Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 443: 443

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Take out the magic weapon?

All of us were stunned, and then our eyes suddenly lit up like a light bulb.

In particular, the giant spirit God was so overjoyed that his mouth was behind his ears. He was familiar with this operation.

Without thinking, he took out his two axes.

Come, come again, Lord Shengjun has begun to make contributions!

Ao cloud is also flurried to take out own long gun, put in the palm to rub, the heart is crazy to tremble.

Other immortals are not slow, holding their breath, just like children waiting for the teacher to award awards to them, their faces are red.

Kunpeng and Taoist mosquito are a little stunned. I don't know what the situation is?

The master wants to give us something? What's that?

Without waiting for them to think about it, Li nianfan raised his hand, waves of golden light poured down like a waterfall, and wrapped them up.

This time, there are many merits and virtues. They are especially rich. Most of them belong to the mosquito Taoist, followed by Kunpeng and LV Yue.

Merits, many merits!

The great spirit God quickly catches it with his axe, surprised and ashamed.

Xiaoshen just beat a wave of soy sauce, then lying behind to win, there are merits and virtues, how sorry, I really feel guilty!

Take flight, take flight

The axe in his hand was baptized by virtue. From the original Xuanhua axe with blue handle, a trace of gold appeared gradually. The blade of the axe seemed to be open, with a faint golden flash.

It's the third time that Xuanhua axe has been tempered by virtue. It's a good spiritual treasure of virtue, and its killing power is amazing.

Lu Yue took out his plague clock and tempered it with merit.

As for Kunpeng and Taoist mosquito, they were directly affected by this merit.

The mosquito Taoist priest, in particular, looked at the dazzling gold around her like a beautiful river. Her eyes suddenly became moist, her body trembled slightly, and she almost cried.

Fortunately, she was hidden under the black robe, and no one could see the tears in her eyes.

I can have merits.

She had a sense of dreaming. It was fantastic.

She is a mosquito bred from the filth of the sea of blood. She is naturally defined as a demon. No matter how she tries to fight for it, she can't change the fact that she is a follower. Even Daozu has a prejudice against it and is not recognized by the way of heaven.

Once there is a quantity robbery, she will be a victim. She will be killed at will. Anyone who comes can attack her with the slogan of getting rid of the devil and defending the way, which makes her extremely cautious and like to hide.

Originally, it was impossible to distribute merits to her, but At this time, it appeared in their own side.

Isn't it true that experts don't like mosquitoes?

He was selflessly rewarded for his merits

I, I

The Taoist's heart is rippling. He only feels a warm current all over his body. Is this the feeling of being recognized? Is this the feeling of moving?

She took a complicated look at Li nianfan, and then three golden lotus leaves appeared around her, absorbing merits.

Li nianfan noticed the Taoist's eyes and was very proud.

This time, the salary has bought a wave of people's hearts and minds.

As for Kun Peng on one side, he is a fool. His magic weapon has been confiscated with his body. Now he is a poor man, and there is nothing to refine.

After thinking about it for a while, he didn't waste it either. "Well, let's integrate into the physical body. I'm just refining the physical body. It can also make me more in line with the way of heaven. As soon as possible, I will evolve from a small sculpture into a Kunpeng!"

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother looked at the crowd with envy. They knew that there was such a good thing. They must have come here in a hurry. They had missed a piece of merit in vain.

However, they are also aware that what happened just now is not small, otherwise it will not arouse merit.

"All right." Li nianfan clapped his hands and said, "that's all. Let's do well and make persistent efforts."

Many immortals headed by the giant spirit God immediately showed their excitement and said in a devout voice: "thank you, my Lord!"

Li nianfan waved his hand and said casually, "OK, you're welcome. I have nothing to give you. I can only give you some merits."

There was silence.

Are you sure you're modest?

Li nianfan's eyes fell slightly on the drum not far away from the ground, and he let out a light Yi.

Then, surprised, he walked over, picked it up, shook it in his hand, and said interestingly, "I can see this kind of thing."

"Bang bang."

"Well?" Li nianfan's eyebrows slightly wrinkled, "no, how can drum shaking be such a heavy voice?"

He tried to shake it again.


Li nianfan was stunned for a moment, and his eyes suddenly brightened, "Yo Hoo? Can you change your voice? "

Another shake, "one more.""Diddidi."

"Fierce, fierce, actually can voice control voice change, it's a long time not encountered voice control things." Li nianfan looked at the drum shaking in his hand and immediately fell in love with it. It's a mythical world. Even the drum shaking is so beautiful.

Others look in the eyes, expressionless, try not to let their face twitch.

Of course, this is not for Li nianfan, but for the drum shaker.

You're such a good guy. You can pretend too much! A moment ago, you almost killed all of us. Now the master is here. What kind of garlic do you pretend to sell?

Still drop drop drop, why don't you cry?

The reason why they have such a mentality is purely because of envy and hatred.

It's a great honor to be able to enter the eyes of experts and be played by them as toys! This drum is flying!

Although this drum shaking is a first-class congenital treasure, but Can become the master's toy, is still the great nature!

If you don't dislike me, master, shake me, I will change my voice

"How can such a funny drum be thrown on the ground?" Li nianfan played for a while and asked, "did you drop this thing?"

They shook their heads without hesitation, "no, No."

If you have no brain problems, you can't stand up.

Li nianfan said with a smile, "that's just right. I'll take it. The workmanship is exquisite. I can play with it for children."

The queen mother said with a smile: "since it is a ownerless thing, and can let the emperor like it, then everyone is happy."

Li nianfan nodded, and then said: "it's good to see that everyone is OK. I should clean up and shout xiaodaji to leave. I'll leave first."

The giant spirit God led the way for Li nianfan and said, "to your majesty!"

Then, the mother of the Jade Emperor exchanged greetings with Li nianfan and watched Li nianfan leave.

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Until Li nianfan disappeared in sight, the giant spirit was excited. He licked the dog and ran to Da Hei. He bowed and bowed 90 degrees. He said devoutly and respectfully, "little God, giant spirit, thank you for your help."

Other people also keep up, even busy way: "thank you for your help."

"Thank you for your help and I don't want to kill you. "

"This is my master. I don't want you to die, little mosquito. Take care of yourself."

Big black haughtily held up the dog's head, then turned around and walked away with cat's steps, "Xiao Tian, come back to the doghouse with me."

"Gentlemen, you and I are old friends. Take care of yourself."

Xiaotian dog threw the dog's hair in a bad way, and then hurriedly followed, "Lord Dog King, let the little one open the way for you."

The Jade Emperor looked at Xiaotian dog's buttocks, which he swayed along the way. He could not help but have black lines all over his head and hummed: "the dog is successful, the dog is fighting the dog's power!"

Erlang God is the child of the Jade Emperor's sister and a mortal. Naturally, the relationship between the Jade Emperor and Erlang God is not very good. It's the same with Xiaotian dog. Now Xiaotian dog dare to show off in front of me!

On one side, the giant spirit God is showing the color of fascination, "envy ah!"

Oh, it's much better to be a dog than a dog!

The Jade Emperor squinted at the giant spirit God, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and snorted: "hmm? What did you say? "

The face of the giant spirit God did not change. He was not in a hurry. He immediately said, "the dog is successful, the dog fights the dog's power, your majesty is wise!"

"Everyone, go back to Lingxiao hall and tell me what just happened carefully!"


Xiaotian dog followed Da Hei to the dog family. He worked hard as a licking dog all the way. His eyes were full of fighting spirit and excited.

It has always known that the dog master is very strong, and the dog master is very strong, but today, the feast hosted by the dog master, and the dog master killed a quasi Saint peak at will, which gives Xiaotian dog a more intuitive concept.

In a word, it's better than you think!

To be the big red dog in the eyes of the dog master, Xiaotian dog feels like it's going to float.

Big black cold not Ding's mouth way: "small day, you are very happy?"

Xiaotian dog flattered maliciously, "today, seeing the king's hand, it's really shocking, which makes Xiaotian revere to the extreme. I can't help feeling a little excited."

Big black nodded, "Oh, I just have a bad news to tell you, let you hedge."

"What What? "

"The Kunpeng soup you packed and brought out will soon be lost if you don't keep it for a long time. Drink it as soon as possible."

Dahei's tone is flat, but his lethality is full, which makes the smile on xiaotiangou's face stiff and petrified.

"This, that..."

Xiaotian dog scratched his dog's head hard, and then shook his hair. The dog's ears drooped down and said at a loss: "king, really? Is there any way, I still want to bring food to others, I, this... ""Really." Big black nodded.

Seeing the wheezing dog from an excited dog to a sad dog, the corner of big black's mouth showed a comfortable smile.

A plastic packing box appeared in his hand. "Ah, use this. The owner said that you have to pack a box for packing. That's right."

Xiaotian dog looked at the packing box and took it with a silly hand. His mood was like a roller coaster, from great sorrow to great joy.

Tears whirled in its big eyes and choked: "thank you, King..."

Lingxiao hall.

The Jade Emperor sat on the throne of the emperor of heaven, listening to the reports from all the people, his face changed from shock to more shock, and then to extreme shock. He took turns with the queen mother to cool down.

"Is the dog raised by the master a dog saint?"

The Jade Emperor sat there and digested for a long time before he could accept the fact that "yes, it's not uncommon for an expert to have a dog."

Damn it, no wonder Xiaotian dog dares to fight against the dog. In this way, I dare not offend

He coughed and passed the topic, focusing on the dead nameless old man with a dignified face.

He opened his mouth and said: "from beyond the sky, in the depths of chaos, the quasi saint who belongs to another way of heaven..."

After a pause, he shook his head bitterly and said, "sure enough, in the endless chaos, more than one world was born."

The mosquito Taoist immediately said, "do you know?"

"Know a little." The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and said, "you were born in the wild. You should know how this world came from?"

The mosquito Taoist thought: "the great God of Pangu created heaven and earth. At that time, his blood and flesh became the ancestor of witches, but they were all over the world. They were famous and no one could match them."

"Sire, I've heard that from an expert."

Ziye couldn't help interrupting: "with Pangu, there are 108 demons. At last, Pangu realized the true meaning of creation, which created the world."

She did not mention the topic of Daozu stealing the fruits of the world.

"That's right. In fact, Daozu is one of the 108 demons."

Suddenly, the Jade Emperor nodded, "did you think about it If the 108 demons grow up again, they will be able to create heaven and earth as well? "

"If you think about it, are there only 108 demons in the chaos? Don't other gods who don't know can also create heaven and earth? "

In a simple word, it made everyone present feel numb, and a great fear came to his heart, "this, this..."

It's like a frog at the bottom of a well. Suddenly he jumps out of the well and sees the outside world. He's suddenly enlightened and terrified at the same time.

Yes, Pangu can create the world, so can others?

"When I was a boy around Daozu, I occasionally heard that Daozu recalled the past. The Tao was endless and stronger than Daozu. He was also determined to break through the needs and seek the perfection of the Tao. Moreover, he had a stronger sense of urgency, and the most commonly said sentence was There is a day out there

The Jade Emperor sighed and said in a heavy tone: "obviously, Daozu knew that there were many terrible things in chaos. I didn't expect that another person from heaven would come here."

"It's my fault." The mosquito Taoist felt a little embarrassed, "our heaven and earth seems to be hidden by the way of heaven, but it is attracted by me."

"Well, people are dead. I just hope there are no hidden dangers left."

After a pause, the Jade Emperor said, "but I know there is a great power around us who does not belong to the world of flood and famine! "

As soon as everyone frowned, the next moment was a flash of inspiration. At the same time, they thought of a person.

The great spirit God immediately said, "it's a master!"

"Yes, it's obvious."

The Jade Emperor nodded, "do you think it is possible for us to breed such powerful beings as experts? You're welcome to say that there are too many talents in this world. Do you have any doubt about that? "

They shook their heads together and agreed.

Purple leaf doubts a way: "that high person comes here for what?"

"Play in the world, travel around the world!"

Obviously, the Jade Emperor had already had the answer in his heart. He stroked his beard and said firmly: "you can think of an expert as a big man who travels all over the world. He can travel anywhere in the chaos at will. But our world is just a piece of shit. He chose him to stay on the spur of the moment."

"It's us, the whole world, who hold the thigh of an expert!"

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