Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 491: 491

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"It was a misunderstanding."

Li nianfan laughed and said, "it's OK. Just untie it."

"Yes, yes, I'll untie it."

Lin Feng did not say a word, pinched a formula, and then there is a halo into the river, the law will be restored.

"Thank you very much."

Li nianfan arched his hand and introduced himself: "my dear Li nianfan, although he has no accomplishments, he is lucky to be the king of great virtue. I have met Lin Daoyou."

Lin Feng did not dare to neglect, hastened to return, "see the emperor."

His heart trembles wildly. Is this Huafan?

As soon as the saint's realm was crushed, he felt that even when he reached this realm, he would never change his aura even if he lived in the world and understood the life of mortals, because it was something from the inside out, which could not be changed and was destined to be superior.

However Li nianfan's aura is ordinary!

Just like, around him, there is no strong or not, there is no high above, the aura will disappear, all people, live in the ordinary atmosphere!

What kind of realm is this?

Lin Feng has no way to know, but he can know the difficulty and inconceivable.

It's so strong!

Li nianfan is determined, with some care in mind, at this time can only be hard on the scalp!

For this, he thinks he is very experienced.

In those days, how could he make friends with all kinds of immortals from a mediocre mortal? Today, the situation is similar, but it's just a different object.

Don't panic. Hold on. Making friends is my strong point.

His mouth said: "Your Majesty, since there are visitors, we can't neglect. How nice it is to get a boat and take Lin Daoyou to the lake."

Since the boss is quite friendly, there is still room for communication. If you don't talk about getting along with others, you can treat them well. At least you won't get into a feud.

If you piss each other off, you're in trouble.

"Shengjun said that the ship has, has!"

The Jade Emperor nodded and then raised his hand. A luxurious and exquisite boat appeared on the empty river.

The boat is not big, but it's enough for people to have enough space.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "Lin Daoyou, please."

"Thank you very much, please."

Lin Feng didn't have a little bit of defense, so he suddenly ran into such things. Naturally, he was very flustered. In fact, he wanted to find an excuse to go first. However, in the face of the big man's invitation, he didn't dare to refuse, so he had to stick to his head.

They all got on the boat in an orderly way and drifted along the mother and son river.

Li nianfan and others sat around the table one after another.

Li nianfan took a look at the wine pot in Lin Feng's hand and said with a smile, "is Lin Daoyou a good drinker?"

"One of the few hobbies." Lin Feng consciously took out his wine pot and politely said, "is it because Shengjun is also good at wine? Do you want to taste it?"

"Hahaha, I'm good, but I have a kind of wine here. I wonder if Lin Daoyou is interested in it? "

Li nianfan took off the purple golden gourd on his waist, shook it, and then took off the bottle cap with a "Bo" sound, "although my wine is not a treasure, I dare say it's unique in taste!"


Lin Feng was a little surprised by Li nianfan's tone, but also curious. He couldn't help looking at the golden gourd in his hand.

At first, he didn't feel any difference in this wine pot. He just felt that it was dazzling, very bright and reflected brilliance.

But very soon, I felt that it was not simple.

"Brother Feng, this gourd is a treasure!"

Behind him, the falling cloud sword suddenly gives out a light sound. She is an instrument. She is very sensitive to the breath of treasure. She feels a kind of suppression and fear from instinct. With a strong exclamation, she says in a trembling voice: "it's very terrible. I feel it's possible to reach the level of chaos treasure!"

The treasure of chaos?!

Lin Feng's pupil suddenly shrinks, and he gathers his divine sense on the gourd. However, he feels that the mud ox is entering the sea, and his brain is dizzy. It seems that his divine sense will be sucked in.

He didn't dare to neglect and cut off his divine consciousness, but his whole body was covered with cold sweat and terrified.

Even one's own divine consciousness can be inhaled. There is no doubt that it is the treasure of chaos!

I've offended myself. I'm really offended. How can I use my divine sense to explore the treasure of an expert? Fortunately, there are a large number of experts, who don't care, otherwise they will be doomed!

"Brother Feng, are you ok?" Luo Yun continued: "this gourd seems to be Pretend to be ordinary? "

Try to hide the brilliance and breath, and make yourself look ordinary. What is it that you are not pretending to be ordinary?

Lin Feng took a deep breath and said, "it's normal that since the master is transforming the world, the treasures around him will naturally cooperate with him to transform the world. In the master's side, everything will return to the world. This is the aura of the master!""It's just that I never thought that this is the treasure of chaos! What's more, the master used chaos to treasure Wine?! What kind of wine is this

Lin Feng and Luo Yun exchanged their exclamations secretly. They both became very formal and dare not breathe.

Is that the pressure from the big man?

"Here, drink."

Li nianfan naturally did not know that in such a short period of time, Lin Feng's mind had turned a thousand times and poured a glass of wine for everyone.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The sound of the water will slowly pull back Lin Feng's thoughts, he looked at the flowing wine, suddenly a dull, brain explosion.

Open your mouth and take a breath.

At the same time, the falling cloud sword trembled.

This, this, this

This wine Extraordinary!

Extremely extraordinary!

They have been in chaos for a long time, but they still have vision and perception.

This wine has a chaotic air flow! It is brewed with the spirit root of chaos!

It's terrible! What a thrill!

Lin Feng's heart beat faster, and his hair stood upright. He was almost shocked by the scene in front of him.

Li nianfan looked at the aspirating Lin Feng and said, "what happened to Lin Daoyou?"

"This is..."

Lin Feng's mind turns suddenly, so naturally he doesn't dare to expose the experts who are changing the world.

With the rapid operation of the brain and the explosion of potential, the spirit flashed and said, "I'm sucking the aroma of wine! Yes, it's so fragrant. I can't help but start pumping. "

"Ha ha ha, it seems that Lin Daoyou is really a good wine!"

Li nianfan laughed and then said, "OK, try some common drinks. Please don't give up."

"Don't dislike, don't dislike!"

Lin Feng's scalp is numb and stiff.

Chaos treasure makes ordinary wine pot, chaos Linggen brews ordinary wine, you are attacking people, you know? My fragile heart bears the weight it can't bear!

His hands are shaking, carefully took the cup, looking at the ripple of the wine, for a time some trance.

I never thought that one day I was lucky enough to drink the wine brewed by chaos Linggen. Am I dreaming?

His mind was full of ups and downs, and his thoughts were very complicated. He said: "Luoyun, you see, the wine made by the spirit root of chaos turns out to be like this."

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Luo Yun said softly, "brother Feng, I see it."

At the beginning, the reason why they lost their own world was because of the chaotic Linggen!

It was a dream out of reach of Lin Feng and Luo Yun, but at the moment, it touched

The Jade Emperor and Yang Jian also took the wine cup, smelling the aroma of wine, and they were suddenly refreshed.

Light up, light up again.

I've got another fortune from an expert. How can I be embarrassed.

Master, don't talk too much nonsense. My life will be yours in the future!

Then I can't wait to drink it.

Ah - good wine, cool!

Li nianfan looked at Lin Feng and couldn't help asking, "why doesn't Lin Daoyou drink it? Isn't it that the wine doesn't suit your appetite?"

"No, I'm sorry. I just think of the past."

Lin Feng a spirit back to God, pick up the wine, drink, restrain the tears in the eyes.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "how?"

Lin Feng is not stingy of his praise, sincerely said: "sure enough good wine, I mix in chaos, this wine is worthy of the first wine!"

Li nianfan laughed and said: "hahaha, I'm flattered. But I've been playing all the way. No one who has drunk this wine is invincible."

All the way?

Don't you give the wine to passers-by at will?

Lin Feng is silly. He looks at the Jade Emperor and others who are also drinking, and suddenly feels that the expert really seems to do this kind of thing.


The mentality collapsed!

Is there such a generous person in the whole chaos?

The existence of my ceiling is beyond the reach of the spirit of wine, this broken world has actually realized the spirit of wine freedom?

No wonder this group of people dare to fight with themselves when they see themselves. They are eager to shed blood for the master. I am the same!

No more. One glass of wine a day. I'm your loyal licking dog.

Seeing that the time was almost over, Li nianfan asked, "by the way, I don't know why Lin Daoyou came here?"

"Well, I also inadvertently entered this world."

Lin Feng shook his head with sadness in his voice. "To tell you the truth, my world is gone, and I've been wandering in chaos. I'm so drunk that I can make you laugh."

Li nianfan poured a glass of wine for Lin Feng again. At this time, it's not appropriate to ask. The other party will certainly continue to say.Sure enough, Lin Feng said thanks, and then sighed: "in the chaos, the law of the jungle, once the weak world is discovered by the people with evil intentions, it will be refined into resources. At the beginning, my world was in great trouble, but at the last moment, I escaped from the world and watched it collapse."

While saying that, Lin Feng's eyes are red, with a deep remorse.

Rao is the master of his cultivation, but this matter still became his demons, affecting his mind and making it difficult for him to enter.

Deep down in his heart, he had two goals.

One is revenge, and the other is to go further to reach the realm of creation and revive the falling clouds.

However, his cultivation is stagnant now. Naturally, these two goals have little hope. Since then, he has been decadent and depressed.

The Jade Emperor and others listened to his story, but they were silent and heavy hearted.

They knew that if they didn't meet an expert, sooner or later the world would be as depressed and destroyed as Lin Feng's.

Li nianfan showed a thoughtful look.

In short, chaos can be seen as a big world, while the world of thousands is similar to the big gates, but the competition is more cruel. Lin Feng's clan was destroyed and became homeless.

He's a poor man, too.

Lin Feng said in a low voice: "am I a man who is greedy for life and afraid of death?"

"Of course not."

Li nianfan almost blurted out without thinking.

You are a big man. If you have a normal brain, you know how to answer.

He deeply realized the cruelty of the chaotic world. At this time, he just wanted to send Lin Feng away.

After all, he is the king of virtue in the world of flood and famine. He must be safe in the flood and famine, but in chaos, he is a dreg!

And here Lin Feng is, it's a time bomb.

Lin Feng is a bright eyes, looking forward to Li nianfan, "Shengjun think I'm not?"

"Of course not."

Li nianfan showed a kind smile, organized the language, and said: "if you were desperate at that time, maybe others would praise your courage to fly moths to the fire, but it was only a flash in the pan after all. Sometimes, it's nothing to struggle for. Living is often more than dying."

"To live is often more than to die..."

Lin Feng's pupils suddenly shrunk, as if he was suddenly awake, and goose bumps all over his body emerged one after another.

He clenched his fists, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes. "It's just Can I really get revenge? "

He felt powerless at the thought of the giant.

Li nianfan smile, indifferent way: "the road with far, line will come, although difficult, do it will be done!"


Lin Feng's brain almost burst, his whole body blood gushed, almost boiling, and his body even trembled because of excitement.

A simple word, but let his whole body decadent to go, the road in front of suddenly clear.

"Yes, I will!"

Lin Feng's eyes show the color of firmness, and his mouth is murmuring.

His original desperate heart gradually became firm at this moment.

He suddenly got up, raised his hand, bowed deeply to Li nianfan, and solemnly said: "thank you for your help, I understand! Lin will always remember his great kindness and virtue! "

His heart is agitated, worthy of being an expert. In a few words, he not only removed his demons, but also strengthened his mind. Is this the realm of a big man?

Li nianfan sat in the same place, a smile, leisurely way: "understand good."

It seems that I have been fooled.

Familiar with all kinds of chicken soup, I'm afraid I can't scare you?

He told Lin Feng that his only purpose was to let the time bomb go and take revenge. Don't stay in the flood and famine.

As for whether Lin Feng can get revenge, it's not his concern. His injection of chicken blood, apart from boosting morale, obviously has no effect on his strength

As soon as Lin Feng swept away the decline, he said with high spirits: "holy king, everyone, I'm ready to go."

Li nianfan was so calm that he said, "is this the way to go? Why don't you have another drink? "

"No, thank you for your hospitality." Lin Feng shook his head, and then again said, "I abandoned myself before. Thank you for waking up the dreamer with a word from Shengjun. Let me wake up and regain my fighting spirit!"

"Cough, you're welcome." Li nianfan felt a little embarrassed.

I cheated others to die, and they were so grateful to me. I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed.

He felt guilty, pondered for a moment, and said: "Lin Daoyou, I don't have any treasure to give you. I can only give you a little thing. I hope you don't dislike it."

"Girl, bring me the TV."

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