Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 384: 384

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Standing on this high platform, Li nianfan fully felt the benefits of being an immortal.

Spread all over the place, this is the real spread!

Thousands of stars are just chess pieces.

At that time, the immortals should be able to play with the stars in the sky. Although it will certainly be limited, it is exciting to think about it.

Li nianfan asked, "girl zi'er, is the star controlled by people?"

"Yes, there will be star officials on the stars. Some of them are born with the stars, while others are appointed by the heavenly palace and are in charge of the changes of stars, time and seasons."

Purple leaf stopped, and then said: "the Star River Taoist priest is actually a star officer."

Li nianfan thought of the appearance when he first saw the Star River Taoist priest. He could not help exclaiming, "Oh, that old Taoist priest can. Which star is in charge of?"

Purple leaf raised her hand to point it out. After looking for it for a long time, she said in embarrassment: "it's far away, it's small, and it's dark. I can't see it here..."

"Oh, I see."

Li nianfan laughed. He once again took a look at the parts of the world connected with the universe, crisscross, and interweaved with immortals and mortals. It was really the ultimate beauty.

Orange said with a smile: "Mr. Li, this is only the sunset glow. In fact, the morning glow is more beautiful. The rising sun will pass through the heavenly palace."

"That's a lot to look forward to." Li nianfan nodded, then looked around and said, "it's the foundation of heaven. Tiangong is really a good place."

The heart of the orange clothes moved, and even raised two blushes on his cheek. He felt that he had understood another meaning of the master. He quickly trembled and said, "if you like, you can choose a palace to live in."

Purple leaf is even busy way: "yes, Mr. Li, today's palace, but there are many empty, my second sister and I can give you a choice of the best."

Li nianfan waved his hand with a smile, "ha ha, no, I'm just a casual person, and I'm still a mortal. What do I do in Tiangong? The name is not right, the words are not smooth! Thank you very much

Orange and purple leaves sighed at the same time. The master clearly liked it. How could he refuse it? If the master really liked Tiangong, the future of Tiangong would be appropriate. Alas, the immortal palace could not be sent out. It's a mistake!

Orange continued to work hard to introduce, pointing to the palace not far away: "Mr. Li, there is our seven immortals palace."

Li nianfan immediately laughed, "the location of your seven immortals palace is good, right next to this high platform."

"Hee hee, we like to see the scenery in the stands, but the queen mother prefers it." With a smile on his face, he took the lead and went to the palace of seven immortals


Li nianfan nodded, and they entered the seven immortals palace. It was a very standard Maiden's boudoir, fresh and elegant. The furnishings inside were very neat, with a trace of sandalwood and rouge fragrance. At this moment, Li nianfan suddenly became sober and said, "I'm a man. It's not good to enter your boudoir."

Orange chuckled: "you don't have to see Mr. Li. Our sisters don't have to pay so much attention. If it wasn't for their five seals, the seven of us could have performed for Mr. Li together."

Li nianfan waved her hand and said with a wry smile, "Miss orange is laughing. How can I, Li nianfan, let the seven fairies together?"

As they spoke, they saw the other five seven fairies who had been reduced to statues. Their mouths were still full of laughter, as if they were still laughing. Orange clothes and purple leaves did not speak at the same time. They all sighed faintly and their eyes were dim.

Nan Nan and Long'er also drew up their curious eyes and sympathized with each other and said, "nianfan brother, they are so pitiful."

"As long as you're alive, there's a way." Li nianfan comforted her, and then curiously said, "miss zi'er, have the Jade Emperor and the queen mother also been sealed?"

Purple leaf shook her head and said, "no, for so many years, the second elder sister followed the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, but she was trapped in one place."

Jade Emperor and queen mother are still there? This is a big shot.

Li nianfan nodded, slightly surprised, and his mood was bound to fluctuate.

His eyes were slightly fixed, but his attention was placed on the scroll on the table of the seven fairies. He raised his hand and took it up and looked at it in his hand.

"What is this?"

The scroll is half an arm long and looks old-fashioned. It looks like an old scroll.

"This, this is..."

Purple leaf and orange clothes at the same time a Leng, hesitating, do not know how to answer.

This scroll was bought by Ma Yunming with leeks. It couldn't be opened or damaged. Just now, the orange suit was being studied. Because of the sudden change of the heavenly palace, he put it on the table.

Just as they were stunned, Li nianfan had already pulled the picture slightly, and then, under their gaping gaze, opened it up a little easily.

Inside the scroll, the first thing you can see is the mountains and rivers. The ink marks on them have already dried. The scroll is very long and contains a lot of content.

In addition to the mountains and rivers, birds and animals, all kinds of plants, as well as flowers and trees seem to be among them.As it unfolded, the original old painting scroll began to twinkle with a faint halo, and a vast and boundless breath began to spread around, which made everyone's hearts jump and produce a sense of awe.

This, this, this is

The beautiful eyes in orange are staring at the contents of the painting. Their pupils are suddenly widened and they are short of breath. Both hands can't help clenching. Because they are too excited, the blue veins on the wrist are protruding.

Mountains and rivers and the country!

It's definitely a map of mountains and rivers!

She stayed with her mother for such a long time. Because she was too boring, she often listened to her tell her about the world of famine. There were many spiritual treasures among them, and the map of mountains, rivers and countries was naturally the most important thing!

This picture is the best natural treasure, but its function is very special. It depicts all things in the world of great famine, heaven, earth, everything, and This picture is alive!

Not only can follow the host's mind to change the scenery at will, but also can draw people into the picture, sleepy to death.

Among all the Lingbao, orange Yi has the deepest impression on the map of Shanhe society, which is nothing else, because she is absolutely sure that this picture is very likely to help the queen mother and the jade emperor out of trouble!

The map of mountains and rivers is also a seal to trap people. If you put the queen mother and the jade emperor into the picture, and then take it out by yourself, it will be tantamount to saving the queen mother and the Jade Emperor in disguise?

This feasibility extremely!

Over the years, she has fantasized for countless times. She also knows that it is almost impossible to get the map of mountains and rivers after the catastrophe. However I didn't expect that this picture would appear in front of me in such an incredible way without any precaution. It was just like a dream.

She couldn't help but look at Li nianfan. Her mind turned a hundred times. She didn't know how to describe her heart at this time. She was in awe.

He is worthy of being an expert. However, he arranged things properly. Everything followed the script without any effort. The map of mountains and rivers appeared in front of him on his own initiative.

"It's a hodgepodge of landscape paintings." Li nianfan finally reached his head, looked at it for a moment, and gave his evaluation, "good painting!"

He looked at the purple leaf and orange clothes curiously and asked, "the painter of this painting is very good, all inclusive. Who painted it?"

This painting is the best of all. It records everything in the world. It is born in accordance with the heaven and earth. Obviously, it can't be painted by human beings.

Her mind turned, and she soon thought of how to answer.

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"I don't know. We just I thought the painting was very good, so I collected it. "

"I see." Li nianfan suddenly nodded, pondered for a moment and said: "no wonder, this painting has been placed for a long time, and there are already many defects in it. I am a little skittish for a moment. I wonder if I can make up for it?"

The meaning of this sentence is still very easy to understand, so that people are suddenly stunned.

The landscape of mountains and rivers has been destroyed. Is it Mr. Li's intention to perfect it with a pen?

Can this kind of operation really exist in the world?

"Of course, but You can. "

The lips of orange clothes are not sharp, let alone her. Even if the queen mother is in front of such an expert, it is difficult to keep calm all the time. Although she has psychological preparation, the master's casual actions are always subverting their own cognition. It is difficult to be shocked!

Only unexpected, not impossible.

She even busy way: "seven younger sister, hurry to prepare brush and ink, let Mr. Li draw."

"Don't be so troublesome. I brought my own pen and ink. Xiaodaji, help me sharpen my ink."

"Yes, sir."

Later, Li nianfan spread the painting scroll on a long table, holding a brush and began to watch the scroll brewing.

He didn't rush to start painting because it was not his painting, but to refine it on the basis of the original, which requires us to speculate on the thinking of the painter at the beginning, otherwise it would be nothing but nondescript.

Others are afraid to breathe. They feel that they are witnessing a miracle moment. This is a miracle moment that all living beings, including saints, dare not think of in the whole land of famine!

Under their gaze, Li nianfan's mouth suddenly curled up a trace of arc, then raised his hand to write

Some of the mountains and rivers are blurred. Li nianfan paints his ink around them. There is a place in the lake that is incomplete. Li nianfan stretches out a fish there. His pen is very soft, like dancing in a picture, which gives people a pleasant feeling.

With Li nianfan's supplement, in people's eyes, the map of mountains and rivers and the country began to change. The original static picture seems to be alive at this time, with signs of flowing.

A strange breath spreads from the map of mountains, rivers and countries. They feel that they are in a mountain forest, high mountains, and the sun and moon are hanging in the sky. Then, they feel that they are in the river. Waves are rolling and the fish are trembling. Then, they appear in the sky full of stars and feel the vastness

The vast world, mountains and rivers, grotesque, sun, moon and stars, flowers, trees, birds and animals, breed hundreds of millions of creatures, and do everything between birth and death, as if this picture is a real small world of the state.People's eyes do not blink, staring at the ever-changing world in the painting, almost lost themselves.

"All right But at this time, Li nianfan closed his pen and let everyone come back to God.

Looking at the scroll again, the strange feeling disappears. However, the content on the scroll is much fuller than before. I don't know whether it is an illusion. I always feel that the old meaning on the painting has disappeared, giving people a new feeling.

The painting came out, the master really gave the best congenital spirit treasure to draw out!

It's appalling, so terrible!

Li nianfan looked at his works with satisfaction and said with a smile, "how about it?"

Orange swallow a mouthful of saliva, Leng Leng mouth way: "Master Li's painting skills are really extraordinary, too beautiful, too spectacular, orange heart deep admiration."

Li nianfan ha ha ha smile, look, his talent even seven fairies are convinced.

Immediately, he said modestly, "ah, it's just some small means, not my boast. Although I can't cultivate immortals, I still know a lot about strange and skillful skills."

Of course we know that you are not blowing, not only not blowing. You are too low-key.

What do you call it weird?

Do you call it immortality?

Would you please stop hitting people? Let's be a waste in silence.

Li nianfan put away the painting scroll and handed it to orange clothes. "Oh, this painting will be returned to you."

"Thank you Thank you Chen Yi didn't refuse. She raised her hand to take the picture and bowed to Li nianfan.

She clings to the mountains and rivers in her hands, like a dream.

The map of mountains and rivers is too important to her. It is so important to hold it in my hand silently at this time, which produces an unreal feeling.

With this painting, you can bring out the queen mother and the Jade Emperor, and you can leave the heavenly palace!

This painting from get, to open, to repair, rely on all the experts ah!

If it is not an expert, any one of these three links is enough to make him despair to suffocate. However, it is so easy to solve.

Looking at the indifferent expression on Li nianfan's face, orange clothes suddenly got a sour nose and almost cried out.

Experts may not care, but they must remember! If she did not know the taboo of the master, she would not hesitate to kneel down and thank you.

Orange wants to do more things for the master, as long as he can make them happy, Gongsheng said: "Li Mr. Li, let orange show you other places in the heavenly palace. "

"Then orange girl." Li nianfan nodded with a smile, pondered for a moment and said curiously, "by the way, where is the so-called flat peach garden? Can you show us? "

Orange immediately said with a smile: "of course, no problem, Mr. Li, please follow me."

Pantao garden is located at the back of many fairy palaces and occupies a large area. It is covered by a white wall with small flower windows on the wall. There is only a grand arched Red Gate as the entrance.

On the top of the door was a plaque with three large gold characters on the flat peach garden.


Orange pushes the door in.

Li nianfan was stunned. There was nothing left in the garden, only bare land was left, even flowers and plants were gone. There were several fairies holding peach baskets, fluttering ribbons, covering their mouths and laughing, but they were transformed into stone carvings.

Orange said: "after the catastrophe, all the spiritual roots were basically wiped out. I heard from my mother that under the current situation of heaven and earth, the Jedi and Tiantong are hard to feed even the immortals. The spiritual roots are naturally more impossible to support, so they are directly erased."

"Oh, it's a pity. It's a legendary flat peach." Li nianfan's eyes flashed a deep pain, and sighed: "how can I say it's gone? Let me eat one! I want to be an immortal, too

They couldn't help looking at him. No one spoke because they didn't know how to connect.

I'm sorry, we really can't cooperate with you in this part.

What a pity!

Tell me, what do you grow in your backyard?

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