Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 487: 487

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Yun Shu looks at the small bottle in her hand, which seems to contain some kind of liquid.

"Well, it's the intention of the Taoist friends of Nu Wa. It would be too much if they were just carrying ordinary water, but it shouldn't be so bad."

Yun Shu shook her head, then opened the lid of the small bottle very casually.

All of a sudden, a pangbai's spirit power was like a runaway wild horse, and even formed a strong wind, shooting at her face!

Let her have not been able to react to come over, feel a burst of suffocation.

"Hiss -"

Yun Shu took a cold breath, raised her heart to her throat, and quickly put the cover on without hesitation. Goose bumps appeared all over her body and her blood flowed back!

She pretended to be calm and swept her eyes around. Seeing that no one had noticed, she suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief. Her figure flashed and she had changed into a hidden place.

"This is "The spring of chaos?"

It's absolutely chaos, right!

Yun Shu breathes heavily and stares at the small bottle in her hand. She can hardly believe this fact.

"Nuwa Daoyou gave herself a bottle of chaotic spring!"

"Did she take it by mistake? The spring of chaos is actually for herself?"

"Did she get rich overnight?"

She began to think wildly, her brain was running at full speed, sometimes excited, sometimes confused, and her mind was full of thoughts.

It's too generous. It's too generous for her to imagine.

The spirit spring of chaos is not the product of the world of heaven. It can only be produced in chaos. If you want to meet it, you can only dream.

After living so long, she first met the black sheep who gave the chaotic spring as a reward.

Yunshu tightly held the small bottle, carefully hidden, in the heart can not help shouting, "ah, suddenly I am rich!"

A moment later, her mind finally returned to normal and began to ponder.

Nuwa Daoyou is abnormal, too abnormal.

Risking his life to sneak into the cloud world, just to catch a fish?

What's more, where she came from? Since she can give away at will, it shows that she has more treasures. She is really rich overnight!

Was it the last time she escaped from the cloud wasteland that she strayed into the ruins of some great power and got great fortune?

Yun Shu immediately felt that she had eaten lemon, and her heart was sour.

But Now that there is great fortune, what does she do with fish?

Is there any connection between fish and chaotic spring?

Yunshu can't understand it, but she can feel that there must be a big secret!

And behind this secret, there may be great fortune!

"Great fortune..."

At this moment, her feeling suddenly became extremely strong, as if only through the fog in front of her, what she saw would be enough to affect her life!

She calmed down and suddenly turned to look in a direction of chaos, where Is the direction of her world, but now, she did not dare to go back.

Then, she looked to the direction of Nu Wa's departure. Finally, her eyes were slightly frozen. She clenched her fist, took a deep breath, and went to Nu Wa's direction.

No matter how, even if there is only a glimmer of life, I will make it clear and strive for it!


The world of flood and famine.

A glass colored dragon is swimming on the turbulent river. On its body, there are two figures, Li nianfan and Nannan.

The Liusha river is very wide, and the current is very fast. Even large ships can't cross it. Li nianfan originally wanted to fly with her daughter, but he couldn't stand her enthusiasm. At least people are in charge of this area, and Li nianfan didn't want to help them. He reluctantly rode on her and began to cross.

Don't say, it's very stable all the way. I saw different scenery.

Before long, the opposite bank was already far away, and was approaching rapidly.

Opposite seems to be a green space, with the shadow of the forest, the scenery is much better.

In the blink of an eye, a Li stopped steadily.

Li nianfan and his daughter came up from Lijiao and stood on a grassland on the other side.

Li nianfan arched his hand and said, "thank you a Li fairy."

A Li quickly replied, "you are welcome, Mr. Shengjun. This is what Xiaoshen should do."

After a few simple greetings, Li nianfan said goodbye to a Li and went along the direction of the daughter's country marked on the map.

Looking at Li nianfan's back, a Li's eyes are a little confused. Although she has only been together for a few days, she feels an unreal feeling, like a dream.

The main thing is that in such a short period of time, the impact on her is too far-reaching. It is not too much to describe it as changing her life.

Even if the master just passed by, he still made a qualitative leap in a Li's accomplishments, potential, vision or future!Is this the strength of an expert?

Is that the advantage of being with a big man?

It's amazing!

A Li feels that in the next few hundred or thousands of years, he will live in awe of the power of the master.

Blocked by the turbulent quicksand River, as indicated on the map, there are not many people around, not even a village except a daughter.

The location is special.

In the middle of the flight, there was no waste of time. Li nianfan and her daughter flew directly in the clouds. Only when they passed through the Zimu River, they looked at each other curiously and continued to fly.

Half a day later, the virtual shadow of a city came into view. The city wall was also piled up outside the city, and the facade was also very thick. It was used to resist the surrounding beasts, and the prosperity of the city could be felt from a distance.

"It seems to have arrived."

Li nianfan's eyes brightened slightly. In order not to cause a sensation, he took her to land not far away, and then walked over on foot.

The high wall is erected. On the gate is engraved with the three characters of daughter country. On the tower, there are three female generals in armor, who are inspecting the four directions.

However, the three female generals all had a worried look on their brows, some of them were absent-minded, and sometimes they sighed and worried.

One of them asked, "is anyone in your family pregnant?"

"No, I drank the water from the alphabet river yesterday, but until now, I have no reaction in my stomach, and I don't think I'm pregnant."

"What can we do? Why does the water in the Zi Mu river suddenly stop working? His majesty has mobilized women from all over the country to drink, but none of them has been effective. "

"This is heaven's death to our daughter country!"

Once there is no new life, the daughter country will become an empty city in a hundred years.

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The women of the whole country were confused.

"Excuse me, is it convenient to open the gate to let me pass?"

A sudden voice came from the city wall, which made the three female generals stunned, and then their pupils enlarged, with a trace of disbelief.

The sound It's rough!

"The voice of a man?"

Three people suddenly excited, face flushed, looking out toward the city wall, one eye locked in Li nianfan's body.

One of them couldn't wait to ask, "is it a man under the wall?"

Li nianfan's eyebrows slightly picked.

The question is

However, considering that this is a country of daughters, it's not surprising to say, "I'm really a man."

"Open the gate, open the gate

Soon, the gate is wide open!

Two female generals rushed to Li nianfan. They stared at Li nianfan with burning eyes and said warmly, "welcome to the daughter country. Please come in."

Another female general was running towards the palace in the city. All the way, she cried excitedly, "men are coming, men are coming!"

Originally, the whole daughter country was immersed in a sad atmosphere, and bursts of women's crying came from both sides of the street.

Originally, according to the custom of the daughter country, when a woman is 20 years old, she needs to drink a bowl of water from the Zi Mu river. It takes only three days from pregnancy to birth to give birth to a baby girl.

However, this custom had to stop half a month ago, because the water in the Zi Mu River failed, and no one could get pregnant by it any more.

This is bad news for many women who have just turned 20 and can only hide in their houses and cry.

With the cry of the lifeless female general, the street, which had lost its vitality, suddenly became lively. All the women's eyes were suddenly shining, unbelievable and full of expectation.

Girls who were still in the room just now came out one after another and looked out.

Soon, I heard the sound of footsteps coming out. Then, I saw four figures coming slowly. Everyone's eyes, in the first time, were fixed on Li nianfan's body, just like a magnet.

"Ah, it's really a man!"

"There seems to be a bit of stubble on both sides of his mouth, so sexy!"

"It turns out that men look like this. My heart beats faster and I'm full of joy."

"Seeing him, I've even figured out our child's name."

"Sisters, come out and see, there's a man coming!"

"He's looking at me, he's looking at me, ah - I'm dying."

For a moment, the whole street became very busy. More and more women gathered around, and they would not disperse. They were all staring at Li nianfan with bright eyes.

The previous sadness and heaviness had already disappeared, and turned into incomparable excitement.

"Hiss -"

Li nianfan took a cold breath and was too nervous. At this moment, he deeply doubted the correctness of coming to his daughter's country.Looking around, there are women everywhere. It can be said that a hundred flowers vie with each other. However, these women are seldom reserved. They are extremely bold. The heat in their eyes is not covered up at all. It makes Li nianfan's scalp numb.

He couldn't figure out how these slim and beautiful looking women could have such a wolf like attribute?


The two female generals suddenly pulled out their own swords and said in a voice: "stand back, all stand back, don't crowd. This is your Majesty's guest. It's a capital crime to collide!"

Li nianfan is not at ease in front of the girl told: "girl, pay attention to protect me."

"Well, don't worry, brother. I will protect your innocence to the death."

The girl nodded dignified and tightened the golden cudgel in her hand. She only felt that these women were more terrible than monsters.

If it's a monster, she will throw it out without hesitation, but in the face of so many crazy women, it's really difficult

Finally, through the siege of many women, led by two female generals, they entered the palace.

Just entering the gate, I saw a woman in fengguanxia dress waiting here. When I saw Li nianfan coming in, her beautiful eyes were bright and she came quickly with a long red cape.

Li nianfan stepped back a little and said: "I've met your majesty, Li nianfan."

The Queen's footstep this just a meal, smile a way: "is I abrupt, childe Li comes all the way, still invite inside the palace to have a chat, I immediately let a person prepare to serve."

Although the mouth said, but her eyes flow, constantly looking for angle, to stare at Li nianfan.

It seems that they are really in the wolf's nest.

If I don't come to my daughter's country, I don't know how attractive I am.

Li nianfan is very lucky now. If at the beginning of the journey, he went directly to the daughter's country, I'm afraid he has no residue left.

He said with a light cough, "cough, your majesty, please lead the way."

The queen chuckled and said, "Mr. Li, please follow me."

Stepping on the steps and entering a hall, many maids soon came to serve Li nianfan. From time to time, they took a look at Li nianfan and laughed like Orioles.

The queen looked at Li nianfan and asked curiously, "how can master Li come to my daughter's country?"

Li nianfan said perfunctorily, "I have nothing to do, and I come here unconsciously."

The queen was very happy and said: "it seems that it's really God's will. The arrival of young master Li can be regarded as the solution to the power of destroying our country."

Li nianfan was surprised and said, "why did your majesty say this?"

"Mr. Li doesn't know. Just half a month ago, the water of Zi Mu river suddenly failed. Drinking it would not have the effect of pregnancy at all. Without the letter River, where is the next generation in our daughter's country? Naturally, it is going to destroy our country."

The queen was a little worried. Then she said excitedly, "five days ago, I prayed to God for a man. My daughter's kingdom will obey his orders and make him king! Unexpectedly, in this stall, young master Li suddenly appeared. He came here specially to save my daughter's country! "

Li nianfan has understood her meaning, and suddenly feels powerless and numb.

"Your Majesty, in fact, you don't have to be a man. Maybe there will be a way to make the river return to its original state."

"No, since the Zi Mu river has lost its efficacy, it's almost impossible to recover, and I think men are more reliable than Zi Mu river."

The queen took a look at Li nianfan, showing a rare shy expression, and then said: "Mr. Li, do you think I'm beautiful?"

Li nianfan replied, "Your Majesty is naturally beautiful."

The Queen's body immediately leaned over and said with a smile full of temptation: "my daughter is beautiful. If you become a king, you don't have to do anything, and no matter what you need, we will try our best to serve you well. You just need to be a kind of man."

What are you talking about?

Kind of Breeder?


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