Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 619: 619

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The Spirit Lord didn't say much more. He stood barefoot in the sky and went away in the sunshine.

She only has a part of the memory of that year, vaguely remembering that she had experienced some kind of great terror, which made her have to separate several spirits to preserve her foundation.

She's going to find the rest of the ghosts and get to the top.

People watched her go away, silent for a long time, and her eyes were full of deep thinking.

They are thinking about the word of God.

The news they got this time was too important and attracted their great attention. There were still many speculations in their hearts.

"Sure enough, the reason why an expert can be like this is of great significance."

"The Spirit Lord has already told us that it is very important for the master to do so. We should not only not wake up, but also stop outsiders from disturbing us!"

"Do you think this kind of state of master is similar to epiphany? It's a more special state, immersing in it and not being disturbed."

"In any case, we must not let people destroy the state of the master."

"Ha ha ha, we are chosen by the experts. Are we the people who should be robbed?"

Xiao Chengfeng smiles with pride, and seems to find the value of life. He is quite happy, "the master trusts us so much, probably because he wants us to protect his way!"

The so-called person who should be robbed is the person selected by some powerful beings who have a premonition that a catastrophe is coming, so that they can cope with the disaster and at the same time resist the disaster for themselves.

Generally speaking, people who should be robbed must experience pain and risk falling at any time.

However, Xiao Chengfeng thought of this, but his face was full of excitement, his eyes were shining, and he was quite excited.

Other people's mentality is similar to him, the corners of the mouth are a hook, showing a smile.

"In this way, we also have the value of existence!"

"This is an expert who looks up to us! We must not let the experts down

"Pay close attention to the cultivation, serve the experts well, and strive to be perfect for them!"

"Well, come on, everyone!"


In the twinkling of an eye, half a month passed quietly.

Shenyu has become more and more famous and influential, as well as more and more forces.

During this period, a big event happened.

There is a force who can't escape from the world. Suddenly, it comes from chaos and comes to the divine realm. It calls itself zhangjianya!

All the disciples of this force are Jian Xiu. They have amazing strength and unparalleled fighting power. They are almost invincible in the same level. In addition, they are aggressive and they are very famous in the divine realm.

Moreover, this force claims to be the descendant of the supreme Dao and has the supreme inheritance.

The most important thing is that not long ago, five disciples came out of Zhangjian cliff. They called themselves Jianshi humbly, but they were powerful. Together, they made a great event!

Five people join hands, leaping over the level to wipe out a great power of the realm of heaven!

As soon as this event happened, the whole divine realm was shocked, and the prestige of Zhangjian cliff was immediately raised to the top, and people worshiping the mountain came in an endless stream.

At this time, Zhangjian cliff.

In the lobby.

A group of sword practitioners gathered here and were discussing something.

The house was filled with people.

The main seat is vacant. Obviously, the leader is not here at all.

An elder in charge said, "how are things going in secret? Do you know who got it? "

"Elder, according to the exact information we got, more than a month ago, there was a secret place coming from chaos, and it was very powerful. There was news coming out, and it was very big!"

A disciple opened his mouth, eyes full of hot, and continued: "however, this secret place has been obtained by the people of the heavenly palace."

Another disciple added, with caution in his tone, "at that time, the people of jiemeng also participated, but they lost a lot in the hands of Tiangong. This Tiangong can't be underestimated."

"If the time is right, it must be the supreme secret place of that Avenue."

The elder's eyes showed the light of thinking, and then said: "when I was in charge of the sword cliff, I occasionally got the supreme guidance, which was the real descendant of the supreme! His secret place should not fall into the hands of others. We are the only ones entitled to it! "

His tone was rapid and full of determination.

This is the secret place before the fall of the supreme Dao. It probably contains the inheritance of the supreme Dao. Once they get it from the sword cliff, the benefits will be immeasurable!

Some people have a high sense of war, "big elder, just come here and destroy the heavenly palace, but just raise your hand."

"The master of sword has not been able to get out of the pass, so he specially ordered me to investigate the secret place. Besides, why bother him to do it in person."

The elder shook his head, then said with a smile: "I have a piece of fragments left by the supreme, which has produced a sense, enough to determine the general location of the secret inheritance!"

"Send someone down for the time being, detective!"

In the courtyard, the years are quiet.

That day, early in the morning, Li nianfan was watching the news in the yard.

I have to say that this is indeed a very good entertainment activity, which makes Li nianfan's life no longer boring and full of fun.

As for the settlement of the tiktok gate, the establishment of a banquet, the struggle between two gangs, and the dynamic figures of the immortal force, are almost recorded.

Naturally, the content is extremely interesting.

"Yo hoo, this list of heaven has some meaning. It records the great power of the realm of heaven possessed by the major gates in the realm of God. It's powerful."

"Before you know it, there are so many sects in Shenyu? This side of the world is really big. "

"The holy list records the names of the powerful Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian. They are all peerless Tianjiao who can subvert the law and hope to win the realm of heaven. This is also very interesting. It sounds like a bull's-eye and makes people excited."

"There's a son of heaven who can kill people by leaping over his level, bull, 666..."

"Envy, envy! If I am a qualified passer-by, not to mention the sky list, the holy list should definitely go up. I don't know how big the whole movement is. "

"Ah, my whole life is useless..."

Forget it, read more news, pay close attention to them and increase your sense of participation.

Li nianfan's mentality at this time is similar to that of his previous life. Although he is not a successful person, he does not affect himself to join in the fun. He occasionally expresses his views and comments.

At the same time.

There are two figures coming from the distance to the Luoxian mountains.

They are wearing strong brown training clothes, and their eyebrows are like swords. They are born with a sharp breath. They are stepping on flying swords, breathing brilliance and dragging the tail of a rainbow.

Their speed is not fast, from time to time looking at the foot and around, as if searching for something.

The elder said that it should be around here. He's been searching for three days, but he can't find any sign. It's too deep.

"Bang bang!"

Just then, a sound of firewood cutting came into their ears and attracted their attention.


Coincidentally, they made a laugh together.

It turned out to be a woodcutter.

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However, when they subconsciously set their eyes on the firewood chopping sword, their pupils all shrank, and the sword under their feet could not help trembling and almost fell from the air.

As soon as their faces froze, they fell from the air.

One of them said in a deep voice, "Hey, boy, who are you?"

The river looked at them calmly and continued to look at the firewood. "I'm just an ordinary woodcutter."

He is seizing the time, this morning's firewood has not been given to the master.

The other said harshly, "bring us the sword in your hand!"

"Bang bang!"

The river continued to cut firewood, ignoring it.

"To die!"

Two sword repair at the same time appeared to kill, one of them holding the sword in his hand, raised his hand to cut toward the river!

The red sword is strong enough to kill a mountain easily.

The river still didn't pay attention to it. A sword fell on the trees, rippling out a layer of afterwave, and directly resolved the sword.

Cold words from the mouth, "I don't want to kill you, get out of here!"

The two disciples sneered and understood.

"It turned out to be a monk. Didn't you think that the tortoise would shrink here and cut firewood to avoid the detection of others?"

"I'm not going around with you! This sword contains the supreme inheritance of Dao. It's not something you should covet. If you don't want to die, please give this sword to me

"We are the disciples of zhangjianya. If you cooperate, we can give you a sword slave!"

The river stopped and said, "do you know this sword?"

"The real owner of this sword has a feeling of master and apprentice with our Zhangjian cliff. This sword should belong to our Zhangjian cliff."

The disciple in charge of the sword cliff was proud and said, "you're going back to the owner."

The river frowned.

He said in a cold voice: "when I sent out this sword, the supreme master didn't mention that he had any descendants. What's more, since I got this sword, I got the recognition of the Supreme Master. If you don't treat me with courtesy, you can't do it. You want to rob me when you meet. I don't believe that the Supreme Master is willing to leave his inheritance to you!"

Naturally, he is not stupid. He can't pass on the supremacy to others with a few words.

What's more, even if what the other party says is true, so what? This sword is given to me by an expert. I can't let him down. I won't let go of it even if I'm dear!

"Greedy people never come to a good end."

The disciple of Zhangjian cliff had cold eyes and gave an ultimatum, "now kneel down and kowtow to apologize. We can still consider leaving you a whole corpse!"

"Don't talk nonsense with him, dare to offend me, zhangjianya, die!"

Another person has already drawn his sword, and his whole body is full of sword spirit, which turns into drizzle, and comes to the river!

The light of the sword is dazzling, sweeping in all directions.

Both of them were in the early stage of Zhunsheng's cultivation, but because they were sword cultivation, their attack was strong enough to compete with the middle stage of Zhunsheng's cultivation, and their sword Qi was soaring.

However, in front of the river is obviously far from enough to see.

"Flashy but not real."

The river shook his head, his face unchanged, just raised his hand.

In a flash, like the king of the sword came, with the intention of commanding ten thousand swords, when I thought about it, heaven and earth turned, and ten thousand swordsmen obeyed.

The sword stopped directly, then turned to the two disciples, and the power increased several times!

"How is that possible?"

The two disciples of zhangjianya are staring at each other. They are scared to death. They all use their whole body mana defense, but their defense is as weak as paper.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss!"

The light of the sword flickered, leaving hundreds of holes on them. The blood was gurgling, and they collapsed to the ground and lost the power of action.

The river looked at them and said seriously, "how do you look here?"

This issue is very important and he is very concerned about it.

Because, here is the location of the expert, if they have been harassing, then the river is definitely not allowed!

Not long ago, he was informed by the people in the heavenly palace that he could not influence or let others influence the state of an expert.

Once someone comes here frequently, it will disturb the master and affect the master's present state, then he can't forgive himself for committing suicide 10000 times!

One of the disciples was frightened and said, "we are the disciples of Zhangjian cliff. If you dare to kill us, you are finished!"

"Wrong answer."

River shook his head, just a look in the past, eyes like a sword, instantly cut a hole in the man's neck, annihilated his spirit!

Then he looked at the rest and said coldly, "it's your turn. Answer my question!"

The man's body trembled. He felt as if there were ten thousand swords on his body. He was so scared that his excrement and urine flowed and trembled.

He was afraid and said, "I said that there is a fragment of Kendo left by the supreme at Zhangjian cliff. We can sense where the inheritance is, so we come here to search."

"Thank you for your answer."

The river opened its mouth, the voice fell, the pupil of the man suddenly widened, and a sword mark also appeared on his neck.

The river frowned, lost in thought.

If it's true, as the disciple of zhangjianya said, he can't stay here any longer, because it will lead to endless troubles.

"The target of Zhangjian cliff is me. As long as I leave here, they will follow me naturally! Don't make trouble for the experts. "

The river has made up its mind to carry the firewood on its back and become an ordinary woodcutter again, stepping up the mountain.

Go and say goodbye to the master first. After solving this problem, I'll come back and continue cutting firewood for the master!

Soon, he came to the door of siheyuan and said in a respectful voice, "Lord Shengjun, I'm sending you fresh firewood."

"It's the river. It's coming. It's coming."

Li nianfan's voice came. A moment later, the gate of the courtyard opened.

The stream took down the firewood on his back and handed it to Li nianfan, "good morning, Lord Shengjun."

"Thank you. It's hard work for you." Li nianfan said hello with a smile.

This is really a sincere child. He always pays his gratitude in his heart. At the beginning, he admitted that he helped himself to cut firewood, but now he has not complained at all.

Li nianfan praised: "river, you are good at chopping firewood these days. These firewood are more and more regular. It's good. It seems that you are working hard."

"Your Majesty, I'm just praising you for cutting firewood."

River heart joy, master, this is in praise of my fast progress.

"Come on, don't be modest."

Li nianfan said with a smile: "you are just in time today. We are preparing for breakfast. Would you like to come in and have some?"

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