Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 332: 332

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No, Lord devil, no more?

Originally also followed behind the great demon king, the houmo and amundton were confused.

They rubbed their eyes together, staring at the place where they had disappeared, only to see a void.

Just stood here, a good big man, how suddenly said no, no?

They looked blankly at their daughter.

But I see that the baby has turned the mouth of the gourd toward her. The mouth of the black gourd is too deep to see the bottom.

Not anxious to think about it, their whole body of cold hair root upside down, the whole body of cold, do not dare to move.

"Do you dare to say yes?"

Many demons shook their heads together, "dare not, dare not."

"Whew --"

the group of people who talked formed a line, and their bodies rose up in the air, and quickly contracted into the gourd.

I'm afraid I'm full of anger!

At the scene, only Amun and houmo are left.

They were so scared that they just forgot to speak. At this time, they were even scarier. Some of their black faces were as pale as paper, and their heads were buzzing.

The girl looked at the gourd in doubt, patted twice, and was just ready to continue to speak.

Houmo and amundton were so scared that they ran off the ground with their feet. The potential burst out, and they turned their heads and ran without any nostalgia.

Even driving clouds are not taken care of, a slip of smoke has no shadow.

The girl couldn't help saying, "shouldn't this gourd not be smoked? This flaw is too big. "

This is a big fart. If you call someone else, they can't have any reaction. It's just a matter of life. If you're surprised, you can't prevent it!

This purple gourd, it's just overbearing!

of course, everyone is just willing to make complaints about the surface. She should also be on the same side with the girl. "The girl is right."

Even the blood sea general and the Shura ghost general, looking at the gourd is also in awe.

"All right!"

The Shura ghost will stand out, his whole body is wrapped in black armor, he can't see his face clearly, and his eyes are full of complexity. "Just now it was an expert who indirectly saved my life. I won't argue with you about this life and death book."

He looked at the general of the sea of blood, "I'm gone! From this moment on, I officially judge the hell, and the next time I meet, I will be the enemy of life and death! "

The general's face sank and he said, "Shura, don't you go back now?"

"Look back, what else is in the hell? There's nothing left. It's almost like a down and out sect. I'm going to go out and make my own house! "

Shura ghost will be cold hum, turn around and walk away, "let's go!"

The general of Blood Sea clenched his fist and tried to restrain his impulse. He looked at the book of life and death, which was still included in the information, and fell into a trance.

In this way, the next day will come.

Li nianfan wakes up from the cave. Although he says that the living environment is not very good, he does not pursue these requirements. Moreover, drinking a few glasses of wine before going to bed is really helpful to sleep and sleep soundly.

Get up and walk out of the cave.

He looked at the location of the book of life and death for the first time.

There is no change there. Just like playing games, it has been loaded all night and is still loading.

Li nianfan walked to the side of the cave and looked at the cliff under his feet. With a faint smile, there was a flow of auspicious clouds. The golden light gathered at his feet and drifted away slowly.

We have the cloud, is the cow.

Slowly fell to the edge of the pool, he eyebrows a pick, this just found, unexpectedly less than half of the people.

Slightly surprised, he said, "how did the enemy go?"

"White impermanence opens a way:" some things happened in the evening, probably have figured it out. "

Li nianfan nodded, "Oh, yes, it saves a lot of trouble."

He took the wine gourd from the girl's hand, and said with a smile, "darling, dragon, you didn't steal it?"

The girl shook her head with a guilty heart No

"Ha ha ha." Li nianfan shook his head and laughed. He took a sip of the wine. He frowned and doubted: "why is this wine so strong? Did you stuff the wine? "

Long er's eyes are a little erratic, "have, have not."

Li nianfan raised the wine gourd, looked inside carefully, and patted the wine gourd again. "Forget it, it's stronger. It's just not suitable to drink it in the morning. It's better to have breakfast first."

At the same time, a very subtle black gas floated out of the wine gourd, and then quickly drifted to the distance in silence.

Black and white impermanence's face is a change, just ready to have action, but by the blood sea big general to the eye quick pull, shook his head.

Covered with wine gourd, there is nothing to eat here, only fruit as breakfast.

Li nianfan, holding an apple in his hand, looked at black and white impermanence, hesitated for a moment, and then said, "brother black and brother Bai, do you want breakfast?""Black and white impermanence endure pain to refuse a way:" Li childe, we as ghost bad, breakfast of what long did not exist. "

Of course, Li nianfan couldn't be so serious. This is the style of a man. He continued with a smile: "Oh, just have a breakfast. Let's go. My fruit taste is OK. If you don't mind it, you can try it?"

"This..." Black and white impermanence swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

It's impossible to dislike it. It's just that I feel unworthy.

"All right, don't play with me. I don't have much else out this time. I've brought a lot of food." While speaking, Li nianfan took out a bag full of fruit and handed it directly to black and white impermanence, saying, "here's the fruit. Take it to each of you, and taste our specialty."

"Well, thank you very much, Mr. Li." Black impermanence accepted it.

Carefully carrying the bag, began to distribute to the ghosts.

Those ghost errands can not help but gather up, one by one staring at the fruit, carefully from the black and white impermanence hand.

Fruit is different, some people take oranges, some people take apples, but all of them are distributed.

Li nianfan couldn't help laughing.

As the saying goes, Yama is easy to see, and it is difficult to pester little ghosts. Many things often depend on these little ghosts. Now we can make good friends, and we will meet each other in the future. It is always right to become colleagues and make more friends.

That's not what the hell wants.

They were holding fruit, not only their hands, but also their bodies.

Linggen Xianguo, this is Linggen Xianguo!

Not to mention now, even in the past, they can't touch this kind of high-end fruit in their identity, let alone eat it. Now the experts give it to us without asking for anything.

What is this state? What kind of mind is this?

What do we mean in front of the experts, even mole ants are not counted, it is estimated that it is similar to the air.

However, he is willing to give us spiritual roots and fruits. How can we not accept it!

Moved, woo woo, so moved.

Some sentimental ghosts have secretly hidden to wipe tears.

On the other side.

Amun and houmo looked back with fear. They both took a long sigh of relief, wiped a cold sweat, and continued to drive Xiangyun back to escape.

"Amun, I don't want to do it any more. I'm afraid of it."

Amun didn't speak. After silence for a while, he said bitterly: "I didn't expect that the world has become so terrible after years of absence."

Think about it carefully, since I came out of the mountain, I have experienced too many incredible things. First, the emperor rose, and it was just like opening up. Miraculously, he recovered the decline in the battlefield. Then, he finally rescued yueta. Unexpectedly, he was an undercover, and founded Buddhism to work with him. Then, he moved out all the demons With victory in sight, it is still a failure.

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Now, the Demon Lord was born, just began to pretend to force, because of the response of others, unexpectedly was sucked into a gourd.

Unscientific, unreasonable!

Unknowingly, they became the witnesses and participants of the repeated defeats of the demon clan. It was so miserable that it was just like a dream.

Thinking about it, the world is really too dangerous, or it is safer to lie down.

In the end, Amun also advised: "or Return home in good clothes

"What misunderstanding do you have about idioms? We should call it Return to your hometown. "

At this time, a black behind was flying rapidly, turning into a black shadow. He did not return to his head. He ran away in a sullen way, and smoke came from behind his buttocks.

The figure saw houmo and Amun, and immediately came to brake, and hastily tidied up his instrument. Then he coughed gently and said calmly, "the demon and Amun in front of me, stop for me!"

After the devil and Amun's body suddenly stagnated, looked back and said in surprise: "demon Lord devil

Amun almost couldn't believe his eyes. "Lord devil, how did you look like this?"

Before the Lord of the devil is how strong ah, strong as a cow, but now has been skinny, physique is a circle small, if it is not the head of that pair of small horns, they would not recognize.

"Ha ha, although the gourd is a congenital treasure, extremely terrible, and can even contain heaven and earth, but if you want to trap me, it is still a little less than that."

the great devil smiled and then sighed. "But after all, it is not a thing. I also paid a lot of money to escape. The essence of my body was sucked up a lot, and the strength was greatly damaged."

After the devil and Amun startled, and then admired: "this can escape, the Lord of evil is really powerful."

"Ha ha, it's normal, but it's a failure. We have to go back and have a new plan with the Lord." Big demon king Gao Leng smile, "go together."Qingfeng gorge.

"Click, click."

With the sound of chewing, the fruit Festival came to an end.

Almost at the same time, the vision of the book of life and death finally slowly stopped. When the last piece of silk thread was integrated into the book of life and death, the whole space seemed to stop for a while, and a strange breath slowly spread out.

However, around the book of life and death, there are black and white Qi rising slowly, and then intertwined with each other. The two become longer and longer, as if they have life, forming a grand scene of yin and Yang.

When Yin and Yang slowly sink into the book of life and death, all the visions disappear. From the appearance, it is just a very simple and plain book.

The general of Blood Sea stepped forward to the middle of the pool, reached out, carefully took the book of life and death in his hand, and then retreated back.

Li nianfan quietly raised his legs, slowly leaned on the past without a trace, peeked at it secretly, and said that he was not curious. It was a fake.

The content is different from what Li nianfan thought, but there is a blank in it.

However, with the general of the sea of blood slightly wiped, the original blank book of life and death began to emerge with names.

Bai Wuchang explained: "Mr. Li, these are the people who will die at the next hour."

Li nianfan nodded, and then he began to look at it openly.

As a magic weapon, the book of life and death is the most precious treasure of heaven and earth. It is naturally different from ordinary pamphlets. It can be manipulated by magic power to display the death list of each hour and directly search for specific personnel.

"Can you search Zhang yue'e?" she asked

Li nianfan's face moved, and he knew that Aunt Zhang's name was Zhang yue'e, that is, Nan Nan's mother.

"No problem!"

White impermanence readily agreed, as he pointed to the book of life and death, the handwriting on it began to appear again.

"Zhang Yuee, a woman, has two in thirty years. She has lived for 72 years and died on her deathbed."

The girl's face changed slightly and she couldn't help saying, "how could it be 72 years ago? I've given my mother some miraculous medicine. "

Bai Wuchang said with a wry smile: "it's because I took the miraculous medicine that I'm dead. Otherwise, I'll die of a serious illness. To a certain extent, you've helped your mother change her life once, so that her pain is gone, but her life can't be extended."

The girl's brows wrinkled.

Li nianfan was surprised and said, "will the contents of the book of life and death change?"

"The book of life and death is only a general direction, not an absolute one."

Bai impermanence explained: "if ordinary people get the chance to set foot on the road of cultivating immortals, or take the elixir of Lin Dan to prolong their lives, this is part of changing their lives. What's more, special natural and man-made disasters and other force majeure lead to early life and death, which is called" rampant death ". Some people who are tired of killing themselves are classified as self extinction. Those who do not abide by the book of life and death are in the hell They will be classified into special categories and corresponding arrangements will be made.

Of course, this kind of phenomenon only accounts for a small number, and most ordinary people will follow the general direction of the book of life and death. "

Li nianfan suddenly nodded. The function of the life and death book is not as powerful as expected, but it is also reasonable to think about it. If you can determine your life directly and accurately, it will be too adverse to the sky and unrealistic.

Li nianfan said to her daughter, "my daughter, you have a life and death. Don't be too sad."

The girl wrinkled her nose. "It's simple. I'd like to find a lindane elixir for my mother to take."

"Oh, don't bother like that."

Hei impermanence smiles and raises her hand. Beside Zhang Yuee, she draws out a line of small characters with her fingers, "the blessing is deep, and you can enjoy more than 30 years of life."

Then, next to Zhang Yuee's name, another line appeared: "Tu Jiu, twenty-three, fifty-six years old, died in battle."

Black impermanence wrote next: "kill people like hemp, should reduce 30 years of life."

Black impermanence smile way: "so, have a reason, add a subtraction, not calculate complex, otherwise, still have to spend a little bit of hands and feet."

Li nianfan looked at it in a daze.

Well, I take back what I just said, this life and death book Good, strong!

The advantage of using the back door is immediately obvious.

"Thank you, uncle black."

Hei impermanence laughed, "ha ha, it's just a small matter. I just made a mark. When I go back, I change it with the judge's pen, and it will be done!"

Li nianfan said, "in this way, Tu Jiu has only three years left to live?"

Bai Wuchang said: "this man has committed many evils and killed countless people. He is not unjust to die. Although our local government is in charge of the book of life and death, he does not dare to make jokes at will. Otherwise, he will encounter karma

"That's good." Li nianfan immediately lost the psychological burden, and then curiously said, "can you check mine?"

"I'll try."

Black Impermanence in the book of life and death a little, blank, no response.However, this is totally expected by all, but it is strange.

Without waiting for Li nianfan to ask, Bai Wuchang explains: "Mr. Li, in fact, if you surpass ordinary people too much, your name will disappear from the book of life and death, but it doesn't mean immortality. It's just that there are too many variables in it, and the book of life and death can't restrict it."

Li nianfan's heart moved. He drank the blood of the Phoenix, and he was the holy body of merit and virtue. The most important thing was that he passed through. It was not surprising that there was no record in the book of life and death.

The general of Xuehai said, "Mr. Li, now that we have the book of life and death, we should go back to the underworld. If we are free, Mr. Li can come to our underground mansion and sit down, and we will treat each other as a couch."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "ha ha ha, this is OK. I really want to go on a tour, but after such a long time, I should go back."

"Goodbye, young master Li!"



Fairyland, Bingyuan palace.


Under the constant attack of the people, the icicle finally cracked a crack, and then, the crack became bigger and bigger and spread at a terrible speed.

"Click, click, click!"

At a certain moment, accompanied by a "bang" sound, the icicle in the sky is like an avalanche, directly breaking and collapsing!

Purple leaf's eyes flashed a ray of joy, exclaimed: "Daji fairy and fire phoenix fairy's array attainments are really amazing, they are really broken!"

Xiao Chengfeng stroked a beard and said, "ha ha ha, this tortoise shell has suffered my 108 swords, and now it is finally broken."

However, before everyone was happy, the light of the seal in the icicle poured down and shrouded all the people. With the flow of brilliance, everyone disappeared in the same place!

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