Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 617: 617

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"You, don't come here!"

Looking at the figure coming step by step, the heavenly power finally collapsed.

He stopped attacking, and could not help retreating, his face full of fear.

Although the woman didn't release her authority, she was born to be above everything, so people didn't dare to target her.

She held out her slender hand and held the flagpole.

In an instant, heaven and earth are still, chaos flag no longer swings, chaos is silent.

Yang Jian and others were rescued. Looking at the figure standing in front of them, their lips trembled, but finally they didn't make a sound.

They didn't dare to break the atmosphere, and they didn't dare to speak freely in front of the woman.

Inexplicable pressure began to cover this space, even if only a wisp of ghost, even if the fall of the ages, she is still the protagonist of heaven and earth!

Who is she? Everyone has the answer in their heart.

Is it a spiritual master?

Gu Yu and Gu Ming are the ones who feel the most. They are almost overwhelmed by the pressure. They seem to see the invincible figure again, and their hearts are filled with extreme fear.

Gu Ming was frightened and yelled: "waste! She's just a ghost. Let's go and suppress her! "

However, at this time, the shadow of the spirit Master has moved.

She holds the flag of chaos and raises her hand.

The flag was flying, heavier than her body, but full of domineering.

A breath of terror appeared, gushing out of the chaos flag, turning into a black whirlwind, sweeping away towards the power of the realm of heaven!

The Taoist priest's face changed dramatically, his body retreated rapidly, raised his hand and made countless law visions, trying to suppress the Black Whirlwind.

But it doesn't help!


The Black Whirlwind bombarded him in an instant, stained with endless will to destroy. It was like a strong wind passing through, blowing up the yellow sand all over the sky, and the powerful body of heaven was annihilated!

The spirit Master's empty shadow has no redundant words. His cold eyes are locked on Gu Ming's body. His posture is full of brilliance and he walks away!

As soon as the flag of chaos was raised, it once again put out a way to destroy the heaven and the earth and went to the ancient Ming Dynasty!

At this time, Gu Ming was still holding a long gun tightly to fight with Da Hei's buttocks. Being disturbed, Gu Ming was unstable and had to take the gun away.

The long spear turns, condenses a law real dragon, the spear picks the Black Whirlwind, dissolves the Spirit Lord's attack.

"Why don't you poke my ass?"

Big black feeling not satisfied, dog face is full of displeasure, "dare to look down on me, look at my Taishan top!"

"Woof, woof, woof!"

It arched its ass, like a meteor chasing the moon, from top to bottom, straight toward the ancient Ming sprint!

A buttock sits on the face door of Gu Ming!


Gu Ming's whole head was indented by Da Hei's buttock, and his body was embedded in the ground, directly buried, leaving Da Hei sitting on the ground.

"Ah, ah

The earth split and Gu Ming roared.

He leaped out of the land, his head "pop" out of his body, and his face was ferocious!

"I will kill you! Especially you stupid dog

"The eight wasters are killing

The long gun pointed at Da Hei.

Whoa, whoa, whoa!

Space tremor, around the big black, there are countless destruction light blades, shooting at the big black!

Where the light blade passes, the space is cut like paper, and the place of big black seems to be broken into countless strange glass, which makes big black seem to fall apart. Its body begins to have blood flying.

Big black body is in the middle of the destruction space, with fierce eyes, raises the dog's paw to Gu Ming, "dog's paw covers the sky!"


A huge dog's paw suddenly protrudes from the space, like a giant beast covering the sky, trampling on the mole ants at the foot.

At the same time, the spirit Master waved the chaos flag again, and the Black Whirlwind wrapped up Gu Ming, making his flesh crack inch by inch!

The dog's paw fell, and Gu Ming's body was suddenly trampled into a pool of mud!

"Ah, ah --"

Gu Ming's whole body, the origin of life shining, physical reunion, issued bursts of roar.

However, before he could finish his reunion, Dahei had come out of the space of destruction, opened his mouth and inhaled. Gu Ming's body was directly inhaled into Dahei's mouth and swallowed it!In the void, the brilliance reappears, Gu Ming's face appears pale, and his eyes show fear.

It's too terrible for Da Hei to join hands with the Spirit Lord. In such a short time, he has wiped half of his life. If he goes on like this, he can't even escape!

Without waiting for him to think about it, the Spirit Lord's chaos flag came again, making him tired of running.

Gu Ming was in a mess and wanted to ask for help, but he saw the leader of the alliance not far away. Suddenly, he lost his temper and said: "Gu Yu, isn't that guy also our man? What's going on? Always going to the theater? "

Gu Yu was named. If he didn't pay attention, he was stabbed in the buttock by the old dragon, which immediately split his buttock into four pieces, and his blood was raging.


Gu Yu ran away with her buttocks covered. At the same time, she said to the leader of the alliance: "what's the matter with you? Going back to the theatre is too boring! Do it for me

"Here we go."

The leader of the alliance also knew that this was an extraordinary period. He took a deep breath and took the spring of birth and the bloodthirsty wood. There was a trace of helplessness in his eyes. After all, he was still short of the spirit nourishing grass.

"I can help you!"

Gu Ming suddenly opened his mouth with a cold voice. With a wave of his hand, a few drops of blood essence fell in front of the leader of the alliance. "With my original blood, it's also enough to suppress the agitation in your body!"

The original blood is precious, but now is not the time to hide it, otherwise everyone will have to play it out.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu Ming!"

The leader of jiemeng was overjoyed and immediately opened his mouth and ate the three things in front of him.

Then, he no longer suppressed the power in his body, and a breath of terror began to rise. The powerful breath turned into a powerful storm and went straight into the sky, forming a huge vortex on the dome!

"Click, click!"

The vortex continues to expand, releasing the power of terror, so that this piece of space began to tear, together with the chaos outside the thunderstorm began to chaos, and then engulfed by the vortex!

"Boom boom!"

In addition to chaos, the black hole was smashed like a cave, revealing its true appearance.

"Good... Terrible!"

Taoist Jun and others were all staring at the leader of the alliance in fear, which made them feel unbeatable.

Even if it is also the power of heaven, but... Still can only look up to.

"Is this... Avenue?"

The leader of the alliance was crazy and obsessed in his eyes. He felt the breath of the road and seemed to be able to touch it with his hand. An unprecedented strong feeling covered his whole body and made him feel that he could dominate the chaos.

He is only one step away from the real supreme road!

"This feeling of invincibility is really wonderful. Wow, it's so strong, I'm so strong!"

In his body, there are four breath moving, making his body drum by drum. It is the four supreme powers that he swallowed that year that are releasing.

Peerless pressure condensed into a towering storm, blowing around, blowing everyone breathless, the body can not help but retreat.

Visible to the naked eye, his body in the rapid expansion, in the twinkling of an eye, more than ten feet!

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With a light sound, his back, is growing a new arm, huge body with eight arms, the prestige shock this chaos silence.

The leader of the alliance lowered his head and looked down at the people. "A group of mole ants, don't you kneel down to pray for mercy?"

However, in this tense atmosphere, a very abrupt voice sounded——

"You drank my urine."

Da Hei looked at the leader of jiemeng with disdain. His tone was flat, but it came into everyone's ears.

The leader of the alliance was surprised and angry, "what do you say?"

Big black no longer said more, ready to prove to him with action.

He slowly raised his paw and waved to the rest of shenglingquan

The voice just dropped.

A part of the light yellow liquid in the shenglingquan slowly peeled off and flew towards the big black, flashing with Yingying brilliance, and a little bit of coquettish flavor.

This smell... The leader of the alliance is very familiar.

"This, this is impossible!"

His brain was buzzing, unable to accept the fact, and hissed, "you're bluffing me! This is the holy liquid of gold! The rest of the spring is still yellow! ""Oh, those are other people's urine," Dahei said easily

"Cough, I'm not talented. I've mixed it in a little."

Taoist Junjun stood up, raised his hand weakly and called out, "Piss!"

Immediately, a small amount of yellow liquid flew out of shenglingquan.

The scene fell into silence.

You can only hear the wheezing of the alliance leader.

"Ah, ah

His face was distorted and his mind exploded.

Did I pee? More than one person's urine?

I am defiled! I'm not clean!

How awesome the previous moment was, how embarrassed this moment was. He could feel the eyes of the people around him staring at him. He was ashamed and socially dead.

"I must, oh... Kill you! Ouch

The alliance leader's blood and Qi gushed and he retched, but he couldn't spit it out.

The urine has already integrated into his body with shenglingquan.

He cried

"I'll tear you to pieces!"

The leader of jiemeng is red eyed and crazy. His breath locks Dahei, and his eight arms grasp Dahei together!

A stream of air fell on Da Hei's body, forming a strong oppression, blocking everything, making it like fish.

Gu Ming's eyes showed a cold smile, "it's a little valuable at last. I didn't waste my blood essence."

Gu Yu said with a smile, "after swallowing the four supremacies for so many years, he finally touched the edge of the supremacy. That bald dog is going to die at last!"

Taoist Junjun and others showed concern and said: "Uncle dog!"

But at this time, a big black flag suddenly appeared in front of Da Hei's body, and the spirit Master stepped out without any intention of retreating, and went to kill the leader of jiemeng!

The flag of chaos is flying, arousing the black whirlwind of destruction around the whole body. The vision is like a dragon, and the killing is decisive.

"Lord, do you think it was the same year? Just a wisp of ghost dare to show off in front of me? "

The leader of the alliance gave a ferocious smile and showed his arrogance. "Now I am not what I used to be!"

He raised his hand and slapped at the Spirit Lord!

The eight palms attack from all directions and suppress the Spirit Lord together. It's like eight huge mountains. They block the Spirit Lord in the center and turn him into a cage. The halo flows and sends out the breath of terror. They want to refine the Spirit Lord!

The spirit Master in the center waved the flag of chaos and raised the flames of the waves. His momentum was like a rainbow and he made a long roaring sound, but he couldn't break through!

The leader of the alliance said with a cold smile, "goodbye, Lord Spirit, today I will refine your ghost!"

Da Hei was entangled by Gu Ming and said in a loud voice, "Gou long!"

"I know. I'm trying to figure it out!"

The old dragon responded, shoveling away the jade, quickly groping in his arms, and then raising his hand to take it out.

"Old turtle's shell!"

Then quickly throw to the Spirit Lord!

The tortoise's shell becomes bigger and bigger on the way of flying. It turns into a huge shield and resists a lot of damage for the Spirit Lord.

The spirit Master strides forward and takes the opportunity to get out of trouble.

"Mole ant ear, fearless struggle!"

The leader of the alliance disdained to open his mouth and put his hands together. The old turtle's shell was smashed on the spot.

The other six arms continue to kill the spirit Master!

In his attack, he can already see a trace of the power of the road, and suppress the law, which is beyond the ordinary power of heaven to resist.

"Boom boom!"

Chaos shake, the distant stars are impacted, many stars into meteors, falling towards the depths of chaos and go!

A stream of pressure makes the space around the spirit Master fragmented and dim.

Under the crisis, in her cold eyes, her pupils trembled and regained a trace of consciousness. She felt at a loss and seemed to think of something.

Looking at her attack, she instinctively raised her hand, and an indescribable breath rose abruptly.

This is an almost invincible momentum, even surpassing the alliance leader and becoming the center of the whole chaos.

The leader of the alliance glared, "what is this?"

"Qian, Kun, Ji, Mie!"The voice of faltering comes from the mouth of the Spirit Lord and hovers over the chaos.

The six arms stretched out by the leader of the alliance instantly burst into pieces.


The leader of the alliance screamed back, and his body was also annihilated by the strange power.

He felt fear. It was a force that he could not resist. It was a magic power that stirred the road!

Let him fall!

The other two arms and half of the body of the alliance leader soon burst away and spread to the shoulder.

"I'm not dead?"

The fear on the leader's face had not yet faded, and then there was a more rampant laughter, and his body grew up again.

"A wisp of ghost dare to frighten me, destroy it for me!"

The leader of the alliance becomes angry and takes one hand to beat the spirit Master. The space collapses and the shadow flickers.

"It's over!"

He raised his eight arms high. Above his head, a space swamp appeared, and a layer of black hole whirlpool emerged. From the whirlpool, eight huge palm images emerged!

These palms are all black, standing on the dome, containing the power to suppress everything!

"It's the only way to control the gods and demons!"

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