Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 477: 477

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Li nianfan looked at the crowd and couldn't help shaking his head. This is the power of knowledge.

Behind the scenes, after all, is to eat the loss of no culture.

He doesn't have to think about it. It's probably someone who wants to frame the cow demon and put the crime of killing on the cow demon, but It's a bad move.

Bulls and cows are confused.

Gao Yue was a little excited and said, "Niu, did you really kill my father?"


The corner of Li nianfan's mouth smoked, this name is really appropriate.

This is the human demon version of the Cowherd and Weaver Girl?

A Niu was so unjust that he said, "moon, I absolutely don't have it!"

Seeing Gao Yue ready to walk towards a Niu, Pianpian young man on one side just flashed his eyes. He grabbed Gao Yue and said, "Yue Er, this matter is still very strange. Niu Yao still can't believe it!"

After a pause, he continued: "master Gao's wound is caused by the horn, which is beyond doubt. Even if it's not the cow demon's own hands, it may be another cow demon's hands, in short, there are still many suspects!"

Hearing this, Gao Yue's face changed again, and she was at a loss.

Li nianfan looked at the young man with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

As a modern man who has been baptized by all kinds of dog blood plots in his previous life, his brain soon sorted out some things. Although he was just guessing, it should be all right.

After all, it's just a world of cultivating immortals. Strength comes first, and the skills of using means are much lower. It's not that Li nianfan is arrogant. In his eyes, some tricks are as simple as a child's family.

This cow demon is not a big role. I'm afraid it's only Miss Gao Yue who is in love with it.

From the beginning to the end, the Pianpian young man was obviously splashing dirty water on the cow demon, and he wanted to get rid of it at the first time, and always gathered around Gao Yue. The purpose was obvious.

Is this a bitter love play?

"Miss, the cow demon is a monster after all. It's better to be on guard."

Gao Yue's old housekeeper opened his mouth, then looked at Li nianfan and her daughter, and reminded her with a smile: "Miss, we have to thank this young man and girl, otherwise we will kill a good man by mistake."

"Yes, yes."

Gao Yue nodded, then came over with red eyes and said, "little girl Gao Yue, I've met Mr. Li. Thank you for your kind words. Otherwise, Gao Yue will regret all her life."

Li nianfan said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Gao, it's not worth mentioning that you've done so much."

Gao Yue asked again, "Mr. Li is very familiar. Isn't he from gaojiazhuang?"

Li nianfan said, "I'm from Luoxian city. I've been visiting mountains and rivers all the way

Gao Yue immediately knew it and said, "if you don't like it, you can stay in Gao's house for a few days."

Li nianfan is also impolite, "so good, thank you."

"This Taoist friend is really knowledgeable and observant. It's amazing that there is a theory of male and female differentiation in the ox horn. It's really enlightening for people to learn."

Pianpian came over and said with a gentle smile, "my name is Sun Yun. I'm a disciple of Qingling mountain. How dare I ask you where your teacher is?"

Li nianfan felt that he had seen through everything. He was just about to give Sun Yun a few perfunctory remarks. However, she said, "my brother and I have no way to go, because we got a super chance by chance. Only in this way can we cultivate immortals."

Here we go. Here we go.

It's time to test humanity.

Li nianfan was silent.

Sun Yun's eyes brightened involuntarily, then quickly disappeared and turned into a cold light, with a sneer in his heart.

It's a silly boy who dares to do me a bad job and tries to kill me!

He said with a smile: "I see. Li Daoyou must live in Gao's family. We can thank you very much!"

Later, Li nianfan lived under the arrangement of Gao family, while Niu Yao was imprisoned.

In the next three days, Gao's family was full of white silk. They were holding a funeral for master Gao. At the same time, they were looking for the real murderer.

Through the information collected in these three days, Li nianfan has basically determined that master Gao's home is the one where Zhu Bajie carried his daughter-in-law.

Darling, it's really mysterious that I've been keeping up for so many years.

Naturally, Li nianfan should have a good taste of the scenery here. The first stop It's Houtian!

However, when he arrived in Houtian, Li nianfan found that there were a lot of people in the whole field, and if there was no accident, they all seemed to have accomplishments.

All kinds of farm tools are scattered on the ground.

"Found it!"

Just then, an excited voice came, but a monk with mud all over his body raised his hands with excitement Rake!

The whole body's mana surged wildly and poured toward the harrow. "Nine teeth harrow, show your spirit quickly, as fast as the law!""Bang!"

There was no doubt that the rake was broken, and then someone came forward to take charge of the registration, "one or two silver, no default."

"Oh, silly!"

On the other side, a friar made a heartless mockery.

Then, his eyes suddenly fixed on a stick against the wall like fire, "nine teeth harrow, don't think that if you become a stick, I can't recognize you, don't show up quickly?"

In addition to these, there are also people who are digging three feet of the earth and are desperately digging. They have fallen into the ground for a long time, and can only see the soil "whirring" out.

Of course, earth pits can be seen everywhere, one by one like treasure rats.

Li nianfan turned his head speechless. It seems that he can't stay here. It's ruined. A good tourist attraction is ruined.

Coming out of Houtian, Li nianfan also saw signs on the side of the road, indicating "the road where Zhu Bajie was carried to his daughter-in-law" and "the attic where Zhu Bajie and his daughter-in-law hide and seek"

No, it's really a tourist attraction?

Li nianfan was shocked and didn't want to see it again. He just wandered around Gao's house.


A light noise came, just happened to see Gao Yue come out of a room, eyes red, is wiping the corner of the eye with a handkerchief.

"Miss Gao."

"Mr. Li."

Gao Yue's hasty salute is like a flower in the wind. She is tender and sad. She is shocked by sudden changes.

Li nianfan said curiously, "Miss Gao, many of the settings of the Gao family are really an eye opener to me. Who did they come from?"

Gao Yue said bitterly, "there's nothing to be surprised about. The little girl has to do it."

Li nianfan was surprised and said, "have to?"

Gao Yue was originally a gentle woman, and she had a good attitude towards Li nianfan, so she told it calmly, "all because of journey to the West..."

It turns out that because many people know that this is Gao Laozhuang, many people come here to search for treasures. Gao's family is very upset and can't compete with those who cultivate immortals. Gao Yue comes up with this idea in disguise.

It is better to block than to dredge.

Simply build it into a tourist attraction, aren't you coming? Come on, just give the money and go in and out.

In this way, it really suppressed the idea of many immortals to use force.

I have to say that Gao Yue can really be a strange woman.

Gao Yue continued: "fortunately, our gaojiazhuang is under the protection of Qingling mountain. Sun Yun is actually the young master of Qingling mountain. He personally suppressed it here, which is also the reason why many immortals dare not be presumptuous."

Sun Yun?

That guy's play is much more high-end. He's just fishing for a long time.

However, Li nianfan thought about it in his heart. Gao Yue certainly didn't believe what he said. Maybe he would turn over.

Li nianfan opened his mouth and said, "Miss Gao is really powerful. She can even think of this way."

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"What's the use of that? My father is still dead. "

Gao Yue pursed her lips and said sadly, "my Gao family has always been virtuous and benevolent, and has never had an enemy. My father's death must be because someone coveted the treasures in journey to the West."

Li nianfan was silent.

He didn't expect that it had something to do with himself.

If not for the journey to the west, I'm afraid gaojiazhuang would still be a carefree Chuang Tzu, and master Gao would not have died.

Don't want to know, although Gao Yue didn't say it, she must be full of complaints about herself.

Looking at Gao Yue's appearance, he felt a little guilty. He had to help with this.

"No, Mr. Li, Gao Yue will leave."

Gao Yue salutes Li nianfan and turns around to keep watch for master Gao.

Li nianfan looked at her back, opened his mouth, and finally sighed: "Miss Gao, please stay."

Gao Yue turns her head in doubt, "what else can I do for you, Mr. Li?"

Li nianfan said, "Miss Gao, do you want to see Master Gao again?"

Gao Yue's eyes widened and said, "Mr. Li, you What do you mean

Li nianfan said, "I can take Miss Gao to the underground to meet Master Gao."

Gao Yue's face suddenly showed an excited look, and then it was difficult to set the channel: "really, really?"

"Miss Gao just needs to answer whether she is willing or not."

"Yes, of course I do!" Gao Yue looks forward to it and nods busily.


Li nianfan laughed, then raised his legs and stepped on the land three times, "land, land, don't you come out quickly?"

Gao Yue looks at Li nianfan, while Li nianfan looks at the ground and tries to keep calm.

Don't panic, that's false. After all, this is the first time to call the land.

If you fail, or if there is no land at all, then you will have a lot of fun, and your operation will be a bit silly.Fortunately, the land did not disappoint Li nianfan.

Not long after, a little old man with crutches and rickets came out of the ground.

Nervous incomparable, serious to Li nianfan bow way: "small God to see the Lord."

Although he tried his best to restrain himself, his body was still shaking. There was a sweat on his forehead. He even dared not look at Li nianfan.

There is no way, the name of Shengjun is too loud, and even the Jade Emperor and the queen mother have specially instructed that Shengjun is a far beyond them, unimaginable existence, no matter who sees it, we should do our best to please him by all means, never neglect him, let alone let Shengjun have a trace of displeasure!

Li nianfan looked at the land curiously. His hair was long and white, dragging like withered grass. "Are you the land lord here?"

"Yes, Mr. Shengjun. Xiaoshen is the refined form of local ginseng. It has a great tonic effect. If Mr. Shengjun takes a fancy to the part of Xiaoshen, I will cut it off immediately and offer it to him."

Land do not want to, directly said their own heel, and did not hesitate to show their sincerity.

"Cough, no, you are too warm."

Li Nianfan gave a slight cough and then said, "well, take us to the nearest Town God's Temple. We are going to visit the government."

Land where dare to neglect, even busy way: "holy Lord, please come with me."

Li nianfan looked at Gao Yue, who had fallen into a dull state. "Miss Gao, we are ready to start."


Gao Yue suddenly excites herself, covers her mouth in shock and says, "God God

"No, I'm just a lucky mortal."

Li nianfan waved his hand with a smile, and then clouds began to grow under his feet, dragging the high moon and the land to the sky.

Town God's Temple is set up in a small city not far from here. It has been in sight for five minutes or so with Li Nianfan's feet.

The earth stood on the golden cloud of merit, her legs trembling, feeling that her life had never been so high.

So many merits, I just want to cry

Trembling voice of point a way: "Li young master, front is."

"Well, thank you very much."

Li nianfan nodded, in order not to cause a sensation, slowly landed on a wasteland outside the city.

Land repeatedly waved his hand and said in fear: "Your Majesty is polite. If there is anything else to tell you, God will be on call!"

Li nianfan looked at him, thought for a moment, or took out a peach, handed it over, some embarrassed way: "I have nothing, so I take some food with me, although it is not a treasure, but it tastes good, you can try it."

He knew that because of his status as the king of merit and virtue, and because he was more open-minded, the immortals were very polite to him, but If you just ask others for help, but don't show anything, then the word-of-mouth is definitely not good, which is not conducive to the long-term development.

Good or bad food is also a piece of my heart, and the taste is good enough to conquer the public, not to let the people who help themselves chill.

To put it bluntly, the way to deal with people is to be able to communicate with each other

The land is looking at the peach in front of him, silly, stay.

With wide eyes, he almost wandered out of the sky.

This, this, this

It's called nothing? What's this called, baby?

This is the biggest and most precious treasure in the world!

It's too precious. I'm not qualified to have a look!

Li nianfan see land in a daze, slightly embarrassed way: "if you don't like that even."

"Yes, yes!"

The land suddenly covered with cold, almost legs a soft, directly kneel down, even busy way: "just now my brain suddenly not awake, some Alzheimer's disease, also please Shengjun large, don't blame, I like to eat peaches, really!"

"Ha ha ha, just like it."

Li nianfan laughed and handed the peach to the land. "Then I will say goodbye."

The land looked at Li nianfan's leaving figure, looked at the peach in his hand, and the hand holding the peach suddenly began to shake violently.

Excited, he took a deep breath and raised his hand to his old face.


This slap, merciless, even left a slap on his face.

However, his mouth was big, his face was wrinkled with smile, and his whole body was shaking with excitement.

It's not a dream, it's not a dream!

Developed, I developed.

It's just a way to show me the spirit fruit. It's too luxurious and touching.

No wonder it's said that Shengjun is a great person. It's a great blessing to be around him. Even if you just say one or two words, it's a kind of chance!There are so many gods. The probability of meeting the emperor is too low. However I didn't expect that I could have such an honor. I'm just like winning the lottery!

Get rich overnight.

How happy!

No way! How can I enjoy such happiness alone? I have to find the land next door to make him happy.

Not long ago, he just got a postnatal Lingbao, and he still talked to me.

This time, I have to let him watch me eat

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