Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 368: 368

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Yueta three people to Li nianfan again to say thanks, cloud Yiyi, leaning on the monk jiese, standing on the bridge to see a wave of scenery, scattered a piece of dog food, this two people were satisfied to drink Mengpo soup, reincarnation.

With the departure of the three, Li nianfan's eyes flashed a trace of emotion. This time, I don't know when I can see you again. Even if I see you again, I don't know each other.

Black and white impermanence put his head in front of the pot and swallowed his mouth, "mother-in-law, this Mengpo soup Are there any problems with our drinking? "

Meng po said with a kind smile: "no problem, don't delay, drink it quickly."

Suddenly, black and white impermanence, two hot hearts were watered out, away from the pot, positive color way: "in fact, it doesn't matter whether we drink or not, we still have this self-control."

Li nianfan can't help but look at Meng Po, and can't imagine that this little old lady is quite dark.

"Xiaozi, what's going on in Tiangong?"

Mencius put down the spoon in her hand, handed it to a ghost errand and wiped her hand, "go, or you guests will go to the hell again and chat with me, the old lady?"

Li nianfan nodded, "I'll disturb you."

Just as they were ready to leave, the ghost who took the spoon finally couldn't stand the temptation and tasted it himself.

Black and white impermanence immediately double eyes shine, looking forward to staring at, "how?"

The ghost just smashed his mouth, took a blank look at black and white impermanence, then shrugged his nose, "eh? There's no pot of soup here. It's delicious. "


A moment later.

"Why? There's no pot of soup here. It's delicious. "


"Why? There's no pot of soup here. It's delicious. "


"Don't drink it. You'll lose your mind if you drink it again."

Black and white impermanence quickly stop, "hurry to someone, drag down, this colleague is not able to carry the temptation, send to reincarnation."

In the twinkling of an eye, an excellent ghost errand was taken away, walking more serenely, but before leaving, he was still full of reluctant to give up the pot of soup.

Back in the hall, immediately there are female ghosts to serve tea.

Li nianfan naturally didn't drink it. There was a precedent of Mengpo soup. In the first place, he reminded himself of the things in the hell Try not to eat.

He took out the wine gourd, and then took out a lot of fruit, "we still drink my bar, and then some fruit, tea I also brought, the taste is good."

"Mr. Li, I'm really embarrassed."

While full of apology, the general of Xuehai had already got up and respectfully took the thing from Li nianfan's hand, "ah, I'm a guest in my Prefecture, but I'm also bothering the guests to bring their own drinks. I'm guilty. We're guilty!"

"Mr. Li, there is a serious shortage of food in our prefecture. After the catastrophe, it is even more Oh, no more. " White impermanence waved his hand, "in short, thank you so much for your gift, we have the audacity to accept it."

"How thick skinned." The little girl snorted with pride, and pointed out her tongue at the black and white impermanence

"My daughter, don't be rude." Li nianfan quickly straightened her cerebellar pouch and rubbed her small head. The little girl film did not know the height of heaven and earth, did not understand the way of life. After offending people, she could not afford to die.

With the wine, people eat and drink wine.

Finally, the topic returned to the topic.

Meng Po took a sip of Li nianfan's tea. She felt comfortable all over and the wrinkles on her face disappeared a lot. She said kindly, "Xiaozi, how many people are there in Tiangong?"

"There are no more people." Ziye shook her head bitterly. "When I was the youngest, I was taken care of by my sisters and everyone. I was lucky to escape. Not long ago, I was able to return to the heavenly palace, but I found Everyone turned into stone. "

As soon as she spoke of it, her voice became hoarse and her eyes filled with tears.

"As expected." With a long sigh, she fixed her mind and said, "this is the original God who has been sealed, and it is a permanent seal. It is not difficult to guess who can make such a great effort?"

Purple leaf is very nervous, asked his most concerned question, "that group of people are still saved?"

"It's too hard." Meng Po subconsciously took a look at Li nianfan. If an expert is willing to help, it is only a matter of minutes to save. It is just like turning the head and horse's face. It is because high talents are released, and they just rub their hands. If they lose their benefits, they will be released.

Of course, it was impossible for her to say it directly.

"If I was in my heyday, I could still wake them up with the help of reincarnation, but it would take a long time." Meng Po sighed and then said, "the only thing I'm glad about is that it's just a seal. Life still exists, and it can be saved if there's a chance."

Hearing that life is carefree, ziye breathed a sigh of relief. This is good news. There is a way.

Li nianfan's face moved after listening to their conversation. He remembered that in the fairy tales, there was a legend that Meng Po was a ghost separated from the Empress Dowager. Could it be that Is that true?He could not help but ask: "dare to ask my mother-in-law is a great virtue of the land?"

Meng Po shook her head and said with a wry smile, "Master Li, with the breaking of samsara, where is the great virtue of Houtu?"

It's really a great virtue!

Li nianfan's heart suddenly jumped, some surging, this is a saint!

Although he had planned to meet the big man in the myth, he didn't expect to be so sudden.

Although black and white impermanence is familiar to all, it is at most a part of the world, which is different from the feeling of seeing the protagonist.

Li nianfan, with a sharp face, said: "empress Tu Niang can sacrifice herself to evolve reincarnation and bless countless creatures. No one in the world dares to forget each other! I admire him

Among the many sages, Li nianfan was really impressed and admired by two sages, one was Houtu Niang, and the other was Nu Wa.

But they are also the only two women among the sages.

It's no exaggeration to say that Li nianfan grew up listening to the story of Nuwa mending the sky and kneading the earth to create human beings. Li nianfan has great kindness to the human race. Even the monkey king is the stone left in the mortal world when Nuwa mends the sky.

As for Li Fan, as one of the idols, Li Fan was deeply impressed by her two images.

"Mr. Li praised it falsely." Meng Po laughs and waves her hand modestly, but she laughs so hard that she can't close her mouth.

She can hear it. Li nianfan's admiration comes from the heart. It's hard for her to get such a high evaluation from an expert. It's hard for her to be happy. The master knows me!

However, Li nianfan's next sentence, let her feel what is a sudden heart.

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"The Empress Dowager has boundless merits and virtues in this world!"

The smile on Meng Po's face gradually disappeared.

No amount of fart.

If this is said from other people's mouth, I believe, from your mouth, I feel a strong malicious.

You are the holy body of virtue. The merit I get is a hair compared with you. You praise me for so long. I want to cry. It's too bullying!

It's like a local tyrant who says to a conscientious worker, "Wow, you've made 500 yuan even though you're so hard. I admire you."

Then the local tyrants eat more than 500 meals

Is that a compliment?

No, I can't think about it. My heart aches.

Ziye was more concerned about the heavenly palace and continued to ask, "mother-in-law, why did this catastrophe happen?"

Meng Po's tone was filled with emotion, and she said: "I didn't intend to say anything about the catastrophe, but now the prefecture has become perfect. Some things really don't need to be kept secret. It's a long story."

All of a sudden, the face of a Su, listen.

However, Meng Po picked up the kettle and "Hua la la" helped her to fill up the tea. Then she slowly brought it to her mouth and tasted it carefully, which made people's appetite satisfied. Then she put down the teacup and continued to talk.

"The reason why Buddhism was destroyed at the beginning was that a wonderful figure appeared in heaven and earth, and his cultivation was still above the sage!"

With a trace of palpitation in his eyes, Houtu took a deep breath and said in a very low voice: "this man is also the black hand behind the robbery in the early period of the Dragon Han Dynasty. His name is Luo Lu, which is on the same level with Daozu."

Huofeng's eyebrows moved slightly and said in surprise: "he caused the first robbery of dragon and Phoenix?"

She can't help but look at Li nianfan. Not long ago, in Li nianfan's story, the robbery at the beginning of the dragon and Han Dynasty was initiated because the three ethnic groups were fighting for control of the flood and famine. There was a deviation between the two statements.

"Don't look at me. The empress is right." Li nianfan shrugged his shoulders. "The struggle among the three ethnic groups is the direct cause, but behind the scenes, it was really Luo Lu who encouraged him. He wanted to make the world worse. The more people died, the better."

After hearing the name of Luo, Li nianfan can connect part of the story. The so-called demon clan is obviously created by Luo Wu. It was a piece of Luo Wu's chess pieces.

He still remembers Luo's two famous magic weapons, one is the God killing gun, and the other is the twelve grade annihilation Black Lotus. He is a big man in the same period as Hongjun.

However, Houtu was a little excited, and said expectantly: "do you know Luo Fu? What kind of existence is he

Although she is an ancestor wizard, but appeared in Pangu after the creation of the earth, for the previous things are naturally unknown.

Li nianfan pondered for a moment, pursed his lips and said, "this Of course, I have to listen to the truth from the beginning

"We all understand." They all nodded at the same time. One of them had an orange in his hand. His eyes were bright. He was ready to eat and listen to the story.

Master began to tell the story, we quickly make notes.What a magnificent scene it must be!

Everyone's heart is carrying, even breathing is slowing down.

Houtu is more excited than others, which is probably the story of Father God! I didn't expect that the great man was a character of the same era with the Father God. No, it may be a character even older than the Father God!

Terrible, terrible!

Li nianfan cleared his throat and said, "at that time, the world was still in chaos. There were 3000 demons in the chaos, and each demon represented a road!

Pangu, Luo Li and Hongjun are one of the three thousand demons. One day, when Pangu proved the Tao and reached the peak of his cultivation, he was ready to split the chaos and create a world to further his cultivation. However, he was opposed by other demons. "

Li nianfan's speech was very simple, and his tone did not fluctuate. However, people's minds could not help but appear the original picture, which seemed to sink into it and felt the vastness and horror of chaos.

But listen to Li nianfan continue: "Pangu's strength is very strong, although at the beginning of the day encountered 3000 demons besieged, but still rely on their own strength to easily kill most of the 3000 demons!"

"Mr. Li, what happened later?" he said

Li nianfan shook his head with regret. "Unfortunately, Pangu was exhausted and had to choose to turn his body into a part of the new world. When he read it, he condensed the mountains and rivers, the sun, the moon, the lake and the sea, and the yuan God turned into Sanqing. He was later the three sages of primitive, Laozi and Tongtian. The flesh essence and blood were transformed into twelve witches, and Houtu Niang was one of them It's innumerable. "

In addition to Houtu, other people have widened their eyes, only feel scalp numbness, the whole body has a layer of goose bumps.

All can't help but look around, shocked and full of respect, blood gushing up.

What a existence it must be to create all kinds of creatures!

"This world is actually Created. " The girl took a cold breath, with yearning in her eyes, "this is too powerful."

"The great God of Pangu is naturally powerful. Whether it is strength, mood or character, it can be said that he was born for the creation of the world, but it's a pity..."

"What a pity?"

"It's a pity that I've just made someone else's wedding dress." Li nianfan waved his hand, but also some feelings, "Pangu incarnates all things, this is a new world, like a baby, and the three thousand demons did not all die out, naturally began to fight for the control of the world."

Houtu's heart suddenly sank, and she faintly realized something. She said in a low voice, "what does Mr. Li say about Hongjun and Luo Yan?"

"More than that, but they're the only ones who live to this day." Li nianfan nodded, "but Hongjun should be the biggest winner. He melted into the way of heaven and became the ancestor of Taoism."

Hou Tu low scolded: "steal the achievement of Father God, he is a thief! It's a pity that I didn't know it before, otherwise I would be irreconcilable with it! "

She couldn't help feeling sad and thought of her brothers. If she had been at the most brilliant moment of the twelve Zou witches, she was still qualified to say this sentence. Now Nothing.

Li nianfan said: "it's normal not to know that. He doesn't dare to let you know about it. He will even weaken your strength. After all, you are all Pan Gu's incarnations."

This speech a, the pupil of the earth suddenly enlarges, the brain is a roar, sit there stupidly.

Many things in the Bureau, often only need an outsider's words, can wake up the dream of people!

"The first robbery of the dragon and Phoenix, the Lich war and the Fengshen Liangjie, I understand, so it is!"

Whether it's dragon, Phoenix, Kirin, ancestral wizard or big demon, these are all illusions of Pangu's body. Hongjun sets up a game behind his back to let Pangu's lineage fight against each other, weaken his power and reap profits on his own.

In the end, he did.

Not only did he do it, but also took Sanqing, who was transformed by the yuan God of Pangu, into a disciple. He combined his body with Tao and wanted to replace the way of heaven. All these operations indicate that he has basically stolen all the achievements of Pangu!

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