Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 437: 437

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Li nianfan returned to Siheyuan and began to prepare the food for Kunpeng banquet.

"It's a huge immortal banquet. According to the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, it's based on the standard of flat peach banquet. I can't be careless."

Li nianfan, while choosing the vegetable root, reminded himself in his heart and couldn't help laughing: "I can't believe that one day I will have a banquet with a large group of legendary immortals. Life is really unpredictable, interesting and interesting!"

But I can't take care of such a big pot by myself.

Li nianfan looked aside and said to Xiao Bai, who was cleaning up all kinds of vegetables: "Xiao Bai, go to the backyard to pick more vegetables and fruits, and come with me at the banquet the day after tomorrow. I'll take you to heaven and see the scenery in the sky, ha ha ha..."

Xiaobai bowed very gentlemanly and said, "yes, thank you, my dear master."

Li nianfan began to think about inviting those old friends again, but he couldn't miss it.

Luohuang family, linxiandao palace, wanjianxianzong, Lingyun Pavilion, Qingyun Valley

By the way, and big black!

Dahei joined the dog clan, so he had to invite several representatives of the dog clan to come and let them take care of Dahei, so as not to be bullied.

Ah, my old father broke his heart.

Time is like water.

Li nianfan and all the people in Tiangong are obsessed with preparation and ignore the passage of time.

Soon, two days passed quietly.

On that day, before dawn, Li nianfan packed his bags and prepared to take Daji and others to the heavenly palace.

Because we have to go to prepare the banquet, we have to go ahead of time.

Li nianfan noticed that there were many birds in the courtyard. He couldn't help but be surprised and said, "Oh, little Daji, is this Canary a goblin?"

Huofeng nodded and said, "young master, it's really a goblin. It represents a member of the demon clan."

The canary was only the size of a palm. Seeing Li nianfan looking at him, his body trembled and his head hung down. He wanted to bury it in his chest.

It seems extremely timid and nervous.

"Boss, I'm wrong. Please let me go..."

Canary's heart in the crazy pleading, uneasy, the whole body of the bird hair began to blow up slightly.

It is Kunpeng.

After being sucked away by Daji, he was taken to the backyard just like the original Mo Qilin and the dragon.

Seeing everything in the backyard, Rao Shi, Kun Peng, who is a big man, was also shocked by the scene. Unexpectedly, there was such a flood after the Jedi Tiantong Even beyond the small world!

Although we already know that there is an unfathomable big man, Rao is so, still let Kunpeng's careful liver simply can't bear, directly to kneel.

At this time, being watched by such a big man, how can he not feel uneasy and think that the big man is not ready to let him go.

If the boss wants Peng to die, Peng has to die!

Li nianfan casually smiles and takes back his eyes. "Ha ha, this canary is so timid. It turns out to be a shy species. OK, let's go."

"Jijiji -"

the Canary gave a weak cry, and it was a long sigh of relief in her heart, and she finally survived.

The reason why it changes from Kun Peng to canary is because of energy.

In fact, no matter what the existence is, the higher the cultivation, the closer the body will be to the way of heaven. At the beginning of cultivation, you may pay attention to the blood talent or something. However, when you become a great Luo Jinxian, the life form will begin to change. The blood of the whole body will spontaneously evolve and become a quasi saint. The body is regularized, and the shape is just a skin bag.

Just because of this, the higher the cultivation, the more precious the body is.

What's more, Kunpeng's Quasi Saint body is so big that it contains many kinds of rules. It's impossible to condense by relying on Jiutian xirang alone.

It's not easy to condense a canary sized body. Correspondingly, Kunpeng is also reduced from the quasi holy realm to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

A trace of firmness flashed in the Canary's eyes, and she said secretly, "next, let's see me practice step by step, from sparrow to Kunpeng! In the future, I will write a biography called "reborn sparrow evolved into Peng!"

They drove all the way to Nantianmen. They were familiar with the road and soon came to Nantianmen.

On this grand day, it is obvious that the Nantianmen gate has also undergone a lot of care. There are lights and decorations on it. At the top of it, there is a big banner that says the first Kunpeng banquet in Tiangong!

Canary see this banner, almost directly spit blood, what do you mean? Is it hard to prepare for the second and the third? If it's not that I don't like fighting, I'll tear down your Nantianmen now!

At the gate of the South Heaven Gate, there was a giant spirit who had not been seen for many days. When he saw Li nianfan, his eyes lit up and he came up quickly. He arched his hands and said respectfully, "see you, your majesty."

Li nianfan joked with a smile: "the great spirit has not seen you for a long timeAt this time, he noticed that the face of the spirit God was protruding. He was tall and his face was very broad. At this time, the cheeks on both sides were bulging out, which was more striking.

Li nianfan immediately said, "what's the matter with your face? Is it swollen? "

"It's a little bit of an accident that I met in the inspection circle. Let's not mention it."

The giant spirit God waved his hand, and then made a gesture of "please, Lord, please come inside."

Li nianfan nodded, made his way by the giant spirit, and quickly walked towards the inner part of the heavenly palace.

Soon through the Lingxiao hall, came to the yaochi.

Yao pool, Yao pool, pool water across the sky, jade bridge horizontal vertical, pavilion Ling Li, surrounded by clouds, spacious, luxurious, spectacular, end is a perfect place for dinner.

Many immortals, such as the Jade Emperor and the queen mother, had been waiting here for a long time. Seeing Li nianfan coming, they immediately welcomed him.

Li nianfan noticed that many immortals who had gone out before also came back, such as the seven immortals, all complete, and nodded to himself with a smile.

For such a large-scale event centered on experts, no matter what the situation, it must come back.

The Jade Emperor arched his hand and said with a smile, "good morning, saint. Have a look. Is there anything else that needs to be adjusted?"

Li nianfan looked around, and the big pot was placed in the center of the Yao pool. The bottom of the pot and the stove were all set up, which was very suitable.

Around the big pot, there are jade tables and chairs in a group of three. At that time, the fairy will help the guests at each table to eat.

In the air ahead, there is a round platform suspended in the sky, probably a stage for dancing.

Li nianfan said from the bottom of his heart: "there is no provocation in this arrangement. You really have a heart!"

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The Jade Emperor laughed, "that's good, that's good."

"By the way, I've brought all the fruit and drinks. Let's make arrangements."

While saying that, Li nianfan directly put forward three big snake skin bags, and then took out four big wooden barrels.

"There are three buckets, one white, one red, one milk and one juice. Please don't mind."

Many immortals looking at these things, are stunned for a moment, trying to restrain themselves, just silently took a breath.

Rich and generous!

To treat with such a large number of treasures, from the flood to the present, there is only an expert!

"The queen mother said:" hurry up, don't be stunned, Chang'e quickly go to decorate

"Yes, madam."

A group of Chang'e saluted together, and then went down with their snake bags and big wooden barrels.

Taibai Venus is to follow, can't stop whispering to remind, carefully watching, "attention point, can't smash, wine can't spill out a little, these things can be precious, even your majesty and empress can't taste!"

Li nianfan looked into the pot, frowned slightly and whispered: "next, we'll deal with the body."

Kunpeng's body is too big to be handled by one person. However, Li nianfan had a plan in mind to deal with it. He said to the Jade Emperor, "Your Majesty, I'm afraid we need some hands to handle the body."

"Holy emperor, do you think I can do it?"

On one side, the God of food had already been ready to go. He couldn't wait to introduce himself and said, "I also have a lot of experience in cooking. Moreover, I have several disciples, all of whom are cooking materials, so I can start with them."

"Of course, that would be the best." Li nianfan nodded with a smile, "it shouldn't be too late, I'll teach you, Xiaobai, let's start."

Immediately, people around the body of Kunpeng, began to work.

The Canary looked at her predecessor's body being abused, and then at her present body. Her eyes were dim and full of tears. "What a huge and perfect body! It's a pity that it's no longer mine. Wuwuwuwu..."

As time goes on, visitors have begun to visit.

The great spirit God, ye Liuyun and the seven fairies all stood at the gates to greet them.

The first one came to the underground. Black and white impermanence and ox head horse face all came. Their faces were all excited and expectant, especially ox head horse face. They had a long line on their lips.

Black impermanence black face, can't help but way: "quickly wipe saliva! There are a lot of people coming here this time. Thanks for the high man's respect for us. We are the face of the underworld. Don't disgrace me! "

"Haha, I'm sorry. We can't help thinking that we can have a big meal prepared by an expert right away." The ox head quickly hissed and sucked back the saliva that was about to drop to the ground. "No, I seem to smell the fragrance. How about horse noodles?"

"What a strong wine flavor, I've gone with the wind..."

Then there are the dogs.

"Why? Xiaotiangou, you are here

Seeing Xiaotian dog, the giant spirit was stunned and then said with a smile, "Why are you here, your master? What's more, even if you come here, why do you bring a local dog here? It's a bit of a loss. ""I forgot to introduce you." The corner of the dog's mouth could not help curving and said, "this is the dog raised by Shengjun. Its name is Dahei!"

"Oh, it's shengjunda..."

The huge spirit's pupil suddenly widened, his voice suddenly stagnated and stuck in his throat. His tall body immediately bowed up, with a cry in his voice, "dog, dog Mr. dog, it turns out that it's Mr. dog. Xiaoshen's head is a little hot just now. Mr. dog didn't hear anything, did he? "

The big black dog grinned, "well, what do you say?"

Then walk the cat step to follow the wheezing dog slowly into the palace of heaven.

The giant spirit God looked at Da Hei's back and wanted to slap himself.

I've just been sent out to patrol the world. This mouth has caused trouble again. My God, my mouth is a pit!

On the other hand, Lingzhu also came, his eyes shining, and he almost wrote the word "I am a foodie" on his face. He was too excited.

"Ah, sister ziye, thank you for your invitation. Recently, I'm crazy about delicious food. I'm looking forward to the stars and the moon. I'm looking forward to such a big meal. Look at the tears from the corner of my eyes."

Purple leaves a face of distaste, "tears did not see, saliva has been a pile, fast don't talk to me, a mouth, saliva spray on my face."

In the distance, compared with other people's auspicious clouds, the number of dodging light obviously looks shabby.

It is Luo Shiyu, Qin manyun, Lin Qingyun and others who have not become immortals. Naturally, they are unable to drive the clouds. In order to strengthen their courage, they organized a group to come here.

Luo Shiyu could not help shrinking his neck, "Dad, I I'm a little nervous

Luo Huang ha ha a smile, "silly child, what can be nervous?"

Luo Shiyu opened his mouth and said, "this is the heavenly palace, the residence of immortals. Apart from us, I'm afraid they must be immortals at least."

"What about the heavenly palace?" Luo Huang said: "when we visited the master, how about going to the master's courtyard? How about the heavenly palace?"

"It's natural that the courtyard heaven palace of an expert can't be compared with it."

"Isn't that right? We've even been to the quadrangle of an expert. It's just a heavenly palace. Don't panic, don't panic. " Luo emperor secretly raised his hand to caress his little heart. He comforted Luo Shiyu and calmed his heart.

Yao Mengji said in a trembling voice: "it's said that this time I'm eating Kunpeng banquet. It's Kunpeng. It's so powerful that it's incredible. I feel dreamy when I think I'm going to eat its meat."

Lin Mufeng said: "who is not? When I first received this invitation, I felt incredible. I even thought it was a liar. After all Such as an expert, I can still remember me. I really I'm so moved that I want to cry. "

Lin Qingyun's eyes were complicated and his tone was firm. He said: "ah, it's really shameful that experts always send us fortune. I will never frown where I can be used!"

And then, the dragon people came to the scene one after another.

Ao Yun and Xiao Chengfeng are mixed up. Their foundation is also damaged and their accomplishments fall. They suddenly feel like they cherish each other.

As soon as they hit it off, they formed a group to live a life of old age.

Xiao Chengfeng said with a smile: "brother Ao, we are free now. We don't have to worry about anything. It's much more comfortable than before to drink wine, play chess and go shopping. Now I know what life is

Ao Yun nodded, "who said it's not? You see, our cultivation is not good, but can't we also eat Kunpeng meat? This is Kunpeng, the greatest power of Zhunsheng. The most important thing is that you can still eat the wine and fruit of an expert. Isn't life beautiful? "

"Well said! This kind of life, even if it is to restore cultivation, will not change! "

Xiao Chengfeng raised his sword, rubbed it and said, "I just couldn't think of it before. How hard it was to practice sword! Wait a minute, I'll set up some interesting tests. I'll find a descendant to give him the task of subduing demons and demons, and I'll live a comfortable life. It's beautiful and wonderful! "

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