Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 475: 475

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Black and white impermanence, walking like wind, silent, soon disappeared in the night.

The scene returned to calm, only the wind blowing.

Ye Huaian climbed over tremblingly. He didn't even dare to get up. With a smile on his face, he said nervously: "immortal No, Saint Lord Shengjun, I have eyes and don't know him. I deserve to die. And thank you for saving my life. Please be worshipped by me

Before the voice fell, he accepted his head and bowed.

The same is true of others. It's a piety.

Li nianfan waved his hand, "OK, get up."

Ye Huaian even said: "Lord Shengjun doesn't care about me. In fact, I have no other meaning. I just like to kowtow. My body is out of my control."

Li nianfan couldn't help laughing and shook his head: "I'm just making friends. In fact, I'm still a mortal."

Ye Huaian Tucao in his heart, only a fool can make complaints about this.

Who was that just now? That's the famous black and white impermanence! Ghosts of the underworld! The cultivation is not so good.

However, how did they see Li nianfan do it?

He leaned over to salute on his own initiative and spoke politely. To Li nianfan, he was humble and clear at a glance. Li nianfan's status was higher than he had ever imagined.

It's so awesome. I met such an immortal and talked with him all the way. It's just like a dream.

Ye Huaian is really excited, unbelievable, uneasy and other emotions have poured into his heart, already can't help it.

Li nianfan was too lazy to say anything. He said, "OK, hurry up."

When ye Huaian heard that Li nianfan was going to continue to ride in his car, he was so excited that his whole body trembled and nodded busily, "Oh, this is going."

Soon, the caravan moved again.

Ye Huaian was a little uneasy. After thinking about it for a long time, he finally took out a wine pot, poured a glass of wine for Li nianfan with shaking hands, and said: "Lord Shengjun, this is the best wine of qingfenglou. You can have a taste of it."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "this will be free of money?"

Ye Huaian shook his head awkwardly, "no, no more."

"Good." Li nianfan took the glass and drank it.

Ye Huaian breathed a sigh of relief. He wanted to get close to Li nianfan, but he didn't know how to do it. He was also timid and had been scratching his ears.

So, half an hour later, it was already dawn, and the fat man suddenly said, "brother Huai'an, here we are."


Ye Huaian was stunned for a moment, then patted the fat man's head and scolded: "you idiot! Stop what stop? We must send Lord Shengjun to gaolaozhuang! "

The fat man said innocently, "didn't you tell me that it was ok here before?"

Ye Huaian was angry and laughed, "is there a string missing in your brain? Can we compare now with before? Is it stupid? "

"Come on, no need. Since it's not far away, let's walk over." Li nianfan and Nannan have come down from the caravan.

Ye Huaian quickly followed and enthusiastically pointed the way, "Lord Shengjun, follow this direction, go straight ahead, and you will arrive soon."

Finally, he bowed piously, "to your majesty."

Until Li nianfan disappeared from his sight, ye Huaian slowly regained his mind and restrained himself. He was worried about gain and loss.

"I didn't expect that ye Huaian was so close to the immortal."

Then he ran back to the caravan and said excitedly, "do you see that? It's a fairy! And the emperor! I feel that I'm a step closer to my goal of becoming an immortal. I actually met an immortal. This is a big step in my life

Just then, he saw the fat man leaning on the goods and said, "what are you doing? Don't move!"

Then he ran, "this is the place where the emperor sat, so we have to circle, protect and offer!"

With a glance, the pupil suddenly shrank, as if struck by lightning, "this, this is..."

But see, originally Li nianfan sitting place, safely put a row of gold, is the first time, the girl hanging on the pile.

Shining in the sun, shining in the eyes.

"I understand. It must be the test of immortals. They disguise as brothers and sisters in distress and wear gold and silver to test whether I will be tempted by money and my chivalrous heart! It's really a good intention. "

Ye Huaian suddenly realized, moved and happy. His mood was like a roller coaster. He rushed to the sky and said in a trembling voice, "thank you for your test. With this money, I will surely be able to break through to the foundation period and become a more qualified chivalrous man!"

His eyes fell on the glass beside the gold.

The cup is not empty, but full of crimson wine, glittering with enchanting brilliance, deep and beautiful."This is Wine? "

Ye Huaian's heart leaped wildly and his eyes widened.

He was still impressed with the wine. From time to time, he saw Li nianfan take a few small sips. He wanted to ask for it, but he was refused. Unexpectedly, he was left with a drink.

He picked up the glass carefully.

However, at the moment when he touched the wine glass, his whole body was shocked, his sweat bristled, and all his pores seemed to relax, breathing crazily.

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"This, this, this is..."

An electric current in Ye Huaian's body instantly makes him have goose bumps and numbness on his scalp.

Just touch, let yourself have such a big reaction, there is a voice telling him, this wine is not ordinary, very unusual!

A glass of wine, enough to change his life!

Although he didn't know what grade the wine was, there was no doubt that it was a great fortune!

Originally, he thought that the gold was the greatest gift, but he didn't expect that Shengjun had left such immortal brew!

"It's too much. The emperor is too generous. I, I..."

Ye Huaian's mouth was murmuring, but his eyes were already moist. Douda's tears rolled down his cheeks, and he was deeply moved.

This is how much expectations of their own, will give themselves such a great fortune ah!

I know I'm narcissistic. I know I like to talk big. How can you value it so much!

Does your majesty see that I have the talent to become an immortal?

Ye Huaian took a deep breath, knelt down on his knees, and bowed respectfully to the direction of Li Nian's departure. His eyes said, "don't worry, my Lord, I will live up to your expectations! In the future, we will not only be a general in heaven, but also the number one general in heaven


Naturally, Li nianfan didn't know ye Huaian's mental journey. In his eyes, it was just a glass of wine.

"After tasting the wine made by himself, the boy will be astonished. The wine from qingfenglou is really weak."

As for the gold, he and his daughter got it on the road. It's useless to keep it. He simply left it for those who need it. Ye Huaian has a good character and may become a great Xia in the future.

Everything It's just that Li nianfan followed his heart and did it at will.

Along the road, the scenery here is much better than that in the woods.

Although they are all green grass, the woods are wild, very messy, overgrown with weeds, and gravel everywhere. Here, it's in good order, and it's obvious that people often take care of it.

Moreover, as you continue to walk inside, you can see the farmland gradually after passing a wooden door with a plaque of "gaojiazhuang". It is very regular, and the smell of people is also heavy. Rows of tile roofed houses begin to come into view.

The girl's eyes suddenly brightened, "brother, there is evil spirit in front of him, and he seems to be ready to fight inside."

The voice just dropped.

Then a fire burst into the sky, and the gorgeous magic exploded in the air. Then, there was a wave of air rising up in the air, accompanied by the streamer, and scattered.

It looks pretty intense.

"Go and have a look."

Li nianfan and her daughter glided along the ground with clouds under their feet. The speed was very fast, but they didn't make too much publicity.

Through a few tile roofed houses, I came directly to a large family with a large courtyard.

Many people have surrounded this place, among them there are many immortals.


Just at this time, a yellow cow whistling, full of evil spirit, rushed out of the courtyard and fled to the distance.

"Bold Bull Demon, do you want to escape even if it's killing people?"

In the courtyard, a sharp drink came out, and then there was a black iron chain darting out like a boa constrictor, flashing dense light, winding towards the cattle demon.

The cow demon turns around, opens its mouth, spits out a mouthful of running water, turns into a water wave barrier, and blocks the iron rope.

Just the next moment, there is a yellow string quietly came to the foot of the cow demon, suddenly wrapped around, immediately tied its four hooves together into a circle.

The cow demon moaned and fell to the ground.

"Kill the demon sword, cut it for me!"

After the cold voice, a flying sword surrounded by blue light appeared in the air, cut the sky, and cut straight to the neck of the cow demon!

Beheading with one sword!

At the moment of life and death, the two horns on the cow demon's head flashed brilliantly, and his head turned to the top of the flying sword with the horns!


The cow demon's horn was immediately cut off half, the blood on his head was streaming, and he lay on the ground, leaving only one breath on the spot.

In the surrounding tile roofed houses, people all lean out their heads and look here with a trace of uneasiness in their eyes. Some people are brave enough to come and watch the play.In the courtyard, a group of people walk out slowly, their temperament is out of the dust, and they should be all immortals.

The flying sword swirled in the air and returned to the hands of one of the young men.

Cold hum way: "just cow demon, dare to commit a crime in Gao Jia Zhuang, today definitely want to kill you, worship Gao master's spirit in heaven!"

The cow demon opened his mouth and said sadly, "I've never killed anyone since I became a demon, and it's impossible to kill master Gao. Someone framed me. Believe me!"

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