Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 356: 356

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This golden stone was brought back to Li nianfan after Daji went out not long ago. In return, Li nianfan gave her the golden gourd.

It feels good to feel on the hand, but it's not a regular circle. I don't know what to do if I keep it. Li nianfan is going to make a plate in the palm of his hand and try to make it round.

The golden stone is still more conspicuous. The monk noticed the traction and took a look. He was stunned, widened his eyes and said in surprise: "this is Sariko

Li nianfan looked at the ring color in surprise, "Buddhist shariko? This is it? "

He handed the stone to the ring.

The ring color took the stone and looked at it carefully in the palm of his hand, but his brow was more and more wrinkled.

"It seems not."

He was puzzled and said, "I haven't seen sarizi either. It's just that there are rumors in the Buddhist scriptures. But if it's really a shariko, it shouldn't be so common, and it should be very hard."

Li nianfan nodded, but he didn't feel like it.

It's a mythical world. Sariko has to be brilliant all the time. No matter how bad it is, there should be a flow of brilliance. It's easy not to be damaged. But this stone doesn't seem to make people feel hard.

Unless it deliberately conceals its own vision, and even makes itself appear not very hard.

But This is clearly impossible.

Li nianfan takes back the relic from the monk jiese. Seeing that he is still looking at the stone in his hand cautiously, Li nianfan seems to be reluctant to give up and can't help laughing.

Speaking of sariko, it reminds him that he can carve a golden Buddha out of this golden stone. He and Jie Se and Yun Yiyi are friends, and they are also their matchmaker. They should send a congratulatory gift.

A golden Buddha is quite suitable.

Li nianfan weighed the golden stone in his hand and looked at it in the sun. The size of the stone was quite appropriate. There were lines around the stone. Although the shape was irregular, it just could carve a Buddha in it. It should be quite appropriate.

Do what you say.

He took out a carving knife and tried to dig on the stone. Without much effort, he carved a trace from it.

"Hehe, it's not hard as expected." Li nianfan laughed.

The ring color also smiles, but the smile is more reluctant, belongs to the kind of accompanying smile, looking at the stone carved by a knife and knife is really some flesh ache.

He could vaguely feel the Buddha nature in the stone, which resonated with himself.

Is this sarira? I always feel that the stone is loading.


The mood of abstaining from lust is incomparably complicated. Finally, he can only draw from the corners of his mouth and recite a Buddhist name to suppress his restless heart.

Along the way, I followed an expert. I really tested my mind all the time. I thought I could restrain my seven passions and six desires. However, an expert could cook a dish, say two words or even take something out at will, which is enough to make his Buddha's heart tremble.

Is this the big guy?

In such a short time of distraction, sarizi has been dug up by Li nianfan, with traces all over the place.

Ring color takes back her eyes from sarizi and can't bear to look again.

In the next journey, Li nianfan finally found a thing to do. Once he had a whim, he took out the golden stone and carved it, but gradually began to take shape.

At the beginning, jiese would not go to see it, but when he saw Li nianfan carving, he was shocked. He only felt that with every knife falling down, there seemed to be a light of Buddha. A stream of Buddhist truth surrounded the sarira, and the intense light of Buddha hurt his eyes.

Moreover, as Li nianfan polished and shaped the relic in his hand, this feeling became more and more profound, and even gave birth to an emotion of wanting to worship, as if what he carved was no longer a statue, but a real Buddha!

Even if you just look at it, the true meaning of Buddhism and Taoism will be transmitted into your body, which will make the Dharma cultivation progress by leaps and bounds.

At this time, after eating and drinking, Li nianfan, as usual, took out the carving knife and began to carve.

He sat down with his hands on his knees, facing the statue, looking solemn, just like a pilgrimage.

"It's almost finished. This should be the last carving." Li nianfan smiles and holds the statue in his hand. Although it has not yet been completed, the appearance of a Buddha who meditates with closed eyes has been basically revealed. Although the golden light flows around, it is very powerful and unforgettable.

"What do you think of the statue when you come and see it every day?"

Abstinence color sincerely said: "Master Li's technique has reached the peak, which is like an uncanny craftsmanship. It almost represents the Buddha and makes people marvel."

"Hahaha, it's not easy to make you flatter."

Li nianfan gave a happy smile, and then joked, "are you still ready to say that this thing is predestined with you?"

Ring color eyelids droop, mouth way: "it is predestined indeed."Li nianfan said, "I'm seeing you off."

The whole body of Jie se was shaking. He suddenly raised his head and looked at Li nianfan with a look of disbelief and incomparable expectation. "Is this really what Mr. Li said?"

"Nature takes it seriously." Li nianfan said with a calm smile, "otherwise, I'm fine. Why should I carve a Buddha? I am also a half witness of you and miss Yun. Naturally, I want to send something. "

The throat of the ring color rolled for a while, and the firm heart of Buddha fluctuated again. There was a trace of tears in his eyes.

There is excitement, more is moved.

He folded his hands and closed his eyes. "Thank you, Mr. Li."

Yun Yiyi was very happy and bowed: "thank you, Mr. Li."

"It's just a matter of fact. It's just a matter of being polite." Li nianfan waved his hand, paused and asked curiously, "monk jiese, do you have any information about the demise of Buddhism in the past?"

He really wanted to know what happened in the blank period after the biography of journey to the West. This catastrophe was really a bit severe.

The most important thing is that he is a bit empty and eager to know the background.

From the last ambush, we can see that the behind the scenes gangsters are still unwilling to give up. They may jump out to clean up the remaining evils at any time. At such a glance, it seems that the remaining evils are all around them.

My relationship with the dragon, Phoenix and Buddhism is extraordinary. Even the Buddhist scriptures are sent out by myself. I really didn't expect that yueta could cheat a group of people to join in shaving by virtue of the Vajra Sutra.

After calculation, I have a good relationship with the local government, and then a group of guys seem to be ready to rebuild the temple of heaven.

Hiss -

aren't these guys just the remaining evils?

I was hoping to hold my thigh, but I unconsciously put myself in a situation of crisis. When I look back, it's really shocking.

If it was not for the fact that he had merit and holy body protection, and that these people were of high strength, friendly character and good relationship, Li nianfan was really ready to cut off contact immediately, and then take Daji to lie down.

I'm a mortal, small and transparent, but I don't want to be noticed.

"I've heard something." The tone of the ring color was not slow, and he said: "my Buddhist ideas are in conflict with the demons. In the last catastrophe, the demons flourished and seemed to be so powerful that they were the first to destroy Buddhism, and then they wanted to dominate the world, but they were suppressed."

"That's it? Any more? "

"Monks don't lie."

"Isn't Wutian of the demons dead? Why can the demons be so good? " Li nianfan frowned, then looked at Huofeng and asked, "Phoenix, do you really remember nothing about the catastrophe?"

Huofeng shook her head, pondered for a moment and said, "but it can be inferred that there are demons and Kirin clans behind the catastrophe. Their purpose should be to limit the cultivation of the living creatures in the whole heaven and earth and become weak, so as to help them flaunt their power and rule at will."

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"Just like I thought." Li nianfan paused and asked his most concerned question, "how high is the upper limit of my merit holy body?"

"Upper limit?" Huofeng was stunned for a moment. She realized Li nianfan's meaning, and she drew vaguely from the corner of her mouth. "Judging from the amount of childe, it should be Limits. "

Li nianfan beamed, "be specific."

Huofeng quickly organized the language, weakly summed up: "as far as I know, no one dares to touch a trace."

"So I'm safe?"

"Er Quite Safety. "

"Then I'll be relieved." Li nianfan showed a comfortable smile. Once he confirmed that he was safe, he was not afraid of big things. He even wanted to hold a popcorn and sit and watch.

Huofeng feels like she's going to collapse. Don't play. Is it meaningful for you to ask me these questions?

It's more than safety. It's a great gift that you can make others safe.

Others look at the nose and the heart with the nose, thinking that they don't hear anything.

It's good for an expert to have a good temper, but sometimes it's too tiring to perform with him.

Also right, strength to such a point, can only play in the world, perhaps this is his very rare fun, it is also bitter for high people.

At this time, Li nianfan's carving knife made the last stroke and said with a smile: "Oh, it's done."

They all looked up.

The next moment, on the whole body of a shock, feel the spirit of the shaking for a while, directly attracted.

On the palm of Li nianfan's palm, a golden Buddha is solemn, with no sadness or joy on his face, and his eyes are half open. However, there is an endless burst of Buddha light in it. The Buddha is embedded in the golden stone. The streamline stone pattern has become the best background and perfectly sets off the Buddha's solemnity.

In people's eyes, there is a golden light shooting out of the void, covering the statue. At this time, the statue, which is obviously very small, is getting bigger and bigger, becoming more and more brilliant, and soon it has the sky high, as if it has become everything in the world.Then, everyone felt numb and watched the Buddha move.

Half open eyelid slowly raised, opened!

In an instant, the wind and clouds were surging, and countless golden lights covered the four fields, covering the earth, white clouds and the sky with a layer of gold. The sound of Buddha singing was heard in my ears, and there was a huge and boundless pressure coming out of my ears. People could not breathe, and there was cold sweat overflowing all over the body, and they did not dare to move.

"Well, I don't know? This statue is OK. " Li nianfan's voice pulled people back.

All the visions disappeared, only the statue was shining with gold. All that just seemed to be an illusion.

However, people's hearts are difficult to calm down for a long time. They can't hold them down. Their hearts are beating.

Huofeng and Daji look at each other, and the color of horror is more intense, because they have seen Da Luo Jinxian, there is a contrast.

The momentum of the Buddha just now surpasses that of the Dharma Jinxian, and far more than that!

What is the realm above Daluo Jinxian? This is Did you really carve a Buddha?

Cloud Yiyi covered his mouth and stammered: "this is too It's spectacular. "

Li nianfan laughed, "it's natural. After all, it's a gift for you. You have to use snacks."

Is it just a snack?

The modesty of an expert is always so unexpected.

The monk put his hands together and said devoutly, "Amitabha."

"Don't give it to you now." Li nianfan, with a smile, handed the Buddha statue to Yun Yiyi and jokingly said, "I'll put it to miss Yun, and I'll give it to you when she wants to."

Cloud Yiyi happily took over the statue and was pleasantly surprised: "thank you, Mr. Li."

The eyes of the ring color moved with the statue, and quickly saluted to cloud Yiyi: "Amitabha, I'm very polite."

Cloud Yiyi wrinkled nose, proud way: "I don't want you to be polite, I want you to be rude."

Ring color Leng for a moment, don't understand way: "cloud girl's meaning is to want me to rob?"

"Not with snatch, but with strength."

Cloud Yiyi see ring color a face at a loss, can not help but say: "forget it, first say some sweet words to my girl to listen to it."

"I'm stupid and can't speak."

"What do you know?"

"Why don't you read to miss Yun?"

Li nianfan almost couldn't help laughing. His shoulders were shaking, which greatly increased his knowledge.

Maybe it's a romance for monks.

If you love her, read to her.


As the crowd moved on, Yun Yiyi became more and more emotional. Wearing a red dress, he became the most active role in the whole team. His excitement even exceeded that of Long'er and nan'nan.

Cloud Yiyi looked at the front and said, "Mr. Li, the front is Qingyun city. Why don't you go to my home and sit down?"

It turns out to be home soon.

Li nianfan said with a smile, "it's OK."

Cloud Yiyi turned to look at the ring color, Jiao hum: "ring color, last time you left without saying goodbye, this time you have to go to my parents to plead."

The color of the ring was tangled, and it seemed that he remembered something terrible.

Cloud Yiyi took out the chips, "good performance, the statue belongs to you!"

"Amitabha, I'm going to visit you."

At this time, there was a caravan in front of me. There were also a few cultivators in the team. Their accomplishments were average. While walking, they were chatting with a sigh.

"Well, if we didn't pass by Qingyun City, we really didn't know that the cloud family had been destroyed. It's unbelievable."

"Yes, the cloud family is the largest family in Qingyun City, and there are also monks in the later period. I don't know who has such great energy."

"I have been through Qingyun city all the year round, and the reputation of the cloud family is still very good. Although it is powerful, I have not heard of any cases of bullying and bullying. How could it end up like this?"

"It was destroyed by the joint efforts of several major forces. It's said that it's a wonderful treasure."

"If you are innocent, you will be guilty."

"No way, the world of cultivating immortals is so unreasonable."


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