Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 342: 342

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Ao Cheng led Li nianfan to the hall, and said, "Master Li, please sit down."

In the main hall, the materials of the tables and chairs are also extraordinary. They are carved from special wood and stone in the sea, and even twinkle with bright light.

Li nianfan is really aware of the so-called "relying on the mountain to support the mountain and relying on the sea to eat the sea".

There are not many other things in the sea, but there are many glittering things, and there are many seafood.

All of them sat down. Li nianfan picked up the crystal cup in front of the table and looked at it.

The crystal cup is very small, warm and moist. It contains transparent wine, slightly rippling, with a trace of wine gas overflow.

Li nianfan sniffed it and then drank it.

I smashed my mouth and found that the wine was not strong, but sweet, which was a good wine.

Ao Cheng opened his mouth and said, "Mr. Li, the wine here is quite different from yours. Please don't dislike it."

"Old Ao, you are welcome. This wine is a rare wine." Li nianfan smiles. He knows the difference between the two, but he can't explain what he said. It's even more inappropriate to take out his own wine at this time.

"Pa Pa Pa!"

Ao Cheng clapped his hands gently.

Immediately, there were many mussels in front of the hall, gathered in an open space, and began to perform hard.

In fact, the body of the sea demon is like a water snake. It twists very smoothly in the water, and its body seems to ripple gently like water.

The instrument is more simple, with a few conch spirits blowing the trumpet on one side, which is also pleasant.

Li nianfan can't help feeling a little bit when watching the performance. Not long ago, he just saw the performance of the female ghost. This time, he came to see the performance of the sea demon, which was also interesting.

In fact, after all, female ghosts have changed from human beings, so the elements of the performance are somewhat popular, but the sea demon is different, which gives Li nianfan another exotic flavor.

The program of the sea people is very rich. After the dance of bengjing, it is interspersed with the play of dolphins and sharks, and then there is the fountain activity of blue whale.

Let Li nianfan heart cry, this trip to the sea is worth it.

Li nianfan said curiously, "Ao Lao, is your carp essence family so powerful in the ocean?"


Ao Cheng was stunned for a moment. His heart turned quickly. He quickly organized his language and said, "Mr. Li, in fact It's mainly because of the ancestors. The carp leaped over the dragon's gate, but our ancestors had a real dragon. "

"I see." Li nianfan can understand that this is just like the immortal cultivator. There are immortals in our ancestors and they are not at the same level.

It's no wonder carp essence has a long history.

Li nianfan raised his glass and said with a smile, "then I wish Ao old man a dragon soon."

Aolong is not willing to admit that we are in the same mood!

Although he is originally a dragon, but that is their own feeling, it must be considered by high people.

Today, the identity of the dragon is recognized by an expert, but there is a kind of achievement in his heart. It is like a child has been recognized by his parents. If other people say you are excellent, you should listen to it. Only when parents say you are excellent, you are really excellent.

I must have been satisfied with my performance recently.

Aocheng was so moved that he even wanted to cry. He solemnly said, "don't worry, Mr. Li. I will make great efforts to make the Dragon turn into a dragon as soon as possible."

At this time, a mussel essence came in, "king, the crab seems to be steamed well."

Ao Cheng Lian said in a hurry: "come on, and give them a share first."

Not long after, a group of Hai women came in. They were wearing thin silk powder ribbons and bun. They also had some scales on their bodies. The colors of the scales were different. It was obvious that they were of different varieties.

Each of them also dragged a small dish with a red crab on it. Some of them still kept waving forceps and fell into peace.

Li nianfan said, "I forgot to say that when steaming crabs, they need to be tied together so that the meat is compact and tastes better."

Ao Cheng's eyebrows immediately frowned, and even said: "Mr. Li, I'm really sorry. The servants don't understand these. I'll let them do it again."

"It's not necessary to be so troublesome. It's just a little skill. Pay attention later." Li nianfan casually waved his hand, and then focused on the crab.

The first feeling is fat!

You look at the big and powerful forceps, and then look at the broad back, and then look at the luxuriant and sharp hair. Put in the previous life, it is absolutely the best among the hairy crabs!

It's bigger than a palm.

However, as Li nianfan said, because there is no rope tied, the crab's shell has been a little cocked up, and the meat quality will be affected. This is slightly imperfect for Li nianfan, who pursues perfection.But it doesn't hurt.

Li nianfan took out the seasoning that he took with him. It was not complicated. It was vinegar plus ginger. He laughed at the crowd and said, "crab and vinegar match better."

Ao Cheng responded: "accept I've been taught. "

People looked at the crab, some of them couldn't understand how to eat it. They could only watch Li nianfan eat it first, and then draw gourds according to the same pattern.

Fortunately, all of us are not stupid people. Just take a look at them.

"Click, click!"

The sound of shelling began to come.

At this time, many people were surprised to find that under the strong appearance of the crab, there were so many snow-white tender meat hidden. Moreover, it was only steamed, and there was no seasoning at all, so it could send out bursts of fragrance, which was greatly unexpected.

Ao Cheng learns Li nianfan to dip in vinegar, and then slowly delivers a crab leg to the mouth.

At first, the sour taste of vinegar stimulates the taste buds. Then, the tender crab meat seems to bounce in the mouth. The smell of crab meat itself suddenly bursts out and swallows everything. There is not much crab meat, but the smell is extremely overbearing, occupying almost all human senses.

Soft and vigorous, fresh but not greasy, lasting appeal, endless aftertaste!

How can a sweet word be.


Ao Cheng stares at the crab leg in his hand, showing an incredible look.

"I can't believe there is such delicious food right under my nose!" He took a deep breath, and suddenly felt that he had lived for so many years in vain, and Taimo failed.

Li nianfan smiles and says, "it's more than that. If you peel off the crab shell, the crab paste in the male crab and the crab yolk in the female crab are the most delicious things."

"It's so delicious Ao Yun was also shocked and felt that his world outlook had been overturned.

Even suddenly gave birth to a trace of desolation, tears blurred the eyes.

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Why, why should I taste such delicious food before I die?

This is not only a kind of happiness, but also a kind of torture. I missed so many delicious foods when I was alive before I died. I realized that it was more than a mistake! This is the most painful thing in the world.

There was only one thought in his mind, "eat, I must eat enough before I die!"

Xiaodaji completely opened a crab leg, handed the whole crab leg to Li nianfan's mouth, and said in a soft voice, "young master, I'll peel it for you."

Li nianfan opened his mouth and ate it. He said contentedly, "well, it's delicious. Xiaodaji is really good."

Thank you again, Da Ji

"Brother, look at me." Like a treasure, Long'er pinched a magic formula in his hand, which was rippling with water. Then he easily separated the shell and meat of the crab. Li nianfan's eyes were red at the white flower crab meat.

Magic, absolutely eating crab magic!

He exclaimed in his heart that it was the dream of many people to be able to eat crab meat in big gulps.

However, long er obviously didn't mean to share it with him. He opened his mouth and immediately wrapped the whole crab meat into his mouth. His small cheeks were bulging on both sides, and he looked at Li nianfan as if waiting for praise.

Li nianfan looked at the crab in his hand, and suddenly it was not fragrant.

But the mouth is said: "in fact, the reason why crab meat is delicious is also related to the process of shelling. If you don't personally use your hands to pull the shell apart, the crab meat you eat is soulless."

After that, he seemed to focus on peeling the crab shell in his hand.

Aocheng and others, who were preparing to use their magic power to peel the crab shell, immediately stopped their movements in silence and followed Li nianfan's steps, sinking their hearts and peeling the shells by hand.

It is obviously a very boring thing to peel the crab shell, but soon, people found that when peeling the shell, they can't help but become focused, even with their own inner peace gradually.

There are only two very simple ideas in my mind, one is shelling and the other is eating it.

With the greater ability, unconsciously, their hearts also gradually become impetuous, because a lot of things can be done with magic power, leading to their lack of concentration, doing more ingenious things, naturally there is a large lack of mood.

However, at this moment, they suddenly found themselves, there is a kind of peace of mind back to the harbor.

This is not in shelling ah, this is clearly in the heart ah!

An expert is an expert. Such a state of mind is embarrassing. No wonder he can do it. He has unparalleled strength in the world, and can completely integrate into the role of mortals.

If it is for us, we do not know the height of heaven and earth, arrogance to the edge, how can we be peaceful to be a mortal.

From the master, even if only a little understanding of the ability, it is enough to let us benefit for life!

People in the heart do not stop shouting to learn.

The ocean show on the other side continues.To Li nianfan's surprise, it was a crowd of seafood.

Auspicious dragon, king crab, squid, salmon and so on, a lot of them are not dancing, but swimming happily, as if they are trying their best to show themselves.

"Mr. Li, this is a seafood gathering for you."

Ao Cheng smiles and goes on: "they are all elites in seafood. The meat quality is the best. If Mr. Li likes which one, he directly tells me that it's not beautiful to take them home and make a dish? If you like, take it all away. "

"Old Ao really has a heart."

"By the way, such delicacies as hairy crabs can never be buried!" Aocheng suddenly thought of something and said to his subordinates: "come on, hurry to find the king of hairy crabs. Let him pick up the fat and strong hairy crabs. In addition, he will list the hairy crabs as the delicacies of carp palace. Remember to cultivate them well."

Then the topic changed naturally, and they began to comment on the seafood they were performing, discussing which part of their meat was more delicious.

"Cough, cough, cough!"

At this time, Aoyun is coughing again, this time a cough can not stop, mouth overflow a lot of blood.

Mouth also reluctantly way: "sorry, impolite, impolite."

Li nianfan noticed that the blood that Ao Yun coughed up had turned black, and the internal organs had been damaged to the extreme. He could not help but say, "old Ao, I'm afraid your brother's injury is not optimistic."

Ao Cheng sighed, shook his head and said, "to be honest, my brother is poisoned. Now I'm afraid it's his last time."

Is there nothing we can do about it?

Aocheng and his elder brother are quite optimistic. They are waiting for death calmly.

Li nianfan stared at Ao Yun for a while, but he didn't find any sign of poisoning. He was surprised and said, "do you mind if I take a pulse?"

Ao Cheng immediately said excitedly: "don't mind, don't mind, Master Li, just feel the pulse!"

Naturally, his heart was full of expectation, and his eyes were full of eagerness.

A moment later, Li nianfan took back his hand and frowned. As expected, he didn't know what to say. Aoyun's pulse was just weak.

Li nianfan said strangely: "what poison did you get?"

Ao Cheng said: "it's a kind of devil. It likes to swallow blood, flesh and magic power. Once it enters the body, it's like a tarsal maggot. It will never be full. If you don't swallow a person clean, it will never stop."

"There are still such insects." I'm afraid Li Fan's medical skills are beyond his ability.

But this is also normal, after all, even the gods are helpless.

Li nianfan asked, "can't we force this insect out?"

"It's impossible. This insect is absorbed in the flesh and blood. Because the blood and mana between the heart pulse and the elixir field are the most delicious, it stays there all the time. If forced out, or attacked, the first person to damage is himself."

Ao Cheng stopped and said, "with the sucking of this insect, people will become weaker and weaker, and their recovery is not as good as before. On the contrary, the injury will become more and more serious, until the last painful death."

, which is similar to a previous virus, sucks the essence of human beings, makes people's immunity worse and worse, and eventually dies weakly.

Although Aoyun's injury is not mild, if there is no poisoning, the wound will soon be cured. But it is because of this poison that the injury is not good, but more and more serious. In addition, the insect is still swallowing his blood and mana, and falling into such a situation is really despairing.

Seeing Li nianfan's silence, Ao Cheng could not help feeling bitter.

Naturally, he did not doubt the ability of the master. He could only say that he did not intend to attack.

This is not surprising, and there is nothing to complain about.

Ao Yun's eyes were slightly dark, and he said with a free and easy smile: "ha ha ha ha, I've been ready to die from the moment of poisoning, and then I can hold on for a period of time. Before I die, I can eat such delicious crabs as hairy crabs. If I die, I will die, and I will be satisfied."

Insects cling to the body Like to devour flesh and blood and mana.

Li nianfan suddenly had a flash of inspiration, pondered for a moment, and suddenly said, "in fact It's not that there's no way out. I just don't know if this method will work

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