Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 370: 370

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"Water demon fight?" Everyone was stunned.

Black and white impermanence felt strange and said: "generally speaking, large-scale fighting must have something to do with war. How can this happen? What do the sea people eat? "

Usually there are some small demons, which can not be avoided, but the scene is still very magical.

Luoxiancheng City God shook his head with a wry smile: "not only that, the flood is still relatively serious, although it did not cause a tsunami, but it has lasted for a long time. Many places around have been flooded, and fishing boats are definitely unable to go out to sea."

White impermanence nodded: "this kind of thing, you really can't control, I'm afraid you have to rely on the immortal practitioners around."

The city god of Luoxian city opened his mouth and said, "there are indeed some immortals who want to intervene in this matter, but they are soon driven back. I'm afraid it's not a trivial matter."

Black and white impermanence frowned, "this It's a bit strange. Maybe it's the internal fighting of the Shui people. "

They are the clergy of the underworld. They are in charge of the affairs in the underworld and the disaster of ghosts. They are not too concerned about this kind of flood and can not manage it.

Li nianfan arched his hand with a smile and said, "thank you very much. Would you like to have a drink with me?"

"No, no, Mr. Li, I'm going to leave. If you need anything, you can contact us directly through the City God. Don't be polite." Black and white impermanence bowed his hand in return.

Naturally, they could hear Li nianfan's polite remarks. Although he really wanted to have a drink, he could still carry the weight.

Li nianfan lamented: "that's a pity. Next time, next time ha!"

walked out of Town God's Temple. What Li Nianfan looked at was that he could not help but look at lung Er, curious: "lung Er, do you know why? Has this ever happened before? "

The Long'er family's influence in the East China Sea is obviously not small. There are countless seafood in the family. If we encounter this kind of turmoil, we will certainly be affected.

Long'er tilted his head and seemed to be thinking with his cerebellum bag melon. Then he shook his head and worried: "I don't know. But my father should be OK. How could Donghai be in chaos with him?"

She knew that her father would not allow this kind of phenomenon to happen. After all, the high man lived not far away. If this happened, would it not affect him.

Li nianfan said: "go and have a look. It won't take long anyway. It can satisfy my curiosity."

He yawned, pressed down the sleepiness, drove up Xiangyun and carried the people to Jingyue lake.

Their work and rest is very regular, today is the first time I stayed up late, strange not adapted.

However, whether it is for the sake of the dragon or the surrounding environment, I have to go and have a look.

Not long ago, a golden auspicious cloud appeared in the territory of Jingyue lake.

Jingyue lake is quiet in the night. The color of the water surface is darker than the ground. It is like a deep pool with no bottom. From time to time, it reflects some moonlight and waves.

The lake was very calm at this time.

The crowd continued to march towards the depth, but at this time, a drum suddenly appeared on the surface of the lake, and a column of water rose. Then two figures appeared, both holding forceps high and holding each other in deadlock.

Li nianfan had a close look, but it was a hairy crab essence and a swimming crab essence. The two kinds of crabs were naturally much larger than their normal physique, especially their pair of pliers, which were obviously extremely large after special training. They were half the size of their bodies, glittering with cold and serrated inside.

If you get caught I can't even think about it.

Li nianfan couldn't help licking his lips, and said in secret, "with such a big forceps, there must be more meat. It's more enjoyable than eating chicken legs."

Long er could not help but say: "brother, the opponent of hairy crab is not our East China Sea, I have never seen."

"It's called a swimming crab." Li nianfan analyzed: "it seems that the local monster and the local monster fight."

No matter these two goblins, who are still spitting bubbles in their mouths, continue to move towards the depths.

It was soon in the sea.

Compared with Jingyue lake, the movement and stillness here are much larger than that of Jingyue lake. From a distance, you can hear the sound of "Hua Hua Hua Hua" water waves. The waves seem to be rolling all the time. Moreover, in many places, the water column of two or three meters high will rise from time to time, which is obviously abnormal.

Not long, there is a figure on the sea, with the waves, swaying floating in front of everyone.

It was the body of a huge king crab. Although it lost its life, it was still fresh.

Li nianfan said in a deep and painful tone: "if you take it out, you can eat it, and you can't let it die in vain."

"I know, I know, it's a well deserved death," she said

The deeper it was, the more turbulent the waves became. The more seafood corpses Li nianfan had no time to pick them up one by one, so he could only select some large ones. As for the small ones, she had to bear the pain to part with.

During this period, they saw a variety of seafood wars.Australian dragon vs. crested shrimp, salmon vs. tuna, squid vs. squid

It can be said that there is a great deal of seafood, which makes the sea water restless. Li nianfan is so greedy that he can't help imagining the sea as a big pot. This pot of soup Fresh!

Daji suddenly pointed to a direction and said: "childe, look at that fish, the color is really gorgeous."

Li nianfan was also stunned for a moment and said, "Oh, it's the emperor's star spot, and it's a fine one!"

The fish is very big, covered with small yellow spots, and has obvious dark color bands. It is extremely expensive seafood in the previous life, and ordinary people can't buy it, let alone such a large one.

At this time, it is swinging its tail in the sea water, very fast, constantly changing the direction, opening its mouth, spit out a strong water column, toward a king crab impact and go, the impact of its back, fainting in the water.

"This water spraying skill is fierce enough

Li nianfan exclaimed, then added: "this kind of fish, used to make sashimi, is absolutely unique."

"I'll get it now!" Dragon son raised his hand a move, suddenly there is a water ball wrapped around the emperor star spot, will slowly pull it up.

At the moment before the emperor's star flare, he suddenly found himself out of the water, and was still rising slowly. A trace of confusion appeared in his eyes.

When did I learn to fly?

The girl's eyes were also a little bright, and she said, "brother Nian Fan, look over there, that crab is so big and big!"

"It's the red king crab." Li nianfan, like an encyclopedia, casually introduces: "this crab is a giant among the crabs, which is also very destructive. Of course, the delicious meat is also among the best."

Long'er: can't miss it, catch it

"Wow, that fish is covered with barbels."




As they went deep, Li nianfan taught them about the meat quality of all kinds of seafood.

A big seafood fight suddenly became a gourmet screening meeting. In the end, the seafood essence had to pay attention to the group of people in the sky. They were so flustered that they didn't even dare to do their best to avoid being noticed.

Li nianfan suddenly regained consciousness. "By the way, it seems that we are not here to catch seafood."

Daji reluctantly withdrew her eyes from the sea, and said: "childe, this situation is obviously abnormal. Maybe there are other sea goblins invading the East China Sea, and The war is very fierce. "


At this time, there was a roar in the distance. A column of water rose from the sky like a giant dragon in the sky. It actually reached a height of 100 Zhang. The whole sea surface was shaking wildly for several times. The sea water began to surge.

"Boom, boom!"

After the first sound, followed by a number of roars, like spring thunder, triggered countless waves, let the sea bloom.


Affected by this, the waves rise from the sky, forming a raging wave, and the waves begin to beat.

Dragon son's face suddenly changed, even busy way: "is my father in fighting with people."

"I have to go and have a look."

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Li nianfan's face is a little dignified. If the situation goes on like this, it will only happen sooner or later that the tsunami will be triggered, which is likely to directly affect Luoxian city.

The crowd sped up and rushed in the direction of the explosion.

Daji is to raise a hand to wipe, in the surrounding immediately agglomerates a blue light mask, will cover the public inside.

With the approach, the goblins also began to change. There were monsters with human bodies appeared, and some monsters rose from the sky, and they wanted to attack Li nianfan and others.

It's just not waiting for us to get close, either turn into popsicles or turn into ashes, which can't hold back the slightest bit.

At the same time, where the sea meets.

Deep here, at the center of the intersection of the sea water, a black hole condenses.

The black hole is two people tall. It is very strange. It is obviously wrapped by sea water, and there is sea water in and out of it. However, it does not merge with the sea water and has no attachment. It is so abruptly embedded in the sea water.

If you look closely, you will find that in the black hole, there is a light blue bead slowly rotating, flashing light.

Two figures in front of the black hole, slightly gasping, face dignified.

It was Ao Cheng and AO Yun.

Opposite them, there were two figures. One was an old man with little hair and white hair. He had a single horn on his forehead and his hands were behind him. Looking at Ao Cheng and AO Yun, he was calm.

The other is a middle-aged man with a thin face and a cold heart. His eyebrows are slightly picked and his mouth is full of evil smile. "Strange, too strange, Ao Yun, are you not dead?"

They thought that the operation was sure, and they could easily kill the Dragon King of the East Sea, but they didn't expect to encounter an impossible variable.Ao Yun didn't die!

Although Aoyun's arm has been broken for many years, it can be said that it has not survived for a long time.

"How can I die if you dragon scum don't die?"

Ao Yun stares at two people coldly, facial expression is unsightly, the remaining one hand slightly opens, a purple gold hammer then appears in the hand, its has the electric light flicker, jumps indefinitely.

Ao Cheng asked in a deep voice, "why should Aofeng betray the dragon clan?"

"You are too ignorant. This is not betrayal, but catering to the general situation and striving for the last chance of survival for the dragon people."

Ao Feng shook his head with a smile, and then said, "if I am the same as you, the result now can only be to die together. It's better for us to live in the South China Sea than to die."

Ao Yun sneered and said, "betray your race and live. Where is your face? It's better to die."

"You don't blush when you say that." Ao Cheng's eyes are full of wisdom, see through everything, "you South China Sea Dragon people just want to dominate the four seas."

Ao Feng wins a certificate in holding a way: "say more is useless, now get out of the way, still can give you a chance to live."

Ao Cheng's face was dignified and hissed: "Haiyan is the place that the dragon clan has guarded for generations. You are crazy, and you will pay attention to it!"

"Guard? Are you stupid? When the world has changed, what is the guardian? "

Ao Feng's tone is full of disdain, and then his tone is full of bewilderment and says in a low voice: "Ao Cheng, Ao Yun, don't say I didn't give you a chance. Today's world is very different from the past. This is an opportunity for our dragon people to rise again! And this dragon soul bead is an opportunity given to us by the ancestors of the dragon clan! "

Ao yunning said: "once the dragon soul pearl is lost, the sea eye will surely be lost. The endless sea water will spread to the world, which will submerge most of the world and lead to the people's livelihood. Do you think we may let it go?"

"It's ridiculous. We are dragon people. Why should we protect the weak people?" Ao Feng looked at Ao Yun and AO Cheng with disdain, "the heavenly palace is gone, and the way of heaven has no time to take care of us. Even if we kill all the Terrans, no one will take care of it! The dragon soul pearl will be decided by the dragon people in the South China Sea! "

One side of the old man said: "prince, has been delayed a lot of time, don't talk nonsense with them."

"Well, those who stand in my way will die!"

Ao Feng low drink a, hands a stretch, the hand immediately appeared a crystal spear.

Gun out like a dragon, in the water suddenly spin, immediately set off the endless waves, there is a huge water dragon raging out.

Ao Yun's face sank and jumped up. He held a purple gold hammer. The electric light surrounded his body like countless silk threads, and hit the water dragon's head.


Endless flash of electric light, along the water toward Ao Feng and the old man shot away!


The old man gave a sneer. He simply showed the body of the dragon, but it was a hundred Zhang long black dragon. His eyes were filled with indifference and arrogance. With a slight swing of his tail, the whole sea area was suddenly turned upside down and the waves were surging.

The huge dragon claw grabs to Ao Yun, and the tail of the dragon is a swing, which is drawn towards Ao Cheng!

Ao Cheng and AO Yun have no choice but to change into dragon body and send out a dragon chant to fight with the old man.

For a moment, three dragons are flying and circling in the sea, even rushing out of the sea. There is no need to pinch the Dharma formula at all. During the collision of the body, the elements around can be attracted, and the magic arts are all over the sky.

For a moment, the explosion continued.

Black dragon mouth way: "prince, I drag them, you go to get dragon soul bead!"

"By you?"

Ao Cheng sneers and the Dragon swings, ready to attack Ao Feng.

However, here is a black dragon's mouth, spit out a golden seal from it. The seal swells in the wind, and soon looks like a mountain. It pushes the endless sea water away and presses down on AO Cheng's head!

The powerful power not only blocked Ao Cheng's way, but also kept him in a tight corner.

Ao Yun's face suddenly changed. He wanted to stop Ao Feng, but he was dragged by the black dragon.

Ao Feng chuckled at Ao Yun and AO Cheng, swaggered toward the sea eye with a winning posture. Soon, he came to the blue bead.

Ao Cheng was so anxious that he said in a sharp voice, "Ao Feng, you think well. Once you take it out, the consequences are not what you can bear! You can't take it. Seriously, you can't take it. Stop and listen to me

Don't say anything else, it's just a big sin to make people unhappy!

Ao Feng naturally turned a deaf ear.

"The Terran has been the leading role of heaven and earth for so many years. It's time to quit the stage of history. Today, let's see Aofeng and take Zhuyan Terran! Ding Ding, the foundation of the prosperity of the dragon people, will surely become a good story of the dragon people and will be remembered for generations to come. "

His eyes were excited and his mouth was wide open. Without hesitation, he raised his hand and turned into dragon claws to take down the dragon soul bead."No --"

Ao Cheng and Ao yunmu were about to crack their canthus, and their spiritual power surged around, getting rid of the black dragon and rushing toward the eye of the sea crazily.

Aocheng's tone was deep and painful, and he did not hesitate to say: "goodbye, Brother Yun. I'll block the sea eye with my body. The dragon people will depend on you later."

"What nonsense do you say? I'm fatter than you. The work of blocking sea eyes is more suitable than you. You should go away quickly and do not get in the way!"

"You fat fart! There's only one hand left. How to block it? Get out of here

The two dragon bodies did not give in, surrounded the black hole together, ready to block.

Ao Feng is holding the dragon soul pearl, and gives out bursts of sarcastic laughter at Ao Cheng and AO Yun, "nice people, they are really two idiots, ha ha ha, ha ha..."

But gradually, his laughter became stiff and then began to disappear.

His eyes stare at the sea eye, and then look at the dragon soul bead in his hands, revealing the color of confusion.

Sea eye, what's the matter with you?

What about the tsunami?


Ao Feng and AO Yun lie on the sea eye, equally stunned, big eyes stare at small eyes.

Is this a fake eye, or Is that a fake dragon soul bead?

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