over.

His pen fell on the residents of the courtyard.

Just a few.

Those residents suddenly become incomparably plump up.

In their hands, there were more wooden pots with water dripping from them. Their fuzzy faces were already clear, but their faces were firm. In a moment, they changed from the image of panic to the scene of common calm fire fighting.

Clothes flying, against the storm, facing the flames of the sky, fearless.

The protagonist in the painting actually changed again, from the heavy rain all over the sky to these unimportant characters!

With the enrichment of these scenes, the figure of the fire dragon suddenly does not show any trace of domineering power, and its strength is invisible. On the contrary, it gives people a feeling of being weak and weak.


People stare big eyes, only feel a hot heart, a big heat wave straight into the sky, let the brain a blank.

This can not be said to be a contest of laws, but a natural change of the artistic conception of the whole painting!

What is the law of fire at this moment? Not a dragon, not even a snake, but a worm!

They can't help but think of the old man just said that sentence, "small family gas, really too small family spirit!"

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