Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 473: 473

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Li nianfan nodded and knew that it was Gao Laozhuang's current name.

After all, after so many years, it's not easy for Gao Laozhuang to survive. It's normal to change his name.

His heart read a move and said: "why, is it journey to the West that makes gaojiazhuang famous?"


Ye Huaian nodded, "journey to the west" does not know from what kind of immortal hand, after all, it tells the story of immortals. Let alone mortals, even many immortals can study it. After investigation by many people, combined with the description and terrain in the book, it finally comes to the conclusion that gaojiazhuang is likely to be gaolaozhuang! "

"Is that ok?"

Li nianfan was shocked, and then shook his head with a bitter smile. Unexpectedly, he told a story casually, but it caused such a stir that he even asked the immortal to study

The map he got from Tiangong has been confirmed that gaojiazhuang is gaolaozhuang, but he didn't expect It's a research spirit that the world of cultivating immortals can do this step.

Ye Huaian said: "after all, it has something to do with ancient times. Many people are attracted to it."

Li nianfan felt a little funny, "so, journey to the West has also created a tourist attraction?"

"Tourist attractions?" Ye Huaian is slightly stunned, and he doesn't know why.

Li nianfan explained, "it's a place to visit."

"It's very appropriate."

Ye Huaian nodded, then said mysteriously: "but according to the information I got, gaojiazhuang is really likely to be gaolaozhuang."

Li nianfan said curiously, "Oh? What's the news? "

"Hey, I'll give you this news for free, and I won't charge you any money."

Ye Huaian laughed, and then said: "over the years, gaojiazhuang has been safe, rarely disturbed by monsters, and has been safe in several disasters. And the most important thing is that all people die, and the whole gaojiazhuang is extremely rich. Isn't that very special?"

It's the ideal pursuit of ordinary people to be healthy, live a carefree life and die a long life. To make a place like this for a long time, Gao Laozhuang is just a paradise. It's really strange, especially in the world of cultivating immortals.

Li nianfan said, "but it may have something to do with the local water and soil. It's just a coincidence."

Ye Huaian shrugged, "who knows, but it's a living immortal relic. Whether it's true or not, it will always attract a lot of people."

Li nianfan, on the other hand, raised his eyebrows and thought in his heart.

Could it be that Zhu Bajie really went back to gaolaozhuang after learning the Scriptures, and laid some immortal Dharma in gaolaozhuang to protect the place?

It's very possible.

I just don't know where I'm going now.

Buddhism was destroyed by the demon God, and the monkey king turned into a relic and died with Wutian. Tang Seng and others are all Buddhists, and I'm afraid they won't come to a good end. Li nianfan didn't want to think about it.

The Jade Emperor and Erlang God had seen them, but they couldn't see the four most impressive Tang monks and disciples. Li nianfan couldn't help but feel a sigh.

It's a pity.

Let's take a look at the scenic spots of their journey to the west to show our respect.

Li nianfan takes a long breath and abandons the thoughts in his mind.

The caravan moved on.

Along the way, in addition to Ye Huaian would come to chat from time to time, he also encountered some troubles, but they were not powerful roles. Ye Huaian and others had some accomplishments, and they could basically deal with them easily.

This makes Li nianfan and her daughter a lot easier. This is the advantage of spending money. Although many trivial things are small, they are still very annoying one by one. It's much more comfortable to leave them to others and enjoy life.

So it went on for three days.

On this day, people came to a canyon, which looked very steep.

The surrounding trees became obviously sparse, and the soil on the ground changed from soft to hard, with gravel scattered, but the caravan stopped here.

Li nianfan noticed that not only Ye Huaian's caravan stopped here, but several caravans also stopped.

In front of Ye Huaian turned his head and said, "boss, this canyon can only wait until the night passes. We have a good rest in place."

Li nianfan said curiously, "why is this?"

"Haha, this canyon is called Heifeng canyon. It is occupied by a dead tree spirit who has been practicing for nearly a thousand years. If it passes by in the daytime, it will be dead."

Ye Huaian settled the horse and said: "but the tree spirit will stop at night. As long as you don't wake it up, it will be OK. The boss doesn't need to worry. I've been in the black wind Valley for no less than ten times. I'm a professional."

The girl expected: "how powerful is that tree spirit?"

"It's said that it's the later stage of foundation construction!"

Ye Huaian's face was full of exclamation, and his tone was even more heavy. "It's too powerful, but it's a bully here! No one dares to provoke. "Nannan suddenly lost some interest and waved, "it's only in the later stage of foundation construction, what else do you need to wait? Let's go directly."

"Ouch, you little girl really don't know what the heaven and earth are. Do you know what the later period of foundation construction stands for?"

Ye Huaian was amused. He pointed to himself and said, "along the way, you see my heroism of cutting demons and demons, don't you? Isn't that great? That tree demon is more powerful than me

Nannan calmly looks at Ye Huaian. Just as she is ready to speak, she is patted on the head by Li nianfan.

"She Mei is not sensible. Don't blame her. Let's wait for the night to pass."

"Boss, I've wanted to talk to you for a long time. I speak straight, but it's for your good."

Ye Huai settled down and said, "your brother and sister are used to being respectable. They don't know the danger outside, they expose their wealth, and they don't know the greatness of heaven and earth. It's impolite to say that people like you can't live more than three days walking outside."

Li nianfan arched his hand and said with a smile, "I understand. Thanks for meeting brother Ye."

"Don't mention it. I'm also taking people's money to relieve disasters."

Ye Huaian waved his hand, and then said: "I'll let the tree demon be arrogant for a while. After a while, when I have a breakthrough in my cultivation, I'll take his life!"

Li nianfan asked, "do you have a grudge against this tree demon?"

Ye Huaian gave a cold smile: "it's the duty of our generation's friars to subdue demons and remove demons. Moreover, the tree demon is here. I don't know how many people have been killed, so it's natural to kill it!"

Li nianfan nodded, "ambitious."

"That is, big boss. Have you heard of Tiangong? It's on top of us."

Ye Huaian raised his head and his eyes were full of brilliance. "I heard that the heavenly palace has been recruiting immortals recently. It's a pity that if I had been born hundreds of years earlier, now I would be in the list of them to participate in such a grand event! But sooner or later, I will go to heaven, and at least I will be heaven's general

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Li nianfan smiles and doesn't speak.

Ye Huaian patted his chest and flattered: "big boss, you have so much money. If you don't want to invest in me, you just need to give me dozens of gold coins. In the future, when I get developed, I will definitely pay you back a hundred times."

Li nianfan pretended not to hear, closed his eyes and lay on the goods.

"Hey, you've missed a good opportunity. You'll surely regret it in the future!" Ye Huaian curled his lips and left in ashes.

As time went by, night soon fell.

All the teams are preparing to enter the canyon. After all, it is a test of life and death for all the people present.

Ye Huaian took out a stack of Rune paper and surrounded the carriage, saying that it could cover up the smell of the carriage. Other caravans also used their own means. However, there was no communication between each caravan, and we were used to it.

When it gets late, some caravans can't wait to enter the canyon.

A moment later, ye Huaian also drove the carriage into the canyon.

Don't forget to remind cautiously, "boss, when you enter the canyon, don't talk, especially take care of your younger sister."

Li nianfan couldn't help laughing, "OK."

The girl turned her eyes.

If it wasn't for her brother to keep a low profile, she would have taken off and shocked Ye Huaian.

"Dada dada."

In the dark, there was only the faint sound of horse hoofs and wheels pressing over the ground, and people were careful to suppress the sound of breathing.

The canyon is very long, and people dare not speed up. It takes nearly an hour to cross.

Fortunately, all the way there is no danger, unknowingly already came to the valley hinterland.

But at this time, with a bang, the earth seemed to shake.

Then, a dark shadow flashed by. In the dark, there was a light sound of "puff".

But see, not far ahead of a caravan, one of them was suddenly from the land out of a dead branch to penetrate the chest, and suspended in the air.

Other people in the same caravan all changed their faces. Their mana was surging. As soon as they were ready to fight back, many dead branches shot out of the land at the same time, penetrating their chests one by one!

In the blink of an eye, a caravan was destroyed.

Twigs wriggled and wrapped the caravan.

"It won't be so bad!"

Ye Huaian was stunned, and he began to quietly control the carriage and slowly turn around. "That caravan is absolutely a fool. It must have something to attract the dead tree spirit!"

He cursed in his heart and was about to cry.

Pig teammates do harm!

All the caravans are very tacit understanding, did not make a little noise, hard scalp, silently as if nothing happened to leave.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

In the earth, there are many withered branches darting out. These withered branches wriggle, like a frightening boa constrictor in the night, and then rush towards the crowd."My God, run! Drive

Ye Huaian was scared to jump up, yelled, and began to run away.

"Boss, we can't be distracted. You can help yourself."

He quickly applied a magic formula, and the rune paper around the caravan suddenly lit up, and the speed of the carriage was three points faster.

"Whoosh, whoosh!"

In the sky, in the ground, and in the surrounding rock walls, there are dead branches swimming. In an instant, the whole Canyon seems to be an ocean of dead branches. Several roots and branches are everywhere. The soil is pulled away and the gravel is flying.

None of the caravans can survive alone. All of them are full of magic power, shining all over the world. They all use their own means to shine in the night.

"Bad luck, bad luck, bad luck!"

Ye Huaian looked at the surrounding scene. His scalp was numb and his heart and liver were trembling. He raised his hand again and wiped it around the caravan. Suddenly, the surrounding Rune paper burst into flames and began to burn, forcing the surrounding dead branches back.

Ye Huaian's eyes are red. It's all money!

The caravan ran wildly.


But at this time, the side of the cliff suddenly burst open, a few huge branches into the dark, like a whip general, toward the caravan!

"Try to stop it!"

Twelve members of Ye Huaian's caravan cast their magic formula together. They did not dare to reserve anything. They put out their shield facing the dead branch.


The withered branches beat on the shield, just like the palm on the bubble, gently smashing it, and then continued to beat towards the caravan.

Evil wind bursts, flashing a terrible black light.

"It's over. It's dead."

People are desperate, and they are already tied up to die.

Nannan calmly sat beside Li nianfan, turned her mouth and slowly stretched out a finger.

The next moment, a surge of awe struck, as if the gods came down to earth, king of the world, awe inspiring the whole audience, terror to the extreme.

The originally crazy dead branch seemed to have been fixed in the air, and did not dare to move.

Above the sky, a huge finger appeared slowly, and then, like a meteorite falling down, rolled towards the black wind Canyon!

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

In the dark, there was a scream of panic. Countless dead branches were taken back, forming one huge net shield after another, trying to block the finger.

However, no matter how many dead branches there are, even if there are 100000, one million or countless, they will not help, and they will collapse at once.

That finger is too strong, pushing all the way, just like crushing an ant, suddenly on the black wind Canyon!

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