Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 493: 493

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The cloud world.

A beautiful shadow peeped out of the clouds, then fell quietly.

Next step, across the void, rapid movement.

She is naturally the Nu Wa who lurks in. This time, she has a clear goal and comes from the chaos, but she doesn't want to delay too much. She just wants to finish the fight for the master and go back to work.

Feeling the immortal spirit in the air, and the power of the law between heaven and earth, Nu Wa's eyes could not help showing a trace of envy.

This is the advantage of a complete world. The conditions for cultivating immortals are much better. Even when the world was in the beginning, they were not half as good as here.

Soon, Nu Wa calmed down, thought of the master's courtyard, eyes of envy suddenly disappeared.

Now I have seen the world. What's the world like?

Compared with the quadrangle of the master, this is the garbage dump.

Thinking about it, she has crossed several sea areas and arrived at an ocean current.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

The current here is very turbulent, the water potential is higher and higher, like a high wall, wave after wave, and with the strong wind whistling, the endless sea water is swept everywhere, and the water vapor in the void is rising, like a rainstorm.

The surrounding land has been washed by the ocean current, many places have been submerged, even the mountains on both sides are not immune, the fierce flood, directly flooded to the hillside position.

"Here it is."

Nu Wa was suspended in the air, but there was no water vapor around her. She was left alone and seemed to trample on the huge waves.

"This must be where the fish is. The body of the fish and the wings of the bird sound like a mandarin duck. If you see it, you can see the big water in the city."

Nu Wa's eyes were constantly patrolling in the ocean current, while her brain was thinking, "according to the description of the recipe of the master, combined with the news she heard about here, there are always floods here, flying fish and big demons are making trouble, so it's sure to be the mullet."

At this moment, Nu Wa's eyes suddenly coagulated.

In the ocean current, there are two figures flying fast, then they suddenly cut through the water. It's the fish, but with both wings, they didn't fall after jumping out of the water, but they flew close to the current.

The two fish are half a meter long, cross flight, often a fish tail toss, water waves will be a bit higher, with the waves beating sound, there is a sound like birdsong.

"That's them!"

As soon as Nu Wa's eyes brightened, her body was still in the same place. She just raised her hand, just like fishing for the moon in a well. In an instant, she imprisoned the two yingyu who were still happily wandering.

Hey, hey, got it!

In order not to be found, she hid her breath. Naturally, she did not dare to show all her strength. She only had the cultivation of quasi saint, but that was enough.

These two yingyu monsters are just the level of the later period of Daluo Jinxian. It's a piece of cake.

In order to ensure the freshness, Nu Wa didn't kill them. After imprisoning them, she shouldered them on her shoulder and began to leave with a smile.

However, she just walked along the ocean current for some time, but suddenly came a call on one side -

"Taoist friends, please stay."

Nu Wa's eyebrows wrinkled, but saw three figures coming quickly, led by an old man, goat Hu, with a friendly smile, arched his hand and said: "I've met you, cloud machine."

"Hello." Nu Wa nodded, did not report home, but asked: "do not know what advice friends have?"

Cloud computing doesn't care about this. Many of its predecessors are very proud.

"Dare not, dare not, dare not teach."

Yunjizi even said he didn't dare. Then he took a look at yingyu behind Nu Wa, and said with a smile: "these two yingyu have been doing evil for many years, which has led to continuous flooding here. Our master and apprentice just saw the elder kill them. They admire the elder's heart of eliminating demons, so they specially come to make friends."

The purpose of their coming here was to get rid of Ying Yu, and they also made all-out plans for it. Unexpectedly, they won.

Nu Wa is a secret way of bad luck, originally everything is set, unexpectedly met such an accident.

Nu Wa said calmly: "if nothing happens, then we'll leave here and say goodbye!"

Yunjizi is trying to make up with Nuwa. It turns out that he is a disciple of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, just to make friends with Da Neng and spread the doctrine.

If it had been before, Nu Wa would have been happy to chat with him, steal more information about the cloud wasteland world, which is more conducive to mingle in it, but at this time, she is not interested at all, anxious to get away.

Soon, we talked about the most shocking topic in the cloud shortage world.

Cloud machine son's eyes in take exclamation, sink a voice way: "elder generation can have heard that the eldest teacher of Zhengyi Jiao falls?"

Nu Wa's face slightly changed, surprised: "the immortal leader fell?"

The one who chased him to the end of his life was just an incarnation of the immortal leader. How did he fall?"You don't know?"

Yun Jizi looked at Nu Wa in surprise, and then exclaimed: "this matter is really too big. The leader of Changsheng sect is the great power of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian realm. Looking at the chaos, he can be regarded as a strong one. But just two months ago, outside the chaos, there was a trace of sword spirit containing the power of the road, which easily killed the leader of Changsheng sect!"

"Hiss -"

Nu Wa gasped, her eyes widened and her heart trembled.

Two months ago.

A little sword.

It must be the wooden sword!

She didn't expect that the wooden sword not only killed the incarnation of the immortal, but also crossed the endless distance and came here to kill the immortal leader!

It seems that the wooden sword is just the strength of the road left by the master, not even the master himself.

It's too bad!

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This news, once again refreshed Nu Wa's understanding of the master, too strong, is not invincible? Eight or nine is ten.


Cloud machine son looked at Nu Wa, said with a smile: "that this news, everyone took a chill, also don't know the immortal sect leader offended which big person, really let a person sigh."

Nuwa nodded and said, "it's really terrible."

Yunjizi continued: "chaos is too dangerous. Now the whole yunhuang is worried. All the saints and disciples have an extraterritorial pearl, which is used to prevent outsiders from entering the yunhuang world."

Extraterritorial pearl?

Nu Wa's heart leaped wildly, and suddenly she had a bad feeling.


It's not so bad, is it?

The next moment, cloud machine comes out with a ball.

And he opened his mouth and said, "that's it. If there are monks who don't belong to this world within a hundred thousand li radius, this ball will give an early warning."

However, as soon as his voice fell, he saw the ball in his hand suddenly emit a dazzling red fire. Then, the red fire, like a flame, pointed directly at Nu Wa.

Nu Wa

Cloud machine

"Is it broken?"

Cloud machine son Leng for a moment, then embarrassed way: "elder don't care, must be out of order, take out your extraterritorial pearl to have a look."

In his heart, Nu Wa is a good friar to kill Ying Yu. She can never be a person from other countries.

After all People from other countries went to yunhuang specially to help yunhuang kill evil demons?

Does idle egg hurt?

What's this hobby? Obviously not.

Soon, his two disciples also took out the extraterritorial beads one after another.

Immediately, the three beads are bright red awn, fire red light at the same time pointed to Nu Wa.

Four people big eyes stare small eyes, all is petrified.

Vonema! All right?

Nu Wa's state of mind suddenly collapsed!

Cloud machine three people's mentality also collapsed, horrified, "you, you are extraterritorial people?"


Nu Wa's eyes suddenly sank and raised her hand to suppress them. Then she did not dare to neglect them. She flew to the chaos with all her strength.

At the same time, the void of the whole cloud wasteland world is a little swing, and a strange force diffuses out, which makes all the powers feel that something big is happening.

Somewhere in the palace outside the sky, an old man suddenly opened his closed eyes, frowned and said in a deep voice: "how dare you hurt my disciples?"

He raised his hand to calculate. His face was more gloomy, and his eyes twinkled, "people from other countries! Bold

Step slowly a lift, then disappeared in the palace.

When he appeared, he had already stood on a star and looked coldly at Nu Wa, who was running away at a high speed. As soon as the formula was introduced, the dust in his hand waved gently to Nu Wa.

All of a sudden, it turned into countless silk threads, like thousands of tentacles, covering the sky and blocking the sun, winding towards Nu Wa.

The old man's eyes narrowed slightly and hummed coldly: "although I don't know what I'm looking for, I dare to fish in yunhuang and hurt my disciples. It's unforgivable!"

Nu Wa's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, knowing that she was not the old man's opponent at all. In addition, she was still an outsider and was at a disadvantage. She had to escape at the fastest speed at all costs!

Thinking of this, she gently lifted her hand and dragged a lotus lamp, which was the lotus lamp.

Nu Wa's whole body's mana madly urged the wick, making the flame burning, but also in the corner of her mouth, stained with blood, placed in the lotus lamp.

All of a sudden, the lotus lamp defense is fully open, the brilliance is shining to the extreme, there is a fire burst out all over the sky, around Nu Wa, will be thousands of dust blocking outside, and like a comet, with a very fast speed, break through everything, towards the chaos escape!

The old man cried out in a low voice, "mole ants outside the area dare to challenge the majesty of yunhuang! Follow me! GoNeedless to say, there have been a lot of streamers, straight to Nu Wa!

It's a huge fluctuation.

In the chaos outside the cloud world.

Yun Shu is hiding in a place, struggling with her face, thinking about how to ask for information about the chaotic spring when she meets Nu Wa again. Such a great fortune is a sensitive word.

"I don't know what happened to Nuwa's friends in yunhuang, and when they will come out."

While she was talking to herself, she saw a stream of light rushing out of the chaos. It was Nu Wa with two big fish on her back, which was particularly conspicuous.

Yunshu was shocked. "Isn't it true that Nuwa Daoyou really went to catch fish in yunhuang world? It's too willful. "

However, the next moment, she found that one after another streamer of light ran into the chaos, and the breath locked Nuwa, which made the chaos roar.

She was completely stunned. She couldn't believe her eyes.

"What's going on? Nuwa Daoyou, did you poke the hornet's nest? No, it's just two fish. How can we make such a big noise? "

At this moment, her eyes kept flashing, once again fell into a dilemma, save or not save?

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