Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 461: 461

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All the way up the mountain.

After a while, I came to the front of the courtyard.

"Dong Dong Dong."

"Young master, we are back."

"Little Daji is back."

Li nianfan went to the door, accompanied by a "squeak", the door opened.

"Oh, here you are. Welcome. Come on in." With a smile on his face, Li nianfan invited everyone into the courtyard.

As soon as they stepped into the gate of the courtyard, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother's faces were frozen. Their heart beat quickly and suddenly became stiff.

Although Yang Jian has mentioned for a long time that the world where senior people live has been sublimated, only when I experienced it personally can I know what a high-end world it is.

Chaos aura, it's really chaos aura all over the yard!

If you take a breath here, you will feel a lot lighter all over your body, and you will feel the whole spirit. Even the mana in your body will be restless. You can obviously feel the power of your whole body recovering.

This aura alone is equivalent to the most high-end cave in the world. The heavenly palace is not changed!

If you can, I really want to come here often, for nothing else, even if I can take a few breath of aura, it's all blood earning!

As for Taoist mosquito, this is her first visit to Li nianfan. From the moment she entered the siheyuan gate, she was shocked and her brain went down. She was a fool.

Fortunately, she was wearing a black robe, and people could not see her shocked expression.

This, this

Is this the big guy's world?

It's terrible!

At this moment, she felt her pores open and her cells shudder because of excitement. This is the most instinctive reaction of her body.

Because To be able to stay in such a high-end environment is an honor in itself.

This kind of feeling is like a mortal arriving at the heavenly palace, breathing the immortal spirit.

"Hoo -"

she quickly calmed her heart, and the little hand under the black robe could not help shaking into a fist.

Calm down. Keep calm.

She couldn't help looking at the peaceful poverty, and a trace of sympathy appeared in her beautiful eyes.

It's too bad of you to die a step earlier!

If you can hold on for another period of time, even if you take a breath or two of chaotic aura, you will die without regret.

Yang Jian put down the poverty he was carrying on his shoulder and said, "Lord Shengjun, we have brought this to you this time."

"This is..."

Li nianfan looked at it, and immediately his eyes brightened, "poor and strange?"

"I'll go. You're really poor. It's good. It's good."

Li nianfan couldn't help nodding. He was very satisfied, and felt a little surprised.

Fierce, fierce, there are all ancient fierce beasts in the classic of mountains and seas, and it won't be long before you can taste them. You have to think about how to eat well.

When the Jade Emperor saw that Li nianfan was satisfied, he immediately laughed and said, "it happened that I bumped into it, so I brought it to you by the way. It's good that Shengjun likes it."

"You really have a heart. By the way, I haven't congratulated you on your triumphant return. It was not easy to win that battle before."

Naturally, Li nianfan could see that these people were all dusty and pale. He arched his hand and solemnly said, "it's really hard for you. If it wasn't for you, I'm afraid it would be troublesome."

Queen mother where dare to take credit, hastily politely return a gift way: "holy gentleman is polite, this is what we should do, just did some modest efforts."

The Jade Emperor is also busy: "yes, small things, not worth mentioning."

The real first achievement is obviously your own, right? You not only save the world, but also you save us!

"Hahaha, it's not so modest. I can still see such a big thing from merit." Li nianfan laughed and said with deep meaning: "get ready."

Everyone's heart slightly move, immediately understand the meaning of the master, have come up with their magic weapon, eagerly waiting.

"Merit Come on

When Li nianfan raised his hand, the vast amount of merits and virtues converged into a golden river and rushed to the crowd.

Although this wave of merit is divided by so many people, what each person gets is the most. After all, this time it is too big, so there are many merits.

So good, so that everyone grinned, the heart of the expert is grateful.

They are not only willing to take us, but also pay us wages. They deserve it and deserve it!

"By the way, in addition to merit, I've specially prepared a delicious food for you."

Li nianfan waved to Xiaobai, "Xiaobai, hurry to fill the medlar, tremella and jujube soup!"

Xiaobai immediately took orders, "OK, my dear master."

The bloody sky receded, and a rainbow appeared in the sky. Li nianfan guessed that Daji and others had won, so he began to stew wolfberry and tremella soup, waiting for Daji and Huofeng to come back safely and make up for them.Although more people than I expected to come, fortunately, I also stewed a lot more, which is not a big problem.


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Everyone was shocked and impressed by this thing.

It's a good thing! A good tonic!

Before that Kunpeng soup, there were wolfberry in it, which had amazing effect.

After a while, Xiaobai came with a tray. On the tray, the blue and white porcelain bowls filled with medlar, tremella and jujube soup were delivered to the public one by one.

"Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy yourself."

"Thank you, Xiaobai."

The Jade Emperor and others respectfully said thanks, and then fell their eyes on the bowl one after another.

The contents of the bowl are clear at a glance, including clear water, red dates, tremella and some wolfberry floating on the soup.

Because of the jujube, the soup is red, but very clear.

Daji gently scooped up Tremella with a spoon, and his eyes were curious.

"Young master, this is Tremella? "

No one has heard of it.

"Yes, it's a good thing." Li nianfan smiles and explains, "Tremella is usually grown under saprophytic conditions. After the rotten wood is drenched in the rain, it will be full of moisture, moist and warm, and Tremella will grow out. These are all recently invented."

"You see, some wood is still in the corner."

When people looked in the direction of Li nianfan's fingers, they could see that several pieces of wood were neatly arranged in the corner, and indeed, as Li nianfan said, these pieces of wood were rotten, with Tremella growing in the center.

It's just This is the root of chaos!

Is this the tremella that the master has rotted the root of chaos and planted with it?

What a luxury!


People silently took back their eyes and began to carefully look at the tremella in the soup.

Tremella is translucent, with some folds in the middle. It is soaked in the soup and stretches to both sides. The first feeling is tender, which makes people want to taste it.

There was no delay. I couldn't wait to open my mouth and inhale.

All of a sudden, the tremella is like a small fish, directly sliding into the mouth, as if it has life, tender and smooth to the extreme, still beating and playing in the mouth.

Touch the tongue, immediately give a soft and comfortable feeling, and with the soup, directly occupied the mouth.

There is no need to chew, just a slight movement of the throat, the white Tremella will be directly poured into the mouth along the throat. This feeling of tenderness is brought directly from the mouth to the stomach, and the places flowing by are as if they had been massaged, which is extremely satisfied and comfortable.

"Good, good!"

The mosquito Taoist just took a small mouthful, and her delicate body trembled uncontrollably. She felt the pleasure of wandering in the hot spring. Moreover, because of the jujube in the soup, she felt ten times and a hundred times more intense than blood sucking.

"The red dates It seems to work better than anyone's blood

She couldn't control herself. She took a bowl and took a big drink again. As the "gudu gudu" soup poured into her mouth, her throat couldn't help groaning. It was like a dry desert, suddenly moistened by rain, and she felt very comfortable.

After drinking well, a strange force began to moisten the four limbs. The exhaustion after the war was swept away, and the injury was directly healed.

Along the way, she heard other people talk about experts, especially Kunpeng soup.

Originally, she was still suspicious, because it was too incredible, completely beyond the scope of understanding.

However, at the moment, she knew that everything about the master had already exceeded her imagination.

No matter how delicious this bowl of soup is, or how effective it is, it has gone far beyond this world. The soup made of chaos spirit water and chaos spirit root, I was lucky to be able to drink such a bowl of soup. My life should be perfect!

For the first time, she really felt how thick the thigh of an expert was. Compared with these innumerable creations, it turned out that giving merit was just a basic operation.

While drinking, the Jade Emperor and others are also in the mood of Pengbai.

The master knows that we were injured in the battle, so he specially made this soup to reward us.

He is just like the bright moon, and we are not even ants in his eyes, but we can condescend to such a degree, we are really be ashamed.

Thinking about this, the warm current in their hearts kept flowing out, straight into their eyes, so that their eyes were moist, moved to tears.

To be able to work for an expert is a blessing we have cultivated for eight generations. If you have any orders, even if you die, don't say goodbye!

Li nianfan saw that the people had almost finished drinking. He asked with a smile, "what do you think of this medlar Tremella jujube soup?"

The jade emperor does not fake thinking cableway: "the taste is exquisite, sweet and delicious, it is really delicious in the world."The queen mother said sincerely: "the cooking skill of Shengjun really makes Wang Er marvel. Thank you for your hospitality."

Li nianfan waved his hand and said, "I'm the best cook I can do. Besides, it's just a bowl of soup. I should thank you for the poor food you sent me."

"Don't be polite, your majesty." Yang Jian solemnly said: "we will pay attention to the other monsters in the book of mountains and seas. We will not disappoint Shengjun!"

Li nianfan nodded and said with a smile: "that's naturally the best. You don't have to be too deliberate. Just go along with the fate. Thank you."

After a few words of greetings, the Jade Emperor and others got up to say goodbye and hurried back to heaven. They gathered all the gods to look for the monsters in the book of mountains and seas, which was directly listed as the top priority of heaven.

It's rare for an expert to have such a clear requirement. If they can't do it well, they really have no face.

At the same time.

Out of the sky, out of the sky.

An old man stepped forward in the chaos, his eyes as deep as stars, looking at the direction of the wasteland, he said with a sneer: "it's in this world, I'm coming!"

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