Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 485: 485

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A Li's body slightly swings, drags the long tail, aims at the cave, is preparing to submerge, unexpectedly actually encountered the barrier.


With a sharp drink, hundreds of figures came slowly from all around. They were all kinds of water demons, ranging from lobsters to frogs.

There are four words written on the forehead.

Then, there was a roar of laughter, and a slightly strong figure came out of the cave.

With black scales on his face and protruding eyes, he was looking at a Li eagerly. "A Li, you've finally come back. How are you thinking about it? Marry me."

A Li wriggled his body and said angrily, "black fish essence, you took advantage of my absence to occupy my cave!"

"What's the matter? Can our husband and wife's affairs be called occupation?"

The blackfish spirit laughs and is obviously in a good mood. With a move, a group of minions come over with pearls and treasures carrying several large boxes.

The blackfish Spirit said with pride: "I've made a small fortune recently. I'm ready for the bride price. We'll live here in the future. What's good about being an immortal? Why don't you join me and become king of the river and be happy."

Ah Li was so angry that he shivered. Gao Leng said, "don't be paranoid. Get out of here!"

"Get out of here?"

The blackfish Spirit gave a cold smile. "I haven't been thinking about you for a day or two. Since I dare to come here today, I'll come prepared. This time you'll have to marry, and you'll have to marry if you don't!"

"You are shameless!"

A Lijiao scolded, and her body swung suddenly. A long wave of water suddenly chopped toward the black fish essence like a blade.

This water wave seems simple, but it contains the power of the whole Tongtian River. All the water around it melts into the water wave along the way, making it extremely powerful, like the blade condensed by endless torrents, containing the power of heaven.

The black fish essence's eyes narrowed and his wrist lifted, but a silver sword appeared. The Demon power surged, and the sword made a slight trembling sound. Then he chopped the water wave, and easily cut it off and turned it into invisible.

The eyes of the black fish essence suddenly brightened and said with a smile: "good Dao! It's a postnatal treasure

He is proud in his heart. With this treasure, I am like a tiger. This female dragon is definitely in my hand!

"Lingbao the day after tomorrow?" A Li's heart sank slightly, a little uneasy.

She and the black fish essence's strength originally is the same, but now is different, the magic weapon to the combat effectiveness increase is too high.

"Good! Don't you give up and accept your life? Don't worry, I will definitely be a good husband, ha ha ha. "

The black fish spirit stepped out and leaned towards a Li. Meanwhile, he looked at Nannan and Li nianfan fiercely and said coldly, "I dare to bring the wild man back. I can forgive you, but I have to eat him!"

"You want to eat me?"

Li nianfan shook his head funny, "coincidentally, just now I was thinking about the practice of black fish, ready to make a tomato black fish."

Li nianfan feels a little sorry that a Li has been hurt by her daughter. Now a dish deliverer reminds Li that he can make a delicious meal for a Li.

The blackfish Spirit said darkly, "Oh, you dare to be tough when you die! I'd like to eat tomato slices today! Die for me

However, without waiting for him to kill with a knife, a surge of mighty pressure would be added to him, and the river would pour back, making the place where he stood a vacuum in an instant.

A huge Golden Shadow had already arrived and landed on his head.

The black fish spirit exclaimed. He felt that his whole body was as heavy as Mount Tai. He didn't even have the chance to lift his knife. He was hit hard by the stick.

Without any foreshadowing, he fell to the ground and turned into a huge black fish, falling into peace.

"Done." The girl put away the golden cudgel and said, "fortunately, it didn't use too much force, otherwise it would be impossible to eat the meat mud. Brother, what about these little demons?"

"Never mind, drag the black fish in."


It was not until Nannan carried the black fish into the cave that all the frightened little demons around her woke up and ran away.

The sudden death of the king really left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

In the cave.

A Li has been transformed into a human form, with lingering fear. While leading the way, he sincerely said, "thank you for your help."

If you are really caught by a black fish spirit and become the wife of the stronghold, it's a nightmare. It's terrible to think about it, and I can't accept it.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "it's a small matter. I'm just hungry. Black fish can be regarded as a good food. You have a good mouth."

The cave is not luxurious, but it is also unique. Suddenly, it is bright. There are several bright pearls on the wall, flashing dense light.

Obviously, it was constructed by hollowing out the interior of a huge stone wall. There are many rooms and many things, but the interior is ordinary and not luxurious.Especially compared with the palaces in the East China Sea, this is a slum.

It's no wonder that many immortals don't like to be stationed in places. It's thousands of years since they were released. It's hard for them to do things without saying anything.

A Li takes Li nianfan and her daughter to the hall, pours the wine in person, and says, "Your Majesty, please Please have a drink

"Well, thank you."

Li nianfan took his glass and sipped it gently. Then he said curiously, "is this black fish spirit a monster in the quicksand River?"

"Huishengjun, it is."

A Li nodded and continued: "it's a bully in the quicksand River. It often capsizes boats and devours passers-by. I've fought with it many times, but it's not a winner, so I can't help it."

As she said this, she couldn't help looking at the black fish again. Her mood was complicated.

Now think about it, the essence of black fish is just like that. In the eyes of Shengjun, it's just a good dish

It's said that Shengjun likes to eat game. Sure enough, blackfish essence knows that Shengjun is here, so it's better to treat Shengjun with himself.

"OK, let's deal with it while the blackfish is still fresh."

Li nianfan smiles a little. He eats too much, but he doesn't feel much in his heart. When he thinks that he can eat tomato fish, his mouth begins to salivate, which is a hard dish.

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tomato fish is also very simple. Prepare two main ingredients, tomatoes and fish, and then add Baijiu, ginger and garlic seasonings, supplemented with white wine, and stir up the delicious soup, then pour the fish into the slow stew.

There are only two keys to this dish, one is Dao Gong, the other is the deployment of soup.

Of course, Li nianfan can't be defeated by these two kinds of nature, which can be said to have been pinched at will.

When he carries all kinds of seasonings with him, he just needs to set up the stove, pour the seasonings and tomatoes into the soup pot, and boil them into thick soup.

As for Dao Gong There is no need to introduce more.

Seeing Li nianfan Ping Ping out a pile of pots and pans, a Li was surprised and at the same time felt a burst of shame.

She didn't expect that the legendary emperor should be so grounded and carry such a set of super luxury tableware with her. How much she loves delicious food to do it.

Look at yourself. There is not even a kitchen in the cave

Li nianfan's action is very fast and skillful. He handles it in an orderly way. From the outside, it's really flowing. It's pleasing to the eye and I can't bear to interrupt.

A Li wants to help, but he doesn't know how to do it. He just stares.

Especially when I saw Li nianfan cutting fish with a kitchen knife.

She felt that there was a breeze on her face, and she couldn't help but plunge into it. The world became blurred, leaving only the picture of Li nianfan cutting fish in her mind, as if she saw Avenue.

She can't describe it, she can't understand it, but in a word, it's very powerful.

With a flash of light, a piece of perfect fish is cut down. The thickness of the fish is extremely thin, showing a transparent shape and crystal color. The fishbone is naturally removed, and the lines on it are looming. It is completely a handicraft.

One knife after another, the fish in a row began to shine

A Li was completely crazy. At this moment, she suddenly felt that the black fish essence was happy, because it was lucky to be cooked by an expert himself. What a glory! You see, it was so excited

After a short time, the fish will be cut and poured into the tomato pot just beginning to boil. The time is just right.

Everything's done, just waiting for the fish to ripen.

Taking advantage of this stall, Li nianfan asked with a smile, "what does a Li fairy usually eat?"

A Li thought for a moment and said, "there are always mortals offering some food and throwing it into the river. Occasionally, they will swallow some fish and shrimp in the water."



A Li's cheek is slightly red, and she is a little embarrassed. She doesn't feel anything when she eats it raw. But looking at Li nianfan's joking eyes, she feels guilty that she can't cook.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "ha ha ha, then you have to have a good taste. Delicious food is an indispensable part of life."

"Yes, yes."

A Li busily nods and stares at the tomato fish that is beginning to boil. It's obvious that she has been captured by the overflowing fragrance.

"Goo, goo, goo."

In the casserole, with the bubbling of the bubbles, the fish also began to beat in the casserole. With the beating, it also had the heart of a Li and a girl.

Red soup, a regular and white pieces of fish embellishment, angular, crisscross have, just look at people's appetite.

Not to mention the smell of tomato and fish in the air.


A Li licked her lips without any trace and swallowed a mouthful of saliva.She has been completely quiet, squatting on the side of the pot, staring at the food in the pot, a small nose.

"Almost. Have a taste."

Li nianfan's words, for Nannan and a Li, are just sounds of nature. They pick up chopsticks as fast as they can and pick up a piece of fish from the pot.

The fish is extremely thin, but it is full of toughness, and will not be easily broken. As the fish is sent to the mouth, the sour taste of tomato is first fried in the mouth. This kind of acid is not irritating, just right. Touching the tip of the tongue, it completely activates the taste buds, followed by the tenderness and fragrance of the fish.

"Ah! How delicious

A Li's eyes turned into stars and exclaimed in her heart, "the black fish essence who is greedy for my beauty is so delicious!"


Then, in her nose, there was a sudden gasp.

Just after the first piece of fish, the mana in her body began to stir. As if she had taken the tonic, her whole body began to become hot and her cheeks began to turn red.

"Well, there is Linggen? "

She felt incredible. She took a deep breath, carefully filled a small bowl of fish soup with a spoon, then opened her mouth and sipped it gently.

Sour fish soup in the mouth around a circle, and then along the throat flow, and finally attributed to the lower abdomen.

Under the extreme taste, there is a mass of hot rising in the belly, and then it rushes into every corner of the body. Mana is like dropping a drop of water into a calm oil pan and boiling directly.

Mana with the waves straight to the forehead, making her mouth open, nasal cavity and mouth resonance.

"Burp -"

had a long burp.

Under this burp, the bottleneck, which was like a natural moat, was directly defeated like a piece of paper.

Since then In the late days of the celestial being, the real immortal comes!

And all this, just because, a mouthful of soup, a burp, you dare believe it?

The girl and Li nianfan, who are enjoying the delicious food, have a meal at the same time. They turn their eyes to a li one after another, showing their surprise.

But a Li didn't have time to be happy at all. Her face was congested, and her neck and ears were all red. She forced her head down and wanted to die of shame and indignation.

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