Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 615: 615

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In chaos.

Where is Lei Hai.

Gu Ming stood at the edge of the thunder sea, looking at the thunder flickering inside.

There was a white light in his eyes. It seemed that he could penetrate everything and fall into the black hole in the center of shenlei.

He said, "it's chaos flag indeed, and this breath is definitely the Spirit Lord's right!"

"It's worthy of that woman, even if it's just a wisp of ghost, it can also arouse the protection of chaos God thunder."

"Just... Can't stop me!"

Gu Ming's face showed a sneer. With a wave of his hand, a jade white sailing boat floated in front of him, shining with dense brilliance and holy breath. It was obviously not an ordinary magic weapon.

"Let's get on the boat together."

He spoke with indifference and arrogance.

Gu Yu and others were respectful, and without saying a word, they boarded the ship carefully.

At the same time, Gu Yu reminded: "Mr. Gu Ming is going to take us through the thunder sea. Please stand firm and help us, or don't blame us if we die!"

Gu Ming didn't speak. With a light wave of his hand, the white jade boat immediately started and floated forward.

As soon as the white jade ship entered the thunder sea, it could feel the repulsive force coming from the black hole, which greatly slowed down the speed of its advance. As a result, the time for people to stay in the thunder sea was greatly prolonged, the pressure doubled, and the crisis soared.


A thunder came down from the sky, straight to the white jade boat.

At this time, a layer of white transparent shield appeared around the white jade boat. The halo was not strong, but it gave people an indestructible feeling. The chaotic God thunder bombarded the shield, only rippled layer upon layer. The white jade boat didn't even shake.

Seeing this situation, the people who were still a little uneasy in their hearts immediately calmed down and looked at the sea of thunder boldly.


Gu Yu's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, looking at a direction.

There, there are several figures are slowly coming, some extraordinary breath.

"They again?"

On one side, Zuo Shi's delicate body trembled, her eyes widened, her voice trembled and she felt helpless.

No, no

What a coincidence?

Can you let me go!

"What's the matter?" he said? Do you know him? "

"Back to the leader, that bald dog is the bald dog I told you about."

Zuo Shi swallowed a mouthful of saliva, forced down his uneasiness, and whispered: "this dog has an extraordinary origin. It's a very evil family. What our league has done has been destroyed, almost 100% of it has something to do with it."

"Is it the dog?"

The eyes of the alliance leader narrowed slightly and stared at Da Hei.

Although he had never seen Da Hei, he had heard a lot about the dog from Zuo Shi.

This is the enemy of jiemeng!

Is it not that this time we are going to ruin our business?

Gu Ming frowned and said, "it's just a dog. What are you nervous about? Shame

The leader of jiemeng said: "my Lord, this dog has great strength, and there is a master behind it. He has been fighting against our jiemeng all the time. I doubt... He is also one of the top nine in that year! I'm afraid it's not the right person to come! "

"Yo hoo, what's the top nine again? It seems that every one of them didn't die thoroughly enough. "

Gu Ming's voice was cold, and he looked in the direction of Da Hei, "let me try whether the dog is deep or shallow!"

Voice just fell, he has raised his hand, a random blow out!

The terrible streamer is like a meteor rushing to the moon. It rushes out of the chaos. In a flash, it has broken through the thunder sea and goes straight to the big black!

Dahei stood in the same place, calm in his eyes, and his high coldness was no worse than that of Gu Ming.

A dog paw slowly raised, a little forward press!

A silent breath has spread out, holding down the streamer, and then disappeared.

"It's a bit of a way." Gu Ming's pertinent evaluation.

The ability to block his fist so easily is not the ability of ordinary heaven realm. It's rare that this dog can achieve this kind of strength, and I don't know what kind of breed it is in chaos.

The alliance leader hatefully said, "it's really interesting. If we were not in a hurry to find the spirit Master, we would surely destroy him!"This dog has destroyed many things in jiemeng. It's really a heavy loss. With so many right-hand assistants around him, only Zuo Shi survived. It's heartbreaking.

"Well, it's not too late when we come out!" Gu Ming's face was expressionless, as if he was talking about a common thing.

Zuo Shi hesitated for a moment, but his shadow lingered in his heart. Finally, he couldn't help asking: "that... Will they follow us in?"

"Ha ha, this is absolutely impossible!"

Gu Ming shook his head and sneered, "in addition to the need to guard against the fall of chaos God thunder, we also have to endure the repulsive force from the center. Moreover... The more inward, the stronger the power of chaos God thunder. If you intrude, you will die!"

"It's not easy for me to get this boat. Do you think everyone has my ability?"

The leader of the alliance immediately said with a smile, "don't be angry, my Lord. She has never seen the world, so she has such a naive question."

Gu Yu also said with a smile: "you must be afraid of losing money. That's why you take this dog seriously. In front of Gu Ming, it only deserves barking."

Dahei took back his claws and frowned, "it's wrong! I can't bear the fact that that guy dares to attack me as soon as he comes up, and he looks like a bull! "

"Lao long, I know you're very cunning. Try to kill them quickly!"

"Dogs can't spit Ivory out of their mouths. In fact, I'm pure. I'm just forced to be what I am now by the way of the world. There's a little way to do it."

Lao long snorted coldly, and then began to dig something out of his arms.

Then he took out an object and held it high, "lightning rod!"

"You're familiar with it. You know how to use it."

"Yes, Lao long, I find you are a treasure chest." Big black's eyes suddenly brightened, and a bad smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Without saying a word, he threw out one end of the lightning rod and hooked it on the white jade boat of Gu Ming.

Then he took the lead and stepped into the thunder sea first, "everybody follow me!"

The people of jiemeng have been watching the trend of Dahei all the time, and they don't know why one by one.

"What does that mean? Do you want us to give him a hand?"

"Maybe it's trying to pull us back with this rope, and the dog jumped out of the wall."

"Oh, no, the dog came in, it went into the thunder sea! What kind of shape is this? There is a needle floating on the head. "

"Look, it's thundering! Ha ha ha, it's going to be split! "

Although I know Da Hei won't be killed so easily, it's very cool to watch him be killed. One by one, he smiles and stares at him.

In full view of the public, the thunder fell accurately!

However, when he reached the top of Da Hei's head, he was attracted by the needle. Then, he followed the wire and went straight to the white jade boat where he and others were!


The white jade boat trembled, and the shield trembled several times.

"What's going on? Then why did ray come to us all of a sudden? "

"Damn, I've never heard of chaos thunder turning a corner!"

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"Why is the key just for us? To avoid the dog. "

All the people shook their bodies and looked confused.

"Here it is. Look, another thunder has fallen!"

"I don't believe it only cuts us!"


This time, the chaos God thunder was stronger than the previous one, and still went straight to the big black. However, the same scene happened.

Thunder, like a silver snake, rushes into the silver needle and instantly spreads to the white jade boat.

The white jade boat had to bear the chop of the chaos God thunder, but now there are more God thunder on the side of the big black. It's a second favor, and the pressure is doubled.

The current of numbness spreads along the hull of the ship to the people of jiemeng, making them numb all over, and many people's hair curls up silently.

"It's evil. It's true!"

"It must be the needle. Quick, cut the thread!"

"How can this happen? What kind of magic weapon is this?"

"There's thunder to fall again! Hiss - why so much? "

When people looked at the top of Dahei's head, they found that with the deepening of Dahei, there were more and more thunder around. Moreover, these thunder seemed to be attracted by something and rushed to the lightning rod.fuck!

It turns out that this needle can not only transmit thunder, but also absorb thunder!

"Zuo Shi, come on! Cut that thread

The leader of the alliance gave the order in a hurry.

The left envoy didn't even think about it. He told one of his subordinates, "go and cut the thread quickly!"

At the same time, the body retreated a distance without any trace.

That person dignified eh, didn't hesitate, raised the big knife in the hand to hurtle that iron wire to chop!

At the same time, the third thunder falls!

This time, there are three chaotic thunder.


The voice of thunder and lightning flashed by, and the man with the knife was electrified on the spot, along with his three teammates. At the same time, he gasified and didn't even hum.

It's disappearing as fast as if they didn't exist


Everyone took a cold breath together, shaking and softening.

Zuo Shi was even more frightened, almost scared to pee.

Life and death in a thought, once again, death and I pass by.

This dog is indeed unknown pronoun, the body has the big terror!

They all looked at Da Hei in horror. Before they could calm down, they took another breath.

However, on the top of Da Hei's head, there was a sky of thunder. Too many chaotic thunder were attracted by the needle.

All the people on the white jade boat were stupid. Their mouths were wide open and their chin would fall to the ground.

"My mother, how much thunder is that!"

"Dying, dying!"

"I'm in a panic. What should I do?"

It's hard to imagine how miserable it would be for so many chaotic thunder to fall together.

"Everyone run the mana quickly, don't hide it!"

At the critical moment, Gu Ming stood up, his eyes dignified, and said: "and then... Ask for more happiness."


This wave of thunder plummeted down, one of which was absorbed by the lightning rod, and then transmitted to the white jade ship.

The whole iron wire was silvered by the chaos God thunder, and the thunder leaped like a spark.

It was like a strong wind passing through, and it fell directly on the white jade boat.


The whole white jade boat was immediately shrouded in a layer of pure white thunder light, and the devastating atmosphere fully interpreted the terror of chaos God thunder, as if it could sweep everything!

Soon, the white light dissipated and the dust settled.

The people on the white jade boat were emptied more than half in an instant, and the originally crowded place became spacious.

As for the survivors on board, most of them had broken clothes, black faces and straight hair, just like super Saiya.

With one mouth open, there is smoke coming out.

Gu Ming's long purple hair was also electrified, which made him look a little embarrassed.

But he did not dare to delay a little, trying to urge the white jade boat, because the lightning rod began to attract thunder again.

Speed up, speed up!


On the other hand, Dahei and others are leisurely walking in the thunder sea, while watching the performance of jiemeng.

"That who, in front of my dog master, what kind of cow are you?"

"You look very handsome, but you look embarrassed when you are struck by thunder. Ha ha ha..."

"Don't run so fast. Play a little longer and come again."

The thunder chased the white jade boat and cleaved behind its buttocks.

Finally, when they entered the central black hole, the group of people in jiemeng and those below the realm of heaven were completely destroyed without any suspense. There were only six people left.

Gu Ming and Gu Yu, the leader of jiemeng and Zuo Shi, and two other subordinates of Tiandao realm.

Along the way, it was not easy. His whole body was black, ragged, his hair erect, and his whole body was crisp and numb, with the smell of meat.

Unprecedented sense of embarrassment, so that they almost want to go crazy.

So that when they enter the black hole, they don't care about the things inside. They directly focus on the big black and others. Their killing intention is boiling and they don't hide it.The leader of the alliance has been too heartbroken to breathe.

Unconsciously, all the elite troops of jiemeng have died

This is the strong person that he has been recruiting and cultivating for countless years. In this short period of time, after several changes, all of them have disappeared.

These are rare powers. How can they die in pieces? Is there any reason?

His eyes were red and he yelled, "you're looking for death!"

Gu Ming's tone was extremely gloomy, and he roared: "I want to torture you a little bit and make you regret what you did today!"

Dahei pointed at them with his dog's paw. "He's in a hurry. He's in a hurry."

Gu Yu sneered and said, "I don't know how to live or die! Even if it's just us, you'll have no chance of winning! "

Even if the leader of the alliance doesn't do anything, they have five great powers of heaven. On the other hand, on the side of Dahei, there are Dahei. Laolong, Nuwa and Junjun are the realm of heaven, and others can be ignored. They are like ants.

Lao long calculated his fighting power and said in a low voice, "Oh, what he said really has some truth."

Gu Ming's face full of grimace, one step forward, has been to the people to kill, low way: "do not know the dead dog thing, you are finished!"

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