Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 318: 318

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"Three fairies, I'm sorry."

The woman quickly apologized to Li nianfan and then whispered, "I didn't mean to hide it. If my husband knew you were immortals, it would be bad."

Li nianfan said: "why? Is it possible that your village has any prejudice against immortals? "

"Ha ha, it's not a big deal. The three immortals will live in peace." The woman digs off the topic and eagerly cleans the room for Li nianfan.

Soon, a wing room was vacated.

"Women of the people will not disturb the three." The woman closed the door.

"Hum, this village is so strange. I feel that everyone has problems."

"There is a problem indeed. How can mortals be repellent when they see a cultivator?"

Li nianfan touched his chin and frowned slightly. "Moreover, all along the way, people here look very worried. The man's pupils are lax and his Qi and blood are weak, which is really abnormal."

He has medical skills. People in this village are not very healthy. Some men are not even as good as women.

Qi and blood decline is even if the man actually know to eat ginseng tonic?

Li nianfan didn't understand this operation. Did he expect to use ginseng to replenish qi and blood directly.

The girl's eyes murmured and suddenly said, "brother Nian Fan, wait for me for a moment."

After that, he rushed out of the door.

Li nianfan can only in the back of the helpless exhortation, "don't run around!"

After a while, the girl came back happily.

A smile on her face.

Holding a package in his hand, he handed it to Li nianfan like a treasure, "brother Nian Fan, look at it."

When the package was opened, there was a ginseng about the size of one and a half palms inside.

"Where did it come from?" Li nianfan eyebrows a pick, in the heart already had conjecture.

"Hee hee hee, that guy took the money and went to buy ginseng at the first time. I saw him in the alley and took it easily. Don't worry. I'm very professional."

The girl said happily, "our money is not for him. It's not a good thing to see!"

Li nianfan asked, "didn't you hurt anyone?"


"That's good. Be civilized."

Li nianfan nodded with satisfaction, a little strange in his heart.

Take silver, the first time to buy ginseng? Do you like ginseng so much?

It's a little unusual.


Outside came the sound of opening the door, and then heard the voice of the middle-aged man swearing, "bad luck, I'm so angry! The ginseng is not hot yet. Why is it gone? "

He was drunk and walked awkwardly. He didn't know what happened.

The woman was carrying a cup of tea, "drink some wake-up wine tea first."

"Go away, it's all because of you, bad luck! Don't bother me

The middle-aged people do not look at it, once again holding the pot lying on the ground, living a life of drunkenness.

"This dog and beast!"

As soon as she rolled her sleeves, she was about to go out to do justice for heaven, but she was held back by Li nianfan.

"Don't mind your own business. We're just passing by overnight."

The sky soon darkened.

The woman came to knock on the door, "three fairies, do you need food?"

No, thank you, benefactor

The woman left.

In the courtyard to prepare for dinner, the food is very simple, mainly steamed bread.

Until this time, the middle-aged talent got up from the ground and ate two mouthfuls at random. His dispirited look also began to become quite excited and seemed to be looking forward to something.

Gradually, the night deepened.

A layer of black curtains covered and swallowed up the small village.

The moon is high in the sky, and the stars around it seem to be the only light in the world.

The night is as cool as water.

Li nianfan is in the room. He is in a dilemma and is thinking about where to go.

Relying on the information of the southwest direction, the scope is really too large. There is not even a map in the world of cultivating immortals. It is not as good as the previous life.

The more yawn Li Fan is, the more he is ready to sleep.

We can only take a step and see a step.

Nan Nan and Long'er are on the side to practice, and this sense of security is quite enough.

In the latter half of the night, Li nianfan was awakened by a row.

"Where are you going, don't go!"

"Get out of here, you don't mind my business!"

"Don't go. Are you crazy? I won't let you go

And then with "pa!" The curtain came to an end.

With the sound of the door opening, there was a distant sound.

Li nianfan's sleepiness subsided.The girl's face was indignant, "nianfan brother, this man is so disgusting that he still beats women. Shall we teach him a lesson?"

Li nianfan realized that there was something wrong with the situation, "let's see the situation first."

The woman looked like a weak character. I'm afraid it's not a small thing to make her so rebellious.

"This is simple. Look at me!"

Long er smiles, showing two sharp little tiger teeth, both hands are stretched out two fingers, on which there are two small ripples.

In front of the water, a small circle is formed.

Then, she pinched a magic formula with her little hand and pointed to the water ring.

"Look at my skill at the mirror."

Above the ring, a layer of bubble steamed bread condenses. With the light turning, it is like a mirror, and the picture begins to appear.

In the picture, it is the middle-aged man.

I'll wipe it, cow!

Li nianfan was stunned. His first reaction was magic, the gospel of otaku!

You can see anything in all directions without dead ends. Bah, bah

The brain is crooked. Pull it back.

The Dragon son raised his head and waited for praise. "Brother, am I good?"

"It's great. It's amazing."

Li nianfan envies that he can't do it. It's so cool to cultivate immortals. I want to cultivate immortals more and more.

Attention falls back on the moon.

The middle-aged man hurried to the village on the road, look in a hurry, eyes twinkle with excitement, quite a sense of impatience.

Here, he was not the only one who gathered many men in the village, all of whom came from home without exception.

They were all pale and thin, listless during the day, but excited at this time.

"We're almost there. Let's go. Don't delay!"

"Yes, don't let the beauty wait for a long time. Come on, I can't wait."

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"By the way, Dashan, there are three Fairies in your house, do you know?"

Dashan was the middle-aged man. When he heard this, his face suddenly changed and he swore: "what? What kind of fairy do you want from home

Some people are not at ease, "you did not cause the immortal's attention?"

Dashan waved his hand, "don't worry, no, besides, those three people don't seem to be so powerful that they don't necessarily care about us."

Some people asked, "will your mother-in-law go to the immortal and ruin our good deeds?"

"She dares, I must skin her!" Dashan hummed, "stop talking, let's go."

"Wait for us."

There was a cry behind him, but he saw two figures, one old and one young, coming to me in a hurry.

"Village head?"

People were stunned, and then coincidentally revealed a trace of indecent smile, "you are so old, the past is not afraid to die directly."

"I'm useless, but I have a son to help me with it," the white haired village head said

"What a good son! It's good to have a son, and I can enjoy the good fortune with my son. "

The crowd sighed for a while, then they could not wait to walk outside the village until they walked out of the village. The picture suddenly stopped.

Li nianfan was watching with great interest, "the one behind me."

Long'er flattened his mouth and said wrongly: "the mirror flower water moon needs to see no water marks in advance where I want to see it. I feel that this village is strange, just set water marks in the village. Who knows they will go out of the village."

So it is.

No wonder these two girls ran outside to stay for a long time, it is estimated that the arrangement of the so-called water mark.

Li nianfan found that although the two girls were mischievous, they were alert and cautious. They were not easy to suffer losses. Huofeng taught them well.

The girl looked forward to saying, "it's no good for these people to go out. Let's go with brother fan."

Li nianfan pondered. Even if he wanted to intervene, he had to ask the woman first to understand what happened.

"Dong Dong Dong Dong."

At the same time, there was a knock at the door, "the women of the people asked to see the three fairies."

It's a coincidence.

The girl ran to open the door.

When the woman saw the three men, she immediately burst into tears. She was crying bitterly. There was a red palm print on her face.

"Ask the three fairies to make decisions for the women." She went straight to her knees, her eyes almost imploring.

Li nianfan looked calm and said, "what happened?"

The woman sobbed and took a deep breath: "in our village, men worked and women weaved. There were houses and fields at home, and life was boundless. However, five female ghosts suddenly came and destroyed the whole village and killed every family."

"Ghost girl?" Li nianfan's eyes flashed suddenly, and finally he met a ghost.

The woman then said, "those female ghosts like to suck the Yang of the living people, and they are fascinated by all the people in the village. Now they don't care about anything. They just wait for them to breathe their own Yang every night. The whole village can't live anymore."With a slight frown on her brow, the girl was jealous of evil and said, "this girl is really doing a lot of evil. Don't worry, I will help you get rid of them!"

The woman was overjoyed. She kowtowed and said, "thank you very much. Thank you very much."

"Brother Nian Fan."

The girl's eyes twinkled at Li nianfan, waiting for an order to act.

Li nianfan touched her baby's head and said with a smile, "let's go. Let's go and have a look. Big black, don't fall behind."

And they went out of the village at the direction of the woman, and went straight to the right, where was a forest by the village.

Under the silent night, you can't see five fingers, which makes this area more desolate. It can be seen that the black shadows of the giant trees are swinging in the night wind hundreds of meters away.

As we continue to move forward, the sound of the sound of the harp is beginning to float in the void.

The sound of Qin is graceful and melodious, and the sound of Xiao is soft and sorrowful, which is exciting.

Three people and a dog can't help but speed up the pace.

Enter the woods, but there is a burst of light in the dark, white light covers the front not far away, but it seems illusory.

All the men in the village were there. In addition, there were five figures.

They were five women, all wearing white Tulle skirts with low skirts and white ribbons, fluttering in the wind.

They are all rare beauties.

Among the five women, one played the piano, one played the flute, and the other three accompanied the dance.

The dance is light, elegant, light as the wind, feet do not touch the ground, floating among many men, they are fascinated.

The three dancers surround a man at a time, then face to face, open their mouths and inhale a little, taking a ray of Yang out of the man.

At this time, a dance companion came to the village head.

mouth slightly awesome, but found that the old man has been unable to force, can not go to the mouth.

Next to the village head, a young man said with a smile: "fairy, this time I invite my father, you suck mine."

Li nianfan is numb by the scalp of this wave of operation show. It turns out that this thing can be entertained and has gained knowledge.

He finally knew why the middle-aged man wanted to eat ginseng. It turned out that he was saving money for whoring.

"Shut up!"

The girl is very puzzled. She jumps out of the room and says, "I'm going to act for heaven now because there's no match for her husband."

Her small face is full of positive color, but it is a pity that the atrocious idiom construction destroyed the solemnity of this moment.


The sound of Qin Xiao stops suddenly, and the five female ghosts turn pale and send out a scream of horror and look uneasily at their daughters.

The group of men also woke up in an instant, and were suddenly interrupted before entering the state of Buddhism.

"We don't have to worry about our business. Get out of here and don't disturb our good things."

"Five fairies, don't be afraid. We will protect you."

"Yes, unless we die!"

"What happened to the immortal cultivator? Is it amazing to cultivate immortals? "

The group of men face firm, fearless block in front of the five female ghosts.

"Get out of here!"

The little girl drank, raised her hand and punched the tree beside her.

All of a sudden, "boom boom" a blast through the air, the entire row of trees, directly fell a dozen trees, and smashed from the middle of the trunk.

"Well, get out of here."

The group of men did not say a word, rolling aside, shivering.

Five female ghosts fluttered to the front, kneeling on their knees, and kowtowed in a panic, "please forgive me, please forgive me."

"There is no forgiveness for harming mortals," said the girl

"Fairy, our five sisters have never killed a single person. All we rely on is your love and my wish. Please forgive me."

Li nianfan shook his head and said, "absorbing Yang Qi is equivalent to reducing people's life span. It is also killing people."

"We have no choice but to do so." One of them cried, "the five of us are just ghosts and ghosts. If we don't take Yang Qi, we will soon be out of our wits."

"You can go back to hell," the Dragon said

"You can't go to hell."

The five people shook their heads desperately, as if in great fear.

"The immortal doesn't know that we can't reincarnate in the underworld. We stay in the river Styx all the year round, and we are bullied by the ghost king. We dare not go back."

"Our five sisters were sold to brothels when they were young. They lived to please men. They had no freedom and no life. Life was worse than death. They agreed to jump into the lake and commit suicide together. They thought that death would be liberation. Who ever thought it would be like this."

"Even if our life is not satisfactory, we have never had any intention of harming others. We thought that if there was reincarnation, we could live a happy life in the next life. Now it is not our wish.""Please be kind. We don't want to lose our souls."

"Whining -"

when the five people talked about their sad past, they could not help but sob from their faces.

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