Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 458: 458

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"Got me?"

The netherworld ancestor silk does not panic, sneers at the public, "depend on you?"

If he didn't finish the layout and wait here voluntarily, who would catch him unless the sage did.

Countless blood gods are his countless parts. Who dares to arrest him?

The eyes of the ancestor of the Styx River swept over all the people and said faintly, "Jade Emperor, Queen Mother, Yang Jian, is this all the strength of your heavenly palace?"

Like him, the Jade Emperor and the queen mother were in the late period of quasi sainthood, while Yang Jian was just in the middle period of quasi sainthood, and the Taoist was in the middle period of quasi sainthood. Even if they met each other hard, the strength of the two sides was almost the same.

"Of course not," said the Jade Emperor

As soon as his voice fell, the mosquito Taoist beside the master of the netherworld burst out without any sign. His jade hand was lightly raised, and several blood red streamers shot out towards the master of the netherworld.

However, before these streamers touched the ancestors of the Styx River, a bloody lotus stand emerged to block all these streamers.

"How naive is it? Is it still useful for us to sneak attack?"

The ancestor of the Styx River gave a cold hum and raised his hand to the mosquito Taoist. Yuan Tu and a Bi's two blood swords were like two poisonous snakes. They were strangled from both sides to the mosquito Taoist!

Three Golden Lotus stands appeared around the mosquito Taoist, blocking the two blood swords, and then quickly retreated.

"Good, good!" The eyes of the master of the Styx River flickered fierce color, "mosquito net, I didn't expect that you had betrayed me, so good, I didn't want to keep you! Blood River Formation Get up

With a wild smile and a wave of his hand, the ancestor of the Styx river suddenly lit up a burst of blood light at his feet, forming a huge and special pattern. The next moment, the blood light burst into the sky, forming a pillar of blood supporting the sky.

"Buzz, buzz!"

Not only in this area, but also in countless places around it, there are blood columns soaring into the sky, and the blood red halo covers the sky. From the outside, it seems that the area is wrapped in a layer of blood color film, just like a blood color giant.

"Since you are gathered here, I will go to you and die for you."

With the cold opening of the Styx River, as soon as his voice fell, the turbulent sea of blood rose from his feet. These sea of blood came from the abyss. Once it appeared in the depths of hell, there was a fierce atmosphere. A sense of resentment and killing rushed to the sky, making the world change color.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The blood gushed. At this moment, the sky supporting blood column became more rich, and there were lines on it. These lines, like blood vessels, floated on the blood column, and the blood column seemed to be alive and became a part of the body.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The sea of blood is endless. It comes from the hell to the earth, flows along the blood column towards the sky, and then overflows from the blood column, and begins to spread to the sky!

The whole world has been in a mess. From the ground, the sea of blood is flowing and spreading, just like The sky became a river, a river of blood!

With the sky as the curtain, the blood shadow shines on the world.

The Jade Emperor's face changed greatly. From the body of the ancestor of the Styx River, he felt a sense of trembling. More importantly, he was anxious and said angrily, "what have you done, Styx river?"

Such a big movement, properly affect the master.

"What? Jade Emperor, you have been a boy of Taoist ancestors for countless years. Can you tell us what is the state above the golden immortal

The ancestor of the river Styx laughed happily, "it's called Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! Now I'm going to a higher level. You will have the honor to witness the birth of a miracle. Ha ha ha... "

At this moment, the Queen Mother's eyes saw two figures in the sea of blood, her pupils suddenly shrank, her heart trembled, and she exclaimed: "that, that is..."

"It's the bodies of zhundi and Jieyin

The voice of the Jade Emperor was also shaking. He felt his scalp numb and his cold hair standing up.

Zhundi and Jieyin are the two great sages of Buddhism. However, they were killed by Luohe, the demon God, but their bodies are still immortal. Unexpectedly, they were acquired by the ancestors of the Styx river.

And It's crazy that the ancestor of Styx tried to devour the sage with the sea of blood.

"Is this the feeling of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian?"

The river Styx feels the power of his body, and his body begins to expand. At this moment, he seems to be integrated with the sea of blood. The overwhelming blood becomes a part of his body. With the help of the blood that covers the sky, he can clearly feel what is happening in the world surrounded by the sea of blood.

At this moment, he felt that he had become heaven and Tao!

It's powerful, it's fascinating.

"Let's do it together!"

The Jade Emperor and others, facing the ancestor of the Styx river at this time, felt a burst of fright and did not dare to neglect them. They took actions together, and all kinds of decisions and magic weapons were overwhelming toward the ancestor of the Styx river.

"Ha ha, you dare to fight me with the power of mole ants?"

With a cold smile, the Styx river immediately has a huge bloody palm, slapping people away!All the attacks were annihilated under the palm of the hand. The remaining power of the palm was not reduced, and the people were directly patted away.

The Jade Emperor and others are surrounded by a sea of blood. There are body protection spiritual treasures around them. They are shimmering to resist the rolling sea of blood. Around them, the tremendous killing breath turns into a mighty force to suppress the people. If ordinary immortals are in this environment, even the great Luo Jinxian will be crushed by the blade of the endless killing breath!

Fortunately, the Jade Emperor and others have the most precious protection.

Daji's face was cold and cold. With a touch of his hand, the golden bell of the Eastern Emperor covered it. The killing air bombarded the bell and made it roar.

The top of the Jade Emperor's Haotian tower is on the top of her head, while the queen mother is wrapped in the picture of mountains and rivers. The fire phoenix takes out the flag of flame light from the ground. The flag flies, and the endless flame forms a shield.

Xiaotian dog took out the dog basin and put it on his head and Yang Jian's, "master, don't worry, I will take good care of you!"

Yang Jian's face is not very good. He just broke through Zhunsheng. It's time for him to be in high spirits. However, there is no powerful body protection Lingbao, and he has to rely on a dog to protect him.

"What do you mean, Styx? Even me? "

Qiongqi stirs up his wings, and his whole body is full of Demon power. He is struggling to resist the endless killing breath. He has many wounds on his body. He questions the ancestor of Styx loudly.

"Come on, you and I are all demons. It's the best way to join hands if we are simply integrated!" The ancestor of the Styx River laughs and turns his blood into a tentacle. It's like a whip. It's like lightning. In a moment, he will pierce the poor strange!

Seeing that the poor and strange people seemed to be no longer able to do so, they hurriedly said, "hurry up, protect the food of the master! Fresh

Yang Jian, holding a three pointed two edged sword, raised his hand to cut off the tentacle. The Jade Emperor quickly dragged Haotian pagoda and covered qiongqi in it.

Me? Food?

Poor strange dying, do not know whether to cry or laugh.

The ancestor of the Styx River wanted to swallow it. The Jade Emperor and others tried their best to save it because it was the food ordered by someone?

It's a person who wants to eat himself.

How can the ancient fierce beasts be mixed into the ranks of food? What's wrong with the world?

"What a bunch of idiots. What food are you thinking about at this time? You don't have a chance. Die!"

With a sneer, the ancestor of the Styx river once again gathered into a giant palm, which covered the sky and came down from the sky and slapped at the people.

Compared with the sea of blood, people are too small, just like a boat in the sea, which may capsize at any time.

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"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

Above the sky, the sea of blood is formed, the waves are churning, like the roar of the devil.

mortals, whether they are mortal or monks, feel a sense of powerless in the sky of the sea of blood. Countless people either hide at home or come to Town God's Temple, or go to various temples and pray sincerely.

There are countless friars, gnashing their teeth to the sky, into the sea of blood, want to use their own weak mana to reduce the power of the sea of blood.


The Buddhist monk, with countless Buddhists, is full of Buddha light, with a Golden Wheel behind his head, and flies into the sea of blood. The Buddha light gathers into a giant Buddha and is suppressed in the sea of blood.

In the underworld, Meng Po's face is dignified. She gathers with a kind of ghost on the Bank of the Styx river. She is ready to suppress the sea of blood from the root!

There was a look of shock in Meng Po's eyes, with an incredible tremor, "what the Styx River shows It's the power of saints. "

The East China Sea.

All of a sudden, endless waves sprang up, and the sound of explosion continued to resound. There was a huge black dragon rushing towards the sky of the blood sea, followed by endless sea water!

These waters pour from the sea, forming a large dragon water absorption scene, want to drown this bloody sky!

Around, Xiao Chengfeng and ye Liuyun, with many heavenly soldiers and generals, resist the blood water that wants to invade the mortal world and kill endless blood gods and Shura.

"Cheer up, everyone!"

Xiao Chengfeng cut it out with a sword and ran straight through the battlefield, strangling the blood god son in front of him in a straight line. He roared loudly, "my friars, why do you want to fight!"

Behind him, a group of heavenly soldiers immediately roared, "my generation of friars, why do you want to fight!"

"Ha ha ha, good! That's the momentum. Follow me Xiao Chengfeng laughs, goes with his sword and soars to the sky!

leaves on the other side of the cloud. This time, he did not make complaints about the wind, but shouted, "brothers, my brothers, why do you want to fight?"

"Friars of my generation, why do you want to fight?"

The sound of drinking, in the four continuous resounding, like thunder in general, loud and enduring.

More and more people join in, regardless of strength, the heart of the blood is the same, endless mana gathered into a big hand, this is like the collapse of the blood sea to support!

Yang Jian looked at the hard support of Xiaotian dog, suddenly said, "Xiaotian, I haven't reached the level that I need your protection."Xiaotian dog looked at Yang Jian anxiously and said: "master, don't think too much. My dog basin is given by an expert, and it has been tempered twice. It's very stable. It can break my defense. He's very powerful!"

"That's good. Protect yourself!"

As soon as Yang Jian's voice fell, his figure flashed, and he was in the sea of blood. On his forehead, his third eye was wide open, and the light of exorcism covered his whole body. Holding a three pointed two edged knife, he cut the endless sea of blood.

Xiaotian dog was in a hurry, "master!"

"To die!"

The eyes of the ancestor of the river Styx were frozen and murderous. "The resistance of mole ants really makes people feel funny! Have you not remembered the great calamity of the Jedi

"In my blood River array, refine for me!"

"Boom boom!"

Between heaven and earth, all the sea of blood roars like wild animals, and thunders like the fury of heaven, rolling to devour everything.

Yang Jian was directly patted by a big wave, spitting blood at his mouth, and was instantly depressed.

The soul protection treasure on everyone's body will be destroyed tomorrow. It will be overturned at any time and become the end of the masts and sculls.

"Hahaha, hahaha --"

with the laughter of the ancestor of the Styx River, his body gradually melted into the sea of blood, and between the blood and water, he gathered into a huge blood man.

The blood man stands up to the heaven and earth, exudes the extreme spirit of killing and cutting. He is so arrogant and powerful that even heaven and earth will be eclipsed in front of him.

"The power of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian..."

The voice of the ancestor of the Styx river seems to be the voice of heaven, reverberating between heaven and earth, shaking into people's eardrum, "I finally know why the way of heaven repels demons. As long as I completely kill this world, my way of killing will be complete! Ha ha ha - fast, fast

In the courtyard.

Li nianfan is sitting in the yard.

Looking at the sea of blood all over the sky, restless, eyes full of worry.

Such a great power can be described as destroying heaven and earth. How can Daji and Huofeng manage it?

Probably the rate is not the match at all.

He pursed his mouth and couldn't help saying: "Xiaobai, in this case, do you think the sea of blood will subside?"

Xiaobai looked at the sky, with a twinkling light in his eyes, as if analyzing the sea of blood.

Then he said, "if the master wants to, Xiaobai can purify the dirty blood."


Li nianfan knocked on Xiaobai's head and shook his head with a smile. "What a stupid robot. Do you think this is ordinary sewage? Be careful to kill yourself. "

He took a deep breath and looked at the sky.

There, countless streamers rose from the ground, shooting towards the sea of blood in the sky. Between the mighty mana, it was like fireworks blooming in the sky, gorgeous but short.

In the void, there was still a faint roar.

This is countless friars fighting with heaven and fate.

Li nianfan's heart surged and blood surged. Such a magnificent scene can only be seen in the grand finale of movies and novels. Now, it's hard for him to live in it.

It's a pity that I have nothing to do. I can only shout 666 in silence.

"Little Daji, sharpen the ink."

He just a mouth, the whole person is a Leng, bitterly shook his head, "well, or I come."

Lay the paper, grind the ink and pick up the pen.

Li nianfan took a long breath and began to write carefully -

this time, he wrote slowly and seriously.

"Who can keep the clouds open and see the moon when there is no storm?"

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