Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 285: 285

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The seventh princess is wearing a light blue silk dress, the skirt is fluttering with the wind, and her delicate features are like inlaid on her beautiful cheek. She is like a handicraft in the sun. She is looking up at this humble mountain.

Who could have thought that there was a peerless expert living on this mountain. With such an expert, this mountain can be called the first mountain in the three realms!

The Star River Taoist priest stood behind her and waited for a long time. Then he cautiously said, "seven princesses, are you still climbing?"

The seventh princess took a deep breath and said, "are you sure you didn't exaggerate about the expert?"

This is the sixth time she has asked.

The Star River Taoist priest grinned bitterly and said, "seven princesses, the God is sure!"

"Go, climb the mountain!"

Women step, along the mountain path, slowly walking.

Along the way, her heart is not as indifferent as she seems, but more and more nervous, plopping and jumping.

When Taoist priest Xinghe told her what she had seen and heard that day, her heart could be described as fright. Even after so many days, the shock in her heart did not decrease at all. If it was not for fear of disturbing and dispiriting the master, she would have found it at the first time.

Until today, it has been suffocating.

As she walked, she read the report of Taoist priest Xinghe in her mind.

Honey of golden flame bee, milk of five color God cow, spirit root containing law, these are just ordinary food that experts eat.

Especially in the backyard, the spirit roots in the yard are full of fragments of law in the void, and the spirit liquid that even the innate spirit roots can ripen.

It's a full barrel, and even an expert can make it by hand.

It's sensational.

If it was not for the repeated assurance of Taoist priest Xinghe, she would definitely think that Taoist priest Xinghe was possessed with Alzheimer's disease and was talking nonsense.

In fact, until now, she is still skeptical.

Because this is really too terrible, it has exceeded the scope of her understanding, even in ancient times, it is also something that I dare not even think about, maybe in my dream.

She couldn't help but ask, "the old dragon king of the dragon clan is really alive, and in the backyard of the expert?"

"Seven princesses, by no means empty words! At this time, it is the highest secret of the dragon people. I also asked from Ao Cheng's mouth with years of friendship. "

The seventh Princess asked again, "do you really want to go against the sky? Want to rebuild the ancient? "

Even if it is to try to restrain, her tone is not difficult to hear expectations.

Reappearance of ancient times is a dream that she must have every time she sleeps. It's a beautiful dream that she doesn't want to wake up. Unfortunately, it's too difficult and almost impossible.

Taoist priest Xinghe nodded again, "absolutely true!"

"Hoo --"

the seventh Princess breathed a long sigh of relief, forced down her restless heartbeat, and said in a condensed voice: "since the master has chosen the mortal world, we should try our best to avoid disturbing his mood. From now on, you can call me miss."

The Star River Taoist priest immediately nodded, "I understand, seven princesses."

They stopped talking and walked slowly up the mountain. After a while, a simple and elegant courtyard was slowly floating in front of them.

Seven princess's small hand can't help but grip powder fist, is this really the residence of the master? Is there really such a great man in the world?

It's the second time that Taoist priest Xinghe came here, and his heart was also a little empty. He adjusted his mind, walked forward slowly, and knocked on the door carefully.


The door opened.

It is still Xiaobai who opens the door.

Knowing Xiaobai's strength, they immediately trembled and said in a respectful voice, "is Mr. Li at home? I'd like to ask

Xiaobai side opened the body, "please come in."

The seventh princess took her heart and took a deep breath, ready to step in.

However, only half of the breath, her face turned green, all her mood collapsed instantly, her delicate body trembled, her mouth opened, and she almost vomited out.

He quickly covered his mouth with his hand.

It's OK. It's OK.

If you spit it out, you will not like it.

Stink. It's so bad that her soul is going to leave her body.

She is the seventh Princess of the heavenly palace. When did she smell such a strange smell, she was defiled.

Seven princess eyes a congealed, look at the breeze road long, sharp as a knife, gritted teeth and whispered: "you did not tell me that the courtyard of the master has such a taste, is it the poison gas barrier set by the master?"

Qingfeng Taoist priest is also a face at a loss, hold one's breath, bitter and astringent way: "before is really not had."

The two of them quickly blocked their sense of smell and slowly stepped into the gate.

When passing through the sea tripod of Xuanyuan Town, the face of seven princesses is slightly coagulated. It's Zhongpin congenital treasure!

Look at the yard that is trying to lay eggs of the fire sparrow, the heart is more dignified.

As expected, it is the spiritual treasure of the courtyard, and the immortal spirit is far beyond the fairyland, and even there is the rhythm of the road in the air.It's just the smell

It's really a little too abrupt to be prevented.

When Li nianfan saw the visitor, his face was slightly embarrassed. He coughed and said, "it turns out that it's Taoist priest Qingfeng. Welcome."

Taoist priest Qingfeng instinctively wanted to take a deep breath. Fortunately, he stopped and said, "Mr. Li, this is my young lady, purple leaf."

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Li nianfan was embarrassed and said, "it turned out to be the purple leaf fairy. I didn't expect that you would come here today. It's really rude."

He had a whim today and made some snacks, which are stinky tofu.

Probably because the material is too good, the taste can be called the best. It's rude to be heard by outsiders.

Purple leaf fairy can be said to have exhausted his life's courage, the small mouth opens slightly, the low voice way: "met Li childe."

After only five words, she felt the stench coming to her mouth and filling her mouth. It was so sour that she almost fainted.

On the surface, he still had to bear the calm. He was so miserable that he almost collapsed.

I'm too hard.

Seven princesses and breeze long eyes can not help but look at the pot.

But see.

In the pan, there are seven or eight pieces of square black things floating on the oil surface and rolling with Li nianfan's chopsticks.

This, this, this

Fried shit?

These two words came out of the mind of ziye and Qingfeng Taoist priest, which made their limbs cold and shiver involuntarily.

Purple leaf quickly put aside her eyes, never seen such filthy things, the whole body has a layer of goose bumps.

Is it a way to temper your mood?

Sure enough, terrible!

At this time, she heard the girl say, "brother, is this pot not good yet?"

She looked forward to looking at the pot, eyes bright, mouth edge, but also stained with black marks.

"Almost ready."

Li nianfan laughed and then said, "didn't you see any guests coming? You must try it first. "

What else do you want to eat?!

Ziye and Qingfeng Daochang's heart suddenly jumped wildly, and the whole body's hair stood up. He was terrified to the extreme.

Take a look at Daji and their mouth are more or less stained with some black marks, it is obvious that they were forced to eat a lot.

They are cruel people!

"Li, Mr. Li."

The mentality of Taoist priest Qingfeng collapsed. He squeezed out a smile and said in a trembling voice: "actually, you're welcome. I We don't have to

When Li nianfan saw their expression, he immediately said: "don't worry, you two. This stinky tofu smells a little stinky, but it tastes delicious. Although it's a bit impolite, you'll have a good taste when you come here today."

Not long ago, Daji and they also wanted to throw the pot out, but after eating one mouthful, they were conquered.

He suddenly found that he had some bad taste. He liked to see the expression of the group of people tangled and then conquered.

In particular, the purple leaf fairy, beautiful, but also looks not vulgar, the whole body cool and noble, do not know whether this is good or not.

I think it will be good. After all, none of the girls are not food.

Reading this, his mouth can not help but show a smile.

Let the noble fairy eat stinky tofu, think about all stimulation, oneself is really too excellent.

"All right." Li nianfan casually picked up the needle beside the pot, put it on a small plate and handed it to purple leaf. "Purple leaf fairy, please, you will definitely like it."

I like a ghost!

Purple leaf almost trembled to take the dish, holding it in her hand, holding her breath, her face was white.

Take a look at the needle above, it's even more heart beating.

It is the most precious needle of the day after tomorrow.

This is the treasure of the day after tomorrow. Do you use it to string such a thing?

However, every spirit treasure has a spirit, but Chuanyun needle does not resist at all. It seems that she has accepted her fate. Obviously, she has already succumbed to the power of the master.

She pursed her mouth and picked up the needle to wear the cloud. In her mind, heaven and man were fighting.

"Little Miss Qingfeng Taoist priest opened his mouth and bit his teeth. He was ready to sacrifice. "Let me taste it for you first."

"No more."

Purple leaf voice trembles, just Li nianfan mouth smile she saw, obviously, this is the evil taste of high people.

However, all high people have special hobbies. They have lived for endless years and often do what they want.

Addiction is actually a test!

It must be that he calculated that he would come here today, which was the test he specially set.

Think of the high people have the heart to reproduce the ancient, purple leaves on a horizontal heart.It's not easy to meet such a talented person. You can't miss it.

What is this sacrifice? Eat it!

PS: Thank you for your support. There will be a watch in the afternoon.

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