Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 346: 346

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In the courtyard.

Li nianfan was holding a blue and white porcelain cup with tea in it. He drew the water with the lid of the cup carefully, and then gently blew a breath into the cup.

The mouth sighs: "winter, or drink a cup of hot tea comfortable, this season is basically farewell to popsicles and happy water."

Of course, this sentence is not applicable to Nannan and Long'er, who are licking a popsicle in their mouth.

At this time, Long'er seemed to think of something and said, "brother, the gourd vine in the backyard has produced a gourd again."

"Oh, really?"

Li nianfan put down his tea cup and went to the backyard.

"It's really done!" With a smile in his mouth, he came near to see a golden gourd hanging on the gourd vine.

The golden halo reflects the light in the sun. Its size is similar to that of the purple gourd on Li nianfan's waist, but the shape is not the same. This kind of golden gourd sells very well. At first glance, it will definitely feel that it is made of gold.

Li nianfan took it off and weighed it in his hand, but he didn't feel much weight.

"The gourd rattan makes gourd very powerful. Isn't it some kind of powerful spirit plant?"

Li nianfan suddenly thought, "this is the seed given by the ancient fairy. The gourd produced by it is not unusual, but it is normal. It can be forced, but it should not be too strong."

Back in the courtyard, Li nianfan is thinking about what to do with the golden gourd.


The door of the courtyard opened.

Daji and Huofeng come in quietly.

Li nianfan couldn't help but smile and said, "you two, you two, have run out of here early and have a crazy time?"

"Hee hee, childe, we brought you something."

Daji laughed, then raised his hand, took out the golden stone and handed it to Li nianfan.

"Gold?" Li nianfan was slightly stunned and took the stone and looked at it in his hand.

"It's quite heavy, more dense than gold!" Li nianfan frowned slightly, then turned the stone in his hand and looked at it carefully in the sun.

The surface of the stone is very smooth. Although there are no edges and corners, it is not regular at all. The lines are crooked and fluctuate. However, it does not give people the feeling of disorder, and it is also comfortable.

Li nianfan said curiously, "where did you get it?"

Daji said: "feel a bit interesting, and then exchange with people."

"It's really interesting. I don't know whether the stone was formed naturally or formed after tomorrow." Li nianfan nodded with a smile, "it's quite wonderful."

He took up the stone and couldn't help but say, "little Daji, I found that after you started to cultivate immortals, I couldn't help it."

Daji's cheek was slightly red, and she said shyly, "I just want to do more to relieve my childe's boredom."

"Ha ha ha, it's human nature. Don't talk about you. Even I can't be idle now." Instead, Li nianfan said with a laugh: "with great skill, naturally I don't like to stick to one place. If I've been stuck in this courtyard, it's not beautiful."

The traffic in Xiuxian world is underdeveloped and dangerous everywhere. Before he was just a mortal, he could only stay in one place. He was living near the siheyuan, Jingyue lake and Luoxian city. Now he has become a member of the cloud clan, and he can't help himself.

Thinking of this, Li nianfan can't help but feel very happy. Fortunately, he has become the holy body of virtue. Otherwise, it would be a bit of a dilemma for him to let Daji accompany him to nest in this small courtyard.

Daji was quick to say: "childe, this quadrangle is the most beautiful place in the world, even if let me stay here forever, I would like to enjoy it!"

The tone is sincere, the voice is incomparably real.

Long'er and nan'nan were also shocked. They thought that Li nianfan was going to drive them away. They all burst into tears and ran to hold Li nianfan's thigh. "So are we. Brother's quadrangle is 100 times better than the whole world! We won't run around in the future! "

"Say something stupid." Li nianfan was amused. He also felt a lot in his heart. He scratched their noses and said with a smile, "how can a small quadrangle compare with the vast and vast world outside? The canary is trapped in a cage and still depressed, not to mention the characters like us who can soar in the nine days?"

He stood up and continued, "in fact, I can't help myself. I'd better go out in groups and play."

This is just like ordinary people who have a car or have no car. When they don't have a car, they can only stay in one place. But if they have a car, it will be convenient. Where can I live.

"Go out and play? Really

Nan Nan and Long'er suddenly came back to their spirits, and their teeth showed up with laughter.

Li nianfan said with a smile, "let me think about where to go first."

In the past, I was waiting for the guests to come, but now I can take the initiative to go out and play. This moment shows the importance of networking, because there are so many friends to make, there are more places to go and visit old friends.Carp palace just went some time ago, so I didn't go. Qianlong Xianchao was too close to go, and Lin Xiandao palace, Qingyun Valley, or Xia Dynasty.

"By the way, let's go to Xia Dynasty! Let's have a walk away trip. "

Li nianfan's eyes brightened slightly, "look at what Zhou Yunwu has done to rectify the country, and Meng Junliang. Isn't he going to open a school? I'll have to see it! "

Moreover, the Xia Dynasty is a mortal country. Looking at the common people, Li nianfan will feel more cordial.

No matter where they went to play, Long'er and nan'nan nodded and said, "OK, OK."

Daji also said with a smile: "I listen to the childe."

"Then go." Li nianfan's whole body began to have the light of merit condensation, "come and come, go to the cloud, take off."

Golden auspicious clouds flew out of the courtyard and shot straight into the sky.

All of us are our own people, and Li nianfan can't treat them badly. Therefore, the golden auspicious cloud has risen greatly. It can be said that it is Fang Yun, which is more than enough for people to lie down.

He has merit and willfulness.

On the cloud, Li nianfan's heart read slightly moved, and said with a smile: "xiaodaji, you gave me a golden stone, and I just grew a golden gourd. This is fate. Do you like this gourd?"

Daji looked at the golden gourd. There was a flash of light in her beautiful eyes. She could feel that the gourd was very important to her and said, "I like it."

Li nianfan laughed. "If you like it, I'll give it to you."

"This..." Daji was flattered to take the gourd, moved: "thank you, sir."

her eyes were very beautiful. At this time, she was laughing into a thread. Her Eyeliner was very long. It made her look more and more beautiful and suddenly made Li Nianfan's heart beat faster.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "what are you polite to me?"

After a pause, he went on, "well, since you're free, why don't you come and play my latest game?"

While speaking, Li nianfan took out a stack of square wooden strips from his arms. The wooden strips were very thin and exquisite. Moreover, they were not the hardwood, but the kind of cork skin that could be twisted. It felt very good.

In recent days, we all know that Li nianfan is agitating this thing, but after looking at it for a long time, he can't see anything. So he just guessed in his heart that this thing must be extraordinary.

"Nianfan, what kind of game is this

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She looked at the stick and saw that it was carved with strange stripes, which she could not understand.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "playing cards, a very simple game, as soon as I teach you will."

Speaking of it, he is helpless.

Li nianfan has never met an opponent in chess. Even today's Daji is playing chess with himself, it is not enough to make him serious. This is very painful. He can only re develop a game, which leads to the birth of playing cards.

Due to limited materials, the making of playing cards is much more complicated than chess pieces, but fortunately, it is finally completed.

Soon, the golden clouds began to spread a burst of frolic laughter.

In order to get to the city quickly, it took a lot of time for Li to walk outside the city.

Great changes have taken place in the Xia Dynasty since it came last time. The degree of prosperity can be said to be one day at a time.

The last time Li nianfan came here, the whole city seemed to have fallen into silence because of the influence of plague and war. Only those who escaped from the city did not enter the city, and there was no hope on everyone's face.

Today, even in the cold weather, the caravans and the flow of people from the gate of the city are still continuous, and it is not difficult to see from their eyes that they love this country deeply and talk about it with expectation from outside.

On the wall, there are still some soldiers standing, but the number is much less. They just keep a simple order. In the high air, there are hermits shuttling by from time to time. Obviously, they have a good friendship with the Xia Dynasty.

Even the gate of the city has been repaired again. It is majestic. There are two soldiers guarding the gate. They can enter the city after simple interrogation.

Entering the city, the streets are full of water and water, with stalls on both sides, which is very lively.

This kind of bustle is different from the bustle of Luoxian city. The stalls are not randomly arranged, most of them are shops, which are more standardized and orderly. The roads are clean and smooth. 80% of them are similar to the "urban management" in management.

Along the way, Li nianfan couldn't help nodding, and couldn't help praising: "Zhou Yunwu's governance is really good."

Today's Xia Dynasty has given Li nianfan the feeling of a metropolis in the world of cultivating immortals, prosperous and prosperous.

While walking, Li nianfan's steps were slightly stunned, and his face showed a look of interest, "Xia Dynasty bookstore? What is the bookstore of Xiuxian world like

He laughed and stepped into the bookstore.

The bookstore is not big. The owner is an old man with half white hair. He is caressing his beard in one hand and reading a book in the other hand, which is also leisurely.Seeing Li nianfan and others coming in, he stood up with a smile and said, "welcome, are you buying books or reading books?"

Li nianfan said, "take a look."

He noticed that many people in the bookstore were sitting on the ground with books in their hands, watching with fascination.

The bookstore gave him the feeling of a free library, and the boss was not afraid of losing money.

Li nianfan asked curiously, "old man, if you give it to others for free, don't you fear that others will not buy it?"

"Ha ha ha, I'm not afraid."

With a smile, the old man said, "it's the local people who can stay here for a long time to read books. Nowadays, the Xia Dynasty is prosperous, and there are so many business customers that they don't have time to stay here and read books all the time. Therefore, if they want to read books all the time, they can only buy books back. And I promise that if they read my books, Bacheng will pay voluntarily."

I can't imagine that this old man is still a business manager. He knows that he can charge for free first. It's great.

Li nianfan eyebrows slightly pick, "so confident?"

"That's it. Who makes my books good here?" The old man's face showed a smile, "you are foreigners, I might as well show you around."

The old man looked old, but he was quite energetic. He soon took Li nianfan to the bookshelf.

On the bookshelf, there are many books that are repeated, and the types of books are not too many.

"Young master, look at the journey to the West. The author of this book, Wu Chengen, is definitely a virtuous immortal. Otherwise, how can you write such a fascinating story about gods and ghosts?"

"There is also this book of Shennong Baicao Jing. This Shennong is a sage in the world. I don't know how many lives he saved. If it wasn't for him, where would the Xia Dynasty be today? It's been a dead city for a long time! This book is of great use when you buy it back. It's worth more than it's worth! "

"Needless to say, the art of war of Taigong was written by an unknown god man. This is the key to the success of the Xia Dynasty. If you buy it back, you will be able to be a general in the future."

"And this book of journey to the west" is written by my Xia Dynasty military master and contemporary great Confucians. It also benefits a lot from reading it. "


The old man highly praised these books and introduced them with great enthusiasm. I don't know if he introduced them so hard when meeting people. His eyes were shining with the glory of pilgrimage.

Li nianfan breathed a sigh of relief. He noticed that the books on the bookshelf had something to do with him. Either he told them or Meng Junliang processed them according to his own words. However, he also obeyed his orders and did not mention his name. He knew to replace them with unknown names, which is worth learning.

The old man finally sighed and said excitedly, "these books saved the Xia Dynasty and the people! They are the foundation of inheritance! "

Li nianfan nodded deeply and exclaimed, "old man, you said it well."

The old man took advantage of the heat to hit the railway: "do you want to buy some? I'll give you a discount. "

"Well, it's not necessary." Li nianfan shook his head.

The old man immediately fell into a dull, obviously did not expect Li nianfan to refuse.

He was stunned and couldn't help but say: "childe, respect the old and love the young, which is a virtue that everyone praises. I am so old, I can't help but say that I've done all the work without any credit. If you don't buy some, it's really hard for me to do it."

"Old man, a joke." Li nianfan laughed, and then said, "give me a set of all these books, support the original edition, and start with me."

"Young master, you are bright! I saw at the first sight that you were not ordinary! "

The spirit of the old man was more than enough, and he began to pack it.

Li nianfan collected the book and left a memorial. He was ready to go out.

Just then, an old man stepped in and said to the bookstore owner, "old man Lin, it's going to be school soon. Let's go and pick up our grandson together."

Bookshop owner full of spring breeze smile way: "walk walk, go together."

"Well, you've done a big business." The old man laughed and joked. Then he looked at Li nianfan, and his whole body was shocked. He watched Li nianfan and others go out.

The bookstore owner frowned slightly, "Mr. Sun, what's the matter with you?"

"He must be, he is!"

Old man sun rushed out in a hurry, searching in the crowd.

"Who is he?"

"It's Shennong! It can't be wrong. It was here that my son was going to be arrested and quarantined. I refused. He appeared Old sun's eyes were red with excitement, and he murmured: "he told me that he is not an immortal, he is a mortal, but plague He can save it

"Are you sure you're right?"

Old man Lin's pupils widened suddenly, and goose bumps all over his body rose in an instant. Looking at Li nianfan's disappearance direction like a statue, he was both regretful and excited, "I actually talked to Shennong, I actually collected money from my benefactor, I Ah

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