Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 366: 366

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Inside the hall of Yama.

Everyone was shocked and looked at the scene, Li nianfan was no exception.

Although in other people's eyes, his shock is a fake shock.

Gradually, the eighteen story pagoda became solid, a huge breath gushed out, and almost everyone could not breathe. At this time, it was as if they were in the sea and suffocated.

Li nianfan's eyes suddenly congealed and said in surprise: "the body of abstaining from color..."

However, the body of the ring color actually turned into gold, and began to become illusory and transparent, as if carved from transparent crystal gold. The light of the pagoda echoed with the light of his body, and finally absorbed his body into the pagoda and integrated into one.

Yunyiyi is also the same, her whole body has a black lotus rotation, hold up her body, and then with the void that strange black hole into one.

"Whoosh --"

the next moment, the pagoda and the black hole shoot out in two different directions at the same time!


There was a sudden explosion of thunder on the flat ground, and the whole Prefecture was shocked several times.

Black and white impermanence, the blood sea general and Meng Po's heart all trembled with madness. They thought of a possibility together. They almost breathed with excitement, and they were eager to rush to check.


Eighteen levels of hell and reincarnation, really into the essence of landing in the underworld!

Steady, the hell is steady!

All the hardware facilities are complete.

However, at this time, Li nianfan did not move. They must restrain their excitement and accompany them to the end. They must not be rude.

In the same place, the soul of the ring color and cloud Yi Yi is floating in the air. They actually have the color of confusion in their eyes. It is a long time before they come back to God.

Cloud Yiyi saw the ring color, suddenly showed a smile, "ring color monk, we are coming to the underworld?"

Ring color nodded, "Amitabha, eight or nine is not separated from ten."

"Ha ha ha ha, abstain from lust, all become ghosts, don't be Amitabha again." Li nianfan couldn't help laughing.

"Mr. Li!"

Cloud Yi Yi and ring color uneasy heart immediately settled down, quickly floated down, "Daji girl, Huofeng girl."

Holding her hand high, the girl wakes up and says, "there are us, baby and dragon!"

Abstinence color busy way: "is the poor monk disrespectful."

I didn't expect to meet acquaintances in the prefectures. This surprise is really not enough for humanity.

But the next moment, he saw the moon tea, suddenly a Leng, incredible way: "moon tea Bodhisattva, you..."

Yueta said: "my predecessor is the demon clan. It's better if I die, otherwise the name of Buddhism will not be right."

He put his hands together and said sadly, "Amitabha."

Li nianfan said: "stop lust. I didn't expect that you and miss Yun would die. How did you two die? What's more, you just made such a big noise. Do you know how to do it? It's amazing. One word, cow

How did you do it? You don't count yourself?

Everyone's face is slightly stiff, try to control, do not let themselves show flaws, hold back more uncomfortable.

The face of the ring color is a little purple. The monk doesn't lie. He really doesn't know whether he should break the precepts at this time.

Yun Yiyi coughed gently and said, "it's probably The adventure we got on the way. We both ended up together because of fighting each other. "

Li nianfan sighed: "your adventure is really powerful enough."

Bai Wuchang nodded and should drink, "it's really powerful. It's absolutely possible to meet but not to ask for!"

Black impermanence also deeply thought that ran, cooperated with the mouth way: "two really is the blessing deep ah! But I'm afraid this adventure has something to do with my underworld. Let the original broken hell and reincarnation of our underworld be restored. "

"It turns out that the two visions just now are the eighteen levels of hell and samsara." Li nianfan nodded suddenly.

I try to get rid of the relationship with myself.

Since the big guy pretends not to know, we naturally have to cooperate very consciously.

Don't say it's just like this. At this time, the big guy suddenly points to a pig and says it's a dog. That's definitely the dog. Who says it's pig and who's in a hurry.

"Yes Yes The general of Xuehai smiles and asks, "is Mr. Li going to have a look?"

Li nianfan was moved, "is it really OK?"

"Yes, naturally." Black and white impermanence immediately nodded, "to be honest, we can't wait."

Li nianfan laughed, "what are you waiting for? Let's walk. "

"Please, please!"

Led by the general of blood sea, they walked out of the hall of Yama, came to the first hall, and then stood in front of a door on the side.

The general of the blood sea stopped and was obviously very nervous. He was afraid that he was just a happy man.For a long time, he took a deep breath and stepped into the door.

As soon as he entered the gate, Li nianfan felt a sense of depression. In the void, there was a jingling sound of impact, and there was a burning heat on the pavement, which made people feel impulsive.

At this time, the position where people stand is a long and narrow overpass!

Under the overpass, it is actually flowing hot magma!

The golden magma flowed slowly, rising a layer of heat wave, which was very eye-catching in this dark underground environment And terrible!

Although Li nianfan has not compared, he has a feeling that this magma is more than a hundred times more terrible than the magma of the earthly volcano!

In the magma, under the overpass, stands a pagoda. The tower is 18 stories high. It is extremely huge. It looks exactly like the shadow of the pagoda just now.

From the overpass and the four walls, there are many iron cables thicker than people connected with the pagoda, swinging in the empty air.

Standing on the overpass, you can see part of the situation in the tower, some of which are placed with various strange and horrible instruments of torture, some seem to be cooking oil pots, and there are scenes of knife, mountain and fire.

Li nianfan looked at all this from a commanding position and was greatly shocked by the vision. He felt that he was very small. If he wanted to use a word to describe it, it was not shocking, spectacular and terrible!

"Eighteen hell, really eighteen hell! Come back, really come back! "

Black and white impermanence as well as many ghost errands were shocked by the scene in front of them. Under the surging emotion, I only felt that my eyes were hot and my tears almost burst.

Over the years, they came here countless times. However, what they saw was always a piece of ruins.

The magma was just cold stone, and the pagoda collapsed into debris. What I felt was cold and desolate. However, this time

Changed, really changed!

From the wreckage to the real 18 levels of hell!

For the ruins before, the impact from the heart is more real. It is too difficult to hold back from crying.

General Xuehai looked at Li nianfan's back, in addition to admiration, or admiration.

When you raise your hand, you will disturb the universe. Even if you want to destroy the world, such as black lotus, in the eyes of experts, are you not refining?

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Eighteen levels of hell and reincarnation, in his eyes, it is estimated to be similar to toys.

If ordinary people have such strength, I'm afraid they would have looked at the world as ants. Only high-ranking people have been pushing away all the time, hoping to get rid of the relationship with themselves.

Why is this?

This is clearly to avoid their own sense of distance with everyone ah!

Once the experts admit that they are very strong and high, then how can we kneel and lick naturally? Alienation is coming.

It is hard to describe.

"Yes." The general of Xuehai was suddenly moved. He felt that he had to show more performances in front of the master. He said, "because of the destruction of the 18th floor hell, many evil spirits did not get the punishment they deserved. At this time, they could be pressed up. What do you think of Mr. Li?"

Li nianfan laughed and said, "the general will do it by himself."

"Come on, press on!"

Not long, a group of ghosts escorted a group of evil spirits with handcuffs and shackles came.

Many of these evil spirits were in the sea of blood before. They were very disgusting and ferocious, which made people afraid.

There was also a roar in their throats, a struggle.

There are also a lot of ghosts begging for mercy, but now it is obviously too late to regret.

In the eyes of the general of the bloody sea, he said, "hum, you are lucky to be the first batch of settlers in the new eighteen layer hell. Enjoy yourself

Under the assignment of the general of the blood sea, the division of labor was clear, and different ghosts were escorted to different floors of hell.

Li nianfan's heart was very healthy. Naturally, he didn't like to watch the torture and soon lost interest.

Ring color, moon tea and cloud Yiyi are complex faces, which inevitably show a trace of fear on their faces. They all feel that they are afraid that they will not escape the fate of hell, so they can't be empty.

Noticing that Li nianfan didn't seem interested, Xuehai general said, "after watching hell, why don't we go to the samsara again?"

If it is, Li nianfan can nod his head naturally

In this way, I have visited most of the prefectures. It's worth the trip.

Since it is reincarnation, it is naturally a place of great importance to the local government and has a great relationship with it. Therefore, there are a lot of ghost differences.

Li nianfan followed the general of blood sea to the place of reincarnation, and found that the number of ghosts here was no less than that of Naihe bridge, and there were also long lines.

Through the fast track, people quickly come to the front of the team.

See is a huge compass, this compass is like a huge windmill, is slowly rotating.It seems that there are six different parts of the black hole that make people dizzy.

The six black holes are divided into two parts, left and right, separated by an arc of Taiji pattern.

"Six samsara is like this."

Li nianfan said that he had gained knowledge again. "These two parts, left and right, represent Yin and Yang? "

Bai Wuchang nodded and said, "you can say that, in fact, the more popular one is good and evil."

Li nianfan nodded, but his eyes were fixed on the two figures in front of the compass.

These two figures are so distinctive in personality that they can be recognized by Li nianfan at one glance. They are absolutely outstanding.

At this time, they were there, scratching their ears and gills, as if anxious.

Seeing Li nianfan and others, the bull's head and horse's face immediately surrounded him, and his face was excited.

Ma Mian couldn't wait to say: "blood sea, what's the matter with our mansion? It's really not a human job to stay here. It's just a torture for us

"Yes! When can we recruit more people? " The ox head nodded to drink, and then excitedly said: "the reincarnation plate actually began to turn. The efficiency of reincarnation can be improved at last. The only thing that is lacking is manpower!"

"You let us such a rude man to judge the fate of reincarnation, this is simply to force the people, it is more tired than fighting with others!"

"Don't complain. In this situation, who is not both a nurse and a mother? What did I say when I had several jobs? "

The general of Xuehai interrupted the two words. He opened his body, looked at the bull's head and horse's face, gave a crazy hint, and then Congzhong said, "these are all the distinguished guests of our prefecture. This is Mr. Li. Please say hello to me as soon as possible. Don't miss the courtesy!"

Mr. Li?

It's the master!

Suddenly, the bull's head and horse's face was startled in his heart. He was very excited. He felt like seeing an idol.

But they know that the reason why they can break the seal depends on this young master Li! The golden thigh of the underworld.

No wonder just so big movement, even reincarnation of the plate can become perfect, the original is the master!

The blessing of the earth, the blessing of the earth!

"Mr. Li, I'm a bull head. Welcome to the hell."

"Mr. Li, I'm a horse face, so I'll cover you in the hell."

Li nianfan arched his hand and said with a smile, "you guys, it's good to meet you. You are Are you trying to reincarnate? "

"Yes, Mr. Li is interested?" The bull's head and horse's face suddenly brightened his eyes, got active, and trotted over, "Mr. Li, I'll show you."

Immediately, they raised their hands slightly, and a pamphlet appeared in their hands, which was the book of life and death. On the other hand, a brush appeared.

"Next," he said

A dog's soul slowly out, "Wang Wang Wang."

"Look, Mr. Li." Niutou took the initiative to deliver the book of life and death to Li nianfan, "this shows the verdict on the dog."

"Guard the door and protect the courtyard. If you are loyal to the Lord, you can enter into humanity."

The word "Ke" has two sides. Whether it can enter humanity or not depends on the idea of Niu tou.

Niutou raised his pen and drew a hook on it. The wheel of reincarnation behind him turned. One of the black holes recorded the dog's soul.

"Next one."

This time is a scholar, because of drinking Mengpo soup, the brain is like a baby, and there is no action.

"Look again, Mr. Li." Niutou did not hide anything. "This is the verdict of the book of life and death. The small character next to it is the evaluation and suggestions of the local city god."

"Be good at giving, be steady, be kind to others, and be humane."

The City God's evaluation is: "this man is good and good at books. However, he feels that he has suffered from life and is physically and mentally affected. If he is still like this, he is not willing to be a man but willing to be a fish."

Niu tou was stunned for a moment and rolled his horn. "This is a bit difficult to do. There is no bright spot and no big bonus points. He can only devote himself to an ordinary family and don't say clearly what he wants to be a fish."

Li nianfan said curiously, "can you know what books he likes to read?"

"Not hard." Niutou heart read a move, in a good book next to the two words, the original.

Li nianfan immediately gave birth to a wave of respect, casually said: "I think this can be used as a bonus item."

"Mr. Li reminded me. I think it's OK!"

Without thinking, Niu tou circled a circle on the top of the "good book", and then added a sentence at the back, "when you are born into a rich family, you will reap both wealth and wealth, and you will live and die."

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