Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 447: 447

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Unconsciously, it has been so many years.

Yang Jian's eyes showed the color of emotion, with memories: "it is a long time no soup, almost forget the taste."

"It's no pity to be able to taste the taste of hometown before you die. Xiaotiangou, you have a heart."

He laughed, took up the packing box in his hand, and then "Hula", took a breath.

It has to be said that the heat preservation effect of the packing box is absolutely unique. The soup is not cold at all. When it flows into the mouth, a strong fragrance suddenly spreads out. His mouth can't hold it any more. The fragrance runs directly along his mouth, into his stomach and facial features, making him shiver all over. The whole person seems to fall into a river called delicious.

And his tongue, soaked in the soup, seems to be covered by countless soft packages, juice flow, with a slightly hot temperature, massage the tip of the tongue, let him feel a burst of intoxication.

Yummy, yummy!

Just a small mouthful of soup completely conquered Yang Jian, leaving his brain blank and full of delicious food.

"Goo Doo!"

The throat moves slightly, and the warm and moist soup flows down the stream, moistening the throat, passing through the esophagus, ferocious and strong, filling the empty body. The whole person suddenly feels a burst of fullness.

Then, it was a very comfortable feeling, the pores of the whole body seemed to stretch out and breathe.

Wow, ah ~

Yang Jian forbeared not to make a sound, but to imitate it in his heart.

For a long time, because of enjoyment and slightly narrow eyes slowly open, pupil, full of aftertaste and incredible look.

Take a look at the bowl of soup in your hand, and you can't help feeling the ups and downs.

Is this really the taste of hometown?

I haven't tasted the flavor of my hometown for many years. Has it changed so much?

Damn, this delicious soup, doesn't it affect my heart? Originally, I was ready for the heroic sacrifice of the three realms, and suddenly I couldn't bear to die.

But the next moment, he was stunned.

Just feel a stream of heat in the middle of the body, as if there is a stream of gas, where you pass, you will feel a burst of relaxed, a little dissipated power gradually begins to return.

"This, this, this is..."

Yang Jian's mouth slightly open, shocked at the hands of the soup, and looked at the dog.

But see, wheezing dog is also looking at him, to its slowly nod, like grape eyes shining.

Useful, it seems to be really useful to the host!

"Good soup, good soup!"

With a laugh, Yang Jian held the bowl in his hands and put it in front of him. Then he began to pour it. He didn't even pick out the bone at the tip of his wing and mixed it in his mouth. He chewed it a few times and swallowed it together.

Xiaotian dog looks at Yang Jian quietly with his head up. His mouth is still full of crystal saliva. When he looks at Yang Jian drinking soup without spitting bones, he suddenly falls into a dull state.

It was expecting its owner to spit out the bone and try it himself, but There's no residue left.

This wave of losses.

After a bowl of soup, Yang Jian's face suddenly became ruddy. He only felt that there was a surge of heat in his body. This was vitality! It's also mana!

This soup Actually, it has the effect of healing and tonifying, which has surpassed the so-called congenital spirit root. It's just amazing!



How can there be such soup in the world? Is it the way of heaven?

Is Tiandao a cook?

Because it was so incredible that Yang Jian began to think about it.

"Oh, what a load! Tut Tut, just a bowl of soup, is that all? The owner likes to eat, and so do the dogs! "

The person who was sealed felt funny and joked: "yes, this is the last bowl of soup you can eat. Naturally, we should cherish it."

In fact, when he watched Yang Jian drink so much, his heart was still a little restless.

Is the soup in this world really delicious? When I get out of trouble, I'll try it first.

Looking at the stone walls around him, Yang Jian suddenly gave a slight smile and said calmly, "you just said that I have only two ways, in fact There's another one

"Oh? What can I do? Let's hear it. "

Yang Jian's eyes slightly a coagulation, word by word a way: "by my own town to kill you!"

Around the stone wall, there was a voice of mockery, "ha ha ha, are you dreaming, just like you are now? Don't you know yourself after drinking a bowl of soup? "

Yang Jian spent all his life trying to suppress this person in order to prevent him from escaping. Why is it just suppressing rather than killing? Because Yang Jian's strength is not enough.

But Now it's different.

Yang Jian's mouth was smiling, his eyes were shining with cold light, and his momentum was like a black dragon waking up, and he began to rise.At this moment, his temperament has changed greatly, from the original pianpianpian childe to the general of killing and cutting. The flexibility is not there, but the majesty!

The sealed person obviously felt a sense of foreboding, but also felt absurd, impossible.

Yang Jian no longer sat cross legged, but slowly got up and walked to one side. As soon as he lifted his wrist, a three pointed two edged knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

The place where he used to sit cross legged, that is, the center of the seal, a figure slowly emerged from the bottom of the mountain, and finally formed.

But an old man in grey.

The old man felt some disbelief. Looking at Yang Jian, he said, "I didn't expect that you really dare to let me out. It's really amazing that you have expanded so far."

Although he was still suppressed at the bottom of the mountain, at this time, as the eyes of the array, Yang Jian gave up, and the power of suppression was greatly reduced. Although he did not return to the peak, it was easy to kill Yang Jian and xiaotiangou.

Yang Jian's practice is no different from his death.

Yang Jian's face was cold and sharp, and the tip of the gun was raised slowly, "hum! There are so many things you can't believe

"Huhuhuhu -"

just at this moment, a gust of wind was blowing towards Yang Jian, which made his hair fly unstoppably, and immediately made Yang Jian's eyebrows wrinkle.

I couldn't help looking at xiaotiangou, who was blowing hard, and said, "xiaotiangou, what do you mean?"

Xiaotian dog immediately closed his mouth and stood up, scratched his head, "sorry, I'm used to it."

The old man in grey looked at it with no expression, and his eyes flashed. He said coldly, "I don't have time to watch your master and servant's performance. For your sake, I'll give you a good time!"

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He killed decisively and raised his hand directly. The mighty mana was surging, with a flame rising. He turned into a huge flame palm and went to kill Yang Jian.

After that, he stood in the same place, waiting for Yang Jian to turn into ashes, and then he broke out of the mountain!

However, a dazzling light flashed by, like a full moon. From top to bottom, he split the palm of the flame in half. Yang Jian stood in the same place without expression, staring coldly at the old man in gray clothes. His momentum was like waves crashing on the shore and suppressing him!

How can you block my shot?

Did he hide his strength?

No, no!

This momentum

It's the breath of the peak!

"How is that possible?"

The old man in grey widened his eyes. He was shocked by Yang Jian's momentum and retreated a few steps. His scalp became numb and his tone changed. "You have recovered your cultivation?"

He thought quickly and thought of the reason. He gasped, "it's the soup! It's impossible. How can a bowl of soup have such effects? It's impossible! "

"You don't need to know!"

Yang Jian's voice was cold. He did not dare to delay for fear that something might happen.

In the hand of the three pointed two edged knife toward the old man gently wave, suddenly form a huge blade, toward the old man row!

"No way, it's not true!"

The old man in grey is crazy. He can't figure out why.

Under the crisis of life and death, he used all his means to protect his life, even at the expense of his foundation. However, after being sealed for so many years, his strength has been out of ten. How can he be compared with today's Yang Jian.

After struggling for a long time, he was destroyed by the sword!

Yang Jian looks at the old man's disappearing position with complicated eyes, and suddenly has a dreamlike feeling.

The enemy, who has been bothering him for countless years, is so easily lost. The root of all this is just A bowl of soup.

Not to mention the dead old man in grey, he himself felt that the world was too crazy.

Xiaotian dog was not surprised, which was expected by him, and with the big black, his vision was much higher. He said proudly, "it's too cheap for him to die like this!"

Yang Jian is incomparably solemn, coagulating voice way: "wheezing dog, this soup is exactly where do you come from?"


Xiaotian dog shook his head. "This soup was specially packed and brought by me at a banquet in Tiangong."

"The banquet of the heavenly palace?"

Yang Jian took a deep breath, and his mind was full of thoughts. He couldn't believe it and said, "has the heavenly palace been so powerful for so many years? Have you started to drink this kind of soup? "

The world is changing too fast.

Yang immediately felt like a woodlouse.

"Master, it's a banquet held by the heavenly palace, but it's not held by the heavenly palace. It's a great master, and this soup is also made by that master."

Referring to the master, Xiaotian dog showed deep awe in his eyes, and then said with pride: "I also recognized a super powerful dog brother, and raised my hand to kill the quasi saint of another world easily."

Yang Jian realized that the world might have changed a lot that he didn't know. Just the information he knew at present made him feel goose bumps, and something called upsurge began to flow in his whole body.He is a great master.

This soup is actually made by someone.

And the big brother of Xiaotian dog, the dog who can kill Zhunsheng

Everything is challenging his world outlook, but he doesn't doubt what xiaotiangou said.

He knew that he had to go to Tiangong, but before that, he said to xiaotiangou: "xiaotiangou, tell me exactly what happened after you went out!"



The great devil knelt down again in the place where the devil was sleeping, with a sad face.

His eyes slightly a ruthless, mouth directly ejected a mouthful of blood, spit in front of not far above a black flame, suddenly, the black flame burning, with a strong magic gas sent out.

The great demon king looked forward to it and immediately exclaimed, "great demon king of the demon clan, please see the demon lord!"

However, until the flame gradually dissipated, still did not get the slightest response.

I haven't seen him for such a long time. The devil hasn't recovered, but he has to lose three points compared with before, which can be described as skinny.

The original round face is thin into a super awl face with prominent facial bones.

This is the result of his continuous ejaculation of blood and calling for the devil.

However, the loss is so great, but still did not get the devil Lord's letter, the great devil's heart is too bitter.

"Lord demon, I have been bullied by others. Now I dare not even do anything outside. It's too miserable!"

With grief and anger, the great demon king said, "in the reconstruction of the heavenly palace and Buddhism, even the ancestor of the Styx River borrowed the God killing gun, but it didn't mean to return it. This is that all people don't pay attention to us. Please wake up and revive our demon family!"

The great devil sighed and felt aggrieved.

Who would have thought that the originally majestic and unscrupulous demons had fallen into such a state in such a short period of time. The demon master died inexplicably, and even the congenital weapon of killing God would never come back.

But at this time, a demon envoy came from the outside in a hurry and said in a hurry: "Lord demon, the ancestor of the Styx is coming!"

"Is he happy to come?"

The big devil's eyes sank, then he got up and went straight to the hall of the demon family.

After a while, he came to the main hall and saw the ancestor of the Styx sitting on the chair. He immediately gave a cold hum and said, "the ancestor of the Styx came here, but he came to return my demon's God killing gun?"

Although the river Styx is a quasi saint, the great demon represents the whole demon family, with the support of the demon God behind it, so he will not bow to it.

"Not bad." The master of Styx nodded, raised his hand and waved it. A long black gun appeared in his hand, placed it on one side of the table, and then said, "but I hope you can tell me a piece of news

The great devil frowned slightly and said, "what do you want to know?"

"I want to know where the bodies of their two saints, zhundi and Jieyin, went after the extermination of Buddhism?"

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