Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 570: 570

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The next day.

After a good night's rest, Li nianfan got up in the morning sun, feeling fresh and comfortable.

"Young master, I'll serve you." Waiting on the side of Daji immediately began to gently serve up.

Huofeng also came over with a wooden basin and said, "my son, here's the shampoo."

Early in the morning, Li nianfan was even more satisfied to see that he was so gorgeous and dignified as a goddess on the outside and gentle as water on the inside.

Heartfelt smile way: "is really my good wife."

When he was dressed up, Li nianfan walked out of the room and inhaled the faint fragrance of flowers. A beautiful day began again.


One side, suddenly came a whisper, showing a grievance.

As soon as Li nianfan looked back, he was almost startled.

But see the whole body does not have a hair of big black lie on the door, ear shrug pull, looking at Li nianfan, alive like a large hairless mouse.

Without the majestic dog hair, Da Hei obviously lost a circle, revealing the red and white skin, really with a sense of joy.

In this state, it will not go back to Goushan. Otherwise, its reputation will be destroyed and its dignity will be lost.

Li nianfan took a deep breath and stifled the laughter he wanted to make. Then he closed his eyes and adjusted his state. When he opened them again, his eyes were full of sympathy and pity.

He said, "Dahei, you have suffered! But it's OK. This season, it's just fine to cut the hair. It's cool. "

"Woo woo."

Da Hei was pitifully lying on his stomach and bared his teeth and said, "master, I want revenge for Da Hei!"

It's from the heart.

The word "jiemeng" has been deeply imprinted in its psychology. It has been looking for big black trouble three times and four times, and the damage to big black is not low. It must be tooth for tooth and eye for eye!

Originally, I only wanted to live a light Dog King life, to be a carefree dog, why force me?

Li nianfan touched his head speechless and comforted him: "come on, take revenge on your accomplishments. Work hard and be careful next time. It's a good thing not to be caught."

"I don't care! It's a big deal! I'm not going to let them go. I'm going to take all those people in jiemeng as my favorites! "

"OK, don't get excited."

Li nianfan also knows that this incident has a great impact on Da Hei. Now he even uses the words in the story he told him. He doesn't know what Da Hei will do in the future. Let's enlighten him after a while.

"Keng Keng."

But at this time, from the front yard came a melodious sound.

The sound of the zither is like the tide, with a little sharp, and more and more high pitched, which makes people's heart involuntarily accelerate, and plays a wake-up and exciting effect.

It's easy to dispel sleepiness when you hear this kind of music in the early morning.

Li nianfan closed his eyes and listened for a while. He said curiously, "it's the music of girl manyun. She's in a good mood. She can play the piano in the early morning."

He took Daji and Huofeng out of the back garden and came to the front yard.

Sure enough, I saw Qin manyun playing the piano. In addition, there were many monsters gathered. Looking around, they were all the monsters rescued last night.

When they saw Li nianfan and Daji, they immediately trembled all over, then showed a friendly smile and deep awe in their eyes.

They all know about Li nianfan. When they heard that the master had just arrived, they used the wine brewed by chaos Linggen to entertain the demons. They were so envious that they beat their chests and feet. They only hated why they didn't surrender earlier.


In addition, yesterday I saw with my own eyes that Li nianfan understated the two great powers in the realm of heaven, whose strength almost broke through their imagination. It was restrained without kneeling directly.

There was no need to say more. All of them said in one voice: "I've met Shengjun, Daji fairy, Huofeng fairy."

The bull Spirit said without hesitation: "we are grateful that Daji fairy destroyed a stronghold of jiemeng yesterday, volunteered to join Wanyao City, and took the little fox as the demon emperor!"

Hippopotamus spirit also said: "yes, if there's anything in the future, just give it to us. We won't do our best and won't let you down!"

"Please pay more attention in the future."

The scene was quite lively, showing loyalty one after another.

Li nianfan looked at Daji, but he didn't expect that in one night, he could convince the demon emperors around him. It seems that they are more powerful than he imagined.

However, he also heard some important points and could not help asking, "did you go to destroy the stronghold of jiemeng yesterday?"

Daji and Huofeng nodded and said in a soft voice, "well."

Li nianfan frowned and said, "it's too dangerous. In the future, you'd better think twice and act well. Don't inflate it."About jiemeng, he has heard a lot of news. This is the object that many forces are afraid of. Daji and Huofeng are struggling to subdue the demons. Fortunately, they have returned safely.

Daji and Huofeng bit their lips, and their eyes were slightly complicated.

It's really dangerous, but The greatest danger is clearly being carried down by you!

Thanks to us, we always want to share our worries for the master. However, every time, the master blocks the biggest storm for us!

On the surface, he saved Da Hei. At the same time, he also cares about us from the bottom of his heart

Daji and Huofeng felt that their nose was a little sour, and they were moved to say, "don't worry, young master. We can save money."

Li nianfan looked at Qin manyun again and said curiously, "by the way, miss manyun, what are you doing?"

"If you return to Shengjun, I want to wake up girl situ Qin with the piano sound."

Qin manyun said, looking in a direction with sympathy.

Following her eyes, Li nianfan found that in front of the demons, there was a girl sitting on the ground.

Her eyes were blank, she curled up, her hands around her legs, her beautiful little face was full of tears, and her whole body exuded a kind of pitiful and helpless atmosphere.

The most obvious thing is that her hands and feet are actually the limbs of a white tiger, and there are a pair of long wings behind her, just like the wings of an angel, but at this time, she is also curled up.

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Her appearance gave people the first impression that she was a monster. She was mixed with all kinds of demons and kept silent. Li nianfan didn't find her at the first time.

It's just After listening to Qin manyun's introduction, it seems that the girl is not a monster?

Li nianfan can see at a glance that the girl is in a state of loss. Now she is just a puppet. In short, she is autistic, extremely autistic.

Li nianfan asked, "who is she?"

Qin manyun said: "ah, she was originally a disciple of the Royal beast sect. Unfortunately, she was caught by the people of jiemeng. Fortunately, she was saved by Daji fairy last night, but her mental state was very unstable."

Li nianfan frowned, "how can this happen?"

"The practice of Yushou sect is to connect friars with monsters. From birth, they will find a monster that is very similar to themselves. They can be said to be intimate partners, and their destinies are linked."

After a pause, Qin man continued: "according to the other monsters who were caught together, she was forced to devour each other with her own monsters, and finally Her monster sacrificed herself voluntarily and was swallowed up by her... "

"The monster of her life is Tianyi white tiger. In this way, although she has no damage, she has also become a half human and half demon state."

"The animals in jiemeng regard all the creatures in the world as their experimental objects. Sooner or later, I will make them pay the price!"

"Ah, no matter people or demons, once they are targeted by the people of jiemeng, life is not like death."

"My brother also died in the hands of jiemeng people."

All the demons are full of righteous indignation. They hate jiemeng to the bone.

All the way, not to mention them, they are the bitter feeling sect. They also have deep resentment towards jiemeng and can't avoid it.

"I know about her, because I was there at the time."

A cat girl slowly opens her mouth, remembering the original scene. Her pupils tremble slightly, showing extreme panic and uneasiness. Even now, she is still so scared that her hair explodes slightly.

Because she is behind situ Qin. When Si Tu Qin's phagocytosis is over, it will be her turn. If she is not rescued, then she is not as good as dead.

Take a deep breath and continue: "the people of jiemeng will first give people and Demons a medicine, which seems to affect people's mind, and then infuse a specific skill, and then the locked up people and demons will go crazy and devour each other."

"Originally, situ Qin and her original monster really fell into madness, but I don't know why, her original monster actually recovered a little mental at the critical time, and gave up all the resistance, very cooperated with situ Qin to devour itself."

All people's eyes are out of a trace of intolerance, looked at the absence of situ Qin, a sigh of sympathy.

There is no doubt about the feelings between the friars of the Royal beast sect and the beast of her own destiny. At the most critical moment, her choice of the beast of her own destiny is enough to prove their feelings.

How can such a thing not be deplored.

As for situ Qin, when she woke up, she thought of what had happened. I'm afraid only she knew about her inner suffering. No wonder she became like this.

One side of the mosquito Taoist said: "Yushou sect can make people connect with demons, so people in jiemeng seem to like the people who catch Yushou sect very much, which is more conducive to their experiments."

Forcing the two best partners to devour each other shows the madness of the people in the alliance.Li nianfan has heard about the bad reputation of jiemeng for a long time, but now he still feels cold.

Can't help but sigh: "what do these people want to do?"

Daji said, "young master, after we destroyed the stronghold yesterday, we learned something about jiemeng."

"Tell me."

Daji said: "the purpose of jiemeng's experiment is to create a skill that can devour everything in the world and turn it into one's own use."

After a pause, she continued: "this kind of swallowing is different from swallowing in the general sense. It is swallowing everything of the other party, including mana, perception, talent, supernatural power and so on. It may not be accurate to say it is swallowing, rather it is blending!"

Everyone was in a state of shock.

This kind of skill, just listen to all feel overbearing.

When it comes to phagocytosis, Li nianfan first thought of Nannan. However, Nannan's phagocytosis route is only to phagocytize the aura of everything and transform it into her own power.

Although these two kinds of swallowing, but the kind of girl, is to transform other forces into their own power, still retain the ID, as for the world alliance of this kind of swallowing, really should be said to be compatible, in the end, created still don't know what monster.

Li nianfan said: "since it's an experiment, that is to say, they have been improving this skill?"

"That's right."

Daji nodded and said: "every living creature is born with different talents, and no one will be perfect. More or less, they will be incomplete. In addition, they have different understandings.

The original intention of jiemeng to create this skill is that it only needs to devour the whole chaotic creatures, make up for each other's imperfections, obtain enough talents, integrate different ways of understanding, and then it can reach an unprecedented level of strength, even beyond the limit, and control chaos! "

Ambitious ideas, and extremely crazy.

While saying this, Daji couldn't help looking at Li nianfan secretly, with a trace of worry in her beautiful eyes.

The other side's ambition is so great that it is enough to prove how powerful the leader of jiemeng is. She found more than that.

She also knows that the realm of the alliance leader is above the realm of heaven, standing in the realm of Tao, and is the peak of the realm of Tao! Prepare to rely on this idea to achieve the goal of becoming the master of the road!

Master of the road! She couldn't imagine what a terrible state it was.

Even if there is only a trace of the power of the great way, it is not what the great power of the realm of heaven can bear. Does it mean that you can control the great way when you become the master of the great way?

It's terrible, invincible, but that's all.

Kun Peng showed his concern for the country and the people, and said with emotion: "in this way, if we really let jiemeng create this skill successfully, we are afraid that the whole chaotic life will be ruined!"

Once the skill is successful, it will no longer be the mutual phagocytosis between the experimental objects, but the phagocytosis from the alliance to the whole chaotic creatures. Properly, everyone will be regarded as their own prey.

Everyone who has a brain knows that this kind of skill can never appear!

"Kill me!"

But at this time, situ Qin, who had never spoken, suddenly opened his mouth.

But see her eyes red, tears, eyelid son don't lift, seems to be self abandoning whisper, "kill me!"

Qin manyun can't help saying: "Miss situ, death can't solve the problem."

"Have you forgotten? I've practiced the skill of jiemeng. If I don't want to be a demon, I can't suppress it. I'll become a monster who only wants to devour it. Kill me

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