Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 334: 334

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People follow the Tianzhu downward, across the natural moat, the speed is extremely fast.

Soon, it fell back to the ground again.

Huofeng converged behind the wings of fire, "it seems that the two can only stay in the heavenly palace, and did not chase out."

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help laughing: "it's a joke that Luo Jinxian should be restrained."

At the same time, there are two faint lights floating in the void, slowly floating down from the sky and falling in front of Daji and Huofeng.

There are two statues.

Daji raised his hand to take over the statue, but it was a "click" sound, the statue appeared cracks, split.

Her beautiful eyes flashed a trace of amazement, raised her hand to touch the crack, and her eyes were full of heartache.

This is a gift made by the owner himself. He should be careful to touch it. Now, Daji's heart is dripping blood.

Her eyes are covered with a layer of water mist, jade hand holding the statue, the whole body is filled with cold air.

Lingzhu shrunk his neck and whispered, "Daji girl, calm down!"

Daji looked at the sky and sighed, "I just feel sorry for my master."

Ye Liuyun said with a smile: "the heavenly palace has been opened. I think you will be very happy to come here."

"Not bad." Ao Cheng nodded, and then he said with a lingering fear: "it's just that there is a big Luo Jinxian guarding the temple. It's too terrible."

That's Dara Jinxian. It's beyond life and death. Even if it's the former heavenly palace, it won't reach the level of Dara Jinxian in a few days.

Xiao Chengfeng couldn't help but say: "the Tiangong is forbidden. This is to make the Jedi Tiantong sit solid. Is the purpose to let the future heaven and earth have no God?"

"It's a little tricky."

Purple leaf's eyebrows deeply wrinkled, and sighed: "what is the purpose of Jedi Tiantong? Who is the most beneficial to let Xiuxian world go downhill step by step? "

The more deeply they understand each other, the more they can feel the horror of each other.

Originally, everyone thought that the last catastrophe was a certain doomsday, but when they came to this stage, they suddenly felt that there was a terrible force behind the catastrophe.

That's terrible.

After all, the destructive power caused by the last catastrophe was so great that countless immortals died and spread all over the world!

"Chess Chess

Ao Cheng shook his head, "this is the real world for chess ah, fortunately, I rely on the back of the master, to play with it, otherwise how to die do not know."

Ye Liuyun nodded, "yes, if it's not for an expert, I'm afraid we'll never get in touch with this chess game. Next, it's up to us to make a good chess piece!"

Daji touched the fox in her arms and said, "I should go back."

The crowd immediately said: "Daji girl, Huofeng girl, goodbye."




A golden auspicious cloud floated slowly from the sky. On the cloud were two children sitting cross legged, playing the game machine Li nianfan had prepared for them.

Li nianfan stands on the auspicious clouds, overlooking the famous mountains and rivers of Xiuxian world from a high place.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly moved, but turned the direction, toward the other side.

If you take other people's favorable wind and cloud, you can't be so convenient. But now you have your own cloud, you can go where you want to go and stop where you want to stop. It's comfortable.

The place where he landed was a high mountain. However, there was a big hole above the pass, which was like a chimney. The heat was bubbling out. Beside the big hole, there were black reefs, which were obviously different from other mountains.

This area, too, tends to be desolate and barren.

"It turns out that there are volcanoes in Xiuxian world, but they are normal."

Li nianfan smiles and looks down from the entrance of the cave.

Inside, a layer of red magma flows slowly, and from time to time, some bubbles turn up, which makes people's skin burn.

"The volcano should be quiet in the short term and will not erupt." Li nianfan had a general look at it and knew it.

In fact, even in the quiet period, it is very dangerous to stand in the crater, because the crater is surrounded by powder, which is very easy to slide. If you are careless, you will slide into the volcano and lose your precious life.

But this danger is nothing to Li nianfan.

Li nianfan began to look around the crater.

"Nianfan, what are you looking for

Li nianfan said with a smile: "looking for sulfur, I suddenly think of an interesting thing. If you make it, you will like it."

Nannan and Long'er are both confused, "sulfur? What is that? "

Li nianfan, while looking for it, said casually, "you don't need to know, as long as you know it's a kind of thing."Soon, his eyes brightened, and he found some pale yellow powder on the stone, as well as some pale yellow crystals.

The girl got together curiously and frowned, "ooh, this thing seems to be smelly."

"Sulfur does have a little peculiar odor." Li nianfan nodded, "OK, it's almost enough. It's time to go back. It won't take long for you to feast your eyes."

Li nianfan drove Xiangyun and set out on the road again.

For sulfur, there are two well-known functions, one is used as medicine, the other is to make gunpowder.

Li nianxian did not want to make fireworks.

It is not difficult for Li nianfan to make fireworks. As long as there are enough materials, it can be done. As for the color of fireworks, it is just iron (Orange) and phosphorus (green).

And these materials are not difficult to collect.

I don't know if xiaodaji and Huofeng have come back. If they can make fireworks when they just come back, it will definitely be a surprise.

Li nianfan laughed and began to conceive the production method in his mind.

In the afternoon of that day, the familiar Luoxian mountains appeared in front of us. Li nianfan stepped on the auspicious clouds and saw the lovely quadrangle from the high place, and then "whew" landed and left.

"Welcome home, master," he said

Li nianfan said with a smile: "Xiaobai, long time no see. How is the situation at home?"

"Everything is fine at home. It's still familiar." Xiaobai began to show his achievements as he said, "master, please look, the eggs here are all made by chickens during this period of time. The quantity and quality are good."

Li nianfan looked up and nodded with satisfaction, "Oh, it's not bad."

The fire sparrows at the corner of the wall immediately raised their heads with pride, "Whoa, whoa ~"

"master, look again." Xiaobai came to another cask and said, "all the milk here is from this period of time. I'm making it into yoghurt."

Li nianfan laughed, "yes, yes, Xiaobai is really my golden steward!"

"By the way, have they come back?"

Xiaobai shook his head, "No

"Well." Li nianfan nodded, but he was worried.

In the fairy tale, Pangu and Hou Yi are not too strong. Huofeng is a dish, which is unstable.

After all, such an invincible golden finger is the only one in the world.

"Forget it. I don't want to."

Li nianfan shook his head and then said, "my daughter and Long'er, after traveling for so long, it's time to practice well. I've also started to make fireworks. Don't make trouble if you have nothing to do. Xiaobai, stir fry some dishes, fry some peanuts, and we'll have a little wine in the evening."

Originally, Li nianfan also wanted to do some preparation work for fireworks production. Suddenly, he felt a little lazy. He simply lay on the rocking chair, rocking and rocking, which was very comfortable.

It's better to have enough rest first.

If you go out once, you will find it comfortable to go home.

Time goes by slowly, and in a twinkling of an eye it is three days.

On that day, Li nianfan was sitting in the courtyard, sipping fragrant tea, and he was completely relaxed.

At this time, there was a "Dong Dong Dong" voice outside the door, "young master, we are back."


The door opened.

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Xiaobai opens the door, but when Daji enters the gate, she sees Li nianfan standing at the door, looking at herself with a smile.

A layer of water mist suddenly arose in her eyes, and her feeling was hard to control. Lianbu moved lightly and rushed into Li nianfan's arms.

"Young master, long time no see."

Li nianfan also hugged Daji, buried his head deeply, and smelled the delicate fragrance between his neck and his hair. He felt refreshed and indescribable. In addition to the taste, Li nianfan felt better in his hand, which seemed to be softer than holding a fox.

"Xiaodaji, long time no see."

It is the so-called little farewell is better than newlyweds, so it can't be more suitable here.


A slight hiss came from one side, and Huofeng turned her head coldly. She passed by in silence and sat alone on the stone bench in the courtyard.

Li nianfan looked up and down at Daji and said with a smile, "xiaodaji has become beautiful again. How is your study of magic?"

"Look, young master."

Daji raised her hand and spread out her hand. Then there was an ice crystal snow lotus slowly emerging, suspended in her palm, slowly rotating, beautiful.


Li nianfan's mouth was slightly tilted, and then he also spread out his palm, "little Daji, you see what this is."

On the palm of his hand, a golden lotus slowly emerged, just like Daji's, but with its dazzling golden light and flowing brilliance, it actually covered Daji's ice lotus."This, this is..."

Daji's pupil suddenly shrinks, can't help but raise his hand to cover his mouth, beautiful eyes stare big, evil spirit is lovely.

Huofeng is also stunned, originally sitting body all stood up, eyes lenglengleng looking at that many golden lotus, fiery red mouth can't help but open.

Work merits?

I'm so old that I see merit for the first time.

This is merit. Even saints should pursue something. When the strength reaches a certain height, merit will become an indispensable part, even the ultimate goal pursued by countless immortals.

Xiaodaji said foolishly, "childe, you Not a mortal? "

"Mortals are still mortals, but I'm a little different."

Li nianfan's proud smile and his heart moved. Suddenly, countless golden lights of merit and virtue sprang up, illuminating the courtyard yard, forming a cloud of merit and virtue, and rising from the sky? Handsome or not? "

"Gudong." Daji and Huofeng swallow a mouthful of saliva at the same time. Although they knew Li nianfan was extraordinary, they were shocked to see this kind of scene.

Huofeng couldn't help but say, "childe, what's going on?"

"It's a long story, but my golden hand Well, it's good luck. "

Li nianfan, of course, couldn't say that he went to practice in order to catch up with Daji, but simply summed up: "after you left, I went out to travel and met my friends in the hell. Originally, I only wanted to improve my physical body and increase my self-protection ability. Who ever thought of it, I practiced like this. I seem to be called the holy body of merit and virtue, which is quite powerful."

Daji and Huofeng look at each other at the same time.

They are very skilled in extracting key words from Li nianfan's words.

Cultivate the body for self-protection.

The big probability is that high people don't like to be watched or attacked by others, so they just give themselves a holy body of merit and virtue to keep quiet.

It's very powerful. It's very in line with the style of a great man.

As for how these merits and virtues come from, it seems that it doesn't matter. If an expert beckons, he may come on his own.

Daji restrained his mind and exclaimed: "childe, you really It's amazing. "

"That was, and now I am a member of the cloud clan."

Li nianfan was in a good mood and said casually, "what about you? How do you feel about going out this time?"

Daji bit her lip, and her eyes suddenly darkened.

What's wrong with Li Niang

Daji took out the statue, full of guilt: "childe, the statue you gave me, I can't keep it well."

"I must be something."

Li nianfan breathed a long sigh of relief, took the broken statue and looked at it casually. "You can't have accidentally damaged it by fighting with others? It's just a little thing. I'll make you a new one. "

"Thank you, young master." Daji's interest is still a little low, full of guilt, feeling a little different, after all, the first time is always different.

Li nianfan said, "OK, be happy. At night, I'll show you a big baby, and I'll make sure that I can sweep away your inner unhappiness."

Master's big baby?

Daji was really attracted attention, sniffed, "childe, what thing?"

Li nianfan smiles mysteriously, "secret."

Time is like water, and the cool autumn wind brings the night out.

In the sky, the bright crescent moon is hanging around, dotted with stars.

Li nianfan took out the fireworks that had already been made and moved to the open space of the yard.

The appearance of the fireworks is a big wooden box. Li nianfan doesn't have the spare time to put more effort into the packaging. You can see that one after another seems to be hollow pipes standing upright. In short, the appearance is very strange.

Nan Nan, Long'er, Daji, Huofeng, even Dahei all gathered together. Even the fire sparrow and the five color God cow heard the news and were ready to see the so-called big baby.

In the backyard pool, the golden dragon is also slowly out of the water.

Li nianfan met people's puzzled eyes and said slightly: "xiaodaji, the next moment is to witness the miracle!"

Then, with a big wave of his hand, "lighter, fire!"

Put in the fuse next to the Dragon Fire beads immediately burst out a string of flames.

"Zi --"

the fire line burns and sparks out of the dark.

Mars a little bit of extension, into the fireworks.


The sudden loud noise made everyone jump in their hearts, and then they saw a bright light point rising from the sky, flying higher and higher.

At a certain moment, there was a "bang" burst, just like the flowers scattered in the sky. It broke into countless shining sparks in the air. The spark was so great that it almost covered the whole sky, and it was like a blooming flower in the sky, but it was only a flash of bloom, and soon it was integrated into the darkness.

"Bang!"It was followed by a second tone.

"Bang bang bang!"

Fireworks soar into the sky, the rhythm is more and more compact, in the air continuous explosion, will light up the night sky, the beautiful scene, completely over the stars and moonlight.

Around, mortals or immortals, even the goblins and ghosts also raised their heads and looked at the fireworks which exploded all over the sky, and their eyes showed the color of shock and obsession.


Two days will stand by the gate of the South sky, eyes cold and suspicious.

"I can't imagine that someone can break the seal and come to the heavenly palace. It's really unexpected!"

"It's a pity that they didn't stay here. They stayed here all the time. They finally came here. I thought they could have a good time."

"Guarding here is not a human job." One man shook his head, and then said with emotion: "how lively was the temple in those days. At that time, I was a small heavenly soldier, and I would never have thought of the present scene."

Another said: "no way. We have got so much. Naturally we have to pay the corresponding price. It's good to live forever."

At this time, their eyebrows were raised, and at the same time, they felt a palpitation, and their sweat was on the upside down, as if some kind of great terror was coming rapidly.

The corners of their eyes were so sharp that they couldn't help looking down.


They were stunned at the same time.

But see, there is a light is coming from the sky, the source seems to be mortal, also do not know what happened, seems to cross the space like, so straight to their own.

What the hell?

Just in the moment of surprise, the light with a very strange speed, has rushed here, "whew" a sound, hit one of the buttocks.

Then, "bang" a sound, burst open!

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