Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 326: 326

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"What a big pen, what a strong calculation!"

Meng Po sighed with emotion. Rao was shocked by her mood.

She knows much more than others and naturally sees it further.

In ancient times, why did the sage set up religion, and even why she gave up incarnation for reincarnation? What was the purpose, but not merit?

If the City God is set up in the prefecture, the frightening image of the prefecture will be changed instantly.

In the past, people were afraid of the underworld and ghosts. Although they would kneel down, they were not so good after all.

When the City God is established, he will have more contact with ordinary people and gain more favor from ordinary people. After being worshipped by ordinary people, he can also obtain merits and virtues!



More with one move, and enough to change the trend!

It's a pity that the underground government has declined to such an extent that if we had known this method earlier, we would not have no resistance in the catastrophe.

Take your time. Since the experts have given us this method, please take your time, make a good layout and rise sooner or later!

Meng Po sighed: "the master is too good to say to me! There is no reward for this kindness and virtue. "

She was the embodiment of a saint, and she even said such words. It can be seen that her inner attention was also convinced by this strategy.

"Mother in law, mother-in-law!"

At this time, black impermanence ran over in a hurry, his voice was anxious, and even trembled.

"What's the style of being rash?"

Meng Po frowned, "you're not going to accompany around the master, how did you come here? It's rude of me to leave the master alone

Black impermanence handed back the small book, "it was the master who asked me to send this skill back."

"Are you not satisfied with this skill?" Meng Po was slightly stunned. She was flustered in her heart, which showed that my local government was not in place.

"No, it's the master who has finished learning."

"Learn Finished? Are you sure? " Meng Po was stunned.

This is the Father God's skill. It's not the "eight nine Xuangong" after being deleted. It's the authentic Pangu skill. Even none of their ancestral witches could perfect it. Was it finished in a blink of an eye?

The cultivation of martial arts stresses step by step. What's more, the difficulty of body training is soaring. Even if the opponent is a saint, he can't learn it directly. What do you think this is?

If she had not known that Hei Wuchang was afraid of death, she would have thought he was dying.

"Mother-in-law, the master has really finished learning, and he is cultivating merit and physical body!"

Black impermanence's eyes still took a deep fright. After taking a deep breath and swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he opened his mouth with extreme awe: "the master said, say He said that he didn't want to be a mortal again, wanted to fly, and wanted to have a little self-protection. That's how he practiced Kung Fu. Then, he, he He directly perfected the cultivation and condensed the spirit of merit and virtue. "

Holy body of merit?

A little bit of self-protection?

She almost thought that something was wrong with her ears.

Just because I want to fly, because I want not to be hurt, and then I choose to condense the merits and saints, this, this, this That's too much!

I dare not think so in my dream!

What's more, can the father's body - building skills lead to the holy body of merit and virtue? Why don't I know?

Meng Po asked foolishly, "how much merit does it take to condense the body of merit and virtue?"

"I don't know. Anyway, it's too much. The master's body can't hold it. It overflows and surrounds a vast ocean. It's just around him and it's splashing." Hei Wuchang said, while comparing an exaggerated gesture with his hand.


Meng Po couldn't help but step back.

One side of the head, no trace of the wipe a corner of the eye tears.

I was pricked and cried.

In those days, for a little merit, which saints did not calculate each other, fought openly and secretly, and tore their faces.

For the sake of merit and virtue, he didn't even want the body of the sorcerer. He got such a loss that he felt like a treasure.

But now, people just want to protect themselves, and they are surrounded by the virtues of heaven. This gap is too big to imagine.

If ordinary people are tired of it, then change to a virtuous saint. It turns out that big men can do whatever they want.

Meng Po took a deep breath and said in awe: "the realm of an expert is too big to imagine! The sage can't stop it. I think the way of heaven is hanging. No wonder he can tell the City God's plan

There are two kinds of merits and virtues in the world. One is the virtue of the way of heaven. When you do something that has a deep impact on the general situation of heaven and earth, you can get it. For example, Nuwa mends the sky and reincarnation after localization.

There is also the belief in merit, which is to gain people's sincere worship through doing things for ordinary people. Although this kind of merit is not as good as that of the heavenly way, it is relatively easy to obtain and is very valuable.Of course, the above two kinds are obviously not applicable to high people. They take the merits and virtues of heaven casually, just like playing.

Black and white impermanence some flustered, even awed to want to cry, trembling: "mother-in-law, the master is really too terrible!"

"Be careful

Meng Po's eyes glared, and she quickly cried out, "it's not terrible. It's respectable and admirable. It's just like a high mountain. It's impossible for people to expect it. It's hard to avoid making people lose so much."

Black and white impermanence hastily nodded, "right, right, mother-in-law is very right, we are wrong."

"It is the greatest creation of your life for you to be able to contact this kind of master, but you must pay attention to your words and deeds!"

Meng Po gave a serious warning, then sighed: "if I can't leave the hell, I will visit in person."

"Don't worry, mother-in-law. We don't have to."

"Well, go quickly. Don't neglect the master. By the way, there is the life and death book. This is related to the revitalization of our local government, and there must be no mistakes."

Black and white impermanence nodded solemnly, and then said, "mother-in-law, we are going."

"Go ahead."



Li nianfan drives the golden sports car in the air, has had enough addiction.

Then he stopped the car in the middle of the air, took out the "xiuxianjie holding thigh guidelines" and sat in the sports car to analyze and improve.

Now that I have taken a big step on the path of mortals, the situation is about to start to change, and a new wave needs to be planned.

The existence of merit and physical body improves one's status and ensures his safety greatly. As long as he is not targeted by the insane, no one will come against him. However, in case of emergency, the thigh should be made.

The problem of living is not big. What should be considered is the problem after death.

First of all, the holy body of virtue is not sure whether it can live forever. Secondly, if you meet a madman and die with yourself, you will be cold.

Once dead, the only thing that can help you is the hell. Therefore, you should have a good relationship with the local government so that you can go through the back door after death.

After a rough planning, Li nianfan picked up the list of thighs and added several new thighs.

After everything is done, Li nianfan returns to Qingyu city.

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Seeing Li nianfan's return, black and white impermanence immediately welcomed him. Youshan said, "Mr. Li."

"Two fickle adults, are you ready to go?" Li nianfan glanced at the ghost errand who was busy packing things around him, and could not help asking.

"Yes, Mr. Li."

White impermanence nodded and said, "the earth was born, and many of its related treasures have come out one after another. There is a crucial treasure that we need to strive for."

Li nianfan remembered the news he heard on the road and said curiously, "is it a book?"

"Exactly Black impermanence nodded, "this book is the foundation of our local government. It is a Book of life and death for people!"

"The book of life and death?"

Li nianfan was shocked. Naturally, he was so familiar with the name that he could no longer be familiar with. It was a famous name like thunder.

"But the book of life and death that records people's lives? It's said that it can determine the life and death of a person. "

Bai Wuchang explained: "Master Li, the book of life and death has been designated as a Book of human beings, which is mainly aimed at ordinary people. Once you embark on the road of cultivating immortals, the restriction of the book of life and death will become lower. The higher the cultivation, the lower the restriction."

"I see."

Li nianfan nodded. Even if it was like this, it was very exciting.

This is the legendary book of life and death. It's a pity that I can't see you since I've made the trip. Moreover, I can promote my feelings with the local government again along the way.

Li nianfan's heart moved and he said, "two impermanent adults, I'm very curious about the book of life and death. Can I go with you?"

"If you want to see it, you can." Black and white impermanence is overjoyed. It's definitely my honor to be able to walk with an expert. Maybe it can promote our feelings.


Bai Wuchang pondered for a moment and then said, "Mr. Li, it's not only us who are staring at the book of life and death. Our underground government is still fighting with people. Maybe there will be a fierce battle in the past."

"Fierce war?" Li nianfan raised her eyebrows and couldn't help saying, "I'm only watching the war on one side. Is there any danger?"

Black and white impermanence shakes his head at the same time.

White impermanence is slightly with a wry smile, said: "if Mr. Li is present, not only will not be injured, even everyone will have to distract to protect you."

No, there is a great master of merit and virtue standing next to him. He must be very careful. If he is hurt by the aftershocks, neither side of the fight is innocent and has to bear the consequences.

It's like a fight between two groups. An old man is watching the fight. If an old man accidentally injures him, he will go to the groundIt's exciting to think about it.

Li nianfan's eyes suddenly brightened, "and this kind of good thing, that's no problem."

To be honest, as long as there is no danger to his life, he still likes to join in.

Then, his eyes fell on Da Hei's body. "Just in this way, Dahei seems a bit cumbersome, and he is not qualified to be cannon fodder."

What's left for?

"Big black, you go back first." Li nianfan opened his mouth and hesitated. "It's just that the way back is not necessarily safe. I'm not at ease."

Black impermanence immediately understood, and said with a smile, "don't worry, I can send two ghost messengers to escort you."

"It won't be too much trouble for you."

Black impermanence busy way: "small matter, raise a hand, how big a matter."

"That's good."

Immediately, Li nianfan carried a small package on Da Hei's back and said with great care: "Dahei, the road ahead is dangerous. I don't take you for your own good. There are many fruits in this package. Save some food. Go back, ah."

"Woof, woof, woof." Big black rubbed Li nianfan's body with his dog's head. It was a good-bye.

After a simple ending, people immediately drove to a place called Qingfeng gorge.

This time, Li nianfan no longer needed help. Instead, he drove his own Xiangyun, and even carried Long'er and nan'nan. He immediately felt elated.

In particular, when you hear the girl and the dragon that from the heart of a "brother, you are powerful." It also makes Li nianfan feel cool.

In the realm of cultivating immortals, Xiangyun is the benchmark for successful men.

Li nianfan and black and white impermanence side by side, and gradually found a problem.

Their merits and virtues are really too conspicuous. They are shining with gold, and sometimes there are visions flashing. The two small auspicious clouds driving in black and white are always on the side. They are gray and become the foil completely.

It's equivalent to the difference between luxury cars and second-hand Alto. It's not that bad.

I'm not afraid of not knowing the goods, but I'm afraid of comparing them.

Black and white impermanence obviously also found this point. His face was a little unnatural. He felt that he was too low and his self-esteem was damaged. He was not worthy to fly with an expert.

Li nianfan felt a little sad and suggested: "two impermanent adults, let's spell the clouds, anyway, my cloud is big."

As he spoke, his whole body was full of golden light, and endless virtues began to appear at his feet like a whirlpool. The auspicious clouds rapidly grew, and soon they were like a large golden disc hovering over the sky, and the golden light was splashing down, which made the beholder blind for a short time.

Although I had psychological preparation, when I saw such a huge amount of merit, black and white impermanence was still difficult to adapt, hesitated and said: "this..."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "Oh, don't mention it. Come on. How nice it is to sit together."

Black and white impermanence dare not refuse, and step on the auspicious cloud of merit and virtue carefully.

Feet step on the auspicious cloud, their hearts and livers are trembling, trying to control their own pace, slightly, again slightly, do not step on Xiangyun pain.

This 80% is the closest and the most glorious moment in my life.

Li nianfan raised his hand.

Suddenly, on top of the auspicious clouds, five golden lotus platforms were born to serve as chairs. In the middle of the chairs, there was a round table.

"All of us are sitting. There is still a long way to go. It's boring all the way. Isn't it a pleasure to drink and have fun together?" Li nianfan ha ha ha smile, a gourd was held in his hand, "this wine is my heart brewing, you must taste it."

On the gourd, the purple gold light flickers, looks extremely eye-catching, directly let black and white impermanence two people's eyes are straight.

Purple, purple, purple Purple gourd?!

Their cheek can't stop twitching, trying to suppress their inner shock.

With merit and virtue Xiangyun as a chair, it is the most precious wine in the world. I think the wine in it must be extraordinary.

Yes, only in this way can we be worthy of the status of an expert. If we follow the master, we will definitely increase our imagination.

Maybe the rate will expand to six relatives.

Bai Wuchang, on the other hand, suggested: "what Mr. Li said is very true. It's boring all the way. When tasting wine, why don't you find some female ghosts to play music and dance for fun."

Li nianfan nodded

Immediately, black-and-white impermanence started to act together. He personally left the scene and went to select the most beautiful female ghosts who were familiar with music and dance. With high standards and strict requirements, he must be perfect and perfect.

At the same time, two extremely beautiful maids were selected to serve Li nianfan.

These two female ghosts are full of atmosphere and dare not breathe. They serve conscientiously. From the changeable mouth of black and white, they know how much honor it is to be able to step on this auspicious cloud and touch the purple and golden gourd. Even the top leaders in the fairyland have no such qualification at all.And when the purple gourd opened, a smell of wine immediately drifted out.

Of course, these two maids are not qualified to taste, but just the smell of the wine makes their souls gradually solidify, which can be called a heaven grabbing creation.

They suddenly spirit, heart crazy, more efforts to serve up.

Being able to serve this kind of person like the bright moon and stars, and to have such close contact with them is really the blessing of his eternal cultivation.

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