Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 464: 464

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Li nianfan took a cold breath, a bolt from the blue, he was thunder.


What did you go through after you went out? How much did you do to carry Nu Wa back?

"Brother, sister Nuwa seems to be dying." The girl's voice made Li nianfan come back.

"Come on, let me see."

Li nianfan was shocked and instinctively felt for Nu Wa.

At this time, he didn't worry about how to feel the pulse for the sage, so he did his best.

In fact, in the mythical world, the saints he admired were Nuwa and Houtu. Nuwa mended the sky and made man from earth, just like the mother of the human race. There is no doubt about this. Naturally, we should be grateful.

Later earth is to sacrifice themselves, incarnate reincarnation, and give all living beings a place to return after death, which is also of great merit.

In addition, Laojun is also one. After all, he handed down the Tao and Dharma to the human race, so that the human race can reproduce and live.

Others, such as those who cut off religion, mainly preach to the major demon tribes. Naturally, Li nianfan did not despise them, but as a human race, he would naturally prefer to the human race. He didn't feel that much. In addition, the Buddhist dharma, compared with the empress Nu Wa's land, was much worse after all.

Houtu saw it. He never thought that he saw Nu Wa in this way.

Now Nu Wa's situation is not very good, Li nianfan's first reaction is naturally to save people.

The pulse condition was much worse than Nu Wa's face. She was so weak that she was close to death.

Not only take off the force, her pulse is also very chaotic, which is a very serious injury.

At this time, Nu Wa's lower body slightly changed, her legs were not there, but she restored the snake's body.

Li nianfan's brow slightly a wrinkly, "must hurry up, this all showed the original shape!"

He had a sudden change of mind and had planned the treatment plan in his mind.

In fact, with the help of the bodies of Daji and Huofeng, he made a comparison between the body of an immortal cultivator and that of a mortal. He found that the basic structure was completely the same, which was normal. He would not make the body deformed after cultivating immortals or transforming into a shape.

The only difference is that it is impossible to use mortal medicine for the injuries suffered by those who cultivate immortals, but what they need is a miraculous medicine!

Elixir in Li nianfan's definition, is the herb in the cultivation of immortals.

For this reason, he has also studied and analyzed the properties of all kinds of miraculous drugs, combined with his own medical knowledge, he easily integrated the properties and functions of miraculous drugs, and formed the prescription of miraculous drugs.

This is also because he has enough thighs. Whether he is an immortal or the Jade Emperor or the queen mother, he has given him many miraculous drugs, which are enough for research.

It's just Now there is another problem.

Just at this time, Daji and Huofeng came over and said curiously, "what's the matter, young master?"

"Nannan has brought back empress Nuwa."

Li nianfan Nuo mouth, and then said: "it's very nice of you to come, and quickly check the Nu Wa empress's injury, to see if there is a curse, or destructive mana residue."

Nu Wa was obviously hurt by fighting with others. If the opponent really left these things, Li nianfan felt that he was helpless.

Daji and Huofeng looked at each other and couldn't help shaking their heads with a bitter smile.

The host started acting again.

To their state, the physical injury is only superficial, and can not be regarded as fundamental. The injury of Yuanshen is the key.

Nuwa's original God has been almost refined, only a little bit of divine sense is sealed, and may break up at any time.

This kind of injury, let alone being cured, would have died long ago if it had been replaced by an immortal. Unless there was a miracle, there would have been no solution.

But Miracle can be around us, although this miracle likes to be a mortal

Thinking about it, Daji said: "childe, there is no magic left in the body of empress Nuwa."

"That's good. I'm going to dispense the medicine and try to save it. I hope it will have some effect."

Li nianfan nodded, did not dare to neglect, rushed to the night began dispensing.

After all, Nu Wa is a saint. She has a good cultivation. If she helps her, she will probably be able to wake up.

Next, Li nianfan tried his best to boil the medicine soup, until the time of the day, he boiled the medicine well and gave it to Nu Wa.

Then he asked Daji and Huofeng to take care of Nuwa, while he continued to boil the medicine.

In this way, three days later, Li nianfan was surprised to find that after three days of recuperation, Nu Wa's injury was really relieved, at least, out of the dying state.

That day, with a whine, Nu Wa's eyelashes trembled slightly and slowly opened her eyes.

His eyes were as bright as stars, but there was a trace of confusion in them. He could not help recalling the sword before fainting in his mind, and then turned to disbelief and shock.I can't help shortness of breath, chest ups and downs.

She calmed down, but found herself lying in a bed, surrounded by a completely strange environment, for a time a little confused.

Suddenly, a surprise voice came from the side, "sister Nuwa, you wake up!"

"Little girl?"

Nu Wa was a little stunned, and then surprised: "I I'm not dead? Why am I here? "

The girl said, "I brought you. My brother saved you."

"Your brother Saved me? "

Nu Wa said that she didn't understand me. I was so seriously injured. Even if you don't talk about your brother, there's nothing you can do for a saint. The way of heaven has to sentence you to death.

After all That's the death of Yuan Shen!

It's the best result to have the chance of reincarnation if all the spirits are destroyed. How can they be saved?

But soon, she thought of the peach sword she had before she was in a coma. She asked stupidly, "girl, that sword Your brother gave it to you? "

The girl nodded, "yes, he said it can be used to ward off evil spirits."

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The corner of Nu Wa's mouth can't help but smoke, ward off evil spirits and kill a Hun Yuan Da Luo Jin Xian. Can you believe it?

She took a deep breath.

However, it was this breath that made her shiver violently all over her body, and then she took a cold breath.

"Hiss -"

she had goose bumps all over her body. She could hardly believe the air she was breathing, and her scalp was faintly numb.

Nu Wa couldn't help raising her hand, as if trying to feel for the air.

"Chaos aura, this is Chaotic aura? "

How is that possible?

How is that possible?!

She twists her head and stares at the air around her.

The room full of chaotic aura, this, this, this

I am in a space full of chaotic aura, isn't it an illusion? I must be awake, dreaming.

You know, she wandered in chaos, worked hard, got a chaotic spirit stone had to be complacent for a long time, because it means that she can practice for a period of time.

However Compared with the chaotic aura here, it's bullshit.

Because it takes a lot of effort to extract the spirit of chaos from the spirit stone, and it is not pure.

As for chaos aura Chaos is boundless, including thousands of world, unless there is super strength or adverse luck, otherwise it is impossible to obtain.

"Girl, you, this..."

Nu Wa finally understood why the girl in the cave said that the chaotic spirit stone was useless to her. The emotional family lived in the chaotic spirit, and the chaotic spirit stone was a piece of excrement, and they would take it home?


So the clown is me?

"Hee hee, sister Nuwa, I said I'd invite you to eat fruit. The fruit planted by my brother is delicious, NAH."

With a smile, the girl raised her hand and took out a peach and handed it to Nu Wa.

"Flat peach?"

Nu Wa is very familiar with this peach, but when she took it from her daughter's hand, her whole brain exploded.

"Hiss -"

she was a spirit, exclaiming, "chaos root, this is chaos root!"

"You call this fruit?"

She looked at the girl in disbelief, the whole person is not good.

I think I've been in chaos for so many years, and I've seen a lot of arrogant powers, but I'm the first one with such expansion.

This is the spiritual root of chaos. The value of the super baby bred in chaos can be compared with that of a small world.

It's not polite to say that this world is not as valuable as a chaotic spirit root tree.

She has never tasted it or even heard of it. When she heard people talking about it in chaos, she didn't dare to have extravagant desires except for drooling silently.

But now A chaotic spirit appears in front of you?

It's like a dream.

"I didn't call them. My brother said they were fruits. That's fruits."

The girl corrected, "in addition to peaches, there are apples, pears and plums, so many."

Nu Wa completely stunned, the whole person was silly.

She suddenly felt that she must have come to the wrong place.

This is definitely not the flood and famine that I know. I probably came to a world that is countless times stronger than flood and famine.

With the spirit of chaos and the spirit of chaos, can this be a flood?

Nannan urged: "sister Nuwa, eat it quickly. This peach is delicious."

"Well Well

Nu Wa pursed her mouth, no matter what, holding the peach to her mouth."Click."

The juicy juicy peach, like a balloon filled with water, burst directly, and the endless juice flowed back into her mouth, instantly filled her mouth, some of which ran directly to the depth of her throat.

Not hard not soft pulp with juice into his mouth, sweet taste with unparalleled taste, let her body pores are comfortable open, pale cheek also instantly rose two touch of red.

Delicious, delicious!

It has a great road atmosphere, and began to nourish her spirit.

"Chaos Linggen, I bit chaos Linggen!"

"It turns out that the root of chaos is this kind of taste, wuwuwu..."

Nu Wa a little bit of juice to swallow, but suddenly some choked up.

It's like living in poverty for many years, eating wild vegetables every day and eating meat all of a sudden. I'm so moved

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