Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 469: 469

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"Click, click!"

The taste of crispy poor strange meat is naturally fragrant.

With the sound of chewing, spread in the courtyard.

The Jade Emperor and others, while eating a mouthful of oil, feel deeply ashamed in their hearts and reflect on the situation.

There is no saying that an expert is good to himself or others. People say that a drop of water should be rewarded by a spring. However, when you come to an expert, it becomes that you work for him and give you a piece of sea directly!

Tenima is generous.

Let's not say that the master has helped many people. It's not complicated for everyone to talk about catching the poor and strange. However, after catching them, the master invited them to have such a feast of poor and strange meat. These two things can't be compared at all.

The value of the meal of an expert is immeasurable. A hundred or a thousand poor people can't get such a piece of meat.

If you really want to count it up, you can't even compare the value of taking a breath of chaotic aura in the yard.

However, the master still invited everyone to eat the poor meat set meal, which made them feel ashamed.

In the future, we must share our worries for the experts!

It took half an hour for the sound to subside gradually. Everyone licked the grease at the corner of their mouth, with endless aftertaste.

Li nianfan waved, "Xiaobai, give us some more happy water, fried with happy water is the real happiness."

Yang Jian can't help but say: "Lord Shengjun, you're very kind. It's so kind of us."

He always has a clear sense of gratitude and resentment. He is arrogant and receives the kindness from others. Then he reports back to each other. But now, it's completely the other way around, and he feels uncomfortable.

Generally speaking, he is definitely not willing to continue to take advantage of it. He turns around and leaves, looking for opportunities to repay him later. However But Li nianfan gave too much, and he was really reluctant to leave.

Ah, on how to practice cheekiness, only because the other side gives too much!

When the Jade Emperor was eating, he was ready to please him. He took out the map of heaven and earth and handed it to Li nianfan like a treasure. He said with a smile, "yes, Shengjun, last time you said that every map was inconvenient. I customized this map according to your requirements. Do you want to see if it's right?"

Li nianfan's eyes suddenly brightened, expecting: "Oh? Let me see. "

For the terrain of the three realms, Li nianfan naturally has a black eye and doesn't understand anything.

Don't talk about him. Many immortals can't understand everything. As for mortals Not to mention that many people can't get out of a city in their lifetime.

I didn't expect to mention a map to the Jade Emperor last time, but the other party actually put it in his heart. Li nianfan's favor for the Jade Emperor soared. This is a good man!

Be a man!

The map is very large and spread out. It is divided into three parts: fairyland, mortal world and hell.

It's the simplest one in the hell. It's marked with Yanluo hall, Naihe bridge, reincarnation place and so on. Li nianfan has been there, but it's not complicated. It's like a tourist map.

The terrain of fairyland and mortal world is much more complicated.

However, there should be traces of immortality on this map. The picture is quite vivid, with mountains, rivers and so on at a glance.

In addition, some places also marked with a monster king, a place with a water demon and so on.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "Your Majesty, is this the result of so many heavenly soldiers and generals

There are so many terrains that people need to investigate. Recently, the temple of heaven is just renovating the three realms. It's easy to draw out the places it passes, and then put them together to make a map.

"Ha ha, the sage is wise, that's right." The Jade Emperor returned with a smile and said, "it's just that the three realms are too big. Many places haven't been drawn yet. The progress is a little slow."

"Yes, already." Li nianfan waved his hand and said gratefully, "it's really bothering your majesty."

The Jade Emperor said hurriedly: "the emperor doesn't have to be like this. This map is really a genius, and it can make our heavenly palace more convenient."

Each other a few polite, Li nianfan can't wait to focus on the map.

On the west side of the mortal world, it was marked with Lingshan Buddhism. He also saw the Luoxian city and the Luoxian mountains. Then he could see the location of the Xia Dynasty.

But soon, his eyes a coagulation, but it is fixed in a mortal, this name is too familiar.

Daughter country?

I wipe Le, all Jedi days pass, still exist daughter country?

I can't help it. This country is really famous. If it does, I have to travel.

Thinking of this, he directly asked: "Your Majesty, is this daughter country the daughter country of journey to the west?"

Hearing this question, the little girl couldn't wait to put her head together.

This is the country of daughters. She is naturally full of curiosity after hearing the journey to the West.

The Jade Emperor nodded and then explained, "after all, the daughter kingdom is the place to be robbed in the journey to the West. It is protected by the way of heaven, which is special. Therefore, it has always been regarded as a place to live and work in peace and contentment.""I see." Li nianfan nodded and then added, "it's interesting."

Then he continued to look on the map. Sure enough, he saw many familiar places, such as gaolaozhuang, Huoyanshan and so on.

However, although the names of these places have not changed, the scenes may have changed. For example, the flame mountain must be flameout.

When he continued to look, a name made Li nianfan's heart jump.

Wu Zhuang Guan.

When it comes to Wuzhuang view, Li nianfan's first thought is the fruit of life.

When it comes to the fruit of life, we have to say its effect.

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"It takes three thousand years to blossom, three thousand years to bear fruit, and another three thousand years to mature. In the first ten thousand years, there are only thirty. If one hears it, he will live 360 years; if one eats it, he will live 47000 years. "

I'll go. How can I forget the fruit of life?

In Li nianfan's heart, life expectancy has always been his hard wound. There is no hope of cultivating immortals. Let's raise life expectancy first.

Although drinking Phoenix blood increased the life span of a thousand years, Li nianfan suddenly felt that his life span of a thousand years was not good.

Although we have a good relationship with the local government, we must not be a ghost.

Eat a ginseng fruit, can live 47000 years, wo ri

Li nianfan's eyes turned red in a moment. He felt very excited when he thought about it.

With a trace of expectation, he asked, "is there any ginseng fruit in this Wuzhuang Guanli?"

The Jade Emperor shook his head bitterly, "Shengjun, the Jedi Tiantong has caused many spiritual roots and treasures to lose their activity, and the fruit trees of ginseng fruit have withered."

"Oh, what a pity, what a pity!"

Li nianfan sighed, shaking his head and twitching, "this is a life span of forty-seven thousand years! How can I live? "

The Jade Emperor and other people's eyebrows jump, this wave of unexpected, they really can't control their facial expression, coincidentally, quickly raised his hand, pretended to rub his eyes or mouth, this can not show flaws, bear very hard.

Boss, please don't play with us, OK?

What do you plant in your backyard?

Do you know flat peach and Huangzhong Li? And they have evolved into the root of chaos!

Let's not say we live 47000 years, but we believe in 470000 years. How many do you eat.

It's just ginseng fruit. How can you be qualified to be in your eyes! You sigh a fart!


The Jade Emperor coughed and tried to keep a calm tone. He said, "you don't have to be depressed, either. Now that the Jedi Tiantong is over, the congenital spirit root will be reborn."

"And such good things?" Li nianfan's spirit was suddenly boosted. "I hope it's good to have hope."

As he spoke, he carefully folded up the map.

This is a good thing. It can definitely make your monotonous life interesting and colorful.

Come to the mythological world, don't take a good trip, worthy of yourself?

He asked curiously, "Your Majesty, what's the situation in the three realms now? It's been a lot of work on this map. "

"Fortunately, it's just that the lack of governance of heaven and earth for such a long time has led to chaos in many places, and many hidden demons have been born. Nowadays, there is still a shortage of manpower in the heavenly palace, so we can't do everything."

The Jade Emperor was afraid that this would affect the feelings of the experts living in the flood and famine. He quickly added, "but the emperor can rest assured that there is basically no big problem. Everything is under control."

"That's good. It's really hard for you." Li nianfan nodded.

There are many troubles, which Li nianfan expected. Long ago, he had considered this aspect.

The three realms are too big, not only big, but also can cultivate immortals here! Monsters and immortals are everywhere.

How crazy and terrifying will these forces be when no one controls them? I can't imagine it. In a word, it will be very chaotic.

Li nianfan has also met evil cultivation demons and evil forces. Thanks to his thick thighs, he can survive safely. If he is an ordinary person, his fate may be miserable.

This is like everyone with a gun, no one governance, do not want to know how terrible it will be.

Now Tiangong is newly established, but it's unrealistic to manage it well in a short time, and the quickest way is It's in!

Li nianfan touched his chin and began to ponder.

Once incorporated, there will be less instability and more justice.

When most powerful forces are just, they will naturally return to the right track.

"Well, your majesty."

Li nianfan felt that he should do his part and said, "you can recruit people under my banner. I am also a saint of merit. If I join the heavenly palace, I will give priority to the reward. If I don't join the heavenly palace, I won't necessarily have merit."The Jade Emperor was overjoyed and said immediately, "it's so good. Thank you very much!"

There is no doubt about the allure of merit. It can be said that through killing, in this case, the number of monks joining the heavenly palace will increase.

He didn't think about it before, but Without Li nianfan's permission, he did not dare to do things in the name of an expert, so he kept pressing.

"In that case, I should do more."

Nu Wa suddenly laughed, and then said: "Jade Emperor, I will open the altar regularly to preach, but only for the people in the heavenly palace and the demons under the rule of the demon emperor."

The preaching of sages is undoubtedly a great creation, which can be worth thousands of years of hard work. There is no need to say much about its attraction.

What's more, Nu Wa's move has another deep meaning, which can be described as killing two birds with one stone.

After the passage of the Jedi to heaven, there were too few experts in the wasteland world, and their fighting power was sharply reduced. Now that there are experts, they can't continue to degenerate.

The opening speech can improve the overall combat effectiveness as soon as possible and better serve the experts in the future.

All in all, everything You have to go according to the master's will!

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