Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 270: 270

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If something happens to the girl.


Luo Huang's whole body trembled and his limbs were stiff. He didn't dare to think about it.

It's terrible.

He was absent-minded with Li nianfan all the way. He only wished he could not leave on the spot.

Because of being affected by others, Li nianfan wandered for another ten minutes, then felt a little depressed and returned home.

The emperor of Luo respectfully sent Li nianfan back. Then he was very excited. He wanted to jump up and quickly turned to leave.

Major accident, this is a major accident!

"Brother Mengji, brother Mengji!" He came to the door of Yao Mengji's room. His voice was rapid, and there was a cold sweat on his forehead

"What's the matter, what's the matter?" Yao Mengji felt Luo Huang's anxiety and did not dare to neglect him. He opened the door quickly.

Luo Huang's face was dignified, and he said: "the little girl captured by Tianyang sect is probably a girl!"

"Girl, which one?"

Yao Mengji was stunned at first, then his pupils widened abruptly, "can't it be the girl who listens to the journey to the West in Luoxian city?"

"Who else could she be?" "The emperor of Luo was very anxious," she still had a very close relationship with Gao Ren! Just now I went out shopping with the master. The master has already said, "let's protect our girls and we must go to save them!"

"How could it have happened?"

Yao Mengji suddenly felt a chill all over his body, a little sleepiness was gone, and his brain was awake to the extreme.

"I should have thought of it long ago. Who else could have created such a miraculous skill in addition to an expert? What are you waiting for? Go to the insurance company

He felt uneasy and came to Gu Xirou's residence in order to escape light. "Dong Dong Dong Dong, Shizu, it's not good! Dong Dong Dong Dong, master Zu, come out quickly! "


There is no suspense, Qin manyun and Luo Huang are directly bombarded out by an inexplicable force.

"Cheep!" Gu Xirou opened the door, her face was gloomy, "what are you two doing? No big, no small! "

"It's about high people!"

Yao Mengji opened his mouth is Wang fried, suddenly let Gu Xirou's face change, showing a dignified color.

Then he said, "there's no time to explain, walk and talk."

Gu Xirou, aware of the seriousness of the matter, did not hesitate, "OK!"

In order to escape light, the first thing they need to do is to find Taoist Qingfeng.

At this time, the Qingfeng Taoist was in the room, too excited to fall asleep.

He still held the orange peel that he got during the day, and his eyes were fixed on them as if they were looking at rare treasures. His eyes were full of treasure.

From time to time, he will carefully into the mouth, gently bite off a small piece, chew, enjoy the limited happiness.

Unknowingly, an orange peel to eat only half, Qingfeng Laodao suddenly feel reluctant to give up.

"The rest will be used to make tea, and you can enjoy it slowly."

He smiles and praises his wit.

Just then, outside the door came a roar.

"The old way of Qingfeng, big things are bad, big things are bad!"

He quickly hide the orange peel close to his body, and then fly out of the door, but see Yao Mengji three people are flying rapidly.

He frowned and nervously said, "what's the matter?"

Luo Huang's voice was quick. He had already sorted out his language and said, "the little girl tianyangzong wants to catch is the younger sister recognized by the master, and her skills are also taught by the master!"


A bolt from the blue!

The old way of Qingfeng was just confused.

Tianyangzong actually came to my territory to catch the elder sister?

If there is something wrong with me, I will be cool if the master is angry?

The eyes of Qingfeng Laodao suddenly turned red.

Tianyangzong wants to kill me!

"The son of a bitch! I fight with him

Qingfeng Lao Dao immediately rose into the air and was already incoherent. He yelled: "go and go. This matter can't be delayed. Go and save people!"

It's a small village on the outskirts of chuchen town.

There is a row of houses built with mud, and the door of one room moves slightly, accompanied by a "squeak" sound, slowly opens.

A dusty little girl carefully poked out her small head from inside, and then said, "Uncle Wang, aunt Zhao, thank you, I'm leaving."

"Go? Where are you going? "

A cold drink suddenly rang out. In an instant, eight monks suddenly appeared and surrounded the place. They all sneered at her.

"Uncle Wang, aunt Zhao, you..."

"Little girl, don't blame us, we..."

"I don't blame you. Take care of yourself."

The girl bit her teeth, her eyes suddenly coagulated, and ran to a direction.She wanted to infiltrate the center of Exodus town and hide herself through the flow of people.

"Run away to the direction of more than a dozen, but not to see how far away to escape?"

The girl immediately turned, her face a little flustered, and fled to another place.

"Ha ha ha, little girl, you are surrounded!"

Some people burst out a roar of laughter and a magic formula, which condensed into a huge ball of fire. In the night, it was like a fiery red sun, cutting through the sky and falling towards the girl!

With her eyes drooping and her little face full of resolute color, she ran into the fireball.


The fireball directly split, the flame turned into a candle, like fireworks general, in an instant extinguished in the air.

In order to escape from the light, the girl left quickly.

"It's worthy of being able to devour the magic power. It's really amazing!"

"She can't get out of our hands, chase!"

This group of people smile, the prey has been in the cage, waiting for the net.

Nannan's speed was very fast, and she soon got out of the village and entered a barren mountain. She was in a hurry.

She bit her lips, her eyes red, and she just wanted to run away.

But, just at this time, there was a sudden flash of light in the sky.

Then, along with "tear and pull!" One, a bright lightning from the sky, straight toward the baby head to chop!

As soon as the girl's face congealed, her hands were raised, and around her palm, there was a black light covering her, like a black hole.


The thunder and lightning fell on the baby's hands, and suddenly it made a crackling sound. The girl's body was numb and stopped.

"Fierce, even my nine Xiao thunder method can suck, and without injury, this little girl can't be!"

With a light smile, an old man in a white robe walked out slowly, holding a compass, surrounded by purple lights, staring at his daughter.

After that, dozens of escape lights galloped in and blocked the girl's surroundings.

The white robed old man smiles and says: "demon girl, you can't go. You can't go away. You can't go away. You can also eat less."

Without saying a word, the girl shrank from her face with a fierce eye, and rushed to the old man in white robe.

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"Ha ha ha ha, you're really a good temper!"

The white robed old man laughed without any pressure. He raised his hand gently and waved it. The compass in his hand scattered a dense light and suspended on his head. Then, with the "crackling" sound, several electric lights surrounded his body, forming a lightning shield.

Not only that, the white robed old man raised his hand and pointed to his daughter.

A flash of lightning, like a silver snake, darts out in an instant, biting at her daughter.

The girl did not use the magic formula, but raised her hand like a snake, catching the lightning in her hand and then devouring it.

The old man in white robes looks in his eyes, and the color of his eyes is more interested.

He is not flustered at all. His daughter is only the later stage of the golden elixir, while he is the later stage of Yuanying, which is quite different from that of a cat playing a mouse.

At this time, the other friars had already killed them, and two of them were sword practitioners. They went to fight against the sword.

As soon as she lifted her wrist, a big silver axe appeared in her hand, which did not match her petite figure.

She did not retreat, but advanced, holding a big axe to chop one of the swords!


The swordsman suffered huge force immediately. His body was swaying, and he could not control his body in the air. He fell to the ground, but he was not a unified general at all.

"Sword and dragon!"

Another famous sword repair is to run behind Nannan. The sword flies out from the foot, breathes the sharp breath, cuts through the sky and stabs toward Nannan.

The girl holds a big axe. Although she opens and closes freely, she is extremely dexterous. When she swings her body, the axe spins in front of her and pushes her sword away.

At the same time, more than 20 other immortals have already urged the magic formula, and various kinds of magic arts have been put into practice, covering the baby.

The girl stands in the center and waves the axe in her hand. Every time an axe is cut down, there will be a spell annihilation.

However, she was alone, did not practice dazzling magic, and soon began to be embarrassed.

The old man in white robe said coldly, "demon girl, you can be captured with your bare hands, and you will not die!"

The girl bit her teeth, and the mist rose in her eyes. Her eyes swept over the besieging group without saying a word.


The old man in the white robe sneered, and the round lightning on his head was more powerful. Suddenly, there were six thunder and lightning interlaced, and they darted toward her, forming a lightning shackle around her. It was more like a huge net that surrounded her.

When it comes to the lightning, it's the lightning.The speed of wielding the big axe of the baby becomes slower, which is not enough to resist the attack from all directions.

"Why kill my master, why aim at me?"

At this moment, the feelings of injustice, unwillingness, helplessness, anger, hatred and other emotions broke out without warning, almost engulfed the girl, and finally turned into endless coldness.

Her eyes were red and her gums were almost biting and bleeding. At this time, her mind began to replay the scene of her master's death.

"As I said before, I will not let others bully me again! I do what I say! And Master, I will avenge you

Tears fell from both sides of her cheek, and the sudden killing in her heart covered everything.

He put away his axe and took out a copy of calligraphy.

On the calligraphy, there is a layer of white light wrapped, a vast breath is emitted at any time, dignified and ethereal.

As soon as the girl raised her hand and threw it away, it was suspended on her head, and a layer of white light was transmitted down and wrapped her in it.

"You all die!" She stepped out, and the six lightning chains were easily broken and could not trap her. Then, she turned into a hiding light and rushed towards the group of monks.

In the whole body of the baby, there are layers of black ripples, like a small black hole.

At this time, there is a fire snake towards her, she just raised the palm of her hand, just a touch, the fire snake directly into nothingness.

Before the group of monks could react, she had already rushed to a friar, raised her hand and snapped it out of her abdomen. Then, with a slight pull, a golden elixir appeared in the hands of the girl.

She then put the golden elixir into her mouth, and then, with a flash of body, she went to the next target.

As for the immortal cultivator, he fell from the air with a soft body, and his vitality quickly dissipated.

At this time, the girl was irresistible, and her eyes were no longer flustered, but was replaced by a bone chilling cold.

One after another, the monks fell down, and all the gold elixirs were swallowed by Nannan.

Subsequently, the momentum of the girl began to blow out, with the signs of breaking Dan into a baby.

She didn't stop. Her red eyes focused on the old man in white robe. She lifted her legs and stepped forward. The speed was a little faster than before. It was like a streamer, and she was killing the old man in white robe.

"Ha ha, don't you really think that Jindan can kill Yuanying?"

The white robed old man's face was low, and his whole body's magic power was pouring into the compass. All of a sudden, the electric light sprang up in all directions, and even formed a cloud of electricity spinning around his body. It seemed that he was bathed in lightning.

Seeing the baby still killed, the old man in white hummed: "moths to the fire!"

The next moment, the girl has raised her fist, straight toward the thunder and lightning all over the sky!

"Why kill my master?"


With only one punch, the thick layer of thunder and lightning was torn open, and the compass trembled violently.

After that, the girl's second punch has already swung.

"Why kill my master?"


This blow, the thunder and lightning collapse, is directly blasted out of a path.

"You! How can this be possible? "

The old man in white widened his pupils as if he had seen a ghost.

But before he was shocked, the girl's third punch had already hit him, landed on his abdomen, and directly pierced it!

"Why do you want to kill my master!"

Later, the old man's baby was brought out directly.

Yuanying's face was also full of disbelief and extreme panic. She screamed in panic: "please spare your life, nvxia. I'm wrong! I don't know why. I didn't kill your master! "

The girl turned a deaf ear to it. There was no mood fluctuation on her face. There was a black hole on her hands. After only a few breaths, she absorbed the baby.

followed her as like as two peas, and the next thing she was, the body was just a burst, and the body was broken up, and then a baby sized baby with the same size as a girl was gathered.

The girl held the letter tightly in her hand and was whirling. Her face was full of fatigue. She said hoarsely, "brother Nian Fan, I want to see you so much."

"It's really amazing. Just one golden elixir can kill all 23 golden elixirs and one Yuanying, and break through to Yuanying. It's really eye opening. If it's not for what you say, it's hard to believe it."

Accompanied by a heavy voice, five figures like ghosts, suddenly appear in the void, overlooking the girl.

They didn't exude prestige, but the aura of the whole body was deep and unfathomable.

The girl's body retreated slightly.

The first man is wearing a black robe with a golden border pattern on the edge, which seems to be a magic weapon with noble atmosphere.He looked at her and said, "little girl, I'm yunmo, the leader of Tianyang sect. Don't make useless struggles. You know you can't escape."

"Why do you want to kill my master?" she asked in a loud voice

"We have no idea who your master is."

Yun Mo's face was calm and calm. He continued: "there may be misunderstandings here. However, it is a fact that you have abolished Hou Qingwen, the son of the great elder of our clan. I will not embarrass you. I will hand over the skills you have practiced and the painting scroll in your hand. I can let you go safely."

"Is Hou Qingwen alive?"

The girl immediately widened her eyes and was so excited that she could not set up a channel: "this is impossible! I killed it myself. His heart was shattered by me! How could he not die? "

"I don't know what you're talking about, but he's not dead."

Yunmo's tone is still very calm, but it is this calm that makes people feel proud and scornful. Obviously, he has no patience to communicate with his daughter equally.

"Impossible, the heart is broken, what means can live?"

It seems that the girl has suffered a great blow. There is a deep-rooted killing intention in her eyes. "It is he who killed my master. Where is he? Let him come and see me

"Ha ha, you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me." Cloud Mo smiles, the whole body gradually emerged a prestige, "is not to force me to hand?"

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