Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 287: 287

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"Once again, the story is just a virtual world. You can enjoy it. You can't spread it out, let alone me."

Li nianfan once again took a preventive injection for fear of causing some trouble.

They all sat down and nodded again, "yes, we understand!"

Li nianfan always felt a little unstable, but he said slowly: "there is a world where immortals actually have positions. Immortals with positions are collectively called gods! I'm telling the story of the world. "

Li nianfan first mentioned the general framework, "and when did the immortal position begin? How did you get it? Who gave it? This is about "Fengshen"

The gods?!

All of them could not help holding their breath. A stream of electric current rushed to the scalp, and the whole body was covered with goose bumps.

Li nianfan's three questions in a row immediately put people's thoughts into it.

Isn't it just like an emperor on earth to confer an official position on an immortal?

What a splendid scene that must be!

Just listening to it makes people excited.

As for ziye and Xinghe Taoist, they widened their eyes, their eyes were red, and they were short of breath.

Confer an official post, the immortal is the God, isn't that the heavenly palace?

Ancient times, absolutely ancient things!

No! It's longer than the heavenly palace.

What the master said is The story before the formation of Tiangong?

Nei -

the whole body of purple leaf and Xinghe Taoist priest trembled, and their hair stood up. They held their breath and listened quietly.

Li nianfan wanted to talk about this because he found that there was no one to take care of the immortal world. There was no God of wind, rain, and thunder. The immortal lacked restraint and the world lacked management. He felt a bit awkward. That's why he thought of the list of gods.

"Next, the story begins."

When Li nianfan saw the expression of people's concentration, he was immediately happy. As expected, even immortals love to listen to stories, and they can eat wherever they have culture.

At the beginning of Taiji, the voice is clear. Zi Tian ugliness of the people Yin out, avoid the beast, suffering from nest virtuous. Suiren take fire to avoid fresh food, Fuxi draws the trigram before Yin and Yang. Shen Nong tried all kinds of herbs in his life, and Xuanyuan's marriage couplet of rites and music... "

The beginning of a poem, slowly opened the veil of the evolution of heaven and earth.

There are not many words, but each sentence is a change of heaven and earth. Every word has witnessed the evolution of everything.

Between the lines, there are endless heavenly principles, but I'm afraid that such a story is not allowed by heaven and earth!

Pangu, Suiren, Fuxi, Shennong, Xuanyuan

One name after another was said from Li nianfan's mouth. It was easy to say, but when it reached people's ears, it was like thunder, which made their scalp numb and their brains blank.

They have a feeling, these names, is a taboo, should not be mentioned, can not be mentioned!

They Who is it?

No doubt, it's definitely the big guy among the big guys! More powerful than the monkey king Buddha, too many big men!

At this time, they clearly know these names in their minds, but if they want to say them, I'm afraid they need to exhaust all their courage and energy!

Only an expert can say these names as if nothing happened.

"Boom, boom!"

Li nianfan had just finished reading the beginning of the book, and a large dark cloud appeared in the sky. It seemed that the whole world was dark.

A torrent of pressure from the sky, like the day of earthquake anger, so that everyone's heart is heavy, the atmosphere is not panting.

The beard and hair of Xinghe Taoist priest were dancing wildly, and the whole person was scared to death and did not dare to move.

Li nianfan looked up at the sky, and frowned slightly, "how did it suddenly change? I'm afraid it's going to rain. It seems that God doesn't want me to tell a story. "

"Boom, boom."

There was another thunder, accompanied by a gust of wind, the thick dark cloud moved a little bit, and soon moved out of the courtyard, and the sun fell again.

"Boom, boom."

The dark clouds are fading away

"Oh, good luck. It's just a big cloud passing by." Li nianfan laughed.

The others quickly gathered their gaping expression and laughed, but it was a heavy accompanying smile.

Why did the thunder cloud appear? They knew it well, and they were so told by an expert. At this time, there was no word to describe their mood at this time except for the bull force.

Is this the big guy's world?

Li nianfan only regarded it as an episode and continued to say: "Chengtang is the descendant of the Yellow Emperor. His surname is Zi. In the early days, the imperial concubine Jian Di prayed to Gao Xuan, who had the auspiciousness of Xuanniao, and then became a contract. Tang Yu was appointed as the Secretary for migration. He taught the people meritorious service and was granted to the Shang Dynasty... "

They were so busy that they were unwilling to leave a word behind.King Zhou's appearance surprised everyone.

But as the story unfolds, people's surprise is more and more strong, at the same time, they are fascinated, as if a huge picture began to unfold in front of them.

Nuwa, the goddess of ancient times, used mending stone to mend the sky to save people from fire and water.

How powerful it must be to mend the sky.

Moreover, this mending stone will not be unfamiliar to them. If they remember correctly, Monkey King is a stone monkey jumping out of the remaining stone.

Sure enough, this is more ancient than the time!

It must also be something that an expert has experienced. No wonder he is more powerful than he imagined.

Terrible, invincible!

The people were excited and deeply immersed in this huge and terrible world.

When we heard that King Zhou dared to write a poem disrespectful to Nu Wa, our hearts jumped again.

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He was not only amazed at the courage of King Zhou, but also surprised at the position of the emperor at that time, which seemed to be much higher than that of the emperor in the journey to the West.

Even Nu Wa was so angry that she didn't dare to attack the emperor directly.

They were puzzled, but they did not dare to ask questions and continued to listen.

"After King Zhou entered Diao Chan's reign, he entertained at night and entertained every night. The government of the dynasty fell down, and the Zhangzuo was confused. The king of Zhou regarded it as a child's play. It's February that there was no court in February. I only had a feast with Daji in Shouxian palace. The clerical room was built like a mountain, so I couldn't face the emperor and see that the world would be in chaos. "

During the story telling period, he suddenly found the pit where he named xiaodaji, so he changed the name of Daji in the original story to Diao Chan. Anyway, it was also a beautiful woman who brought disaster to the country and the people.

No way. The author can do whatever he wants.

Li nianfan spoke in a tone of tone, then clapped the table with a smile, "if you want to know what's going on, listen to the next chapter."

People just like the beginning of a dream to wake up, their faces have a look of unfinished.

Dragon son immediately disobeyed a way: "elder brother, don't stop, talk a little bit more."

"Well, that's all for today." Li nianfan waved his hand and stood up slowly.

Purple leaf and Star River Taoist priest looked at each other, and they were deeply shocked from each other's eyes.

Although this story is just the beginning, it has shown the rudiment of a world to the public. Although it is based on the story of the mortal world, it can still make people feel its splendor.

They wanted to let Li nianfan go on. Even if they didn't sleep, they were willing to listen. Unfortunately, they didn't dare to express any urge.

Ziye hesitated for a long time, but she still gritted her teeth and said bravely: "Mr. Li, this story is too attractive. Can I come and listen to it later?"

At the end of the day, there was a tremor in her voice.

This is a secret fortune before the ancient times, even if she thought that the heavenly palace existed naturally when she was in the heavenly palace before, and never considered how the heavenly palace was born. At this time, she was really in front of her eyes. How could she not be excited.

"Ha ha, it's just a little thing. This time is the story link of our courtyard. If the purple leaf fairy is interested, she can come here naturally."

Li nianfan can make friends with a fairy just by a little story. It's easy to earn blood.

He suddenly moved his face, pulled her over and said, "purple leaf fairy, this is my sister Nannan. She has just entered the cultivation of immortals. I am a mortal, and I have no ability or treasure. I can't help. If I can, please teach me some skills to protect my life."

Ah, my brother broke his heart for his sister.

All of them have asked for the immortal's head. This old face is bold.

Although most of the people around him were friendly cultivators, Li nianfan also came into contact with the tip of the dark iceberg. He knew the danger of the world of cultivating immortals. If he wanted to rely on luck all the way, he would be doomed.

Can hold a thigh is a thigh, face value several money?

The corner of purple leaf's mouth slightly draws.

You are a local tyrant who is full of Lingbao and Linggen in the yard and the most precious treasure the day after tomorrow. Do you say that you have no ability and no treasure?

I compare with you, is a poor ratio, how you are so contented with me cry poor?

of course, she make complaints about herself, but her heart is very exciting.

I'm worried about how to please an expert. I'm still worried that I can't see my own things. I've got a good impression on myself!

This is definitely an excellent sign.

As soon as the wrist turned, two things appeared.

It's a blue sword, the best treasure of the day after tomorrow, Tianshui sword, and a golden bronze mirror, the treasure of the day after tomorrow, and the refraction dust mirror.


Ziye put things on the table and said, "Mr. Li, one of these two things can be used to attack and the other to defend. Although they are not precious, they should be enough for the baby.""That's enough. Thank you very much." Li nianfan immediately laughed, and the immortal made a move. These two things must be magic weapons. They will certainly help Nannan a lot.

"Darling, don't you hurry to thank sister ziye."

"Thank you, sister ziye," she said

At the same time, Li nianfan told him, "keep the things well, don't show off casually. Do you know if you don't show off your wealth?"

The little girl nodded her head.

Purple leaf stood up, arched his hands, and said, "Mr. Li, we won't disturb you. Goodbye."

Li nianfan replied, "take a walk on the purple leaf fairy road."

Out of the gate of the courtyard, purple leaf and Star River Taoist priest's faces are extremely complicated, and their hearts are filled with emotion.

Purple leaf excitedly opened a way: "Star River, you said very well, this is an expert, we can't imagine the high man!"

Taoist priest Xinghe said in awe: "the little God did not expect that he was even older than the heavenly palace. He could know such a terrible secret and tell it casually in the way of telling stories. It's really incredible."

"It is because of this, otherwise, how can ordinary people have the courage to go against the sky?"

Purple leaf is the eyes shine, full of joy, even the voice is shaking, "do you remember what the master said before telling the story? He said that there was no God in the world, and he felt a little uncomfortable. What does this mean? It means that he really wants to rebuild the heavenly palace! "

This was the happiest moment in her countless years, and even her deepest grief was relieved.

After all, there is hope.

"It's true." Taoist priest Xinghe smiles, then looks at the sky with great fear and says in a low voice: "only by following the steps of such high people can we hope to reproduce the ancient times! If we just want to go against the sky, you can look at the robber cloud... "

"Don't say it!" Purple leaves quickly snapped to interrupt.

The mighty heavenly power that appears in the courtyard is still in front of us. It is extremely intuitive and frightening. If they face it alone, it will turn into dust and be wiped away by the law of heaven.

Only the experts dare to ignore the way of heaven and go against it. Even the way of heaven has to avoid three points.

Such a strong thigh is in front of you, so you should hold it tightly.

Purple leaves took a deep breath, and then slowly vomited out. His eyes showed deep reflection. Then he said: "I think that the master must know that I have the idea of rebuilding the heavenly palace. Therefore, he specially talked about the list of gods to tell me how the heavenly palace was formed. Isn't it the same as teaching me how to rebuild the heavenly palace?"

"That's true."

The color of awe on Xinghe's face was even more intense, "the master is really profound everywhere!"

Purple leaf looked dignified and said, "this story is too important for me. I can't miss any part. I won't go back to the fairyland. I'll settle down in Luoxian city near the master."

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