Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 348: 348

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When Li nianfan came last time, he didn't have time to have a good stroll, but this time he was too leisurely.

Moreover, the palaces of the Xia Dynasty were obviously improved and luxurious.

However, at this time, there was a sound of feet, and then Zhou Yunwu stepped forward with a look of haste. When he saw Li nianfan, he suddenly showed a smile and arched his hand and said, "Yunwu has met Mr. Zhang."

Li nianfan is also a salute, "king of Zhou."

Zhou Yunwu sincerely said: "the last time the Xia Dynasty had internal and external troubles, he was not able to treat you well. Yunwu has always felt guilty. Now, it is rare for him to come here. This time, I must make a friendship with the host."

Next, Zhou Yunwu led Li nianfan around the palace in person, with a warm attitude, which made many palace ladies and their servants look at each other in surprise. I don't know where this is coming from.

You know, the king of Zhou has always been neither humble nor arrogant, showing his kingly spirit, but also putting forward the theory that ordinary people should be self-improvement, but it has never been like this.

Humility, yes, humility!

He went from the main hall to the back hall, then went to the prison to gain knowledge, and then came to the back garden to wander around the imperial palace of the Xia Dynasty.

Along the way, Zhou Yunwu introduced all kinds of things, and at the same time explained to Li nianfan all kinds of events in the Xia Dynasty, focusing on how the people lived and worked in peace and contentment, and how optimistic the situation is today.

He was clearly Wang Shang, but he had a certain feeling of reporting his work. Li nianfan's good sentence immediately made him happy.

People came to the back garden, flowers, pavilions, bridges, water, there are a few big Koi are fluttering.

Li nianfan was enjoying the scenery and said with a smile to the Dragon: "dragon, look, your kind."

In exchange for a white eye from Long'er, the girl is giggling on one side.

Behind him, Meng Junliang looked at Zhou Yunwu. He couldn't help but step forward and said in a low voice: "king, haven't you met many problems recently? Why is it just good news but not bad news? "

"Sir, I have helped us enough. How can I please ask for everything?" Zhou Yunwu shook his head and continued: "since I have been entrusted with the heavy burden, I should pick it up! We should strive to satisfy the high-level people, instead of saying that all the things we export are problems. "

Meng Junliang was silent.

Naturally he understood that.

Zhou Yunwu said: "Sir, I've walked a lot. Sit down and have a rest. I'll let my servants make tea."

"No problem." Li nianfan nodded.

On one side, however, the girl could not bear it. She opened her mouth and said, "I want to go out and have a look."

The topic that Zhou Yunwu and Li nianfan talk about, of course, Nan Nan and Long'er are not interested at all and have been impatient for a long time.

Li nianfan also saw it and said with a smile, "go ahead, don't make trouble."

Zhou Yunwu quickly called a maid of the palace and solemnly said, "take the two girls out and have a good look. Remember, you can't be slighted at all!"

When they all sat down, Zhou Yunwu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said expectantly, "what do you think of today's Xia Dynasty?"

"Live and work in peace and contentment, thriving, good."

Li nianfan opened his mouth with a smile. After a pause, he said, "but But there is a little bit of deficiency. "

Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang were both stunned and puzzled.

Although the Xia Dynasty is now facing a bottleneck, as far as the city is concerned, it is definitely the first big city in Xiuxian. How can there be any shortage?

Zhou Yunwu said positively, "please teach me, sir."

"Ha ha, it's not a big deal, it's just that entertainment is not enough." Li nianfan chuckled. "When material life tends to be perfect, only by enriching the corresponding entertainment can people feel more satisfied."

This is actually a half joke, but it is also true.

Entertainment, in some cases, is more conducive to governance.

"Entertainment?" Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu are both thoughtful. They are intelligent people who can naturally detect the mystery.

Meng Junliang couldn't help asking, "it's just How can this enrich the entertainment life? "

"Look at this, playing cards!" Li nianfan took out his playing cards again.

This deck of cards has just been done for a short time, so Li nianfan still likes to take it out, which is one of his rare entertainment projects.

Looking at Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang's muddled look, Li nianfan's smile is stronger, "don't say, I'll teach you to play?"

"I wish I could, but I dare not invite you."

Immediately, a emperor, a great scholar, a sage, three people together to play cards

Outside the back garden.

A group of ministers are looking forward to it. Most of them have entered the old age and are looking into it.

Just then, a maid of honor came out of the back garden.

Immediately, they all surrounded, eager and anxious.

"How? What is the king and his army doing in it

The maiden was frightened and said in a trembling voice: "in Playing cards in it. ""Playing cards?" Everyone was stunned, you look at me, I look at you, have a look of doubt and surprise.

"Who is poker? I'd like to call it as soon as I hear it. "

"How can such crude work be done by the king himself? How dare this poker game be? We should let us play it."

"I see!" An old minister suddenly showed a sudden insight, and began to analyze it in a clear way: "isn't the king here to receive a distinguished guest? Maybe the talk is over, and this card is the name of the distinguished guest

"You're right."

"It's reasonable. It's probably like this."

"Good fight, good fight!"

The ministers stroked their beards, and they all showed a happy smile. The king turned back from the road of licking. Congratulations.

"You misunderstood me." The maid in waiting shivered and was almost frightened to cry. She said weakly, "poker is a kind of game. The king and the noble guest are playing happily."

"Game? Play? "

"Confused, confused! At such a critical moment, what kind of poker is it about my future in Xia Dynasty? "

"Lose one's mind by playing with things, lose one's ambition by playing with things!"

All of a sudden, the ministers showed a look of grief, and wished they could not rush in and risk their lives to remonstrate.

"Ah, this distinguished guest of the king is really It will affect my national fortune in Xia Dynasty

An old minister suddenly sighed and shook his head. He sighed: "I just inquired about it. You know, the king doesn't seem to be a king all the way. He is obedient to that noble guest. His attitude is extremely humble. Many servants even think that this is a fake king!"

"How could it be? It's evil. It's definitely evil! The king is not like a king. I am going to die in Xia Dynasty. "

"And the military master? What do military teachers do for food? How can I be bewitched? "

"Military master? Don't mention it

A military general stepped forward with grief and indignation on his face, and said with tears: "not long ago, the military division took the distinguished guest to the Dianjiang hall. They actually Unexpectedly Wuwuwu... "

Everyone was in a hurry, "what's the matter? Tell me!"

"Unexpectedly, he made a mockery of our training. General Lin refuted a few words. Guess what, the military adviser asked him to apologize!"

"What? How could it have happened? "

"Confused, confused!"

"This man is going to kill me in Xia Dynasty."

The minister's eyes were red, and some of the emotional ones had left hot tears, and their hearts were sad.

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"This matter can't be delayed. You can give me your advice!"

"That's right. We can't wait. We'll die if we die together."

Immediately, the crowd clapped together and went towards the back garden.


At the door, a row of guards pulled out their knives in a neat and uniform way. The knives were bright and murderous.

"The king is entertaining distinguished guests. Those who break in will be killed without mercy."


"It's not that we can't wait. We can't wait for a moment."

"That's very true, very true."


"Yes, three."

"I can't afford it."


Li nianfan put down the last card, "a four, sorry, I won again."

"Come again, come again!" Zhou Yunwu's innermost feelings are oppressed to the extreme, the key is that he can't accept the final failure way.

He couldn't help looking at Meng Junliang, "military master, how do you feel you have been absent-minded?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm thinking about something. I'm a little distracted." Meng Junliang's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, his eyes have been staring at the card face, there is always a very important thing in his brain, but it is always fleeting, difficult to grasp.

What is it?

He looked at Li nianfan shuffling cards, then dealt cards, and then held the cards in his hands, staring at the numbers on the cards.

You don't want to be a landlord, but what are you doing? You don't even know the numbers on the cards, do you? "


By the way, numbers!

Meng Junliang's body suddenly shocked, as if waking up from a dream, staring at the number on the playing card.

At the beginning, the scenes that Li nianfan taught them seemed to be playing back.

This is one, this is two, this is three

"This, this is..."

His soul seemed to begin to shake, and his whole body was covered with goose bumps, only to feel that his scalp was about to explode.


He suddenly stood up, the chair under his buttocks had been arched out for several meters and collapsed to the ground.

"Simplified version of the number! Yes, we count population, food and a lot of things. Why don't we use a simple number? It's so clear and easy to understand that even the elderly and children are still easy to understand! "He seemed to be opened the door of the new world in an instant. His lips trembled and his face turned red with excitement. He said in a trembling voice, "why didn't I think of it? Why didn't I think of it! It's just a magic stroke

His voice was hoarse and high, and it was introduced into Zhou Yunwu's ears, which made his pupils shrink and his heart beat.


The stool behind Zhou Yunwu was also arched out and stammered: "army Sir, you, what did you say just now, say it again

Meng Junliang excitedly said: "king, this is a simplified version of the number ah! If this method is popularized, statistics will be too simple in the future! "

"Yes, it's a simplified version of the number, and it's the blessing of the Xia Dynasty." Zhou Yunwu could not help himself. He seemed to have seen a grand occasion and waved to himself. He took a deep breath. Facing Li nianfan, he bowed respectfully and said, "thank you, sir. Sir, you have brought benefits to all the people in the world."

Meng Junliang also raised his hand and bent down deeply and said, "Sir, where are you playing games? It's clear that you are promoting us! Jun Liang's brain is slow, and he has not thought of it until now. He is really ashamed of his teaching! "

You have a shame fart, I just have shame!

I really just want to play quietly.

Li nianfan looked at the two people who were very serious. His lips moved, and finally he showed a gratifying look. "Yes, you can teach me something. If you understand it, it's good."

Well, it's all like this. Since the forced grid is up, it can only continue to install.

Zhou Yunwu revered: "Sir, you are really not a talented person. You can even think of this method. This is the creation of a new number, which will be handed down through the ages."

Meng Junliang also proposed: "Sir, this number should have a name. It's better to name it after your name."

"Never!" Li nianfan immediately raised his hand to stop, "or call Arabic numbers, smooth and smooth."

"Arabia Numbers? "

Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu were both confused, and then nodded, "good name, obscure and profound, but eloquent, worthy of being a gentleman! The names are unique. "

"Come on, come on." Li nianfan waved his hand and felt that the two were living treasures. He couldn't help laughing and said, "do you think that's the only Arabic numeral?"

"Is there any mystery?" Zhou Yunwu's spirit was shocked and said respectfully, "please teach me, sir."

"Cough, sit down, sit down and learn slowly."

Li nianfan made a gesture of invitation and then said, "xiaodaji, take out our pen and paper."

He began to write on paper.

"I'll teach you how to add and subtract numbers first. Here's 1 + 1 = 2."

“1+1=2?” Meng Junliang frowned and thought for a long time, wondering: "why is this? I don't understand. "

"This is a symbol, easy to calculate..."

"I see, 1 + 1 = 2, I finally learned."


"Next, I'll teach you the multiplication table, and learn from me."


More than an hour later, Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu's cheeks were numb and stiff, because for such a long time, their mouths were open.

As Li nianfan's explanation came to an end, their brains exploded with a bang. It seemed that a magic door opened.

"It's the night and the morning bell! Sir, it's not too much to say that this is a saint's word! "

Zhou Yunwu was so excited that his whole body was shaking. In this way, it was enough to make earth shaking changes in the whole Xia Dynasty. This is the blessing of millions of people!

"Indescribable, almost indescribable!" Meng Junliang didn't know what to do. Finally, he bent his legs and knelt down directly. "Only by throwing myself into the ground can I express my admiration for my husband!"

No wonder he did.

As the saying goes, when the emperor hears the way, he can die in the evening.

As a great scholar, Meng Junliang has been pursuing a kind of Taoism from the beginning to the end. However, Li nianfan has shown him another vast world. If it had not been for Li nianfan, he would have never seen it in this life. This is equivalent to the grace of creation!

In the extreme excitement, it is inevitable that this is not so much to worship Li nianfan as to worship this brand-new Tao.

Li nianfan helped Meng Junliang up and said with a smile, "OK, you don't have to be like this. It's just a new subject. It's called mathematics in the future. It's the most important thing. Remember to let children learn more and practice more."

Meng Junliang and Zhou Yunwu nodded solemnly at the same time, "definitely, definitely!"

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