Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 394: 394

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"The world is quiet."

Li Nianfan felt very comfortable, and slowly put the sprayer up to his five star rating, good quality, good goods!

Daji and others closed their small mouth and took a deep breath to calm their hearts.

Originally, they all planned to fight to death. After all, they were two ferocious beasts in the realm of Da Luo Jinxian!

In fact, the so-called Hongmeng fierce beast can be said to be the fierce beast of the same era as the dragon and Phoenix. When the heaven and earth were formed, there were both positive and dark sides. The Hongmeng fierce beast was born with the land of great ferocity, and it was also extremely powerful.

Daji and Huofeng as well as the surrounding combat power are all just the realm of Taiyi Jinxian. They fight each other to death, and the probability of winning is not very large.

Mosquitoes It's too difficult.

At the same time, they didn't expect Li nianfan to make a move. After all, the position given by an expert is very clear, and it is impossible to make a move. She is just a high-ranking spectator because she is not afraid of being attacked by others.

It's very exciting, but They are not so arrogant that they feel that they are qualified to make an exception and are willing to expose their extraordinary strength.

However, they did not expect that the crisis of life and death in their eyes was so resolved?

With such a thing, "Zizi" spray two times, the other party even has no room for resistance, and lies on the ground cool.

Daji curiously said: "childe, what did you just spray mosquitoes with?"

"It's just an insecticide. It's not a good thing. The only effect is to kill mosquitoes."

Li nianfan casually said: "this thing has been stacked in the warehouse, and it is not used at ordinary times. I also found that there are mosquitoes recently. Considering that mosquitoes will disturb me when I watch a performance in the open air at night, I take it with me. I can't imagine that it will really come into use."

Warehouse again

Daji and Huofeng look at each other.

It's really a cow's warehouse. Its contents are piled up like garbage by experts. Occasionally, taking out one thing at random is enough to sling the whole world of famine.

In the sky, the seven fairies, who were still falling down rapidly, seemed to be trapped in the air.

In particular, in addition to orange clothes and purple leaves, the other five people's mouths are open into "O" shape, a pair of ghost appearance.

I have been sealed for so many years. Has the times changed? I don't understand how I feel.

The elder sister in the red dress stares at her eyes and wakes up and says, "my God! After being sealed for such a long time, I was dazzled. I just saw those two ordinary mosquitoes as the Hongmeng and fierce beasts of daluojinxian, which scared me to death. "

The four princesses in the green dress blinked their big eyes and said, "elder sister, I'm sorry, they should be two fierce beasts."

elder sister is slightly surprised, continue to say: "then I still dazzled, actually feel that the spray that just sprayed is very ordinary."

Green's eyes continued to flash, "that That spray was also very ordinary. "

elder sister felt that her brain was in a state of confusion and organized a language: "a mortal, holding an ordinary spray, shot the death of a large monster in the realm of a large Rodin fairy."

The third princess Huang Er nodded, "it seems that It's true. "

"Well, don't talk!" Orange opened her mouth, and after her initial shock, she felt only reasonable.

Shen Zhong said: "that childe is the master who helps you to lift the seal. Besides, the reason why your majesty and your mother can get out of trouble is also relying on this expert! Using spray to kill hung Meng beast, but is the basic operation, convergence of mind, and so on, you must not speak easily! "

"So good." The fifth Princess Qing'er was shocked and then said, "suddenly I feel that he is so handsome."

"You must be careful Purple leaf quickly patted green son, "in front of the master convergence point!"

The sixth princess, Lan'er, could not help shrinking her small white head. She stepped back two steps and said weakly, "sister seven, why don't you go there, such a powerful person, I I'm afraid... "

Orange took a deep breath and said, "it's rude of you to go back now. Let's go and ask. Pay attention to your image!"

At the end of the speech, the seven people's colorful skirts fluttered and fluttered to Li nianfan's side with the gesture of a fairy coming down to earth.

They were really too eye-catching. Their long skirts of seven different colors, which belonged to the temperament of fairies, as well as their beautiful faces of flattery and humiliation, were quickly attracted the attention of Li nianfan.

The seven people were flying down against the wind and said in the same voice: "red, orange, yellow I've met Mr. Li. "

When Li nianfan saw the orange clothes and purple leaves, he was already aware of it. This was a good news. He immediately said with a smile, "congratulations on the seven fairies' success in breaking the seal. Congratulations."

He looked at the seven fairies, and their appearance was not to be said. They had different looks, and they were very easy to identify. They could be distinguished by the color of their skirts. At this time, he was smiling and looked at himself curiously.Two of them impressed Li nianfan deeply. One was huang'er in a yellow dress. Her eyes were bright and seemed to have spirituality. Seeing Li nianfan, she even blinked a few times, which was very lively. The other was Lan'er, who was a few steps behind others. She was very formal, like a little girl who went out with her sister.

Surrounded by seven fairies, yingying and Yanyan, this experience is really not enough for humanity.

Chen Yi bowed down and said gratefully: "this also thanks to Mr. Li. If not, I'm afraid we will be hopeless for life."

Li nianfan waved his hand and said, "to tell you the truth, I didn't help. What's more, I didn't expect that the so-called light really works. It's knowledge."

Orange and purple leaf saw that he did not say anything about kneading the dough. They tossed the pot clean. They also understood the meaning of an expert, but did not say much.

Ziye said sincerely: "no matter what, this time, Mr. Li has helped us a lot and he is the benefactor of our heavenly palace."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "it can only be said that it is a mistake of yin and Yang. It will be good if the heavenly palace is restored."

Knowing that it was enough, orange Yi saluted and said in a respectful voice, "it's getting late, so we won't disturb Mr. Li's rest. When we finish dealing with the affairs of the heavenly palace, we will visit to show our thanks."

Li nianfan arched his hand, "since so, all the fairies, goodbye."

On the other side, the river Styx took up the gun and stood up. Seeing nothing, the Jade Emperor and the queen mother left with a few cruel words.

His face was gloomy, and soon he came to a place of chaos. Not far ahead, a black fog appeared. At this time, the black fog trembled, and his mood was very unstable.

In the heart of the river Styx some displeasure, hum a way: "mosquito way friend, you this is how? I fought with Haotian and the queen mother, but I didn't ask you to intervene. How could I hurt my appearance bigger than me? "

The black fog gradually dispersed, and a slender figure in a black cape emerged, but with a Black Hoodie, hidden appearance, only a pair of red eyes burst out, and the sharp teeth exposed from the lips.

"The other two first mosquitoes that I evolved died, and they died inexplicably!"

's voice was cold and deep, with an unbelievable way. "I witnessed their death, and I was shot dead by the mysterious sage, dead and decisive, without any struggle."

Before she went to sleep, she specially used her own blood to cultivate three first mosquitoes, which made their achievements grow stronger. Unexpectedly, now that she has just awakened, the three first mosquitoes have died one after another, and they have not made any contribution. This wave of losses.

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, the old brook of the river of the river, has a slight frown. "It can kill two big rojinsin in an instant, and that spray is at least the best quality Lingbao. I never heard of such Lingbao."

"the spray is abnormal. It seems to be a restraint for me. It's terrible." There is a lingering fear in mosquito path's heart. Under her cloak, her eyes twinkle constantly. This is the reason why she doesn't dare to act rashly. She is afraid that she will be calm when she moves

"But I lost a few of my men. It's no harm." The ancestor of the river Styx waved his hand disapprovingly, and then said, "in fact, my purpose in this action is just to test. It is also in my expectation that the heavenly palace can be rebuilt. Obviously, there is another variable besides the Jade Emperor and the queen mother. I'm afraid the cultivation will not be under you and me."

The mosquito Taoist said coldly: "because of your trial, I lost only two mosquitoes left!"

"It's not what I want to see." The old ancestor of the Styx River stopped, and then began to boast: "this plan is absolutely perfect, including Tiangong, Difu, longzu and Fengzu. If it goes well, it will cause great losses to them. Even if we fail, we can know the depth of our opponents and try to find out whether there are any variables behind their scenes."

The mosquito Taoist said, "hum, what are you going to do next?"

"Now that the heavenly palace is established again, the seals between heaven and earth will certainly be loosened. I believe that many people will not be able to bear the lonely birth. At that time, I will also take the initiative to help more people born, unite and strengthen myself!"

With a smile, the ancestor of the Styx River continued: "there are many people who don't want to let the heavenly palace be established again. I just need to stir up trouble from them. Surely it will have a wonderful effect. Isn't it beautiful to sit and reap profits at that time?"


Tiangong, in the LingXiao palace.

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother are saying hello to the immortal families who continue to wake up.

This group of people is like a dream to wake up, after a short period of confusion, have shown the color of excitement.

Then they saluted one after another and said, "God, please see your majesty and your mother."

The Jade Emperor raised his hand slightly and said with dignity: "all Qing family are exempt from ceremony."

"Thank you."

An old man with white hair and a shining star on his forehead said: "Your Majesty's benevolence and righteousness, after so many years, he still hasn't forgotten the God. He is willing to do things against the heaven for the sake of the little God and help him break the seal. What kind of virtue can the little god do? There is a shame in his heart."

As he spoke, he had already moved himself and wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes.The other immortals did not dare to neglect them. They were more devout than others. "Your Majesty, in order to save us, must have exhausted countless mental strength. We are deeply moved, and we will never die!"

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne and looked at the immortal families under the stage. His face was complicated and his heart was ashamed.

I'm flattered. I'm flattered.

I didn't exhaust countless efforts, I just licked the person I should lick at the right time.

See you.

As usual, he said, "you don't have to be like this. In fact, this time you are able to recover depends on an expert, who is my nobleman and even more a noble person in the heavenly palace."

"Are there such people in the world?" Taibai Jinxing was startled and said in a hurry: "what are you waiting for? Please canonize this person into the palace as an official."

"Be careful. Although he likes to keep a low profile, he is actually much bigger than me. He certainly can't be an official. I've already figured out how to do it."

The Jade Emperor's face was dignified and majestic: "I tell you, that is to say, you must treat the superior with courtesy in the future, and there must be no slightest slightest neglect."

"I will obey your orders!" The fairies looked at each other and doubted each other.

The Jade Emperor waved his hand, then spread out his hand, slowly facing the sky, and said, "well, the heavenly palace is in urgent need of manpower. I need to re-establish the official position and reorganize the order of the heavenly palace! Dare to invite The seal of heaven and earth

There was silence.

The Jade Emperor's palm just spread out in front of him, but he didn't get any response.

The scene was once in an awkward situation.

The so-called imperial power is granted by God, and the divinity is naturally granted by heaven. Although the Jade Emperor can set the throne, only by setting a seal between heaven and earth can it be regarded as officially compiled and recognized and protected by the way of heaven It seems that the heavenly palace is really gone. There is no seal of heaven and earth. What is the difference between Tiangong and other sects?

All the immortals did not speak, and bowed their heads one after another. They seemed to know nothing and became ostriches.

"This..." Rao is the mood of the Jade Emperor. At this time, it is inevitable to blush and cool. Should the Jade Emperor announce the dissolution of the heavenly palace?

"Jade Emperor, you might as well try to borrow the prestige of an expert?"

The Jade Emperor's face was slightly positive and hesitated for a long time. Then he slowly rose from his seat and bowed cautiously in the direction of Luoxian mountain. "Haotian is helpless. Today, I dare to borrow the name of Mr. Li. Please forgive me."

Then, he returned to his seat and said, "I want to make Mr. Li nianfan a saint of heaven and earth. Please The seal of heaven and earth


In the sky, there was a sudden explosion of thunder. There was a Z-shaped lightning cutting through the sky. The sky and the earth trembled at the same time. Then, a bright light shot out from the distant chaos, forming a seal, which went into the heart of the Jade Emperor's eyebrows!

"This is Is it true? "

Under the stage, all the immortals were stunned. They couldn't install ostriches any more. They felt a little dreamy.

Before the Jade Emperor asked, the heaven is not a bird at all, so he just let the heavenly palace be dissolved. However, the Jade Emperor just named a man, and the heaven and earth seal immediately appeared. This is For fear of being dissatisfied?

This kind of feeling is like a common people in a hurry to give a gift to a big man. No matter what others think, it is better to send than not.

Who is this man? Is his name so easy to use?

Zhou Bai's voice trembled Your majesty, I dare to ask Is this the person you just mentioned A great man

The Jade Emperor looked at everyone's startled and inexplicable reaction, and the corner of his mouth drew up a trace of smile, nodded his head and said, "good."

"Hiss -- big man, big man!"

"Terrible, terrible!"

"No wonder we can unlock our seal. To tell you the truth, I guess it can't be done by your majesty alone."

"Heroes think alike."


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