Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 433: 433

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On one side, Xiao Chengfeng looks at the people happily discussing how to contribute to the talent, with a lonely look on his face.

Aocheng noticed Xiao Chengfeng's eyes and said immediately, "brother Xiao, your injury..."

"Ha ha ha It has been stabilized. The peach of the master is really a miracle. My blessing is really profound. "

Xiao Chengfeng said with a smile, "life has been restored. As for cultivation, it doesn't matter. Now I'm very satisfied with the situation."

"Don't worry, there will always be a way." Ao Cheng patted Xiao Chengfeng on the shoulder and then said, "this time I'm going to Beihai to catch Kunpeng. I'm sure I can enhance my fighting power with your words."

Xiao Chengfeng's eyes brightened and he said, "OK, come on, I'll teach you!"

The jade emperor also laughed, "OK, I'll give you an afternoon's preparation time. Tonight I'll go to Beihai and hunt for the master!"

The queen mother said: "this time, let's fight back together!"


Time is like water, passing silently.

After a quiet day, under the calm appearance, there is a kind of dangerous undercurrent. On this day, both the Jade Emperor and the queen mother are dignified and brewing big things.

Night is coming.

At the same time, the tide is surging in the East China Sea, and there are countless seafood on the bottom of the sea. The sea is full of seafood, and the army is under pressure!

A stream of murderous, quietly rising in the night, brewing.

At the same time, a sea area in the North Sea is called Beiming.

There is a small island here. It is not impressive, and the immortal spirit is not strong. It looks ordinary.

But at this time, this humble Island, but it is the spirit of the sky, it is a faint voice of the roar.

Since the day of the war, the demon master Kunpeng's mood has become very unstable, extremely irritable.

In fact, his panic is so exposed.

I don't know what's going on. He always feels hot all over his body, as if he's being boiled by something. He's inexplicable and uncomfortable. He's a quasi saint, which represents an extremely unknown premonition.

In addition, as long as he thought of the breath of the little fox, his heart would panic, and the words of the queen mother would ring in his ears from time to time, and his hair would explode all over his body, and he would stand upside down from time to time, cold all over his body.

There should be no such master in the world after the Jedi pass through heaven. Even if there are, they will not come out.

And It's just fighting. I didn't kill them either. I don't think these high-ranking people would care about me for such trifles.

It's OK. Don't panic. Calm down. Maybe it will be OK.

He comforted himself and finally smoothed his heart. But at this time, a little demon came from the outside in a hurry.

"Newspaper -"

"master demon, the big deal is not good. The team of rhinoceros demon general is back, but Something's wrong

"Well?" The demon master Kun Peng's brow suddenly a wrinkly, coagulate a voice way: "how to return a responsibility?"

The little demon could not believe it, and then whispered: "I don't know, but it seems that Sacrifice

"Could it be that the people of the heavenly palace turned back and attacked us shamelessly?"

The demon master Kun Peng's eyes suddenly stare, and then his body swings, and he comes outside. His eyes sweep, and he falls directly on the small demons who have just come back.

The fury breath instantly pressed up, sink a voice way: "how to return a responsibility?"

"Master demon, it's the dog family! It's a rebellious dog from the dog family. It killed general rhinoceros easily

"The dog clan is so terrible, the dog's paw is so gently lifted, and the day after tomorrow's treasure is so split! That's the treasure of the day after tomorrow! "

"General rhinoceros walked peacefully, because he was so scared."


The little demons were obviously scared, one by one with lingering fear. Just thinking about it, they were still shivering all over. You said everything he said, trembling.

Kunpeng demon master was on the side. The more he listened, the more frightened he was. The more he listened, the more his face became heavy. His heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he was very frightened.

Dog's paw can cut off the treasure of the day after tomorrow!

What is this realm?

It's the treasure of the day after tomorrow. Although it can't be said to be immortal, it's very difficult to damage it. Even he has to use at least the first-class spiritual treasure to damage it, and it's only part of it!

What is the level of dog's claw when the dog demon can crush the acquired treasure? It's impossible to stop the congenital treasure!

It's impossible to measure your accomplishments!

God dog, this is god dog!

When did such a big man appear in the dog clan? No wonder he dares to be king and bully. He can't be provoked. He can't be provoked properly!

But It's too fake, isn't it?Kunpeng incredibly confirmed: "what you said is true? Isn't it an illusion? "

"It's true

"General rhinoceros was stewed like this. We saw it with our own eyes. It's too miserable."

"Not only that, we were lucky to eat it. I have to say that it really tasted delicious. The food of the dog family is also very good. I haven't eaten such delicious food even when I grow up."

"I hate that I'm not a dog demon. The dog clan is convinced by virtue."


"Shut up! We, you have been scared out of your mind, and you have been incoherent! "

Kunpeng's deep burst of voice, the whole body momentum began to become unstable, hoarse voice, through the cold, Congzhong said: "about that god dog, do you know any information?"

"I know."

A chicken demon opened his mouth and tried to recall: "it mentioned its master, and it seems to have its own master, and And let it take care of the Nine Tailed Fox, so that it will appear nearby. "

Simple words, but let Kunpeng's pupil suddenly shrink, almost jump up in situ.

This, this

Such a dog demon has a master and asks him to take care of the Nine Tailed Fox. Combined with the smell of the little fox

"Hiss -"

Kunpeng's scalp is numb, and he takes a cold breath, which directly makes many small demons around him feel suffocated.

No, it's not like that, is it?

All kinds of signs show that I seem to have offended an existence that I can't provoke at all. As the queen mother said, I dare not even think about it.

Even It doesn't need an expert to do it in person, just that god dog is enough to press me on the ground easily.

It's terrible, it's hopeless!

It's cold, I'm going to be cold!

No, I have to help myself, I have to avoid, I have to hide!

Kunpeng forced down his beating heart and made a quick decision, ready to run.

This can be regarded as a return to the old business. After all, in the flood and famine period, he avoided all kinds of robberies by hiding. I am familiar with this operation.

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Kunpeng's mind was together, and he didn't even care what he was doing. He immediately prepared to find a hidden treasure land. He would not talk much about it. He would spend 10000 years first.

But at this time, two waves of mighty pressure from a distance directly over, accompanied by a burst of majestic drink, "Kun Peng, come out to die!"

As soon as the voice fell, the figures of the queen mother and jade emperor appeared on the island, staring at Kunpeng coldly.

"Jade Emperor and queen mother, don't deceive people too much!"

Kunpeng didn't want to fight with them. He said: "we don't have any dead feuds. It's better to give up now. In the future, the well water won't invade the river water. Otherwise, I can make your heavenly palace doomed!"

"Ha ha, Kunpeng, I think you are ready to run?" The queen mother had already seen through everything, then her face sank, and she sneered: "the master has orders. If you want to eat Kunpeng soup, let us take you!"

Kunpeng's face changed constantly, and finally said, "those who don't know are innocent. Where are the experts? Kunpeng is willing to make amends face to face."

"Even you are worthy to meet the master?"

The Jade Emperor gave a cold smile, "you are wise, you are not going to be caught. Hello, I'm also good. The master can make you delicious. It's an account for you!"

"Oh, don't deceive too much!"

Kunpeng's face suddenly became gloomy to the extreme. When his fear reached the extreme, he turned into anger and burst out: "Kunpeng, I've been a person with a head and a face since the beginning of the division of heaven and earth. Even the sages of that year dare not talk to me like this. Do you really think I'm a bully?"

The momentum of the Jade Emperor and the queen mother is constantly rising, and there are visions surging around them. They said with dignity: "hum, no matter what, today we will take you back and give you an account!"

Kunpeng demon master laughs, and his whole body's momentum rises abruptly. He flies into the sky and says, "ha ha, it's up to you? Don't look down on people

Immediately, the three people sacrificed their magic weapons and fought together.

For a moment, the sky, halo frequency, all kinds of brilliance and magic burst, powerful mana directly let a million miles around the night as day.

All the creatures in the North Sea, together with the sea water, are shivering and uneasy under this force.

At the same time.

Courtyard, dark night.

Li nianfan and others have returned to the room to rest, silent.

A gust of night wind quietly blowing, through the trash can, the paper inside it blowing "rustle" sound.

Then, the paper rose with the wind, and it flew slowly, just driving in the wind, quietly, toward the north.

North Sea, the fighting continues.

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother have two enemies and one enemy. Naturally, they have the upper hand.

The Jade Emperor holds the Tianyang sword and the Haotian pagoda on his head. His whole body is wrapped by endless aura. With the power of opening the sky and breaking the earth, the sea under his feet is directly divided into two pieces just by the breath. In the middle is a vacuum zone. The sea water forms two large curtains and rises up into the sky!The whole body of the queen mother is surrounded by the picture of mountains and rivers, and she holds Yu Ruyi in her hand. With a wave of her hand, she says, "Ruyi is what you want!"

Immediately, the sea water floats into the air, forming a giant beast, swallowing the Kunpeng, and then compressing it to the extreme. The surrounding space is directly crushed, making a "click click" sound. It is like a mirror breaking, with black space and black hole exposed.


In the water polo, came a great bell.

Then, a golden light like piercing seal general, one after another from the water ball darting out, like a laser general irradiation.

The golden light is in full swing, and finally covers the whole water polo, forming a huge golden bell!

Standing in the golden bell, Kun Peng has an iron face, grits his teeth, and is somewhat complacent at the same time.

A cold and sarcastic voice came out of his mouth, "Jade Emperor and queen mother, I have Donghuang bell to protect my body. Even if I stand and let you fight, what can you do to me?"

The Jade Emperor, with a straight face, said firmly, "no matter what happens today, we will break your shell!"

The attack between him and the queen mother became more and more fierce.

Throughout the North Sea, the waves are surging, and there are bells ringing in the void, and the golden light fluctuates.

"Ha ha ha, add more strength, add more strength!"

Kunpeng stood in the East emperor's bell and burst out laughing, "this clock is rare in the world. Its defense is low, and it is the first in the world! Even a saint can resist a blow. What can you do for me? "

There was a trace of contempt in the eyes of the Jade Emperor and the queen mother.

You have never seen the world, but even the props for eating are the top congenital Lingbao, which is estimated to be just some high-end toys. You are so proud!

But at the same time, there was a sense of powerlessness and anxiety in my heart. They couldn't break this thing.

This is the task given by an expert. It can't be finished. What face will you have to meet an expert in the future?

We are incompetent. I'm sorry for the experts!

"Well, I won't play with you. Let's go. Goodbye!"

With a light smile, Kun Peng swaggered away under the attack of the queen mother and the Jade Emperor.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother pursued and persevered, "where can I go, old Kunpeng thief?"

"Kunpeng joked:" chase it, come on, I don't take a fight back

But at this time, there was a breeze.

In the distant sky, however, a piece of paper appeared. The paper was light and twisted with the wind.

It's strange that such a large piece of paper can go with the wind all the time, and The strangest thing is that their speed is not slow. However, the paper that seems to float very slowly can catch up with others.

Three people happen to fall on the paper.

At this point, their faces changed greatly.

"This, this is..."

At the same time, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother widened their eyes, held their breath and stared at each other.

The painting made by an expert!

Yes, it's the paintings made by the experts. There are rugged folds on the paper, which were created by the experts.

Before, I was distressed that the painting was thrown into the garbage can by an expert, but I was waiting here.

Kunpeng is the canthus of his eyes, has been scared to the extreme, even the hair are scared to stand up.

Big fear!

At the first sight of the painting, there is a kind of fear all over the body. It's like The mouse saw the snake, the fish saw the cat, met the natural enemy!

This painting is my nemesis, my nemesis!

Kunpeng looked at the contents of the painting and the words he was carrying. His face was bloodless and his lips were shaking wildly. A very strange rule came to him, which made him feel like a pot of soup and he didn't dare to resist.

Master, is it the master behind the Jade Emperor's mother?

The thought almost drove him crazy on the spot.

Run, run at all costs!


He spewed out a mouthful of blood. His speed soared to the extreme. He turned around and ran. His potential exploded. In a flash, he didn't know how many thousands of miles he had run.

The painting stayed in place and did not move. The sea water in it flowed out of the painting and stirred up the surrounding sea water. When it melted with each other, it actually condensed into a big pot!

A halo flows out of the pot, which is a vast law of the road, flows between heaven and earth, and finally turns into a sentence: Kun Peng, come to the pot.

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