Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 523: 523

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"Dong Dong Dong."

"Is your Majesty in, please?"

Outside the courtyard, Nu Wa, Yun Shu, the Jade Emperor and the queen mother stood respectfully waiting.


When the door opened, Xiaobai poked his head out from the inside, looked at the people with luminous eyes, and said, "please come in."

When they saw Xiaobai, they immediately tightened up and said, "thank you for meeting Xiaobai."

They just met Xiaobai fengbiao last night. At this time, their inner tension can be imagined. Some people seem to be a service robot on the surface, but in fact they are super big men.

Haven't been to Siheyuan, you don't know what is low-key!

Entering the courtyard, he saw Li nianfan, who was packing up his things. He immediately said in a respectful voice, "Lord Shengjun, come here uninvited. I'm bothering you."

At this time, Li nianfan was packing things with Daji Huofeng. The whole courtyard was full of bits and pieces of trinkets, all of which were gifts from the gods of all walks of life last night. There were so many good guys. If it wasn't for the expansion of today's courtyard, it wouldn't be able to fit.

Immortals are immortals. They are generous. There are all kinds of them.

"If there's any trouble, sit down first. The house is too messy. Let's clean it up first." Li nianfan said, "Xiao Bai, give the guests tea quickly."

The Jade Emperor said, "thank you, Lord Shengjun. You are busy first."

The four of them sat down, but their eyes couldn't help falling on the pile of gifts. Their whole body was shocked and their eyes were surprised.

From these gifts, they can clearly feel the huge aura fluctuation, the strong aura, even Nu Wa and Yun Shu feel frightened.

And This is not a gift like this, but all gifts are like this!

It's just that they are all Guanghua and introverted, keeping a low profile.

They seriously doubt that it is in the courtyard of an expert. If it was put outside, Guanghua would have been flying all over the sky. They don't know how much sensation it would cause.

Naturally, these gifts can't be given by people. Then they thought that this place is in the center of clouds and rain. It's the place where people get the most nourishment and benefits. All these gifts have evolved.

Thinking of this, Nu Wa couldn't help but look at Daji and Huofeng.

They are graceful, dignified and graceful, with spring feelings in their eyebrows and eyes.

Of course, that's not the point.

The point is Daji and Huofeng have no breath, and their mana dissipates. Apart from their temperament, they are all mortals!

Naturally, they are not mortals, but they can't see through at all. This can only explain one reason -

that Daji and Huofeng are stronger than themselves!

You know, in the past, Daji and Huofeng were also astringent, but Nuwa could easily see through with noumenon, but now, there is no clue!

This, this, this

Nu Wa's heart trembled wildly. She could not help biting her lips and said in a soft voice, "Yunshu, Taoist friend, can you see through the cultivation of Daji fairy and Huofeng fairy?"

Yun Shu shakes her head, with complicated eyes.

The Jade Emperor suddenly widened his eyes and said in an unbelievable trembling voice: "empress Nuwa, empress Yunshu, you really can't see through?"

Nu Wa sighed and said bitterly, "can this be false? I'm afraid the strength of the two of her is above us! "

"Hiss -"

the Jade Emperor and the queen mother took a cold breath at the same time, their heads hummed, their hearts trembled, and they said, "Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian?"

Before the wedding, what were their accomplishments?

It's not long since I just entered Daluo Jinxian, is it?

In the middle, there are two super bottlenecks, Da Luo Jinxian and Zhunsheng, which directly enter the realm of Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian!

This is a hundred times, a thousand times, a thousand times greater than the gap between mortals and immortals!


My state of mind collapsed!

It's not open. What is it?

Nu Wa and Yun Shu are bitterly astringent. We have worked hard for countless years. We don't know how much we have paid to achieve our present strength. If you look at others, you will surpass yourself after just one night's sleep. I still cultivate my hair!

Heaven is unfair!

The mentality of the Jade Emperor and the queen mother collapsed even more.

They want to enter Hunyuan. Luo Jinxian is crazy. However, they have nothing to gain. They are trying their best to break through. They want to be shut up for 100000 years, but look at other people

People are more angry than people!

Sleep to reach the realm of countless people do not dare to think, there are natural? It is estimated that no one will believe it. Tainima is ridiculous. Is this the happiness of being taken care of by a big man?

Is there any recruitment?

No other meaning, I just don't want to work hard

The more she thought about it, the more angry she was. She immediately raised her hand and pinched the Jade Emperor's waist.Look at them, you are too weak!

At this time, Li nianfan has roughly sorted out, clapped his hands, came over with a crystal ball, and said with a smile: "lady Yunshu, thank you very much. It's missing. I just sent a TV set to me."

Yun Shu said with a quick smile: "it's good for the emperor to like it. It's just a chance gift. It's not a respect."

"Yes, I do. By the way, what have you done? So many merits and virtues at one time? "

As Li nianfan said this, he waved his hand gently, and a huge amount of merits and virtues came out like a sea. He not only gave them to the four Jade Emperor, but also sent them to heaven and paid them collectively.

The Jade Emperor and others quickly took out the magic weapon to refine. The lotus lamp and the mirror of Nu Wa and Yun Shu, relying on this wave, directly advanced to become the treasure of innate merit and virtue. Their power was incomparable, and their faces were ruddy with excitement.

When the quenching was finished, everyone quickly said, "thank you, Lord."

Li nianfan was curious: "the great change of heaven and earth will not have something to do with you?"

Looking at Li nianfan's eyes, the jade emperor could only harden his head and said in a low voice: "cough, there is such a loss relationship."

"Change the world. No wonder you can get merits." Li nianfan nodded and then said, "what has become of Honghuang now? I got up early in the morning, but I was shocked. It's beyond imagination."

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Looking at Li nianfan's sincere eyes full of thirst for knowledge, everyone was speechless.

This acting skill, is not senior old actor, cannot perform.

Boss, please don't make fun of us. We are scared!

The corner of Nu Wa's mouth drew, and she said, "the flood and famine has not only been magnified several times on the original basis, but also expanded around. I'm afraid the overall size has reached more than 100 times."

Li nianfan took a cold breath and was shocked: "a hundred times? so many?! Will there be a lot more powerful in the future? "

Li nianfan has no idea how big the world is. In short, it's very big.

It's a hundred times. It's a terrible number. Can you go all over it in your lifetime?

"It's true that there will be a lot more powerful presence, but you can rest assured that everything will be under our control." The jade emperor made a promise.

Li nianfan nodded, although shocked, but not much fear.

Now he is a man who has seen the world. He has a strong mental endurance and It's very helpful for him to make the world stronger.

Because he is the king of merit and virtue in the world, he will get more protection from the heaven. At that time, he will choose several more magic weapons among the many gifts. The little Daji on his left hand and the fire phoenix on his right hand, with countless trees on his back, he can attack and defend. It's true that he didn't dare to provoke himself.

After learning about the situation, Li nianfan looked at the TV in his hand again and said with interest, "come and try this new TV."

He pondered for a moment, and finally his mind moved and he imagined something in his mind.

Immediately, the TV sets emit a burst of brilliance, from which a glimmer of light is transmitted, shining on the void in front of us, and then the illusory image begins to emerge slowly.

Li nianfan eyebrow pick, surprised and happy, "Yo, can also project, 3D image quality, powerful."

It is worthy of being a great gift. The grade is different.

Nu Wa and others are carefully staring at the screen, curious what the master will play.

At this time, the virtual shadow jumped slightly, but there was a wisp of white flame burning, burning slowly in the virtual air.

It's illusory and ethereal. It's like leaving the world and being independent. It's not true.


All of them felt a cold force, and the mighty power of heaven broke out from it and fell on their shoulders, which made them feel heavy and afraid.

"This, this is "The fire of heaven?" Nu Wa and Yun Shu stare big eyes, cry together in the heart, shortness of breath.

The so-called Tiandao fire, which is born in chaos, is as famous as Tiandao, far more than ordinary fire.

For example, samadhi's true fire and the sun's true fire are the divine fire bred in the ancient world. They also contain laws, but they are far from the complete true fire of heaven.

The fire of the way of heaven can be met but not sought. It's more difficult than creating heaven and earth, because This kind of fire contains a complete flame road!

Once you can get it, you can understand it all the time. If you understand the path of fire, you can be promoted to the realm of heaven!

This is the same as copying the answer, but it's much faster than groping!

The so-called great roads, even if they are the same flame, naturally contain different roads. However, there is no doubt that no matter what kind of complete roads are, they are priceless and can be leaped into super power.

This is the realm of heaven. For Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, this fire is more important than life. Once it appears, the consequences are immeasurable!Nu Wa silently swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a trembling voice: "my Lord, I don't know What's the name of this flame? "

"What's the name? It's just my imagination."

Li nianfan laughed, waved his hand and said, "it's a strange flame that combines extreme cold and extreme heat. Different from ordinary flames, it's not only hot, but also contains ice cold. I don't know whether it exists or not."

Nu Wa and others looked at each other in silence.

They don't know if this flame exists.

But they can feel that there is a complete flame road in the flame!

It's a road of cultivation that can be taken out completely!

Master, this is Casually imagine a road of fire?

But at this time, the picture suddenly side, the original white flame disappeared, replaced by a liquid like green flame.

The flame rises to meet the storm, and the green liquid sea of fire is filled with layers of fog rising gradually. A kind of moving breath of life is gradually filled out.

General flames are full of destruction and fury, but this one is different, full of softness and life.

Nu Wa and others mouth slightly open, incredibly dull looking, looks really cute.

Another avenue of fire?!

Before they could recover, the flame changed again.

This time, the flame is transparent, invisible and without substance, only with breath.

You can only use the spirit to feel it, but when you touch it, you feel the spirit stinging and burning. The mana is also continuous and there is a faint sign of tempering.

This Another road of fire!

Then the color of the flame changed again.

Silver, dark red, cyan

Every kind of fire represents a road of fire, and it is a road of peace!

Nuwa and others open mouth has not been able to close, the whole person into a statue, head melon seeds buzzing.

This is the main road!

Frankly speaking, every avenue needs innumerable talents. After generations and years of exploration, it can be finally formed.

As the saying goes, when you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening.

Many people are lost in the process of pursuing Tao. They don't know where to go. Life is not like death.

What's more, it's a fork in the road, and I don't know whether it's right or wrong.

However, the master casually put one fire avenue after another and showed the movie to the public

If those friars who study the way of fire see this, they don't know what they will think.

Will you cry

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