Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 352: 352

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The monk's face, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, trembled slightly and folded his hands together. He looked light and said, "Amitabha, girl, you're here to argue?"

The beautiful eyes of the woman in red stare at the ring color and say with a smile: "not bad."

The monk was obviously relieved and made a gesture of invitation, "in that case, please sit down."

On the platform, Meng Junliang laughed, "this monk's robbery has come."

"Jun Liang, you don't seem surprised at all." Li nianfan looked at him in surprise, then a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, "this woman can't be found by you."

"Ha ha ha ha, sir. I really got it, but it was the monk who made it himself." Meng Junliang laughed and seemed very happy.

It's obviously abnormal that Zhou Yunwu and Meng Junliang didn't respond at all after being suppressed for so long by monk jiese in the Xia Dynasty. They had already started to prepare.

Without waiting for Li nianfan to ask questions, Meng Junliang said: "since monk jiese often talks about jiese, we will start from this aspect. Starting from the west, we will inquire about him from the places he passes by. A handsome monk, in addition, likes to go to the brothel to train his heart. This feature is really too eye-catching. If you ask a little, you can know a lot of news."

Li nianfan said curiously, "let's hear it?"

"This woman is the legitimate daughter of the cloud family in Qingzhou City. Her name is Yun Yiyi. She was rescued by the monk jiese because she was seriously injured. She looked at other people's bodies, but she said that she wanted to give up lust to the Buddha Dharma, but her body was just a skin bag. After seeing this, she comforted Yun Yiyi."

Meng Junliang stopped, shook his head and said in a funny way: "the girl is also a reasonable person. She has no further investigation, but Just the next day after the two separated, Yun Yiyi ran into a monk who was refining his heart in the red world at the gate of the brothel. Does he think this can be done well? "

Li nianfan shook his head and laughed, "obviously not."

"Yun Yiyi is free and easy-going, has a lot of work, and dares to love and hate. He tells the monk what he did on the spot, and then takes the person directly, ready to take back jiese and make joint efforts." Meng Junliang said, the smile on his face magnified, "it's a pity, let this monk escape, otherwise at this moment, it should be the bridal chamber."

"I see." Li nianfan nodded.

He looked at the ring color and had to say that the so-called stinky leather bag is still very popular.

If you look ugly, you will get 80% of the money. If you look good, you will automatically.

He said with some schadenfreude: "it seems that the monk's meditation is still very accurate. It seems that there is sexual robbery. It seems that it can't be avoided."

Eyes fall on the temple, ready to continue to watch the excitement.

Cloud Yi Yi's eye son stares at ring color, mouth asks a way: "master can marry a wife?"



"Lust will make people dry and heavy, which is not conducive to practice. I should never touch Buddha with my heart."

Yun Yiyi continued to ask, "what's good about Buddha?"

"There are eight kinds of sufferings in life, such as life, old age, illness, death, love and separation, resentment and hatred, bitterness in seeking no pain, and full of bitterness in the five Yin's. to Buddha, one can get rid of the suffering and achieve a good result."

The monk stopped and said, "the girl is deeply trapped in these eight hardships. She can often recite the Buddhist scriptures and learn to put it down."

"Ha ha, monk, you are wrong!"

Cloud Yi Yi tiny smile, "I am not bitter at all, on the contrary, I enjoy it! In life, there are bitterness before sweetness, and poverty before wealth. You only advise people to let go, but you don't know that is the highlight of life. Only when people live in the eight hardships, feel the eight hardships, and understand the eight hardships, can they afford and let go. This is the way of nature! "

Li nianfan was surprised and exclaimed: "wonderful! This cloud Yiyi is very good at speaking

"She's talking about the way of letting things go." Meng Junliang was also stunned.

He specially attracted Yun Yiyi. He just wanted to disgust the monk and let him leave early. He never thought that the woman was so sharp that she could even argue with the Buddha.

Eyebrow a pick, murmur way: "strange."

The monk put his hands together and said, "benefactor, this is obsession. If you don't put it down, you will eventually sink into the eight hardships, and you can't get rid of it."

"Obsession is just an excuse, you are clearly escaping!"

Cloud Yiyi stood up, red dress chic, "life eight bitter things for the inevitable thing, rather than try to put down, better face, a good understanding, you must also know, otherwise you can not be the world of mortals heart, since you want to temper heart, I voluntarily become your object, no matter how the result, I do not regret, but you dare not!"


Cloud Yiyi to ring color, soft voice way: "monk, monk, monks do not lie, you say, I am beautiful?"

After a long silence, ring color low voice way: "I admit defeat."

Many monks in the temple immediately came forward and surrounded the ring color. Of course, they were not attacking, but protecting.All are covetous looking at the cloud Yiyi, the heart flustered a batch, as if this woman is the general, too terrible.

A monk said, "today's debate is over, please go back! We will close the temple gate. "

"Hum!" Cloud Yi Yi Jiao hum a, looked at a ring color, into a dun light to leave.

A large number of gourd eating people are showing a look of unfinished, has begun a very gossipy discussion, even did not pay attention to win or lose.

Needless to say, from tomorrow on, there will definitely be countless versions of love have come out one after another, word of mouth, bookstores should have more books.

Meng Junliang showed a satisfied smile, "it's time to quit color tomorrow."

Li nianfan saw a big play. Suddenly, he was in a good mood. He said, "I should go tomorrow, too."

Meng Junliang asked, "Sir, are you going to Lingshan with monk jiese?"

"Maybe, I still like to go out and have fun."

Meng Jun is envious of his conscience. His husband travels around the world freely and freely. He is really envious of sitting and watching the clouds rise and fall.

This is probably the realization of the fun of power freedom.

The next day.

Li nianfan and others all gathered in the hall of the Xia Dynasty.

As expected, early in the morning, the monk of abstinence color came. It seems calm on the surface, but if you look closely, you will find that the pace is out of control.

When I came here, I didn't even read the symbolic Amitabha. I opened the door to see the mountain and said, "I've met Mr. Wang and Mr. Li. I've been here for a long time. I'm here to say goodbye."

Zhou Yunwu was shocked and reluctantly asked: "so urgent? Why don't you stay a few more days? I was thinking of going to see you speak in person

"No, no, it's time to part."

Ring color hands clasp ten, indifferent way: "at this point, don't send, don't send."

At the end of the speech, he raised his legs and was ready to go straight away.

But see a red escape light quickly come, far have a Jiao rebuke to spread, "stop color, to my girl stop!"

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The face of the ring was bitter and sighed in a low voice

The next moment, cloud Yi Yi's body slowly revealed in front of the public, proud of the ring color, "this time, you don't want to escape, obediently with me back to get married."

Ring color takes a deep breath, as if to drum up the bottom, "Miss Yun, I can't get married."


"I want to defend myself for my Buddha."

Cloud Yiyi eyes shine, "good, you keep your, I strong mine, no contradiction!"

Don't come here, don't force me to suppress you

"Cough, Miss Yun." Meng Junliang opened his mouth and asked, "yesterday I saw Miss Yun's argument, which was really surprising. I don't know where the girl is practicing Taoism?"

Yun Yiyi had to stop the attack.

With a sigh of relief, he put on his cassock, folded his hands, and looked solemn. He also said, "I'm also curious. When did miss Yun's Taoist attainments become so high?"

"Cut, my girl has always been very savvy." Yun Yiyi smiles with pride, then ponders for a moment, takes out a lotus leaf in his hand, and opens his mouth: "I don't hide it from you. Maybe it's because of this lotus leaf. If it's not for getting it, I won't get hurt, so I can't get hurt, so I can't get this monk."


These four words contain his extremely complex mood, even some trembling, did not erupt on the spot, it can be seen that the Buddha's concentration is very good.

Meng Junliang looked for a long time, and finally came to a conclusion, "what a strange lotus leaf."

Jie se Ning said in a voice: "this lotus leaf should be a kind of treasure of heaven and earth. It contains profound wisdom, which can make people's perception advance rapidly in a short time, but There is something evil about it

Cloud Yiyi Xiumu a stare, "do you want to say and your Buddha predestined?"

Ring color silence for a moment, "it's better to let me Buddha."

"Pooh!" Cloud Yi Yi Yi face cautious, immediately put the lotus leaf carefully away.

Now, jiese is not in a hurry to leave. He looks at Li nianfan, bows respectfully, and asks his doubts in his heart, "Mr. Li, what do you think of the doctrines of various schools today?"

Sit and watch.

Li Nianfan Tucao in the heart, began to make complaints about it.

He clearly felt that everyone was focusing on himself, and he looked as if he were seeking advice with an open mind.

Zhou Yunwu, Meng Junliang and Jie se, in a sense, are half of their own students. It's not unreasonable to ask themselves for advice. Besides, xiaodaji, Nannan and Long'er also look at themselves, showing a look of worship.

As for Yun Yiyi, he also looks at himself, revealing a trace of doubt.

We have to be serious.After all, this is related to their own brilliant image in the hearts of the people, once the answer is taken off, it is too shameful.

At this moment, Li nianfan had to sigh that he had just reviewed the myth story some time ago, so he could quote it.

Anyway, I have already talked about journey to the West and Fengshenbang, but I don't care to talk about another one.

"The so-called doctrines have their own strengths. We can't say who is right or who is wrong. The most important thing is the significance of their existence." Li nianfan opened his mouth, only the first sentence, so that people have to show deep thinking color, not to stop nodding.

Then, Li nianfan continued: "I ask you, where did the first cultivation of immortals come from when there are so many immortal practitioners in the world?"

All of a sudden, all of them were struck by lightning.

Yes, where did you get the original immortal cultivation method?

Ancient times, these 80% related to the ancient secret luck!

Meng Junliang quickly bows and earnestly says, "please teach me, sir."

"It's about a long story." Li nianfan laughed and then said, "in fact, at the beginning, there were three sects between heaven and earth. One was for human education, which was responsible for educating the people and teaching people how to practice. The second was to explain the truth of the world. The third was to cut off the teachings and pay attention to all kinds of education in order to intercept a ray of vitality for all the spirits of heaven and earth.

These three sects are naturally incompatible with each other, but they have their own value of existence. "

I see.

All of us showed a glimmer of a sudden color, and did not expect that there were doctrines in ancient times.

The original skills practiced by the immortal practitioners were passed down from that person. The master is worthy of being an expert. This is the most ancient period.

It's terrible. It's so alive!

The heart of abstaining from lust cluttered for a moment and said with concern: "how can there be no Buddhism?"

"Buddhism came into being later. The purpose of Buddhism is to let people put down their obsessions and guide them to be good. There are many other things, such as the vow of no Buddha in hell, and the sacrifice of incarnation and reincarnation."

Li nianfan stopped and solemnly said, "however, you should remember that the people who set up the religion may be selfish. However, the existence of doctrines must be made public. The purpose is to make the world a better place and promote the development of the world."

They were so enchanted that they could not believe that they could hear such a secret. Their hearts were so excited that they said, "I have been taught."

If they continue to think deeply, their hearts are more agitated.

Today's sects have obviously been annihilated in the long river of history, and when the world is on the decline, experts appear. They just use a very peaceful means to awaken everything and even disdain to establish religion in person.

What a state this is.

Li nianfan knew that they had been silent for a long time and were immersed in their own stories.

Now he has been able to use his golden finger reasonably. First of all, he is good at virtue and body, secondly, he is familiar with the mythical world, and his insight is far beyond this world. The three are superimposed. It is no problem to mix them up.

Li nianfan said with a smile, "OK, the story is over."

This story can be said to be very sloppy. Many details are not told at all. However, when Li nianfan is finished, no one dares to ask more questions.

It's a profit to hear so much.

Li nianfan looked at jiese and asked, "monk jiese, are you going back to Lingshan, do you mind traveling all the way?"

He quickly put his hands together, lowered his head and said, "Amitabha, it's my pleasure to walk with Mr. Li."

One side, cloud Yi Yi's mouth is warped, some depressed.

She is trying to pull is the ring back to force marriage, so that the plan seems to be in vain.

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