Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 280: 280

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Gu Yuan and Pei an are on a desolate sandy land.

This area is very cold, surrounded by a section of rolling mountains, not high, but quite spectacular.

In front of Gu Yuan and pei'an, there is a square platform. On the four sides of the platform, tall columns are set up, which looks very imposing.

A sense of ancient simplicity and vicissitudes, vaguely visible once brilliant and magnificent.

However, both the platform and the pillars are covered with dust, and one of the pillars has actually broken.

Peian couldn't help but frown and worried, "why hasn't the old lady come?"

Gu Yuan looked at the platform and couldn't help saying, "will you be buried in the turbulent flow of space? No, my grandson is not so weak. Is it because he has bad luck

Just as he was talking, he saw a faint light on the desolate platform, which flowed on the platform and gradually condensed into the shape of a Tianmen.

is like a transmission matrix, simultaneous interpreting a figure slowly from the sky gate.

The figure was a little embarrassed. His gray hair was messy, and his body was also damaged. After simply cleaning up his appearance, the figure was relieved.

It was Gu Changqing.

Gu Yuan asked, "Changqing, why is it so slow?"

"The wind is too strong in the turbulent flow of space, and it is chaotic and has no direction to speak of. Thanks to the guidance of my ancestors and grandfather, otherwise I may be lost and can't find it." Gu Changqing was very glad to say.

Then, he looked around the platform, some uncertain way: "this is the place to lead?"

Gu Yuan nodded, "good."

"Is it too simple?" Gu Changqing couldn't help frowning, and was disappointed in his heart. Then he said, "there was no rumor before. Did feisheng have a reward? Where's Feixian pool

Pei an pointed to a hole in front of the platform and said, "well, isn't this pit? Do you want me to put some water for you and jump down

"That's it?"

Gu Changqing was dumbfounded, "how can it be like this?"

"The road of immortals is cut off, and no one flies up. It's cool here naturally."

Pei an said casually, in a tone of reminiscence, "I remember when I was flying up, it was busy here and needed to queue up for a bath. Who ever thought that such a prosperous bathhouse would be cool if it was cool."

Gu Changqing some unwilling, "then I am not a loss?"

"Come on, the fairyland is not as good as it used to be." Gu Yuan said: "the concentration of Xianqi is not as good as it has been every year. In the end, even Xianqi resources have to be robbed. A lot of the water in this bathhouse has been drunk."

Gu Changqing suddenly realized that he could not help frowning and said: "it was drunk. It's just a beast."

Pei an's face was a little unnatural, "say less! It's not easy for us to mix up these days. You've just been promoted. I'll take you to Qingyun sect to report. "

"By the way, a great event has happened in the fairyland recently! Let's talk as we walk. " Gu Yuan's face is a little excited, obviously this is a good thing.

Immediately, the three of them were riding in the clouds and heading for Qingyun Zong.

Gu Changqing can't wait to say: "grandfather, what's the matter?"

Gu Yuan said in a low voice, "do you still remember the Immortal King I told you about?"

Gu Changqing nods. He remembers that the Immortal King seems to be a golden immortal. He is extremely frightened. Now he has become an immortal. With the circulation of immortal Qi in his body, he can feel the horror of Jinxian.

Worried way: "I still remember that the Immortal King caught the old lady of Shizu."

Gu Yuan nodded and said, "yes, in fact, a lot of things have happened in this process. It's exciting. You are still a child. We didn't take you."

Gu Changqing only hated that he didn't break through Tianxian earlier. He said curiously: "it must be a good thing to see you like this. Tell me about it."

"Let's take our time. It's like this..."

Immediately, pei'an and Gu Yuan talked about everything in detail.

When Gu Changqing heard this, he was enchanted and had ups and downs. He only wished that he could not see the elegant demeanor of an expert in person. He could only sigh in awe, "an expert deserves to be an expert."

"It's more than that."

Pei'an laughed and looked extremely proud. He said, "the heavenly king's Liuyun hall suffered a natural calamity that day. It is said that the thunder robbery was extremely terrible. The sky was dark and the earth was dark. It was frightening. It directly cut the whole Liuyun hall to half a remnant!"

"Hiss - so strong!"

Gu Changqing was stunned, and then he did not think of the cableway: "it must be the means of the master! If he dares to challenge an expert, the outcome is doomed. "

"I think so!"

Gu Yuan nodded and said with a smile, "but this is just the beginning. It is said that the Immortal King is being chased by a five color God ox, and he can't get rid of it. It's been several days, and it's been spreading in the fairyland."Gu Changqing was shocked and said: "this is not the handwriting of an expert, is it?"

Pei'an shook his head. "I don't know. According to reliable information, it was he who stole the milk from his daughter. Not only that, he took his daughter away for the sake of milk. Now the title of" milk maniac "has spread

"So crazy? It's milk, not death Gu Changqing sincerely exclaimed.

The three have come to Qingyun sect.

Smile with pleasure, relaxed and comfortable.

"Oh, three elders? You are too warm to know that we are back, and we are specially welcome at the door? "

Peian inadvertently looked up, but suddenly laughed and said, "I'll introduce you to him. This is my grandson, Gu Changqing."

"Don't introduce me, master," he said in a low voice

Pei an tiny a Leng, "come who?"

Da Chang opened his mouth, "Liuyun Xianjun!"

"Liuyun Xianjun

Peian's tone suddenly changed, and the whole person was excited and sober.

Gu Yuan's face is also showing the color of horror, "elder, are you kidding?"

The elder shook his head. "I'm not kidding. I want to see you by roll call. I'm not going to leave."

Pei an's legs are weak.

It's cold. It's going to be cold. Maybe it's revenge.

Just now I talked about others as a joke. In a flash, the joke fell on me. Should retribution come in such a timely manner?

He turned around without thinking, "go, can you stay here? Run

However, before he could take action, a breath rose abruptly within the Qingyun sect, which was extremely majestic, and was directly locked in pei'an and others. Then, a flash of brilliance was seen, and a middle-aged man appeared in front of the public.

The atmosphere on the field suddenly congealed, everyone's breath was also stagnant, the whole body hair inverted, ready to fight for death.

However, the middle-aged man slowly raised his hand and made a bow to the crowd. He said in a friendly way: "you are pei'an, the leader of Qingyun sect. I'm ye Liuyun. I may have misunderstood before, so I'm here to make amends."

Pei an pursed her mouth and then said, "the leader of Liuyun hall is looking for me. What can I do for you?"

Ye Liuyun's voice is hoarse, and his grievances can't be concealed. "I'm here to plead guilty. I want to ask the masters behind you to hold up your hands and let me go."


Pei an and others are stunned.

Looking at ye Liuyun carefully, he could not help showing a strange color on his face.

It was discovered that ye Liuyun at this time was quite different from ye Liuyun who had been sitting in the Baoma Xiangche before. Instead of luxury, ye Liuyun was like a fugitive. He didn't know where the dirt was on his face. All his luxurious clothes were full of holes. One of his sleeves was flying, and his face was pale and his body seemed to be injured.

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One word, miserable.

Pei an sighed for a while. When he handed the painting to himself, he was so busy. How long has it been? Sure enough, people are always fickle.

"Gentlemen, I was wrong. I was really wrong."

Ye Liuyun looked at the people earnestly, and his eyes seemed to have tears in his eyes. "That cow is crazy. He doesn't listen to anything. He's determined to stay with me forever. He's not a human being. Please let me go!"

At this time, he was like an unrivalled teenager, just out of the society, and then met with the severe beating of the society, and was completely obedient.

During this period, he used all the means he could, but he still couldn't get rid of the pursuit of the five color God cow. His magic weapon also consumed 7788, and his life was seriously threatened. Not to mention, the cow especially liked to stare at people's buttocks.

The horn, the impact

Ye Liuyun beat a shiver, can't help but chrysanthemum a tight, born a cool, dare not think, it is a nightmare!

Now he can be said that once he returned to the liberation, Liuyun hall was destroyed, and he was laughed at. Moreover, he had to face the life danger of being robbed at any time. He was really desperate and could not accept the advice.

Why don't you resist the attack

Ye Liuyun shook his head with a wry smile, "I am also baffled! However, I heard it said that Nine Tailed Tianhu, dragon and Huofeng joined hands to capture his daughter. I thought for a second that only the master behind you could do this

Nine tail sky fox, Phoenix?

Peian and Gu Yuan looked at each other, revealing a trace of clear color, "as expected, it is an expert, right."

Ye Liuyun constantly apologized, "I used to be a bully. Please give me a chance. I know I'm wrong. Let that cow stop chasing me."

Peian slightly frowned, "we can't help it. I'm afraid we have to go to find an expert."

Ye Liuyun said: "I'm willing to make an apology! I can't afford to offend these people. I don't dare to hope that he will forgive me. I just want to give you a way to live. Please help me introduce them. "Pei an hesitated.

After staring at ye Liuyun for a while, he frowned and said, "I'm afraid this situation can only be like this. I can take you there, but you have to grasp your own discretion. Besides, some experts have some taboos. I have to tell you about it."

"Master of Liuyun hall." On one side, Gu Yuan suddenly opened his mouth and looked at him. He was not empty at all. His expression was dignified to the extreme. He said: "I know you have realized the power of the master, but I want to tell you that what you know is just the tip of the iceberg. You can't imagine the horror of the master! Don't say I didn't remind you, you must be devout and sincere! "

Ye Liuyun could not help nodding, "you may rest assured that I have no other advantages, that is, insight."

Peian three people leisurely sighed, "well, then you are ready to go down to earth."

"Thank you, thank you." The presence is obviously the highest cultivation of him, but it is the most humble one.


With a piece of dark clouds dispersed, four figures flying through the air, and soon fell at the foot of Luoxian mountain.

Gu Yuan opened his mouth and said, "Gao Ren is on this mountain. We need to walk up."

Ye Liuyun nodded without objection, "this I understand, should."

Four people walked along the mountain path, no one spoke all the way.

Everyone's mood is heavy, and their feet are not fast.

Ye Liuyun is worried that the master is still angry, and he will destroy himself.

Gu Yuan's three men were worried that they would bring ye Liuyun to come here, which would upset the high people, and then they killed them.

Just half way up the mountain, people's hearts jumped suddenly, and at the same time looked up to the sky in the distance.

But see, a huge figure is roaring and coming, with towering anger.

The five color God cow's eyes almost burst out fire, and roared: "where does the milk maniac escape? Take your life

Four people see liver and gall are trembling, almost scared out of the body.

It's not the fear of the divine cow, but the fear that the cow will destroy the mountain. Who can bear the anger of the master?

It's terrible. I can't even think about it.

Without thinking about it, they soared up at the same time, and their whole body magic power flowed out in a desperate way, trying to stop the mad cow.

"Brother Niu, calm down, calm down!" Peian's canthus was about to crack, and his mouth began to gush blood. "Please change the battlefield. It can't be used here, it can't be used! The end of the world

"Change the battlefield? What a ridiculous request. " The five color gods were amused.

The law of force is exerted to the extreme. It is extremely fast, like a heavy hammer. A single shock wave is enough to fill a mountain!

Gu Yuan's four men rushed to meet him. In addition, they were anxious to protect the flowers and grasses around them. They were soon knocked away and flew back heavily.


The five color God cow falls on the Luoxian mountain range, looks at the leaf Liuyun coldly, the eye is red, the low way: "hand over my daughter!"

Gu Yuan coughed a few mouthfuls of blood and gasped for breath: "we will let you see your daughter on the premise that we really can't do any damage on this mountain!"

"Just a hill, why not?" Five color God cow disdains to say, then raised the cow's foot, stamped on the ground.

At ordinary times, I'm afraid that all the earth and rock in the whole mountain will fly up and the earth will split, but this time there is no reaction.


What's the situation?

The five color God ox was slightly stunned. He raised his eyes and saw that on the top of the mountain, a black earth dog slowly stepped into the field of vision. His eyes were calm as water, and the mountain wind was blowing his dog's fur, with a sense of natural and unrestrained.

Step by step, he stopped on a huge stone and looked down at the crowd under the high order.

"Your daughter is with my master." "The dog's mouth is very satisfied, a big black water."

The five color God cow's whole body's magic power was boiling, and his anger turned into substance. He gritted his teeth and said, "what do you say?"

Big black face unchanged, self-care way: "rely on your daughter alone, the milk is afraid to be insufficient, you just came, after, you are an ordinary cow."

"Milk you dog head!"

The five color God cow completely exploded, it can't believe, just a local dog how dare to speak to the God cow like this, "contrary, contrary!"

It suddenly stepped out, like a heavy tank toward the big black, speed at the same time fast to the extreme, collision, space seems to become distorted.

Gu Yuan and they just came back to their senses at this time. They had not seen the big black hand. They were scared and silly on the spot, and their cold sweat was wet.

"Stop it! That's an expert's dog

"Quick, quick, protect the master's dog!"

"It's over. The master's dog is too hateful."

In the blink of an eye, the five color God cow rushed to the big black in front of, the huge body has turned into a shadow, can't really see.Big black still stands in the same place, just lightly raises one of his forelimb, toward the front a little press!

All of a sudden, the world seems to be still, and the body of the five color cow seems to have been pressed the pause button, and stopped abruptly.

How could this be possible?!

The five color God ox looked at the dog's paw on his head, and his heart beat hard.

Frightened open mouth, issued is a "moo" of a cow.

Pei'an's four mouths suddenly become "O" shaped, and the picture is fixed, and the brain has lost its ability to think.

The world was quiet in a flash.

Big black just lightly glanced at the crowd, then turned around, cocked his tail, and left Gao Leng.

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