Turns Out I'm a Great Cultivator

Chapter 635: 635

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"I feel that there is a new world ahead! It's going to be a happy place for us to live

The big devil looked at the stars in front of him, but the seven foot man's eyes turned red.

I follow the demon God, after the rise and fall of the flood and famine, and after the transformation of the flood and famine into the realm of God, now, I have escaped from such a dangerous place with the demon family alive.

I... it's not easy!

He moved himself to cry.

This should be a small world, similar to the previous flood and famine, where at most a few saints were born.

But how could the world be exposed so thoroughly?

He didn't think too much, and led the demons to speed up the past.

When he entered this world, he found the problem. It was too quiet here. It was like a pool of stagnant water.

The sun and moon have no light, the stars are no longer, even the wind is forbidden, and the elements dissipate.

Looking forward, we can see that the living beings in this world have already perished, the water has dried up, and the origin of the world has disappeared.

A desolate and desolate, people sigh.

"This, this... One side of the world is completely destroyed."

The group of demons behind the great demon king were all silly. They were frightened in their eyes and cold in their heart.

Although they are demons, their biggest goal is to dominate the world. They just want to be the protagonist of a small world. It's far from the end of the world.

"How many people have to die?"

"It's crazy, cruel and insane."

"It must be a terrible existence to do such a thing."

Anyway, it's definitely not something they can afford.

The demon king knew well, and without saying a word, he fled with only a few remaining demons.

Chaos is really terrible. Don't be like this. It's not easy for me all the way. Please protect me.

The great devil prayed in his heart.

However, not only did his prayer not work, it seemed to have the opposite effect.

Next, he ran into several small worlds, but without exception, they all fell into silence and were slaughtered.

At the same time.

Gu Yu was standing in the chaos, with four figures around him. All of them were ancient people without exception.

During this period of time, Gu Yu and Gu Yun wandered in the chaos and directly awakened all the ancient people in the chaos. At the same time, they also sucked some small worlds. Together, there were few fish who missed the net.

The leader's stature is obviously higher, his body is like a mountain, his skin is shining, and his pupils are twinkling.

He's guzhan!

At this time, they are standing in a chaotic place, looking at a void in front of them with dignified faces. The essence of their eyes flickers, as if there is something hidden in the void.

Gu Zhan's eyes narrowed slightly and said in a deep voice: "I feel that the battlefield before the ages is in the border nearby!"

Gu Yu asked, "master, why are we so eager to find the battlefield before eternity?"

"You can't understand that?"

Gu Zhan glanced at Gu Yu and frowned: "before the end of the ages, the nine supremacies of chaos rose and fought with our ancient people. In that war, not only did chaos disappear, but also our ancient people suffered heavy losses, and even were forced to retreat into the chaos sea."

After a pause, he continued: "and the most tragic decisive battle broke out here. In this ancient battlefield, there is also the fall of the supreme of our ancient race!"

Ancient people... Supreme?!

Gu Yu and others breathed suddenly.

Yes, the war of that year was so fierce, the nine supremacies of the human race fell, and the ancient race could not earn much.

If we find the supreme inheritance of the ancient race in the ancient battlefield

Gu Zhan sneered, "hum, in the battlefield, there are too many things belonging to our ancient people. Moreover, how the supreme exists? Maybe they are not dead either!"

Gu Yu nodded again and again, "the elder is considerate. This battlefield is really too important!"

Gu Yun was also flattered, "the battlefield before ancient times was hidden in chaos, and only the predecessors could sense it."

Another person said: "if there is a supreme inheritance, if you get it, you will get the supreme road immediately!"

Gu Zhan immediately laughed coldly, "ha ha ha..."

But at the next moment, the faces of the five ancient people changed at the same time, and there was a twinkling of cold light in their eyes.

"I didn't expect to meet an outsider here. I'll catch him now!"

Gu yunning opened his mouth, his voice fell, and his figure darted out. A moment later, he came back again, with the demon king and his party imprisoned in his hand.

The devil's heart is naturally extremely frightened. Fortunately, he is very experienced in similar things. Without thinking, he said, "little man, devil, please don't kill me."

Sincere and... Encouraging.

Judging from the horror of these people, the extinction of the world they just met is definitely their work.

Proper terror to the extreme existence.

Why am I so unlucky? I want to finish it. I want to finish it!

The great demon shivered and sweated.

Gu Yu's eyes glared and asked, "how can you be here?"

The big devil said: "Lord Hui, villains come from the divine realm. They just want to find a place to live in the chaos. They come here by accident. They really don't have half of malice. Don't get me wrong."

"Are you from God?"

Gu Yu's eyes slightly coagulated, and then said: "the divine realm resources command, the aura is abundant, the rule is vast, good not in the divine realm to stay, unexpectedly came out?"

"The adults don't know, the villains can't stay in the divine realm!"

This is the true feelings of the great demon king. He was crying and crying. When he was about to say his own experience again, he wanted to win the sympathy of others by highlighting a bitter word.

"Now I just want to practice in peace of mind and live a life of my own. We are transparent people."

"It's a bad luck! Since you are a native before the divine realm, it seems that you are very familiar with the divine realm. "

Gu Yu laughed and said, "we are planning to go to the divine realm, so you can take us there!"

They are also very curious about the divine realm. Originally, they planned to let Zuo Shi take them there, but they didn't know why. After sending out the signal, they didn't get the response from Zuo Shi, and they didn't know where they were.

Now I met the great devil, just right, coincidentally.

To God?

The great devil was surprised.

"No, no!"

The great Demon King opened his mouth in a panic and sincerely advised: "you adults, the divine realm is dangerous and the evil gate is extremely dangerous! Listen to my advice, you really can't go, especially... You'd better not let me take you

He was anxious. He managed to escape from the divine realm. He thought he could get rid of it, so he had to go back?

Do evil!

"Ha ha, what can't be done?"

Gu Yun waved his hand and said with a disdainful smile, "we all know your experience. Don't worry about it."

"It's just a scared mole ant. Ha ha ha, have a good laugh."

"He doesn't think his bad luck can really affect us, does he? Does he?"

"He knew nothing about the power of our ancient people."

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The ancient people were amused by the great devil and laughed one after another.

From the mouth of the great devil, we know that most of the characters he met were just the characters of Hunyuan great Luo Jinxian. They were all mole ants, so naturally they didn't pay attention to them.

Gu Yu said coldly, "where does so much nonsense come from? If you don't lead the team, you'll die! "

The great devil immediately trembled and did not dare to speak.

Gu Zhan pondered for a moment and said: "in this case, you should follow him to the divine realm to see the situation. If you have a chance, you will destroy it! I'll continue to look for the battlefield before eternity. "

"It's a good arrangement. I've long wanted to go to Shenyu."

"It's the best feeling to drink the divine realm."

"Today's chaos, the birth of the master does not seem to be much, the four of us, careful, enough to be invincible."

Gu Yu and others immediately nodded in agreement.

Then he said to the devil king, "you should lead the way quickly."

The big devil opened his mouth, didn't say anything, and began to lead the way.

You forced me to do this. Don't blame me if I die.


that day.

Tianyun canyon.

Ushered in the first fighting method conference of Shenyu, it is naturally unprecedented lively. Inside and outside the canyon, there is a sea of people, and all the major gates gather.

They are all overlords, and they are all gifted and excellent students. At this time, they are all neatly arranged in formation, floating in the air, waiting for the signal to enter.

No one dares to be presumptuous.

You look at me and I look at you. I see curiosity in each other's eyes.

"I'll go. It's hard to imagine that all the sects can have such a uniform day."

"Let's line up. It's a bit of a spectacle."

"Only senior people have this appeal. Even the patriarch, who has always refused to accept anyone, is in awe from the bottom of his heart."

"Do you know what's on the court? How can you make all the masters so cautious. "

"I don't know, but obviously it's not easy. I think the prize that may be the winner is very precious."

"I'm looking forward to it. It makes us psychologically prepared. I hope we won't be disappointed."

On the court.

The Jade Emperor and others accompanied Li nianfan.

They sit on an independent platform with the highest vision and the best position to watch the game.

This is naturally the most distinguished VIP seat, waiting for the players to enter.

The Jade Emperor opened his mouth to Li nianfan and said, "Shengjun, everything is ready. Shall I inform the players to enter?"

Li nianfan said casually, "yes, just look at it."

As the jade emperor made a gesture, all the people immediately received the message, one by one, ready.

Taibai Venus cleared her throat and said, "please... Enter the competition!"

Voice down, ready to play in the side of the fairy music immediately, voice gurgling like water, dexterous also with a trace of heavy breath.

The main gates, which were already on standby, entered in order.

Obviously, they passed the competition in advance. No one dared to make the competition chaotic. The team was very neat.

Some sects still have friction with each other, but they can even look at each other and smile, which has to be said to be a miracle.

For this kind of phenomenon, the disciples of each sect naturally feel a burst of novelty. It's rare to see when my world of cultivating immortals has become so qualified.

However, before they could express their feelings, their bodies were suddenly shocked. At the moment of entering the competition field, it was like entering another space.

What a rich aura. This feeling is

Chaos aura?!

It's really chaotic Aura!

How can it be chaotic aura? How can the whole arena be full of chaotic Aura!

They stare big eyes, roar in the heart, the body is more in can't stop shaking.

If it wasn't for the repeated instructions from zongmen before they came here, most people would scream with excitement now.

It's too big!

"Look over there."

Among the disciples, someone pushed the people around him, pointing in one direction.


"That, that's the result of chaos?"

"No, just put it there. Is it for us to eat?"

"Wow, what kind of treasure is that? It can emit the spirit of chaos!"

"What are those next to the fruit? Water? And colorful water? "

"If you can put it there, it's a big baby."

"Ah, I finally know why zongmen told us these things. It's incredible. It's so happy!"

"Not to mention the others, it's already a bad chance to enter this arena and be an audience."

Many disciples' whispered comments were carried in their hearts, and their voices trembled.

Mom, it's worthy of the patronage of an expert. I love you.

"What is coming to us now is the luotian imperial square array. Their contestants are led by the first day of the imperial court. They have the spirit of a real dragon and take the road of emperor's way. Their magic power is famous for its hegemony."

Taibai Venus is diligently acting as a commentator, holding a pamphlet in her hand. Obviously, she is well prepared. Naturally, everything is to better serve the master.

"What is coming to us now is the square array of hundred flowers sect, the sect of all nuns..."

A group of fairies in white long skirts came, with a cool smile on their face and eyes like water, which made the whole stadium fragrant.

In the stands.

Li nianfan sat upright in his seat, with a table of rich dishes on the wooden table in front of him, while Huofeng and Daji were cleverly accompanied on both sides.

In this way, Li nianfan really experienced the feeling of being a leader. It was interesting to inspect the disciples of each sect.

The key point is that these disciples are all immortals, and they are the best. This kind of feeling is different. Li nianfan has a full sense of achievement, which makes him a little inflated.

As for the patriarchs of the various sects, they are also respectful. In the stands, they accompany Li nianfan and are ready to offer their hospitality at any time.

Li nianfan took out the melon seeds with a smile and said to Daji, "little Daji, let's share these melon seeds for everyone. It's just fun while watching."

This kind of occasion is really suitable for eating melon seeds. Naturally, Li nianfan has been prepared for it. He feels happy when he thinks about it.

Li nianfan's attitude was understated, but everyone was surprised.

It's actually a new kind of chaotic spirit fruit, which is just for entertainment.

What else can I say

Master, bull!

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