Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 293: 293

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Time goes by day by day.

Li nianfan's life was extremely comfortable. The donkey was big enough to eat for many days.

Usually there is Daji to serve, occasionally go to the backyard, take care of the plants.

After watering with ripening agent, the calabash vine has begun to appear in recent days. Because there is no shelf, the vine actually grows along the sapling not far away. It looks very harmonious.

The tree seedlings are growing stronger and stronger, green leaves like emerald general, suffused with green light.

"It's a pity that there are too few entertainment activities in the immortal cultivation world. Otherwise, what else is life for?"

Li nianfan couldn't help thinking, "now that I have a thousand years of life, and I'm still young, can't I live too boring? I have to ponder carefully to see if I can engage in some entertainment activities to kill my long millennium time."

Tiandang mountain.

Located west of the fairyland.

It's a mountain, but it's not a mountain, or it used to be a mountain.

In the center of the mountains, there is a huge plain. It is said that this plain was originally a huge mountain, but in a catastrophe, it was forcibly wiped away and became a plain.

It is also called tiandang mountain.

On this day, the mountains, which are usually deserted and uninhabited, are extremely lively. The auspicious clouds in the sky have never stopped, flying one after another.

If there are immortals here, they will be shocked and speechless, because these people driving the clouds are all immortal, and their accomplishments are extraordinary.

In addition to most of the old monsters who can't escape from the world, there are also some patriarchs who come to the temple in person. Their whole body is shining with brilliance and momentum.

During the flight, if you meet acquaintances, you will slow down, drive Xiangyun side by side, and talk while flying with a smile.

At this time, two old people ran into each other.

Different from ordinary immortals, the two old men's hair is a little fluffy, skin wrinkles, the light of the eyes is not shining, but some lax.

Just look at the appearance, and not like a fairy, but rather quite embarrassed.

Although the immortals like to dress up as immortals, their skin is still as tender as a baby.

And these two are really old. Once this happens, it means that the immortal's life has basically come to an end.

"Lin Daoyou, can't believe you are still alive?"

"Ma Dao Tong? Ha ha ha, aren't you dead? "

Two people look at each other, eyes are full of endless regret, "from the last farewell, there have been more than 30000 years, remote remember that year, I was a little monk, and you are a little Taoist, ha ha ha."

Ma daotong nodded, "yes, at the beginning, I dreamed of becoming an immortal. In a twinkling of an eye, it has been ten thousand years."

"It's not easy for us to stay this long." Lin Laodao sighed, then whispered: "after the decline of heaven and man?"

Ma daotong nodded with a wry smile, "in another hundred years, it will be the third decline. It is basically appropriate to die."

"I still have 150 years to live 50 years longer than you. Ha ha..."

Ma daotong was reluctant to say: "do you remember the legend about the heavenly palace? If only there were flat peaches in the world. "

"When was it? It was just a legend in those days, but now it's more ethereal." He shook his head bitterly, and then said, "in those days, we dreamed of eating flat peaches to become immortals. Now we dream of eating flat peaches to prolong our life. Ha ha ha, it's really changeable."

"Originally, I wanted to wait for death quietly, but I heard that there were great changes in the world, and there was a great chance to come out. I just wanted to take a chance. Are you the same?"

"Naturally, do you know what happened?"

Ma daotong shook his head. "I haven't paid attention to the external affairs for a long time, let alone the mortal world. But look at this situation, it seems that things are not small."

They walked together and began to talk about the past.

In fact, these two people were not very familiar at that time. Maybe they just got along for a few days, but now they are friends in a flash after thousands of years.

"Dada Da Da!"

At this time, a carriage came rushing from afar. The wind came from the feet of the three headed one horned horse, and the tiger and tiger made great power. The four hooves of each head were stepping on the auspicious clouds, making a great momentum.

And behind the unicorn, he pulled a luxurious carriage, and the whole body was still shining. With the progress, it was like driving a lamp to illuminate the four sides.

The surrounding clouds retreated and were blown away by the strong wind.

The carriage's high-profile appearance, like a quiet street suddenly came a super run, noisy, so that many immortal eyebrows are slightly wrinkled, showing displeasure.

The conversation between Ma daotong and Lin Laodao stopped abruptly. Before they could criticize, the carriage "whooshed" like a gust of wind passing by them.

Ma daotong's face changed on the spot, "too much! Everyone is a famous fairy, who has no baby? Is it necessary to show off your wealth? "As he spoke, he raised his hand and drew a sword out of its sheath and hovered under his feet, shining brightly. So it was not over. His fingers once again drew another sword, and another sword flew out. Six swords were brought out in succession. Three of them stepped on the soles of their feet, and three surrounded the whole body. They were also full of six different colors. They were extremely cool and incomparable.

"Well said, everyone has lived for endless years. Everything should be taken care of. It's naive to behave like this!"

Lin Daoyou deeply thought that he nodded his head. Inadvertently, he patted the small sparrow on his shoulder. The next moment, the sparrow spread its wings and turned into a giant sculpture. He sang and carried him to fly.

"Out of order!"

Not far away, a woman shook her head, as if extremely shameless.

Then he smeared a handful of jade Ruyi hanging around his neck. Yu Ruyi got out of his body and became a huge jade Ruyi. The dense light twinkled, which immediately set off a more Fairy Spirit.

When tiandang mountain is more lively, all kinds of brilliance are shining, special effects are numerous and extravagant.

The mountain range is very large. People go all the way, crisscross and crisscross. When they come to the hinterland, they can see a magnificent hall in the mountain, which is shining with dazzling brilliance. It is surrounded by golden tiles, glass and fairy clouds. It looks like a paradise of fairy family.

At the top of the hall, there is also a huge banner, "fairyland top immortal major event exchange conference.".

"Woo --"

the three headed Unicorn went all the way to the door, and then stopped and stood in the void.

The door curtain of the carriage immediately opened automatically, and ye Liuyun flew out slowly from inside, with dignity and imposing momentum.

"Who is so high-profile, the original Liuyun hall master, is it by this way to get rid of the pursuit of the five color God cow?"

With a chuckle, a middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes, stepping on colorful mushroom clouds, is not it good to keep a low profile

Some people said: "I haven't seen you for many years. The elegant demeanor of Liuyun Daoyou is really more and more admirable. No wonder you can get the title of milk maniac."

"It turns out that he is a milk maniac who has been here for a long time."

Everyone's accomplishments are the realm of golden immortality, and there is no scruple in their words.

"Oh, yes, I'm the milk maniac, and the milk maniac is me!" Ye Liuyun didn't care at all. He admitted it very frankly. Moreover, he seemed quite complacent.

In his heart, he is carrying the pot for the master.

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Experts like to drink the milk of the five color God cow, and he can't give the master to the master. How about if he is a milk maniac? I am proud!

The middle-aged man immediately exclaimed, "the face of Liuyun Daoyou is really beyond your reach."

"Ha ha, what qualifications do you have to be friends with me?"

Ye Liuyun's arrogant smile, the momentum of the whole body suddenly coagulates, the mighty pressure immediately Pengbai comes out, and the air at the scene solidifies instantly.

Everyone's heart is a burst of crazy jump, the magic weapon all over the body becomes suddenly bright and dark.

Everyone is shocked, looking at ye Liuyun, eyes full of incredible.

What's the situation?

Not long ago, I was just chased by the five color God ox? Can it all break through?

"Ha ha ha, congratulations to the master of Liuyun hall, congratulations to the master of Liuyun hall."

There was a burst of laughter in the hall. Then, an old man in a white robe stepped forward, showing a kind and warm face.

"The immortal spirit in the fairyland is becoming increasingly scarce. The master of Liuyun hall can make a breakthrough in the adverse situation. It is really admirable for everyone, and it is enough to spread it as a good story."

The old man made a gesture of invitation to ye Liuyun, "give me face, since we are here, we will make a friend."

Enter the main hall.

The hall has been filled with tea, and there are some fairy fruits on the table. The specifications are extraordinary.

In the past, ye Liuyun might have exclaimed, but now it's simple and unsophisticated. Even a glass of water from an expert can't compare with these fairy fruits. Do you want to serve them? Ha ha, poor than!

It's all started with oranges!

The layout is very simple. Taiyi Jinxian sits at a table and Jinxian sits at a table.

"Master of Liuyun hall, please take your seat."

The old man in white robe received him politely, and then said, "if you count Liuyun Daoyou, there are five of you in Taiyi golden fairyland this time!"


Ye Liuyun's eyebrows can't help but pick, showing a color of surprise.

The Taiyi Jinxian in the fairyland is extremely rare. Without any accident, he has made a breakthrough alone in the past ten thousand years. It can be said that Taiyi Jinxian is definitely an antique among the antiques, probably the figure who survived from ancient times.

Usually, it's impossible to see one.

The white robed old man lowered his voice and said mysteriously, "two of them are from the holy land."

Ye Liuyun is more shocked, his face is still, but his heart is slightly sinking.

It seems that this wave of undercover is not very good when ah, you have to be more careful.

Gradually, more and more people came. Twelve golden immortals, rarely seen at ordinary times, have come, and they are still increasing.However, ye Liuyun notes that most of these golden immortals are already old, and they are the roles of the five decline of heaven and man.

At this time, two figures outside the door, one before the other after the arrival.

But Xiao Chengfeng and AO Cheng.

They are all a Leng, and then make a look at each other, pretending not to know to step into the hall.

Two people's hearts are slightly happy, it seems that this wave is not their own one to do undercover, my way is not lonely also.

Another moment later, an old man in gray came.

His hair is half white, and he has a bunch of goatee. His whole body is illusory and does not seem to have any characteristics. However, he is a golden fairy of Taiyi.

Then, there are two figures, but two women.

The two women looked at each other, nodded and sat down at the table.

So far, the five immortals, all of them!

Such a big gathering has never happened in tens of thousands of years.

The old man in white who organized the event got up to speak.

"Ladies and gentlemen, my name is qingyunzi. Please allow me to introduce to you some Taoist friends

Qingyunzi said: "the purple leaf fairy of Bingyuan fairy palace, the Lingzhu fairy of biyundao palace, the ye Liuyun of Liuyun hall, and Xuanyuan Shangxian."

The five Taiyi golden immortals, especially those from the two holy places, have attracted people's attention.

Holy land, has always been the spokesman of mystery. It has existed for a long time, but it is rarely active in people's vision. It is really a big thing to let people out of the holy land.

"All right, stop talking nonsense and tell us what you want us to come here for." Xuanyuan said, his voice was hoarse.

"Well, I'll go straight to the point."

With a smile, Qingyun Zi then said, "the immortal spirit of the fairyland is exhausted, and it's more and more difficult to practice. I don't need to say more about it. However, today's heaven and earth have changed a lot. You should feel that the immortal Qi is gradually becoming more and more. Do you know why? "

after a pause, he asked himself and said," you may not have paid attention to it. I tell you that there are several major events in the world. The road between heaven and earth is connected, and the emperor is born. Not long ago, I even felt the signs of the birth of the underworld! Among them, there must be a mystery hidden in it

Purple leaves and ye Liuyun are silent to listen.

The bamboo fairy said, "I have noticed what you said, but I can't trace back to the source."

"It's true. It's covered by nature. It's a blur." Green cloud son tiny smile, "but can confirm, all these are from mortal world! And after my many explorations, I have been able to determine a general position. "

Jinxian couldn't help but say, "what does this have to do with us?"

"The great changes in heaven and earth are often accompanied by unimaginable opportunities. Unless the great Luo Jinxian is achieved, no one can escape the fate of death!" The old man in white looked at them, "don't you want to?"

All of a sudden, the breath of many golden immortals became rapid.

In particular, more than half of them have entered the stage of the five decline of heaven and man, and their eyes suddenly turn red.

Generally speaking, the immortals enjoy 30000, 40000, 50000 and 60000 respectively. Once the immortal's life is exhausted, it will usher in the five decline of heaven and man.

The so-called "five decline of heaven and man", once every 500 years, the survival rate of the first failure is 80%, the survival rate of the second failure is 60%, until the fifth failure, it is inevitable to die!

Only by becoming a big Luo Jinxian can we get rid of the suffering of samsara, coexist with the way of heaven and enter into eternal life.

"People of our generation have been fighting for their lives from the very beginning. When we get to this point, we should fight for it! Now the opportunity is here! " Every word of the white robed old man said in the pain of the people.

Then he said: "may I tell you that in ancient times, the so-called flat peach and ginseng fruit were all real, and each of them could delay the decline of heaven and man and prolong their life for more than 1000 years!

This "journey to the west" was brought up from the mortal world by my trustee. It is definitely a treasure among treasures! Several copies have been specially printed, enough for everyone present to have a copy. There is a section of ancient secret luck recorded in detail on it. Please take it and have a look. "

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