Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 315: 315

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It's not nice of you!

Peian and others face suddenly a wrinkling, eyes flash a ray of cold.

Send out more than 20 people to travel, and then happen to see a mountain?

What a fool!

He said: "I'm sorry, this mountain has a master. Please put down this unrealistic idea and find another place."

The middle-aged man sneered: "if someone, drive away, you pestle here, don't you want to block me?"

Gu Yuan said in a deep voice, "you are here for another purpose."

"If you get out of the way, it's none of your business. If you don't, you should be prepared to die!"

They do have other purposes, and they have very clear goals.

That is to be ordered to try.

Isn't there a big man hidden in the mountain? Since we don't know its depth, we should find a reasonable reason to drive him away, so as to get more information.

Originally, in their minds, they had already constructed a whole set of plans, waiting to be implemented after going up the mountain. It was so simple to make a quarrel, but they didn't expect that they would be stopped before they went up the mountain.

Pei an had already guessed some and said in a low voice: "I'd like to advise you to come back to the shore! Don't be a gun driver

No matter whether they can fight the other side or not, they can never be allowed to let people disturb the experts.

"We come here, do not want to start, just a few real immortals and celestial immortals, really think can block us?"

The leader of the old man said, he slowly stepped forward, close to the distance between the people, with a gentle tone, with a trace of hoarseness, but in the old body, but a strong force gushed out, making him look extraordinary.

Persuade retreat way: "retreat! Don't be stubborn. "

It's Jinxian!

Pei an and others face suddenly heavy to the extreme, but did not let.


At this time, an electric light, like a lightning snake, darted rapidly, swam between, and came to Peian in a flash.

The electric light was too fast and too fast to give people time to react.

The two steps that the old man just stepped forward seemed friendly, but actually he was ready to attack. As long as there was a disagreement, he could take his life!

Among all the people, pei'an's cultivation is the highest, which is already in the middle of true immortality. As long as you get rid of it, others will be able to die with a wave. Since you can save Kung Fu, why not do it.

All of them were shocked. Peian's hair was on the top of his head. He knew that he had no time to dodge.


At the critical moment, there are many ripples in the void.

It was as if the electric light had hit an invisible wall, and it was directly bounced back, and could not lift a trace of spray.

"What a pity!"

The old man sighed, and a wave flashed in his eyes.

The electric light whirled around in the air and returned to his side, but it was an electro-optical dagger, surrounded by electric light. The power of thunder filled the air. It was actually a treasure of thunder and lightning the day after tomorrow.

Originally, at such a distance, the attack should be done properly and without fail. It is a natural pity that the attack will be successful.

Peian is a long sigh of relief, patted his small heart, can not help but back two steps.

"Mean!" he said

He was really scared to death. He didn't even have a cold sweat. He just walked from the gate of hell.

Everyone is looking into the void, but see a layer of water like ripples around the Luoxian mountains, just surrounded by the Luoxian mountains.

Just now, pei'an was just on the edge of the Luoxian mountains, which just blocked the attack.

The old man's eyebrows jerked, "array?"

Pei an and other people are very calm and excited, which must be the means of experts.

Gu Xirou said: "I know that you are here for the sake of the masters of the mountain. But I advise you to put aside your careful thinking. This is just a warning. Otherwise, you don't know how to die!"

"Ha ha, just a small array thought it could stop me?"

The old man's eyes flashed a trace of contempt, slowly raised his pace and walked to the foot of the Luoxian mountains.

Raise your hand forward.

In front of me, there are many ripples, which are not aggressive. When I put my hand on it, I feel that there are many obstacles and I can't get in.

The old man immediately laughed, "I thought it was something, but it was just a flexible defensive formation."

He patted his sleeve and said, "that's really unfortunate. My Tianlei Dao is good at breaking all kinds of arrays!"

When the voice dropped, he raised his hand, and the lightning dagger came out of the air and suspended in front of him. With his Dharma decision, it turned into a three foot sword, lying in front of him.

On the blade, there are flashes of lightning and thunder, like the neighing of a thousand birds, which makes the eardrum ache."The mountain guarding array doesn't seem to be very clever. It seems that the people on the mountain are just like this. I'll break it first."

The old man held the sky thunder sword, and the thunder and lightning sword together. Suddenly, the lightning surged into the sky like a long snake, forming a series of blue current crossing measures.

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And then cut towards the array

"Boom -"

the group of people standing behind the cloud Pavilion were ready to cheer, but they heard a loud noise. Then they saw the old man's body "whew", like a ball, drawing a beautiful arc on the top of his head.

Then "pa" fell in a hundred meters away.


Everyone's faces froze.

The square faced middle-aged man rushed to the front, "Pavilion master, are you ok?"

"No harm." The old man waved his hand and floated up from the ground again. His face was calm. It seemed that nothing had happened just now. "This array is so shameless. On the surface, it's just a flexible array. I didn't expect that it would change. It had a counterattack effect and plotted against me."

When he saw Peian and others' faces showing a look of schadenfreude, he immediately looked ugly and gave a cold hum to wait for me!

When the Dharma was determined in his hand, the Tianlei sword was suspended on his head and swelled again. It completely turned into a long sword composed of thunder and lightning. The intense electric light quickly condensed and grew on his forehead like a lightning tree.

So, it's not over.

The old man raised his hand again, and his face sank like water


It is clear that the sky is clear, but it will fall a cup of thick blue thunder, thunder around the old man's body, making him look like a lightning man.


Those people in Yunluo Pavilion couldn't bear it and began to retreat. The lights of thunder and lightning were swimming around like a silver snake, and their lethality was not small.

"With my knife, the array will be broken! Not only that, but the mountain will probably be flattened out! "

Looking at pei'an and others, the old man showed a cruel smile, "if you can survive, it's your ability!"

At the end of the speech, he raised his hands and held the lightning knife like a small tree. His whole body was powerful and powerful, just like thunder and lightning Canglong, he fell towards Luoxian mountain!

All the people are focused on the big eyes, blink do not blink, for fear of missing this wonderful scene.

This is the most powerful blow of Jinxian, and it's still the treasure of the day after tomorrow and the thunder method. The destructive power of the whole fairyland is very few, so terrible!

Close, close

Including Pei an and others, their heart rate is accelerated and they hold their breath.


The old man roared as if he were holding a hill.

He opened his eyes, staring at the front, full of cold.

However, at this time, the array in the void changed suddenly, with the same flash of thunder and lightning, which seemed to form a dark dragon shadow surrounded by lightning.

The old man's face suddenly twisted, as if he had seen an extremely incredible thing. He was shocked to despair, "ooh Hoo Hoo --"

his forward body could not stop the car and plunged into it.

"Boom -"

there was a thunder blast on the ground.

All the people felt was that their eyes were dazzled and their ears were numb.

I saw that location, has become a sea of thunder and lightning, countless thunder constantly jumping, crackling sound constantly, bright light stabbed people can not open their eyes.

Nothing could be seen except the thunder and lightning all over the sky.

"Pavilion master How strong

"I've never seen the pavilion master burst out so powerful. 80% of his accomplishments have been improved."

"It seems that just now the matter completely angered the cabinet master, he will be so cruel."

The disciples of Yunluo Pavilion kept talking, and their eyes were full of worship.

As the strong light dissipated, people quickly looked up

In the eye, Luoxian mountain is still the mountain range, with no change in flowers and grass. Peian and others are still standing there quietly, as if nothing has happened.

How How can there be nothing wrong?

By the way, what about the pavilion leader?

Why is the pavilion master missing?

"Master! Are you there? "

"Bang Dang!"

A big knife fell to the ground.

The edge of the knife has been broken, and there are several gaps on it. Although the light is no longer there, there is a shadow of Tianlei sword.

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