Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 607: 607

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There are a lot of people in this team, but the king of corpse's eating speed is very fast, and the team is advancing very fast.

Taoist Junjun was silly and blinked at the old dragon, "what should I do?"

"Calm down! Do you understand the cultivation of actors? "

Lao long was calm and sarcastic. After all, it was not him who was in danger.

At the same time, he gave a comforting look in his eyes. "Maybe when it comes to you, the corpse king will be full."

Just at this time, the last zombie in front of them also jumped and jumped into the mouth of the corpse king.

The corpse King chews with satisfaction, and stares at the zombies transformed by Taoist Junjun with cold eyes. At the same time, he hooks up


Full of shit!

Taoist Jun looks at Lao long rigidly.

No, you Goulong, in order to protect yourself, you really want to sacrifice me?!

The old dragon's face was calm, indifferent and innocent.

The corpse king was a little impatient. He opened his mouth and urged, "roar!"

The old man frowned and came over. He said to the old dragon, "what's the matter? Feed your little zombies

Taoist Jun Jun looked at the old dragon and began to retreat a little bit.

The old man frowned, "what's the matter? Take this zombie for me

Taoist Junjun obviously didn't take the initiative to commit suicide. Without saying a word, he sped up and began to run out.

The old man Jie sneered twice and ran after him for the first time.

Lao Long's eyes flashed slightly, and then he rushed out.

Seeing that no one came after him, he immediately raised his hand and pointed to the old man who was smiling in front of him.


The old man's smile was fixed on his face, and his eyes were full of blankness, falling straight from the sky.

Taoist Junjun came to Lao long and was ready to run. "Hurry up, you're the pioneer. Take me out. There's still a chance!"

"Fart, the show goes on!"

Lao long was very calm. He raised his hand to the old man and turned him into a little zombie. He pointed to Taoist Junjun and turned him into an old man.

Then, carrying the little zombie, he turned back.

All this was done at a very fast speed, and there was not enough time to splash.

"Sorry, this zombie is inexplicably afraid of death, just a little out of control."

On the surface, the old dragon said hello to the crowd. Then he waved his hand casually and threw it into the corpse King's mouth.

The other people in the cave looked at Lao long and Taoist Junjun for a moment, then drew back their eyes, and didn't feel much abnormal.

Taoist Jun was shocked by Lao Long's series of operations and secretly gave him a look of worship.

Lao long waved his hand casually and said in his heart, "make a fuss! The way of Gou is broad and profound. Just now it was just a small scene. I had 28 ways to break it in 0.01 seconds. "

At this time, they began to look at everything in the cave.

In this cave, there is a space of its own. There is a big pit in the middle, where the corpse king is raised. The breath on his body is flowing, and the Taoist rhyme is obvious. It has the momentum of Hunyuan Da Luo Jin Xian realm.

Around the pit, there is a platform, which is replaced by a circle. There are some guards standing. From time to time, they will cast some kind of spell on the corpse king.

The most noticeable thing for Lao long and Taoist Junjun is that on all sides of the platform, in addition to the hole he just entered, there are three other holes leading to different places!

And in each hole, the overflowing breath is no weaker than the corpse king, which also gives people a sense of uneasiness.

"Remember those halls out there?"

The old dragon, thinking, walked with Taoist Junjun and whispered to each other: "I'm afraid there are similar corpse kings in every hall, and... These halls should be connected from the bottom of the earth!"

Taoist Jun asked, "master long, what do you do next?"

Now he is convinced of Lao long, worthy of being diligent. He is really steady in doing things, and he is flexible in dealing with things. He has unparalleled calculation. Coupled with his strong strength, he immediately fills himself with a sense of security.

Good team mate.

The old dragon said, "take out the token and see which hole has a reaction. Go to which hole."They are sneaky and careful to explore one by one. They have the breath collecting skill provided by Lao long, but they don't attract other people's attention.

As they approached the second cave, the token began to vibrate. They looked at each other and sneaked in quietly.

The cave is still facing the ground. As it moves forward, the breath of death becomes more intense. Scarlet corpse gas and black death gas fill the passage, forming a shocking pressure and disturbing.

In the whole passage, there was no one else. To be exact, he could not feel a trace of vitality and was dead.

Lao long and Taoist Junjun held their breath and walked forward step by step.

When they came to the end of the passage, their pupils suddenly shrank, showing the color of shock.

This passage is not connected to the ground, but on the wall. Below the wall, there is a huge hall, which is extremely open. In the center of the hall, there is also a zombie tied!

Red hair white pupil, tall body, blue muscles like mountains general ups and downs, the whole body is bound by iron chain, standing in the same place motionless.

In its whole body, a lot of frightening breath emerged, turning into black air circulation, making the surrounding space constantly split and twisted, forming a black vortex, symbolizing death.

Taoist Junjun's legs were weak and his eyes were wide open. His saliva was stuck in his throat, and he did not dare to swallow it for fear of disturbing the terror.

He could feel that the zombie was enough to tear him alive!

Zombies in the realm of heaven!

What kind of madman created this boundary, and he was able to create such an evil and powerful existence.

But for the guidance of the token and the chance, I'm afraid I'll never find this hidden border!

I'm afraid there's a big secret!

The old dragon pointed around, and then found that, in addition to the cave they were in, there were six caves on the high walls!

In addition, in the corner of the Zombie's body, there is a cave, which should lead to the underground!

Continue to go underground. If it continues to increase, what terrible zombies have to be placed?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

But at this time, two of the six caves on the wall heard harsh sounds. Then, two monsters fell on the hall!

One is a black leopard with a third eye in front of its forehead, and the other is a white lion. At the moment of landing, the two monsters bow up at the same time, their hair bristles, and look at the terrible zombie with fear and vigilance.

The zombie, who was standing quietly, opened his mouth and showed his fierce face. He raised his hands and grabbed the black leopard and the white lion one by one!

These two monsters are in the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian. However, in the hands of zombies, like babies, they can't do any resistance except roar and struggle. They are directly carried by their necks.

Their whole body mana surges wildly, bursting out endless power, but they can't even manifest their vision. For them, the hand of zombies is the cage of despair.

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The zombie first brought the panther to his mouth, then opened his mouth to bite, and easily pulled a large piece of meat from his body, which made the Panther scream and cry.

Originally, these caves above the high wall are used for feeding zombies!


Taoist Jun could not help it any longer. His throat rolled and he swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

He found that whether it was the black leopard or the white lion, their strength was not much weaker than him

It's horrible!


Eating zombies suddenly look up, white pupil staring at the Jun Jun Taoist, directly raised his hand toward two people to catch!

Its grasp can capture the sun, moon and stars, and its palm is like a world. It is suppressed and people can't avoid it at all.

"Let's go to the cave below!"

The old dragon reminds a, also is to raise a hand, a palm toward that corpse clap!

This palm, breath is not obvious, does not have the mighty power, but collides with the Zombie's paw, but is the paw in the mid air frame.

Lao long and Taoist Jun took the opportunity to go to the cave below!


The Zombie's attack was blocked, and he was furious. He threw the food in his hand, and the iron chain clang on his body made a sound. He grabbed them with both hands!

"Click, click!"

Before his hands arrived, the surrounding space began to crack. Endless pressure fell from the sky, just like the will of heaven and earth, irresistible.Under this will, the surrounding space was blocked, and Lao long and Taoist Junjun could not move on at all.

However, the cave and the iron chains were obviously unusual. Under this movement, they were not damaged.

Lao long didn't mean to fight with the zombie. He grabbed Taoist Jun with one hand and pushed forward.

The space blocked by zombies was broken instantly, and the old dragon head didn't return. With one step, his figure disappeared in the original place and disappeared into the cave.


Zombies roar furiously, and finally vent their endless anger on the food and bite madly.

Taoist Jun Jun was caught by the old dragon. His face was pale and he could not help but pursed his mouth. "Are you sure we should continue to go down?"

He felt that with his own cultivation, breaking into here was death, let alone going on.

Lao long said, "since I'm here, I'm going to find out. I'll keep going. You can do as you like."

Taoist Jun Jun looked at the old dragon with complicated eyes and suddenly said, "you've survived until now. Everyone thinks you won't do anything dangerous. I can't believe you are so brave. I misunderstood you before."

Old dragon free and easy smile, "ha ha, no harm, life also he Huan, death also why bitter."


Taoist Jun sighed and said with admiration, "it's my great honor to be a team mate with you."

Looking at Taoist Junjun's appearance, Lao long was thinking that with his speed of reaction, he would be able to cut off the connection with him at the first time in case of danger. However, Taoist Junjun made me feel embarrassed to sell him

They were more careful than before and continued to walk down.

This journey, to a lot longer, seems to have no end, only devour all the darkness.

But at this time, the two steps at the same time, ears seem to hear some intermittent sound.

I can't help but jump at my heart and quicken my pace.

The intermittent voice is more and more clear.

"A thought... Extinguishes the sky, a finger... Traverses the years, life is invincible, death is invincible!"

The voice is not big, like a person whispering to himself, but when it comes into the ear, it makes the blood still, and the spirit is suppressed by the voice.

Lao long and Taoist Jun stopped for a moment, took a deep breath together, and then continued to move forward.

Since we can talk, is it zombie or human?

Just now, even zombies in the realm of heaven can only roar like beasts, but they can't speak at all!

While thinking about it, Lao long and Taoist Junjun have walked out of the cave. There is a platform in front of them. On the platform, there is a coffin!

Bronze coffin!

The surface is simple, there is no pattern, only a mottled trace of years flowing out.


At the moment of seeing the coffin, the brains of Lao long and Taoist Junjun were blank, as if they had seen the abyss of the road.

A wave of palpitation and awe surged into my heart. Although the copper coffin had not been opened, it was already predictable.

"When I think of it, I will die. When I cross the years, I will be invincible both in life and in death."

It was from the copper coffin that the sound came out. Every time the sound sounded, there would be a breath around. It seemed that the invincible strong man came again to suppress the eternal.


In the hands of Taoist Jun, the token trembled, suspended in the air, emitting a colorful halo

"Is it the Spirit Lord? Or the rest of the nine

Taoist Jun's eyes were wide open. He didn't expect that these corpse chasers were really so crazy. They wanted to make a supreme zombie!

Just when Lao long and Taoist Junjun wanted to get close to the copper coffin, a terrible force swept out of the coffin. They were so powerful that they let out a burst of "bold!"

Lao Long's face suddenly sank. Without saying a word, he mentioned Taoist Junjun and went straight to the right escape channel.

His speed was extremely fast, his posture flashed, and he immediately broke away from the ground and appeared in the air.

Without looking back, he continued to go towards the exit of the border.

"Seal the border!"

As the old voice rings out, the breath of those old halls rises one after another and goes straight to the old dragon!A corpse emperor in the realm of heaven was also released, roaring and running towards the old dragon!

"Boom boom!"

Every step is trampled on the law of space, and the whole body is roaring with one blow!

This fist distorts the space and breaks the barrier. Instead of swimming in the space, it comes to the old dragon's side and suppresses him like a blink!

An old man with white hair is suspended in the sky, his eyes are deeply watching the old dragon, which is also a guide!

On the sky, a huge finger appeared, one pointed to the sky, facing the old dragon, just like crushing mole ants, falling from the sky!

On the other side, there is a third realm of heaven. It's a skinny old man in black, coming with great strides!

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