Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 554: 554

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In fact, to discuss with xiaodaji is just a passing act. She always tries to do what the master wants to do. How can she refuse.

Sure enough, she is still a line that has not changed for thousands of years. She said softly, "I listen to you."

After greeting the people of KUQING sect, they went back to the Xia Dynasty and had a rest.

In this place where there is no mobile phone, Li nianfan's only pleasure before going to bed is reading. Brushing the book "safe in and out" before going to bed is not only conducive to sleep, but also conducive to maintaining physical and mental pleasure.

At the same time.

The place where we just fought.

A graceful shadow emerged slowly from the night. It was the left envoy of jiemeng.

At this time, she was still wearing a face mask, but from the breath of her body, we can see that her mood was not good, and full of surprise.

Then, the void on her side was slightly twisted, and a one eyed old man with a wrinkled face and a grey green curled hat emerged slowly.

The old man's face turned green. It was like a ghost fire in the night. It was very uncomfortable to see. There was a deep scar in his left eye. It was ferocious and terrible. He was completely blind.

Like a broken Gong, the sound came from the old man's mouth, "what's the matter? Didn't you say that the mice of KUQING sect have been caged? What about people? "

"Something's wrong!"

The cold voice came from the left envoy's mouth. After a pause, she continued: "there are too many forces involved in the divine realm, crouching tiger, hidden dragon. Maybe our alliance has been watched by people, and my layout is perfect. I should have come here in person if I had known!"

The green faced old man said, "it's all right, just some small roles. It's not worth doing it yourself."

"It was a whim, ready to add a fire to the situation in the divine realm. Unexpectedly, it was defused inexplicably." The left envoy seemed a little unwilling.

It's just her idle move to live in misery, but even so, it's still uncomfortable to be destroyed inexplicably, and If this move is successful, the effect will be really great.

When the fate of the human race was broken, the bitter love sect fell apart directly, and several experimental products of the Hun Yuan Da Luo Jinxian could be captured. This kind of business is just like whoring.

However, now not only failed to white whoring success, but also broke out a few pieces, very depressed.

Zuo Shi Ning Zhong said: "this is not a good sign. What's your plan? Never be careless. "

"Ha ha, everything is under control."

The old man with green face smiles, and his wrinkled face is even more ferocious. "This time, many demon clans spontaneously gather together, which is more conducive to our capture. The layout of ten thousand demon city has been quietly launched."

"In addition, there is also a very important news. The dog who killed three of our senior members in the realm of heaven is probably from Goushan!"

The left envoy was slightly moved, "Oh? Do you have any ideas? "

"That's nature." The blue faced old man's one eye gave out a sharp light and smirked, "Jie..."

Left make brow tiny wrinkly, the body slowly change pale, dislike a way: "still less so smile, always feel not very auspicious."

On the other side.

The people of KUQING sect gathered together.

Although each of them was injured, their eyes were bright, and they were very enthusiastic, and they were holding important meetings.

These short days of experience really refreshed their world outlook.

"It's hard to imagine that we can meet someone who can't even think about it. It's just like a dream."

Qin Chongshan's eyes were complicated, and he sighed, "we owe the master another life!"

"Yes, the master first restored the memory of Chuyue, then saved my life, and now saved all our lives. The most important thing is that he also invited us to eat chaos spirit fruit and drink chaos enlightenment tea. I feel that I would blush if I didn't have to pay it back."

ISHINO listed one thing after another. The more he said, the more shameless he was. Unconsciously, he owed so much to the master.

Everyone is ashamed, too.

After careful calculation, the master gave them so much, but they only gave him a double flying stone. The most important thing is After the development of experts, shuangfeishi has evolved to an unknown height. In comparison, the shuangfeishi they sent out is actually rubbish.

The elder sighed: "we are just like a waste. The high and unattainable people are so friendly to our waste. Wuwuwu I want to cry when I think about it. "

"Think of me walking with an expert all the way, and saying that I have a laugh. It's really like a dream." Qin Yun's feeling is not big, then said: "this is the master's state of mind, treat people friendly, so we should do something for the master."

Qin Chong Shan nodded busily and agreed: "it's worthy of my son. When it comes to being a father, it's in my heart.""Just, what can we do for the master?"

Everyone was silent, frowning and thinking.

Even the water they drink is a spirit spring of chaos, and their cultivation is even more unfathomable. There is nothing they can do.

The more I think about it, the more urgent I am. I can't help beating my chest. Why didn't I find myself so useless before? As long as you can share the worries for the experts, even if it's just a little thing!

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A moment later, Qin Chuyue suddenly blessed his soul and exclaimed, "ghost emperor

She was so excited that her eyes flashed with brilliance, and she said in a hurry: "Dad, when we visited the master, the master told us about the spirit of resentment. Do you remember what the master asked us at that time?"

What's the problem?

Everyone was slightly stunned and began to recall.

Qin Chongshan frowned and whispered: "the master asked us how these spirits came into being..."

His whole body was suddenly shocked, and his beard shook violently, as if he had discovered a new world. He said in a trembling voice: "I understand, I understand!"

"How does the spirit of resentment come into being? This is just the most superficial problem, we can more frankly change the question, that is - where is the root of these resentments! "

"How can it only float on the surface if an expert asks this question? Must have deep meaning! This requires us to consciously go further, that is, can we contain these spirits from the root

"Hiss -"

the elder and shiye took a breath together, and the maose suddenly opened up!

"I see, I see!"

"Great idea, great idea! This seems to be just an ordinary problem, but it contains the will guidance of an expert. It's a hidden order. Fortunately, it has been analyzed by us. Otherwise, I'm afraid the expert will be disappointed. "

"Chuyue is my daughter. She has the intelligence of her father."

Qin Chong Shan burst out laughing and suddenly felt heroic. "Now that we know the master's command, everything will be easy. I announce that the next focus of our KUQING sect is to stare at the ghost emperor!"

Shiye and the elder are also full of passion, "although the ghost emperor is strong, we should take him anyway Destroy it

The next day.

Li nianfan is sitting in the yard, playing go with Daji.

Just then, the door creaked open.

Huofeng came in from the outside, followed by Yao Mengji and Qin manyun.

They shouldn't have stayed here too long when the crisis of Xia Dynasty was over, but since the senior people stayed here, it was impossible for them to leave.

Even if they can't listen to the master's instruction, it's a great honor to be close to him. What's more, they still want to wait for the master's instruction and listen to him at any time.

It is obvious that they will not make the mistake of knowing that the master has not left, but they have left.

Originally, they just held one in ten thousand expectations. Unexpectedly, the expert really summoned them. This kind of feeling is too flattered, dizzy and excited to cry.

At the same time, Yao Mengji and Qin manyun respectfully said, "I've met Mr. Li, Miss Daji."

"Good morning, Mr. Yao, miss manyun."

Li nianfan salutes back. He feels very kind to these two old friends. He still remembers that before Yao Mengji went to heaven, he was disheveled and decadent. Now he has become an immortal.

Even Qin manyun is about to enter the fairyland.

They were witnessed by Li nianfan and grew up together with him. They are naturally kind.

Li nianfan said with a smile: "I'm really sorry to disturb you so early in the morning."

Yao Mengji said immediately, "Mr. Li, you're welcome. We have a lot of free time. Let's talk about anything."

Li nianfan said, "little Daji and I seldom go out. They are not familiar with today's world. They plan to find little fox, but they don't know where it is. Do you know the way Yao knows?"

"It's natural to know."

Mr. Yao breathed a sigh of relief. He was able to help the master. He said with a smile, "little fox is the demon emperor. When the divine realm was just formed, the various forces of the original famine were linked by the heavenly palace. The name of little fox is Wanyao city."

Li nianfan said strangely: "ten thousand demon city? A city of monsters? "

Yao Mengji nodded: "yes, it is the city built by the demons ordered by the little fox. It can be regarded as the base camp of the demon emperor."

Li nianfan couldn't help laughing, "little fox is quite noisy."

He looked at Yao Mengji and said, "I don't know if Mr. Yao has time. If he can, please take us to Wanyao city. If he doesn't have time, he will have to draw a map to Wanyao city."

Can I go the same way as an expert?

Yao Mengji's and Qin manyun's hearts suddenly thumped. They felt that they had the greatest glory and could not help themselves.It's almost the same as the son of God. Is there any wood?

This choice fool knows how to choose, immediately without thinking, can't wait to say: "free, naturally free, to be honest, we have a plan to go to Wanyao City, isn't it a coincidence?"

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