Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 595: 595

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Many escape light from the distance, landing at the entrance of the secret place, feeling the spirit of its spray out, one by one excited.

These friars were close to here, so they came at the first time.

"What a strong breath, it must not be an ordinary secret place!"

"Just smelling the overflowing aura, I felt the aura in my body agitated."

"Coming from chaos, at least it must be a secret place set up by the strong of heaven!"

"Hahaha, heaven helps me. Let this secret land come to us. What are we waiting for? Hurry and follow me

Some people can't help it. They yell. The mana covers the whole body and forms a shield. Then they rush towards the entrance of the secret place!

Other people see this situation, heart also follow restless, unwilling to lag behind, have to sacrifice magic weapon rushed past.

Just as their bodies flew to the cave entrance, they were about to enter. Suddenly, the colorful lights were shining, and a dazzling light burst out of the cave, like a waterfall gushing into the sky, which immediately submerged the group of people.

The light flashed away, and then the group of monks retreated. There was no residue left, and even the magic weapon was annihilated.

That moment of terror, let everyone's heart, fanatical heart was extinguished, involuntarily back a few steps.

Some friars who were ready to move immediately sneered at this situation, "it's really stupid. How can this secret place be so easy to enter?"

"What a terrible prohibition! It even contains a trace of Avenue. Let alone us, even the power of heaven can't break through? "

"Hard, too hard!"

"I can't imagine the source of this secret place!"


Gradually, more and more people gathered here, and some of them consciously tried to enter the secret place. Without exception, they were all attacked by the secret place and disappeared. They could not even enter the most basic gate.

White cloud view white Chen with cloud old late, looking at the secret, face solemn.

Cloud old eyes exclaim, dignified mouth way: "this is the road from birth, the birth of the world prohibition!"

Although Dao is the most powerful, it is only one level higher than the realm of heaven, but the gap is immeasurable. All things can be born in one thought, and the rise and fall of thousands of worlds can be determined by turning hands. This is not what heaven can contend with.

The road is supreme. It exists in the dark. It has no trace or attribute. It is the absolute existence that dominates everything. It can be believed by oneself, but can't see its shape. It has feelings but can't be seen. It has no name.

There is no way to build a road. All we have to do is to explore by ourselves.

This secret place is just a trace of the mind left by Dao Zhiqiang, but it can live and evolve, and no one can profane it.

Bai Chen said: "the prohibition left by the road, no one can break it?"

Cloud old shook his head, "everything has no absolute, into certainly can enter, just need time to feel the trace of this avenue, find a ray of vitality, is equivalent to a test, this is the road to strong, how can people easily offend."

At this time, Bai Chen felt a few familiar breath, looked up, and immediately showed a smile, and said: "old cloud, there are the friends of KUQING sect and Yushou sect."

Cloud old nod, "Oh? Let's go and have a look. "

He is very curious and awed of the experts mentioned by Bai Chen. He wants to know more information. If the situation is true, he must make friends.

It's not that he doesn't trust Bai Chen, it's just that what Bai Chen said is too incredible. He feels that it has exaggerated elements.

Qin Chongshan and situ are chatting with Taoist Junjun tomorrow. When they see Bai Chen and Yun Lao coming, they immediately greet each other with a smile. They brainstorm and discuss the countermeasures to enter the secret place.

But at this time, a majestic breath came, like a canopy, falling from the sky, covering this space.

Several figures appeared in the public's field of vision. They were the people of jiemeng.

The leaders are Zuo Shi and Xi Yingwei.

Xiyingwei is a fat middle-aged man with small eyes and a kind smile on his broad face. This kind of appearance is quite rare among monks. After all... There are few fat monks.

As far as the lineup is concerned, the league is obviously not luxurious enough.

He and Zuo Shi are the only ones in the realm of heaven. The others are just Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian realm. It seems that some time ago, the death of their senior members did hurt them.After all, the power of the realm of heaven is too limited. For example, there is only one powerful guard of the realm of heaven in KUQING sect

"In those days, I had two powerful assistants in the realm of heaven as my deputy. Now... Ah!"

The West shadow guard sighed in his heart and cursed: "you are the black sheep! No matter how rich his family is, he can't afford to send them in pieces. Thanks to him, he's dead! "

Qin Chongshan and others recognized the left envoy, and his face immediately sank, "is it her? The people of the alliance

Jiemeng also focuses on this secret place. It's hard to do now!

The left envoy also noticed Qin Chongshan. He immediately looked around and didn't find the bald dog. He was very calm and relieved.

Later, the sound was sent to the West shadow guard.

Xiyingwei quietly glanced at situ's direction tomorrow, and a trace of cold light flashed through his eyes.

After all, Dong Ying Wei just folded in the Royal beast sect. Since he met him, it's right to destroy him.

That's how overbearing it is. That's the right of the strong!

Xiyingwei said: "this secret place is extraordinary. If you can listen to me and join hands, it's not difficult to enter the secret place. There are many treasures in it. How about everyone taking what they need?"

"If it can be broken, why not join hands with you?"

"Yes, let's talk about it first."

"Hurry up, what do you need to do?"

Everyone saw that people were different, and there was a glimmer of hope in their hearts.

"Don't worry, let me kill some people first!"

Xi Ying Wei looks at situ tomorrow's direction with a smile. Without saying a word, he claps his hand!

The target is not only situ tomorrow, but also Tiangong and others around him. They want to kill together!


In a flash, the situation changed.

The powerful magic power is so powerful that it releases a terrible vision and bombards situ tomorrow!

Along the way, the space is distorted and the rules are like a tide.

This is a powerful blow from the way of heaven, which makes people unable to dodge at all.

Cloud old step out, the hands of a whisk, hoarse way: "thousand silk wheel."

The silk thread in the dust grows with the wind, and it stretches infinitely to form a shield, which counteracts the palm of xiyingwei.

"Even you

The West shadow guard hums coldly and raises his hand again. The endless laws gather into a big hand in the void, covering all the old cloud and others. Then, like pinching a fly, he begins to gather up.

Yun Lao's face is dignified. He pinches the magic formula, and the silk thread of brushing dust rises again. It's like thousands of tentacles. He bursts out his strength to hold up the sky!

Zuo Shi didn't want to waste time. He also raised his hand and pointed to the dust!

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With one enemy and two enemies, yunlao immediately fell into the downwind. The dust in his hands was broken directly. Thousands of silk threads were scattered, and the whole person was also retreated by the force of anti shock. His body swayed and a mouthful of blood came out.

Taoist Junjun and others were only affected by the overflow, and they all snorted and looked pale.

Looking at xiyingwei, his eyes were full of despair, and he felt powerless.

It is impossible for them to escape in the hands of jiemeng.

Xiyingwei's face has not changed from beginning to end. His smiling appearance is enough to annihilate the endless creatures!

He didn't give everyone time to breathe, but he raised his hand again.

The endless mana is surging, turning into a black wind, and swallowing people like a flood of beasts!

The vigorous wind is more sharp than any sword, tearing the space to pieces, revealing a large broken space storm.

Yun Lao's face is dignified, and his Taoist robe is windless. The pattern of yin yang fish on it is alive, emitting dense light. He slowly breaks away from the Taoist robe, forming a huge shield to protect people under the yin yang fish!

West shadow Wei squints at, ha ha a smile, is to raise a hand to wave again.

Gang storm rise, with ghosts, roaring harsh.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

Some vigorous winds break through the defense of yin and yang fish, and make another cut on Yun Lao's body!

Taoist Junjun and others also gritted their teeth and transferred all their mana, but their power was just like the gap between firefly and Haoyue, which was hard to make up.As soon as the left envoy was ready to add a fire, his eyes swept to the distance, but his pupils suddenly shrank and his delicate body trembled. He was too scared to move.

She quickly looked at the West shadow guard and said, "let's go, we can't waste time. The bald dog is coming!"

The West shadow guard's eyes toward that direction a sweep, eyebrow slightly a wrinkly, the alliance leader since let don't have extraneous, so or hurry to do is just important.

He raised his hand and slapped it at Mr. Yun, which moved the sky. A huge fingerprint, like five finger mountain, fell from the sky and hit everyone's head.

Then, he turned his wrist, took out a blue thunder sword in his hand, and slashed at the prohibition in front of him. He made a cut and said, "if you want to enter the secret place, follow me!"

At the end of the speech, he took the people of jiemeng to enter the secret place together.

Without saying a word, the group of monks behind them followed in with excited faces. Soon only Taoist Junjun was left, and they were still struggling to support.


Old cloud gushes out a mouthful of blood again. There is no intact Taoist robe in his whole body. It is broken and full of holes. The vigorous wind is like a knife. At the same time, the huge palm above his head inherits the power of heaven and earth, and wants to suppress everyone!

This kind of attack, although he resisted it would take a lot of effort, but it was not so, but now in order to protect them, he had to stick to it.

However, Rao is dead in front of him, and Bai Chen's group has been devastated. They have to bear the will of heaven's power. Every time they bear more time, the pressure will be greater.

If this situation continues, only half a cup of tea will be needed. Yunlao will be fine, but others will be refined by the will of heaven!

The Jade Emperor felt that his will was beginning to blur and his mana was lax. The crushing force from the huge palm of his hand had squeezed him to the edge of collapse.


"The people in jiemeng are too strong. They must not be in the ordinary realm of heaven!"

"Has anyone come to help me?"

At this moment, his eyes swayed and vaguely saw a dog walking towards him.

"Dog... Dog master."

The Jade Emperor was a little stunned, and then his heart was a burst of ecstasy, almost to tears.

"Let go!"

Indifferent voice sound, let all people are slightly a Leng.

Cloud old follow prestige to go, but see big black walk in the vigorous wind, not affected at all, like walking on the ground, come to the public in front of.

This is a very special dog. He heard Bai Chen mention it.

After a pause, he put down his hand.


The palmprint in the sky fell straight!

See, big black complexion is changeless, just is buttocks to the sky a Qiao, leather underpants burst out a halo, make that palm directly into a breeze, dissipate in invisible.

"It's amazing... Leather underpants!" Cloud old stare big eyes.

Taoist Junjun was used to saying, "thank you for saving your life."

Big black nodded, "hurry into the secret place."

Old cloud shook his head and worried: "I'm afraid this secret place is not so easy to enter. The people of jiemeng also rely on a thunder sword which contains the atmosphere of the road to enter."

"It's not difficult at all. Just follow me."

Dahei glances at yunlao and goes straight to the secret place.

Come to the edge of the secret place, big black turns around, buttocks facing the Forbidden One.

Drop, underpants card.

In cloud old gaping gaze, that secret place unexpectedly really so opened a hole.


This leather underpants is absolutely the artifact of artifact!

Can give a dog to wear this kind of underpants, it's behind the master, I'm afraid really as Bai Chen said, is also one of the peaks of this chaos!

On the way to the secret place, prohibitions spread all over the place, and destructive torrents appeared everywhere. However, there was a big black leader. By brushing his buttocks, all kinds of prohibitions opened up smoothly, and soon he came to the first treasure house of the secret place.

At the same time.

The group of xiyingwei are working hard to break the prohibition along the way.

The reason why he wants to bring a large group of people in is that there are not only prohibitions at the entrance of the secret place, but also traps all over the secret place. The more people, the better."Boom!"

The terrible light of destruction swept away, more than a dozen monks directly evaporated, and life was wiped from the world!

"Go on, everyone. Don't give advice. Danger and opportunity coexist!"

"The first treasure house should be in front of you. Make more efforts to activate the mana together. The prohibition has become weak!"

"Chong Chong Chong, there is a big chance ahead, and great fortune is waiting for us!"

"I seem to smell the breath of Lingbao. It's so fragrant. Let's go!"


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