Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 364: 364

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The golden flame danced in the void. Soon, the figure of the moon tea disappeared slowly. Then, the golden flame was gradually extinguished. There became a void, which seemed to have nothing at all.

There was silence, only a little wind.


The monks joined hands and chanted silently.

The death of yueta really unties the heart knot of Buddhism.

"Well, I lost another friend." Li nianfan shook his head and couldn't help feeling.

With the more contact with the immortal, the more things he experienced. He had a lot of different feelings about the immortal cultivation world. Many things, I heard, are different from personal experience.

Most of the time, people choose their own way, not to say that they have no strength, even if they have strength, there is no way to help.

Sometimes, they have the smell of fireworks. Sometimes, they do look like immortals.

This is Li nianfan's evaluation of the people around him. Generally speaking, he is very friendly.

"Yueta's death should be entering the underworld. Take a moment to say hello and let her have a good pregnancy." Li nianfan thought in her heart that this was the only thing that could help.

Although it was not perfect, the ceremony ended with a good ending.

The moon tea Bodhisattva is gone, so is the Buddha. Buddhism is in a very awkward situation. Many guests have left one after another. What happened today is expected to be a long time after dinner talk.

Li nianfan and others did not leave.

Today's Buddhism is unstable, and he can stay and take care of it a little bit.

Fortunately, these monks are still good in mind, and there is no accident. However, the prosperity of the original prosperity is a bit more dead at this time, and almost everyone's face is a little confused.

For this, Li nianfan said that he could not help him. He could only rely on Buddhism to pass the pass.

After three days, he was ready to leave.

Before he left, he came to the Buddhist backyard, ready to say hello to the monk, who is the only one he knows now.

When I came to the backyard, the leaves all over the sky and were flying endlessly. From a distance, I saw a small figure holding a broom. The broom supported the ground, and the body was leaning against the broom. I was so tired that I fell asleep.

The mouth opened and closed, the appearance is somewhat funny and lovely.

As he approached, he was whispering to himself.

"Master yueta, elder martial brother jiese, I don't believe you are demons. You will come back, right?"

"I will try my best to sweep the fallen leaves all over the ground. When they are cleaned, will you come back?"

"I have a new understanding of Buddhism. I don't know who to talk to."

Li nianfan gave a bitter smile and didn't wake him up.

It's not easy to bear the pain when you are young.

He shook his head and was ready to leave.

At this time, the rest of his eyes saw a line of writing, which was carved next to the stone under the bodhi tree.

"The body is a bodhi tree, and the heart is a mirror. Wipe it frequently, and do not stir up dust. "

Li nianfan was stunned for a moment and looked back at the sleeping monk, slightly surprised.

This is The Buddhist dharma he learned from sweeping the floor?

It's a pity not to be a Xueba.

He looked around, picked up a branch, laughed, and slowly wrote another poem beside the poem.

"Bodhi has no tree, and the mirror is not a platform. There is nothing at all. Where does it cause dust? "

"Good bye, little monk."

Li nianfan whispered a word, then walked slowly out of the backyard.

An hour later.

With a click.

The broom fell on the ground, the little monk also "ah" a, fell a dog eat excrement.

"Pooh, Pooh, Pooh!"

He vomited the fallen leaves from his mouth, rubbed his bald head, and suddenly regained consciousness.

"Oh, how can I fall asleep? I have to sweep the floor quickly so that master and elder martial brother can come back early!"

He looked down and picked up the broom, but he was slightly stunned and looked at the handwriting on the ground.

"Well? Who wrote this over here? "

He squatted down, word by word slowly read out.

After reading, the whole person is a Leng, mouth slightly open, mind wandering in the sky.

"This, this This Zen principle... "

After swallowing a mouthful of saliva, he sat cross legged under the bodhi tree, and his eyes constantly flowed between the two Zen poems, "wiser than I am."

The former poem emphasizes the need to brush away the obsession in the heart, reflect on one's own heart and keep it pure, while Li nianfan's poem is even better, which directly shows that there has never been any obsession in the heart, so why should we brush it often?A high sentence.

"The fallen leaves in this courtyard are just the obsession in my heart. The obsession will not disappear, and there will be more leaves. Just put down the obsession, and these leaves will naturally dissipate."

His eyes showed the color of enlightenment. His hands folded and his eyes closed. There was a slow flow of Buddhist light around him. The holy light wheel appeared in the back of his head, which made his shining bald head brighter and seemed to enter a state of emptiness.

In the sky, a piece of fallen leaves dancing with the wind around the ring crazy, the next moment, it is like a mirror, slowly dissipated.

At the same time, the fallen leaves all over the courtyard began to ripple, and the leaves all over the ground disappeared a little bit

And this time, Li nianfan and others have left Lingshan, driving cloud to a large city nearby.

There is a City God in this city.

Within the City God, fireworks flourished and several statues were worshipped.

The statue in the middle is an old man with a goatee beard and a round hat. He looks very kind.

There are immortals here will find, with incense, incense floating into the air, during the period, there is a strange force not into the statue.

This is the wish power of incense and fire. To a certain extent, it is the belief in merit and virtue. It is also the basis for the soul of the City God to survive in the world, and to cultivate it.

Li Nianfan had just entered the City God, and there was a soul in the statue, separated and moved slightly. He rose to Li Nianfan and arched his hand. Then he motioned and ran towards the back of Town God's Temple.

Li nianfan and others followed him to a side room in the backyard.

The old man respectfully said to Li nianfan, "the city god of Luohua City, Zhu Chengming, has met Mr. Li and all the immortals."

"I've met Zhu Chenghuang." Li nianfan replied and said, "I'm sorry to disturb Zhu Chenghuang again this time."

Last time he passed by, he also asked Zhu Chenghuang to communicate with the local government at his convenience and pay attention to the situation of yunyiyi and jiese.

"Mr. Li, you are welcome. I can be a City God, but in the final analysis, I owe you a blessing."

Zhu Chenghuang's tone is sincere. If he can become a City God, his moral character is not to be said. Then he said, "Mr. Li, black and white impermanence, two adults have sent me a message. The last time you asked the local government to investigate, a monk and a girl in red are all in the prefecture, just don't know if they are the people you are looking for."

Li nianfan was so stupid that he felt a little unable to accept it. He was surprised: "are they all in the hell? They're dead? "

Zhu Chenghuang nodded, "it seems."

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Li nianfan sighed and frowned. Then he said, "would you please inform Zhu Chenghuang that I I want to go to the hell. "

He really wanted to go to the legendary underworld. There were also three things he could help, such as jiese, yunyiyi and yueta. He had to help.

"Mr. Li, wait a moment. I'm going to contact black and white impermanence." Zhu Chenghuang said hello and left.

Just half a column of incense will come back, followed by a black and white two figures.

Black and white impermanence saw Li nianfan, a smile appeared on his expressionless face and said politely, "Mr. Li."

Li nianfan also said with a smile: "I've seen black and white impermanence two adults."

"Xiaozhu has told us about it. Mr. Li wants to be a guest in the prefecture. We welcome him." Bai Wuchang paused, and then said, "it's just that the prefectures are important places after all, and they are not so stable now. I'm afraid it's not suitable for too many people to enter."

With that, his eyes fell on the group of people behind Li nianfan.

It means that Well, it's a little obvious.

Purple leaf suddenly opens a way: "two adults, long time no see."

"You are..." Black and white impermanence looks at purple leaf, suddenly look move, surprised still take surprise, open a way: "purple leaf fairy? You, you... "

Purple leaf smiles and nods, "it's me."

"Since it's the seventh princess, we are welcome in the hell." Bai Wuchang nods with a smile, and his eyes fall on others.

No, I don't want to shake my head again

Peian and they are also incomparably friendly. They arch their hands and smile at the black and white impermanence and say, "we will not disturb you."

This is the God of death. One can't refuse to accept it.

Black and white impermanence looks at Xiao Chengfeng again.

Xiao Chengfeng eyebrows a pick, immediately not happy, "what do you mean? Is it that I am not qualified to enter the underworld? "

Pei'an and Gu Yuan knew that he was going to talk coquettish, so they quickly left and right and dragged him out.

"Do you know who I am? Three million sword immortals in the sky, you need to lower your eyebrows when you see me! The same is true of the underworld Xiao Chengfeng struggled, "let me go!"

"Sorry, there is no Sword Fairy in my hell."

Hei Wuchang gave a cold smile, then changed his face naturally and said to Li nianfan in a friendly way: "Mr. Li, do you want to start now?""Well, please, two adults."

"Not in the way, not in the way."

Black and white impermanence waved his hand, and then raised his hand at the same time. With both hands, a wave of waves began to appear in the space. Soon, a dark door appeared in front of everyone.

"Mr. Li, please."

Black and white impermanence opens the way, and all enter the door together.

At the moment of entering the door, I feel a cold and cold air.

This kind of feeling, like sultry summer, suddenly from the outside into the air-conditioned room in general.

My eyes are slightly in a trance. When I look at it again, what appears in front of me is a huge river. The river is choppy and its color is yellowish. It sets off huge waves. People are standing on the bank, with water vapor rushing to their faces, and their ears are constantly ringing with the sound of the pounding waves.

The river is wide and the water is very fast!

Li nianfan didn't expect that there was no process in the middle of coming to the underworld. It was just like entering a door and changing from one room to another.

I was shocked by the river in front of me.

This world tends to be dark, and seems to keep the scene of sunset all the time. The sky is reddish and seems to be rolling down, giving people a sense of depression.

Li nianfan licked his lips and sighed, "this is Is the spring of death

"It's the spring of death." Bai Wuchang nodded and introduced: "it's also the place where people's souls return after death. Generally speaking, those here can only be regarded as ghosts and wild ghosts. Only by finding Naihe bridge and reincarnation can they get rid of the identity of ghosts."

"I see." Li nianfan looked up and saw that on the other side of the yellow spring, there was a fire like red on the bank. It was a blooming flower on the other side. It seemed to be guiding the direction of the people.

Li nianfan suddenly raised her eyebrows and found the problem, "why don't you see other ghosts here?"

"Black impermanence way:" Mr. Li, this road only ghosts can walk, ordinary ghosts on the other side. "

It turned out to be a fast track.

Li nianfan nodded to show that he had gained knowledge.

To tell you the truth, huangquan road is very boring. In the dark world, there are only endless yellow spring water and red flowers on the other side that can relieve a bit of boredom.

Fortunately, the fast track is very fast, and soon, people will see an arch bridge in front of them. On the bridge, people gather and move, and a long team is discharged.

With the approach, it is a large number of ghosts lined up, with tired and depressed faces, standing uneasily in the line.

In addition to human beings, there are also various kinds of animal spirits, the number is also huge.

Around, there are ghosts in uniform who are in charge of order.

Come to the bridge, in front of the bridge, erect a stone tablet, engraved with blood red Naihe bridge three words.

"It's really the Naihe bridge." Li nianfan's heart can not be said to be uncomplicated. This is the famous Naihe bridge. I didn't expect that he could be lucky enough to stand on this bridge as a living person and visit it.

It's a pity that such a large cattle batch has no object to blow.

Ah, it's really lonely like snow when you are in a foreign country.

Looking up, a wrinkled old woman stood on the bridge, bent slightly, with a kind smile on her face, and was scooping Soup for the soul who had crossed the bridge.

When she saw Li nianfan, her friendly smile suddenly became more amiable and nodded to show her friendliness.

Li nianfan responded with a stiff smile and looked at the soup. He felt a little cold in his heart and looked away.

This soup If it's not a good soup, you can't drink it.

"No, I don't want it!" Suddenly there was a voice of despair.

It was a middle-aged man. His face was full of panic. When Meng Po Tang came to him, she finally burst out, shaking all over her body and ready to run away.

However, before the first step to escape, they were caught by the ghosts on both sides and were fixed dead.

"Boy, how dare you make trouble here?" The ghost sent a cold smile and threatened: "drink quickly, or you will be remembered on the way of reincarnation!"

"No, two messengers. I want to cooperate. The key is that the soup is really hard to drink. The taste is Oh

The middle-aged man almost cried, "Ouch! I can't bear it. It's my last meal. Can't it be so bad? "

"If you drink this soup, make sure you forget what it means to be bad." The two ghosts smile, obviously not strange to this phenomenon, easily put the middle-aged man to buckle, and then "gudu gudu", a bowl of soup does not drop, directly poured down.

I saw that the middle-aged man's body was shaking wildly, and his mouth gave out a "lululu" trembling sound. His face was twisted and seemed to be extremely painful.

Soon, though, the struggle disappeared.

The middle-aged people become expressionless, eyes listless, staring at the front, obviously forget everything, so quietly drift across the Naihe bridge, toward the distance.

"Hiss -"

Li nianfan took a cold breath and felt numb. He was really frightened by the brutal scene in front of him.Terrible, terrible!

Fortunately, I'm not in this line. Fortunately, I'm lucky!

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