Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 581: 581

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A bet?

Everyone's heart is a little heavy, don't want to also know, this so-called emperor definitely can't simply let everyone go.

"I don't know how you want to gamble," Taoist Jun said cautiously

"My generation of friars, we should attach great importance to Tao. I want to compare my heart with you!"

The emperor looked at the crowd with a smile, his eyes deep, and continued: "you don't have to worry, since it's about Tao, I won't use force to suppress others, and I won't rely on cultivation to deceive others, but I don't know if you have faith in your own Tao? Do you dare to accept the offer? "

The so-called theory of Tao is to take the lead in finding out the weakness of the other party's Tao mind, or create the weakness of the other party's Tao mind, so that the other party's mind is lost, and then defeat it!

On one side, the emperor suddenly opened his mouth and loudly reminded him: "he is the master of the piano. He is good at talking with others. Don't gamble with him!"


The man next to the emperor raised his hand again. The shadow of the whip was like the wind. He couldn't see it at all. He had already beaten the emperor Laojun, making him lie on the ground heavily again. A ferocious shadow of the whip was printed on his whole upper body. It was hard to recover.

Then, the whip, like a snake, directly wrapped Lao Jun, tied him up, suspended in the void, and tightly held him.

"Stop it

The Jade Emperor roared at the same time, looking at Lao Jun with red eyes.

In the past, they jointly controlled the flood and wasteland. They were both big men. Occasionally, they had calculations, but they also sympathized with each other. After all, they came from the same source.

At this time to see Lao Jun was bullied, the heart can not help but emerge a sense of sadness and anger.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen heard each other's name, immediately changed their face and exclaimed: "Qin master?"

"Who is he?" said the Jade Emperor

"It's a super power that travels through chaos."

Qin Chongshan felt the heavy pressure and said in a low voice: "I heard that he entered the Tao with music, and a violin music pop up, which can evolve into the world of heaven and earth. It is breathtaking and makes humanity lost! He especially likes to look for the strong in the chaos and compete with them to discuss the Tao. The power of heaven in his hands is more than the number of his hands! "

This is a battle madman, so he is well known in chaos.

And like this, still can live well, enough to see its strength, just afraid in the realm of heaven, also can be regarded as a master!

Hearing this news, everyone's heart is undoubtedly more heavy.

Taoist Jun said in a deep voice, "what's the bet?"

The emperor opened his mouth and said, "if I win, you Tiangong will work for me and become my servant."

Nu Wa said, "what if we win?"

"You can't win." The emperor shook his head and was proud to the extreme.

Jun Jun said: "there is no bet, this bet can not be set up!"

The emperor looked at Laojun, "if you win, this guy will give it back to you."

Lao Jun's face was pale, his eyes were full of anger, his lips moved and he wanted to speak, but he was strangled by a whip, so he could hardly speak.

It's not fair to trade him alone for the whole heaven palace. It's a very different bet!

She said immediately, "it's not fair!"


The emperor laughed, full of sarcasm, "didn't you wake up? How can you talk to me about fairness? "

"Even if I give you a chance to talk to the world, don't I? Funny, you don't have a choice! "

People's hands can't help clenching their fists. Their faces are full of anger, but they feel powerless.

The emperor is right. They have no choice at all.

This is the sorrow of the weak.

Taoist Junjun and Nu Wa looked at each other and said in a cold voice, "we I'm gambling

"No, no!"

Lao Jun looked at them with red eyes. He wanted to cry.

Always with the emperor, he deeply knows the power of the emperor. Once his music is played, it is enough to make the world ups and downs, and the rules are chaotic. No one can resist it.

The most terrifying time, he personally verified that the emperor played the piano, which made all the creatures in a small world lose the heart of Tao, even the way of heaven in the world was erased!

How can they resist only by virtue of Taoist Jun?

In order to save himself, he watched them step into the abyss. This feeling made him crazy. At the same time, he felt the concern of his family and was deeply moved.

"As long as one of you can take my song, you win."

The emperor laughed, stroked the Qin in front of him and looked at the crowd calmly, "you Who will come first? "

"I'll do it!"

Nu Wa took a deep breath, stepped out with a dignified face, and then sat cross legged, ready.

As soon as she raised her hand, the lotus lamp would fly out slowly, suspended above her head, and the brilliance poured out from the lamp like water waves, rushing to Nu Wa, which played an auxiliary role of centering.Then, Nu Wa closed her eyes, and a stream of track rhyme spilled out of her body, making the surrounding space twist, with a colorful halo around Nu Wa's body, covering her whole body, hazy.

As far as Taoism is concerned, she is still confident in her heart.

After all, in the process of getting along with the master, her perception of Tao is much higher than that of a normal monk. Moreover, whether listening to the master playing piano, playing chess with the master, or even eating the master's food, more or less can enhance people's perception of Tao.

This is not a small plug-in, enough to make them proud of other monks.

"It's interesting."

The emperor's brow slightly picked, and then no more words, raised his hand in the string slightly a hook.


The sound of the zither appears at the beginning and turns into a warm breeze blowing towards Nu Wa. It touches the colorful light of Nu Wa's whole body and is silent.

People around are staring, nervous looking.

Although Tao is not as powerful as fighting method, it is more dangerous than fighting method.

Words in the eyes are likely to be destroyed. It's certain that people will be possessed. Many people may directly doubt themselves and become useless.

"Keng, Keng, Keng!"

The emperor's hands began to play on the strings quickly, and the sound of the Qin rose quickly. In the blink of an eye, the warm breeze turned into a storm and swept toward Nu Wa.

In the end Turn into a tornado and wrap Nu Wa inside. People can even hear the howl of the wind coming from the storm.

Through the powerful tornado, you can see that the colorful light in the center is still flashing.

"It's ambush!"

Although it was just the beginning, people were not unfamiliar with it. When they recognized the music played by the emperor, they blushed and became more angry.

Red son is not angry of stare emperor Lord, unwilling way: "hateful!"

This is a piece of music given to them by experts, which contains a high artistic conception. For Qin Xiu, it is a chance but not a chance.

Now, this song is not only taken away by people, but also dealt with people in turn. This kind of thing makes them feel like eating flies and disgusting.

"Keng, Keng, Keng!"

The sound is fierce, more and more urgent, and the smell of killing and cutting is overwhelming. The powerful sound waves crush the surrounding laws, which is unparalleled!

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"Dada dada!"

Even in the ears of many people, it seems that the sound of horse hooves and the cry of thousands of troops are heard, and the heart beat can't help but accelerate, just like beating a drum.

The tornado around Nuwa is getting stronger and stronger, and it seems that there are countless soldiers in it. Jinke TieMa, with great momentum, rushes to Nuwa and shouts around Nuwa.

At this moment, Nu Wa seems to be reduced to a weak woman, alone and confused standing on the battlefield, weak and helpless.

And what she is facing is countless terrible soldiers, rushing towards her like a tide, trying to swallow it up!

She couldn't help taking a step back.

It was at this step that her Dowden fell apart, and her face was withered and badly hurt.

The emperor opened his mouth and said, "it's good for you to be able to hold on for such a long time."

It's a trivial sentence, but it makes people feel contemptuous.

Bai Chen sighed: "it's too hard to win the master."

Qin Chongshan nodded his head and said: "in the chaos, the whereabouts of the Qin master are always uncertain, but once they are watched by him, no matter who they are, they will feel a headache."

the people in Tiangong don't understand, but they have heard about the Qin master, and even the ancestors of their clan don't want to face the Qin master.

The owner said, "who's next?"

"I'll do it."

Taoist Junjun came forward. His robe was floating and his face was heavy. With a wave of his hand, there was a big drum in front of him.

He's going to use the drum to suppress the piano!

The owner didn't say much, so he raised his hand and moved the strings.

"Bang bang!"

Without saying a word, Taoist Jun raised his hand and began to beat on the drum.

And the voice is disorganized.

Different from Nu Wa, Taoist Jun Jun is ready to attack and defend!

At this moment, through the drum, he conveys his Tao, confronts the owner and wants to disturb the rhythm of the owner.

Two different voices interweave in the void and collide with each other, making the void ripple like a lake.

Taoist Junjun's eyes drooped and his face remained unchanged. In his mind, the endless road that Li nianfan saw when he put the disc on him at the beginning appeared.

He immerses himself in the road and tries to influence the master's Tao through the release of drums.

However, the master's music has not changed at all. It's smooth and profound. It's like standing on a high mountain and flowing like a river. It always keeps its own rhythm. It's incomparably clear. It gradually beats the drum and becomes the only voice here!"It's our song," high mountains and flowing water. "

She had no choice but to smile bitterly. This man is so shameless!

Actually holding two pieces of music given to us by experts, what kind of costume? shame on you!


Taoist Junjun's body suddenly trembled, and he opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood. He was in a trance and was about to fall.


The zither master was not stingy of his praise and said in surprise, "I didn't expect you to have such a profound understanding of Tao, but it made me look at it with new eyes."

He also thought of the two songs he got. The music is good and the people are also good. It is worthy of being a divine realm and has its merits.

He glanced at the crowd calmly and asked, "who else?"

There was silence.

My heart is bitter to the extreme.

Qin Chongshan and Bai Chen want to come forward, but they know that they are not rivals just now.

Qin Chongshan solemnly said, "I can go back and ask our supreme elder to come forward!"

Bai Chen also said: "I can ask our ancestors to come out!"

They have a chance to win the Tao or the Tao!


The Jade Emperor opened his mouth, but he didn't say it.

However, people can already guess his meaning.

If the master is here, what nonsense the master said is a scum, and he will be suppressed by the master.

Although Taoist Junjun and Nuwa lost, they got along with the master and felt the road that the master occasionally showed. Naturally, they could feel the gap.

If the master's way is vast, then the master's way is just a small ditch, and it is about to dry up.

It's just, how can they let the experts do it? Just think about it.

I'm incompetent, and I want to disturb master Qingxiu. I really shouldn't!

However, the words of the Jade Emperor reminded Yao Mengji who was staying in Guanghan palace. He looked slightly and had an idea in his mind.

Although the idea was absurd, he felt it was feasible.

The master stood up and said, "is there no one? If so, then you lose! "

Lao Jun was still hanging in the air, his eyes were sad, and his body was shaking slightly.

He naturally knew that there was no one in Tiangong, and even Hongjun Daozu had lost. Who else could win?

A wave of despair rose from his heart.

Qin Chongshan looked at the Qin master and said, "I'm the master of KUQING sect. Give me a few days. I can ask our supreme elder to come here!"

"KUQING Zong?"

The master shook his head. "I'll go for a while! But now it's my business with Tiangong. There's no need to waste time with you! "

"There are still people in our heavenly palace!"

But at this time, Yao Mengji spoke out loud and attracted everyone's attention.

The owner frowned, "Oh?"

Nuwa was also moved, "Yao Daoyou, do you mean manyun fairy?"

"Not bad." Yao Mengji nodded, "I think we can have a try!"

Other people also think of Qin manyun, and a glimmer of hope springs up in their hearts. After all, Qin manyun has been practicing Qin Tao with the master all this time. With the guidance of the master, his strength will surely advance by leaps and bounds, especially his understanding of Qin Tao.

However, think of Qin manyun's strength, and feel some impossible.

Although argumentation is not equal to strength, there is still a certain correlation. If there is too much difference in strength, there is basically no suspense about argumentation.

However, at this time, it seems that there is no other choice but to die as a live horse doctor.

No matter what, she's around the master after all Qintong!

Thinking of this, Taoist Junjun raised his head, his eyes were deep, and said, "yes, we still have one person to discuss with our predecessors!"

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