Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 507: 507

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Heaven palace.

Hall of the king of merit.

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother are gathering with Li nianfan.

After all, it took more than 60000 years to eat ginseng fruit. Naturally, Li nianfan would like to thank you for getting a place.

Blood earned, blood earned.

The name of the party was also set for the ginseng fruit feast.

Of course, it's just Li nianfan's wishful thinking. Everyone here knows that ginseng fruit is the lowest end of the meal. The master takes wine and puts fruit on the plate, which makes everyone feel embarrassed.

The most important thing is that the ginseng fruit is not the result of the efforts of others. Uncle Gou killed the Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian, and the ginseng fruit only grows out of the face of an expert

Ah, I'm so ashamed. I've had a big chance to go whoring again!

It's so nice of you to wait for me.

At the same time, they also found that the interior of Gongde Shengjun hall had already changed, which came from the water purifier and air purifier.

It has been a long time since the master came here. Naturally, no one has ever come in the hall of Gongde Shengjun, but it has been evolved.

Originally, here, the air purifier also turned into a chaotic aura, the water purifier is also a chaotic spring!

No wonder Tiangong knelt down and licked the master, and sent out the Gongde Shengjun hall. This wave also touched a lot!

Sure enough, people who can lick have everything in the end.

Just as everyone was enjoying themselves and toasting each other, Da Hei came in with big and small packages on his shoulders and spat out his tongue at Li nianfan.

Li nianfan immediately frowned slightly and said, "Dahei, it's very impolite of you to do this. Don't you see that we are having dinner together?"

Everyone is a fairy. It's a shame that you rush in with big and small bags and a bunch of branches in your mouth!

Big black is a twist buttock, opening a way: "master, good thing, I brought you good thing."

"What's good?"

Li nianfan eyebrows slightly pick, curious came over.

As for the Jade Emperor and others, they were already silly. They felt the magnificent aura overflowing from the sack and were too shocked to speak.

Thinking of the place where Dahei went, a terrible idea came out of his mind Did you rob the cloud wasteland?

Li nianfan was the first to look at those branches, a total of three, this look, eyes suddenly lit up.

"Lychee, longan and cherry! Good things, really good things. "

Li nianfan couldn't help touching the big black dog's head. He was not stingy with his praise. "With these, the orchard in my backyard can be enriched again."

He is really happy. Besides enriching the orchard, he is most happy that there are lychees in it!

You know, his favorite food is litchi.

Unfortunately, the fruits that the system rewards itself for are more homely, such as apples, pears and oranges, and litchi has never been found in the flood and famine.

I didn't expect that Dahei had bitten a sapling for himself.

I've made a contribution!

Da Hei has finally grown up. It's no use raising such a big boy. I know how to repay him.

It is the so-called "a ride Red Princess smile, no one knows is litchi." Li nianfan felt that he had a good mouth, and his life was much more comfortable in the future.

Then, Li nianfan set his eyes on the big sack.

"What's in it?" He began to dig.

Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping Ping.

"Where did you get all this stuff? Compass? writing brush? This is globe? It's still broken. "

"What is this?" Li nianfan held a big golden cup, two mouths up and down, "cup? Da Hei, are you going to pick up rubbish now? "

Li nianfan threw these things on the ground, and soon they were piled up like a hill.

It looks like a dump.

Li nianfan saw that the Jade Emperor and others were stunned. He kneaded his nose awkwardly. "Cough, I'm sorry, this silly dog is not sensible. He brought everything home, which made you laugh."

What are you laughing at?

We made you laugh.

Such a pile of congenital treasures, you should put them as rags, how can we be embarrassed!

Big dog is so awesome!

I also want to be such a stupid dog. The problem is that it is not allowed to do so!

Wuwuwu, it turns out that we are not qualified to pick up garbage

Li nianfan thinks that Da Hei is probably wandering around in the three realms. If he catches something strange, he will put it in a snake skin bag like a treasure and treat it as a treasure. Alas, after all, he has never seen the world!

However, although these things are strange, they can also be chatted to relieve boredom, and it's very good to have these three saplings.I have a heart.

At the end, Li nianfan took out a shiny stone. It looked like a crystal, about the size of a pigeon egg, reflecting its brilliance in the sun.

As soon as this thing came out, the whole world seemed to be still at this moment, and the Jade Emperor and others almost glared out their eyes, shorting of breath and blushing.

This, this is

What a strong power of law, what a pure aura of the world!

This is The original breath of the world?

They can even feel the world shaking, showing their desire for this thing.

This is a kind of instinctive desire. Whether it's the world of famine or the creatures of famine, they need it in their hearts, and they are so hungry and thirsty that they can't do it.

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After all, the world of flood and famine is incomplete, and once this tonic is used, it can make up for the deficiency, which naturally has great benefits.


Li nianfan was surprised and surprised.

I never thought I could see diamonds again. They are so big that they have to be three carats at least.

Look at the craftsmanship. It's exquisite and bright. It's worthy of being the diamond of Xiuxian world. The natural ones are so delicate that they are better than countless previous lives.

Yes, I can do whatever I want.

Originally, after eating ginseng fruit, the defect of life span was made up. He had planned to marry xiaodaji. Now Even the diamonds are here.

In fact, in the world of cultivating immortals, it doesn't matter what diamonds are. But now that Li nianfan has met him, he still has to go for a while. Just make a diamond ring, and then fix a date to get married!

With my current contacts and status, I'm afraid this wedding is not small enough for the three circles to witness this wedding together.

Demon clan, heaven palace, hell, mortal It's all our thighs, but I'm afraid all the dignitaries will be present.

He had a plan in his heart. He touched the big black dog's head again and praised: "good big black, go back and add a ham sausage for you!"

Dahei wagged his tail, "woof, thank you, master."

Li nianfan turned his head and continued to greet the Jade Emperor and others. He said with a smile, "come on, don't stop. Eat well and drink well."

With glasses in their hands and smiles on their faces, the delicious food in their mouths suddenly became stale.

We are still friends if we don't show off our wealth

Soon, the ginseng fruit feast was over, and everyone got up to leave.

The Jade Emperor and the queen mother walked out of Gongde Shengjun hall and came to Lingxiao hall, but they met Nu Wa and Yun Shu waiting here.

Immediately, their complexion is one, salute a way: "see Nu Wa Niang Niang, cloud Shu Niang."

"No need to be polite." Nu Wa nodded.

The Jade Emperor exclaimed: "Lady Nuwa, do you know that it's a dog..."

Nu Wa said with a smile: "I know what you want to ask. It was Yunshu and I who went to yunhuang world to welcome you back. We have witnessed with our own eyes what they did. They really robbed yunhuang and brought back 100 treasures and spiritual roots."

Although there has been speculation for a long time, when hearing the news, people are still shocked, but also have a sense of pride.

This is the world of cloud famine. It's so much more powerful than Honghuang, but it's robbed. It's really a great pleasure. It's schadenfreude. Ha ha ha

The Jade Emperor took a deep breath and continued: "and the original crystal is..."

"It's Mr. dog who pulled himself out of the cloud wasteland." Nu Wa pause, then condensate voice remind: "unless the master take the initiative to send out, otherwise you can't have any indiscreet thoughts to that original crystal!"

"Lady, what do you think we are? Even if we yearn for that original crystal again, no matter from which aspect, we can't have a little bit of wishful thinking. "

The Jade Emperor shook his head with a bitter smile, and then said in awe: "I'm just curious, how did the dog capture it?"

With deep emotion in her eyes, Nu Wa said, "is it still necessary to ask? Big dog is heaven! You can't imagine that it just uses a pen to circle a region, and then draws out the origin of the heavenly way in it! "

With a brush?

"Hiss -"

all the people took a cold breath at the same time. This kind of power has exceeded their cognitive limit, and they dare not think about it.

Is this the strong man?

"OK, don't be surprised. Haven't you got used to it?"

Nu Wa waved her hand and then sighed: "actually The stronger the dog is, the more pressure we have. Originally, Yunshu and I wanted to help, but in the end, we didn't help. We are really ashamed. "

The Jade Emperor and others looked at each other and sighed. They just hate themselves.

Yang Jian suddenly brightened his eyes and said, "by the way, lady, an expert needs a TV."

Nuwa even said: "Oh? Tell me more about it. "

Immediately, Yang Jian and others began to tell the story of Lin Feng's arrival in detail.At the same time.

Deep in chaos, endless darkness envelops.

This area, with few stars, is called the sea of chaos, vast and boundless, but it breeds one small world after another!

There is no chaos day and night, no division of seasons, bad environment, the wind is enough to crush the quasi saint!

They are not man-made, but chaos self bred, in the endless undercurrent, which contains great danger, also has great opportunity!

At this time, one of them was covered with black soil, surrounded by black hills. Two old men with black robes walked in the black wind with steady steps. Their black robes seemed not to feel the wind, but just swayed slowly.

At this time, one of the old man's body slightly a shock, eyes slowly closed.

A moment later, it suddenly opened, cold light stabbed out like a sword, halo through a hundred miles away, will be a black mountain to hole!

The momentum of the whole body is surging out wildly, dispersing the vigorous wind around!

The old man in black robe was a little stunned and curious: "what's the matter?"

The black robed old man narrowed his eyes, and his hoarse voice came from his mouth. It was cold and piercing, "there is a crazy man who has no idea how to live or die. He has gone wild in the cloud wasteland I opened up, and even extracted the law of heaven that I stayed in the cloud wasteland!"

The other looked interested. "What else? So I don't want to give face. In this way, the other party is also in the realm of heaven? "

"Ha ha, there are others you are more interested in."

The old man gave a little smile, and a bloodthirsty smile rose from the corner of his mouth

Sure enough, the man's eyes flashed, "Oh? Are you sure? "

"Can I cheat you? And it seems to be just a big black terrier

"That's very interesting. Is it a new beast in the realm of heaven? Rare, really rare! Pass on the news to jiemeng, and we'll go and arrest them with all our strength! "

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